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Monday, September 3, 2012

Re: [cameroon_politics] Fon Doh Drops Dead

My only memory of the man "sorry the Fon" was in Yaounde. This guy had a series of girl friends. This particular one was a 3rd year English student (Ngoa Ekelle) @ Mini-Cite Djomo. The Chief had equiped the room with all modern paraphenalia: Flat screen colored TV, Parabolic antena (in a mini-cite), Vono bed with 12" Dunlop Matress, Refrigerator, Gas Cooker, black&white "carpet", Radio/cassete/DVD player, cushion chair, complete cupboard full of steady supplies of cabin biscuits, blue band margarine, Kumba bread, pinyin biscuits...and other goodies that smol Ngoa chicks adored. She was the star and envy of all the "Branchees, Jeunes Talents, Rhumtas" of the Djomo Cite "University of Yaounde Factory".
One day as Pa Chief was driving around Ngoa, he remembered he had a "Smol Ting" in the viscinity and decided to go "Freshen Up himself 4 dey" B4 his "Parliamentary Paul Biya,s CPDM sessions". Lo and behold, on opening "HIS" Mini-Cite Djomo room (since he had his own keys), he surprised one stupid yeye young "Ngoa" guy totally in Adams attire on (not even inside) his "wife". For one brief moment, Pa Chief forgot that he was a Bamendrous "King", a "Depute Parlementaire", a millionaire and an "Old Pah". He pounced on the poor kid (the guy, not the girl) and beat the daylight out of the poor fool. He went outside, called his doungouru Balikumbat body guards and they came and emptied all the furniture including the girls clothes, shoes, timakassas, ngwashis, baby pancakes, Nku-Creams, Corsets, the two rope dross they now call short everything....and went outside and set everything ablaze. Can you imagine this level or barbarity?
Morality: I really don,t know what to say. The Man was a REAL MANAWA...but as they say: We should never speak evil or ill of the Dead as all of us will one day DIE.
Mishe Fon

From: Jokwi Jude Lenjo <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 10:03 PM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Fon Doh Drops Dead
Fon Doh Drops DeadMonday, September 03, 2012
By Michael -- The Fon of Balikumbat, Doh Gah Gwanyin III, is no more. The Fon who was last seen on Friday August 31 in Bamenda, dropped dead the following day Saturday, September 1.Although the cause of the death has not yet been ascertained, his close aides speculate that he died of a heart attack. His untimely death comes two months after lightening struck and killed his wife in Balikumbat.Before his death, Fon Doh was a contractor, CPDM central committee and the President General of the North West Fon's Conference (NOWEFCO) The talk about Fon Doh's passing away is echoed all over his Ngoketunjia Division and the entire North West Region. Although the tradition here is not to talk ill about the dead, many people openly expressed happiness that the traditional ruler and politician, accused on many occasions of war-mongering and murder, was never going to walk the surface of the earth again.A couple of years ago, Fon Doh's Balikumbat subjects attacked Bambalang village and destroyed 251 houses, looted homes and the health centre. The case is still pending in the High Court of Ngoketunjia. Earlier, Fon Balikumbat carried out another attack against Bafanji village in which several people were killed. Animals and property were equally looted. The upholstery chairs belonging to a Bafanji tycoon, Ngufor Peter were carted away to Fon Doh's palace which he displayed in his parlour.An ardent ruling CPDM militant, Fon Doh was charged and convicted for the murder of the opposition SDF Balikumbat district chairman, John Kohtem, on August 24, 2004. He appealed the ruling and was set free by the authorities on health grounds. Coincidentally, Fon Doh dropped dead on September 1, 2012, six days after the date when John Kohtem was beaten to date on August 24, 2004. Even within his own party, Balikumbat CPDM bigwigs were not at peace with Fon Doh. They accused him of greed as he concurrently held the major offices including MP, mayor and CPDM section president. Those who attempted to challenge him were branded traitors and severely dealt with. Before his death, he was again gunning for the post of mayor and the local parliamentary seat, positions he lost after widespread consternation following the murder of John Kohtem in 2004.
Some people on this forum were saying that Fon Doh is Chom Bani's uncle. Mr. Chom Bani, if it is true, my condolences to you and your family bro. No matter our differences, death is one painful hell of a situation. Peace....
Posted By : Concerned Paysan | Sep 3 2012
Chom accept my condolence, very difficult for me to express my opinion, becuase we do not talk ever about the death, but to every rule, there is an exception!You uncle was not a liked man as you must know, in and out of Balikumbat, I hear people have been celebrating!! May he rest in pieces!!
Posted By : NGWA | Sep 3 2012
Chom,your uncle was a devil in human form,and we must say it as it is. I wish you shun from some of his character traits you strangely exhibit here. You don't treat Fru Ndi for a gainakoh because you say you want to scrutinize him. This is character assassination, and I'm afraid you took a page from your uncle's book. When fon dog shot some one in 1992,the people wanted to lynch him, but Dr. Dewah fell on him and gave him cover, saying he would die first than see anything happen to the butcher. Dr. Dewah whisked him off to the Bafangji Fon's palace. True to his hard-hearted instincts, he still had the temerity to banish Dr. Dewah from his fondom. This is good riddance to a stone in the shoes of the Cameroonian people. This modern day Hitler died in the shameful way he lived. We don't talk ill of the death, but this man defied logic and went to every extent to inflict pain and belittle fellow men. I don't think we will have good words for his master Biya either, when he goes.
Posted By : Bongmi Likang | Sep 3 2012
I was told that while at the bafanji palace, the then fon clothed him and asked some of his men to excort him to the western province where he spent sometimes. But guess what...the following year he and his tribe men invaded bafanji destroyed houses, killed people and raped women and children. This man was a brutal killer, a monster and what have you. More than 100 children in bafanji are without parents thanks to this killer doh. Bambalang invasion is still fresh in our minds.Doh brought so much sufferings to his own people and to the people of NW in the name of the fire party and I hope biya will attend the funeral ceremony to pay his respect to a terrorist he protected for this long time.Chom the soul of your uncle will never rest in peace even in hell
Posted By : Jacques Toubon | Sep 3 2012
When I refuse to be a praise singer for John Fru Ndi that makes Fon Doh my uncle. Let some one tell me if they would cast the biblical first stone before declaring another person a candidate for hell. Fon Doh is just as bad as the person who fooled Bamenda people to follow him and turned around taking checks from the very person he called at rallies, devil. That is Judas Iscariot. The blood of Bamenda people is on his palms.
Posted By : CHOM BANI | Sep 3 2012
Don't compare your murderous uncle to a leader who has never forced someone to follow him.Your uncle invaded villages,raced them to the ground,stole furniture for use at home,and eliminated a cripple.You must have been using this stolen furniture too.Stand by your uncle,don't disown him now that he can no longer teach you how to be a dictator.
Posted By : Bongmi Likang | Sep 3 2012
From: Eric NJUNGWE <>
To: Camnetwork <>; Cameroon Politics <>
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 7:53 PM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Re: CIRCUMSPECTION! Fon Of Balikumbat is dead
"His legacy as political thug overshadows all else". I AGREE 100%.
This man lived as a thug, and in death should be treated as a thug. Same goes to other criminals with the CPDM cult and their sympathizers at home and abroad. You will be judged by what you stand for, and what you advocated for your people. If you hope for respect in death, now is the time to turn away from your misdeeds and your support for evil against the people of Cameroon.
To what extent are we going to continue to pretend? When are we going to face the demons amongst us and call them out by the names most reflective of their actions? Why should we avoid talking about the brutality of the evil ones who lived amongst us and the untold suffering they caused to human kind simple because they are now deceased?
The last time I checked, Death is not synonymous to Baptism, nor is it Penitence. This man had ample opportunities to make peace with the people he hurt throughout his oppressive reign in Balikumbat; instead he continued to crush them. He had ample opportunities to dissociate himself from the CPDM cult; instead he continued to militate with it and used the repressive machinery of the CPDM cult to rig elections, intimidate his people, and threaten their lives.
You cannot belong to an evil cult and claim to be a good person. That is a contradiction in terms and practice. As a prominent and practical member of the CPDM cult, this man exhibited the worse forms of cruelty on his own people of Balibumbat, his neighbors, and the people of Cameroon.
My concern and prayer are with his victims, not his carcass. I know God will take care of his soul, because if I am delegated that task with all the anger in me, I will ….
Chez Chez Le Mot.
Resource Link:  CCDHR Press Release of September 18, 2006 on convicted murderer Fon Doh Gah Gwanyin of Balikumbat
--- On Mon, 9/3/12, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: CIRCUMSPECTION! Fon Of Balikumbat is dead
Date: Monday, September 3, 2012, 3:31 PM

So we let Osama, Hitler, and murderers depart with their evil (don't talk) and remember their good, if any.
If this murderer of a Fon did not commit the ultimate heinous crime  of talking the life of another human being who was defenses, the average humane restraint will apply. The political nature of the crime shatters the need for consideration. Consider what? His legacy as political thug overshadows all else. 
In a message dated 9/3/2012 10:29:03 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
I think so too. Boh Herbet should have written all this fine journalism when the Fon was alive.

"This world is phony: if my enemies heard that I have killed a lion even with my bare hands, they will gossip that I killed a mere squirrel, but when they hear that their friend has used 4 days to catch a tilapia, they broadcast to the world that he caught a shark." (Hamilton Ayuk).
 "Only a man cursed to die a violent death challenges a male buffalo to a fight." (Hamilton Ayuk)
"Idle people write, idler people read, and idlest people read and whine that idle people are taking their time." (Hamilton Ayuk)
"When a people have suffered for too long, they will drink fairytales on fairylands with insatiable gullibility." (Hamilton Ayuk)
From: Esu Ndzem-Usu <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: CIRCUMSPECTION! Fon Of Balikumbat is dead
Well spoken brother Konde. Thank you! EN
From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: CIRCUMSPECTION! Fon Of Balikumbat is dead
We have a bunch of Cameroonians who are as hateful as the people they condemn. How does one undertake the useless task of insulting a dead man? And for what purpose? Just to inflame the passions of the living and further the vicious cycle of hate? Circumspection and the goodness that inhabits rational humans dictate that we desist from speaking ill of the dead, for they are no longer here to defend themselves. Let their evil deeds depart with them, and the good ones be proclaimed, if any. Otherwise, simply maintain a guarded silence. Circumspection!
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
From: Herbert Boh <>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 07:48:51 -0400
Cc: BOYO<>; Veye Alfred<>
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Fon Of Balikumbat is dead
Dear All,
I consider it an offense against departed souls to mention Rt. Justice Nyoh Wakai as a footnote to this obituary piece on the Fon of Balikumbat. I am particularly irked by the line which says of the Rt. Justice that he was "another illustrious son of the North West Region". Did I read "another" Cameroon Online is suggesting that the late Fon of Balikumbat was the other "illustrious son"? God forbid bad thing! "Tufiakwa!"
The late Fon of Balikumbat was a ruthless savage, armed, blessed and set free to visit death upon whomever he chose by the CPDM. He was the incarnation of Cameroon's "party of flames" and violent misrule. He was a perpetrator of the worst forms of human rights violations. 
It would seem that the hobby of the Fon of Balikumbat was murder. He preferred massacres, the scorching of entire villages and farmlands, doubled with the rape of victims. The CPDM sponsored him and enslaved his people to a Fon who may be best described as a "blood drinkard". He never seemed to have enough of the red stuff.
Yes, I said it! 
The Fon of Balikumbat gave all Fons a bad name. And it did not start with politics although it was certainly made worse by the immunity both the Fondom and parliament gave him. As a reporter, I traveled into and reported the tragedies he visited on neighboring villages for the French language paper La Nouvelle Expression, narrowly escaping lynching after I ventured too close to the foot of the hill atop of which the Fon's palace sits in Balikumbat.
I saw him at work several years before, as the President General of Cammark Football Club. As the Head of Sports at CRTV, I witnessed first hand and up close as he threatened to take the club to its grave if he were to lose leadership. I shrugged away his threats to me as a reporter (made in his residence in the Nkwen neighborhood of Bamenda) as I recorded him for a special edition of Sports Panarama. I remember the threats to his successor at the top of the club, Mr. Ngafor. 
Looking back and by comparison to his many victims, I guess we were lucky not to have been killed.
Our people do not generally speak ill of the dead. However, our people rarely have to bury someone on whose grave so many would like to spit. Our people consider Fons lost/disappeared when they die, but for a Fon who disappeared so many people and summarily executed others or commanded the troops that did the killings, this Fon is not lost. Unlike our other Fons, he does not deserve to be found. Unlike our other Fons, he is simply dead. It is Rt. Justice Nyoh Wakai who is lost here. He is the illustrious one.
After the reign of death, the Fondom of Balikumbat has a chance to start again. The family of the Fon can rehabilitate their name by distancing themselves from the evil that he erected by preventing that evil to live after him. They can truly find a new Fon who takes reconciliation and peace with neighboring Fondoms seriously. The family can seek God's forgiveness by confessing those many, many publicly known sins and by turning their backs on the devilish path the late Fon blazed in his drunken quest for ever more blood.
Our people do not evoke evil spirits when they seek blessings or when they pour libation. Evoking the spirit of the late Fon of Balikumbat is like calling Lucifer to your help. Like that fallen angel, this fallen Fon cannot do, in death, the good he so clearly abhorred in life.
We know that God will deliver justice but it is our duty to ensure that sites like Cameroon Online do not distort reporting on the facts that journalists have a sacred duty to bring to our people and document for history.
Boh Herbert
Sent from my iPhone 
On Sep 3, 2012, at 5:25 AM, NSOM Joseph <> wrote:
Fon Of Balikumbat, Doh Gah Gwanyin III Passes On
published in cameroon online of 03/09/202
On the strength of the customs and traditions of Balikumbat fondom in Ngoketungia Division, the official announcement is still awaited as the fondom grapples with the disappearance of His Majesty, on September 1st, 2012.
Fon Doh
No information has filtered on the cause of his death as close sources said he was active a few days earlier. On the throne since 1977, Fon Doh is closely associated with the heights and depths of the fondom.
He takes credit as the former Mayor of Balikumbat Council and CPDM Member of Parliament of the Balikumbat Special constituency who served two terms up to 2007.
In effect, His Majesty, Fon Doh Gah Gwanyin III has been on virtually every lip on the political map of Balikumbat Special Constituency.
CPDM party comrades say he is remembered for a visionary approach to politics, defending the ruling party against all odds. Sons and daughters of Balikumbat fondom also say that he was the political bedrock of the area which became known as one of the bastions of the CPDM in the North West Region.
CPDM Section President for Balikumbat II, Bayin Ignatius says that as the Mayor, His Majesty, Fon Doh Gah Gwanyin initiated road projects that linked Balikumbat Sub-division to neighbouring Awing village in Santa Sub-division. He is also associated with the creation of the Balikumbat Development Organisation (BADO) which emerges as the unifying instrument for Balikumbat sons and daughters. Balikumbat is one of the 13 villages of Ngoketungia Division.
Earlier on August 28, 2012, another illustrious son of the North West Region, Rt. Chief Justice Nyo'Wakai died. He is remembered as one of the finest icons of the nation's Magistrates in the then West Cameroon who later served in the Supreme Court of Cameroon. He also served as the Chief Justice of the North West Region.
Nsom Joseph
BUCREP - Yaounde
BP 12932 Yaounde
Telephone: 77218948
You can take a child out of the village. But you cannot take the village out of the child.
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