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Friday, September 28, 2012

Re: [MTC Global] Proud to be indian

Prof. Dogra

Quiet interesting facts. Nevertheless I think we are slowly losing our position due to various reasons like;
1. Believing that west is always best
2. Compromising on our value system and culture
3. Relying too much on technology and internet which is slowly snubbing our creativity
4. Money is being given prime importance
 and simillar issues.

If we could address these simple yet trivial issues I think no nation can prevent us from regaining our position.

Thanks and really proud to be an Indian.

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 10:00 AM, rishi dogra <> wrote:

Sr.Assistant Professor & HOD (Mgt).

With warm regards
Dr. Purushottam Bung
                        B.E., PGDM(Aust), MBA(Aust), Ph.D in management
(Karnatak UnIversity)
Professor and Director
Karnataka Law Society's IMER
HIndwadi, Belgaum: 590 006 (Karnataka)
MOB: 07411339344

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