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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

[ ] HRMI620 Course selection problem plz help

Students plz help me

I am facing problems in selecting my new course selection. I am student of BS business administration in HRM. In 6th semester course selection following subjects was given to me to choose:

Ø      HRM624 Conflict Management                   (Elective)

Ø      MGMT623 Leadership & Team Management - MGMT623 (alt. code=HRM623) (Elective)

Ø      MGMT611 Human Relations (Elective)


And I choose Human Relations subject now, I have passed my 6th semester with specialization in HR attaining 2.66 CGPA.


NOW, there is 5 degree required subjects are left behind which I have to choose in (NEW) 7th semester course selection.

I have selected all required subjects and also want to select one more subject of HRMI620 which is given at LMS in my study scheme but this subject is not included in course selection subjects following choices are given to me:


Ø      HRM624 Conflict Management                   (Elective)

Ø      MGMT623 Leadership & Team Management - MGMT623 (alt. code=HRM623) (Elective)

Ø      HRM627 Human Resource Development   (Elective)


While, I want to choose HRMI620 (Elective) instead of these subjects my question is that Why VU did not allow me to do internship in 7th semester to complete my degree in 7th semesters while my CGPA is perfect according to degree requirements kindly help me I am very much confused I had prepared my mind to complete my degree in 7th semesters instead of 8th semesters therefore I always choose 6 subjects in each semester. I want to complete my study in 7th semester as I could not continued my study till July 2013 or more date due to some critical circumstances kindly guide me what I have to do?





I also want to know that what's about required degree credits hours as for degree minimum 132 credits hours  are required and yet I have completed 102 credits hours how I can complete 132 credits hours while I have completed my all required subjects and only 5 subject are left behind only and one Elective subject. If I complete these required subjects within elective subject then I could complete minimum 120-123 credits hours only. I am very much confused kindly clear me about it 




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