Re: [scncna] Re: [camnetwork] Augustine Agbor Enow A Biafra criminal in Cameroon's Land

You are first YOU+YOURSELF..then of your family, then of your village,
then of your town, then of your nation..and then of your state..if
You probably believe that crap from the native politician who went to
Buea in 1983 to deceive Southern Cameroonians that they were born a
He could not utter that kindda rubbish in Douala or Ebolowa etc for
obvious reasons.
My position was only recently reiterated by the Camerounese Law
Professor, Joseph Owona, in a local TV interview.

On 12/12/12, Jean-Bosco Tagne <> wrote:
> Thank you Augustine for writing that "Most of "the keyboard talkers" seemed
> to have taken positions as Anglophones or Francophones and forget about the
> real interests of all Cameroonians-which is to see an end to the the
> patrimonial and and parochial 30 year old regime of Biya, and create a
> better Cameroon for all and that creating dysfunctional conflicts amongst
> ourselves will not help us achieve such goals."
> Just see what many of this cpdm evils have been doing to our country! How
> can a man call john b ndeh GM of MIDENO and 1st vice president of FECAFOOT
> for ages, also known as the father of one of our Internet PAAWCE keyboard
> talker and brain behind Cameroon money launderer name kenneth john beghini
> foolish ndeh have been doing in our country. Isn't this guy so do the son
> president of PAAWCE one of the "Anglophone" brain behind him being there for
> all this years as president of Cameroon? This man from Santa was the one
> even praying for constitution change so that paul biya can be president for
> life, this same john b ndeh still the man paying for his election fees and
> forcing cpdm militants to contribute. This same john b ndeh will take MIDENO
> and FECAFOOT money and manage with the son kenneth john beghini foolish ndeh
> to place them in bank accounts around the world. For your information he
> failed twice the control by our institutions and still showing his
> tick face and large mouth to us while his son is out here insulting people.
> Are they different from others like the Kontchou who's wife is now in jail
> compare to Inoni or Fotso?
> We have now all the facts about the game and have been handling them
> differently than others. We suffered so much intimidation from them till the
> day we decided to take a different approach and that is why you will see
> some of them quiet now and/or attacking less. Even using lawyers did not pay
> nor intimidation with attacks on our families. Sometime they believe
> using intimidating communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude
> of a community toward some of us fighting them, or to create fear and arouse
> prejudice by using negative words (bad names) to create an unfavorable
> opinion or hatred against us will make us become silent.
> This time they failed and we are on top of the game. kenneth foolish beghini
> john ndeh was expecting that after writing this " I will empathize with
> Jean-Bosco Tagne and cease ALL communication with Jean-Bosco Tagne effective
> today, Wednesday, November 28, 2012. May God Almighty Grant Jean-Bosco Tagne
> healing mercies" we will back off. Even his mother could not make him "cease
> ALL communication with Jean-Bosco Tagne". We will be on their case till the
> biya and his big face father are gone. For now we were able to slow the flow
> of money between Cameroon the US and the UK. This thief son of his father to
> justify the money they put out here started by opening a car dealership
> company, then stores follow by computer DBA trainings that no one showed up
> for him to end up selling the computers. All this for tax purpose.
> We are following all this and he will answer to Cameroonians the same way
> Frank biya will. So again is frank not the son of the master the same way
> fru kenneth beghini john ndeh is the son of his valet? We need to fight for
> Cameroon to be free and I am on with you as it is not a
> "Francophone-Anglophone" issue. Let them keep calling names it is not
> influencing the fight but now we are seeing changes at least in the diaspora
> where you used to see them parading our money all over without fear.
> Little by little we are closing that channel waiting for the D Day their
> parents will be ousted and that day is near. We should have done this
> sooner...
> Tagne
> ________________________________
> To:
> CC:
> From:
> Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 05:01:31 -0800Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Il
> faut dénoncer l'élite anglophone
> Mr. Njang Awasom,
> Calling people frogs or what ever is not going to solve the the problems
> facing Cameroon right now, and those who support the idea that the infamous
> PAT(stupid) be taken out of this forum,must ethically also call for your
> head.A lot of the careless statements made on this forum is based on people
> issues,rather than the problems we are trying to solve.
> I think it will be save to classify you in the school of PAT10-the school of
> anger,school of depression,school of hostility,school of fear,school of
> frustration,school of hatred,school of egoism,and what have you.
> Most of you seemed to have taken positions as Anglophones or Francophones
> and forget about the real interests of all Cameroonians-which is to see an
> end to the the patrimonial and and parochial 30 year old regime of Biya, and
> create a better Cameroon for all.Creating dysfunctional conflicts amongst
> ourselves will not help us achieve such goals.
> Next time you write,instead of abusing and threatening the Bamileke clan (by
> the way my childhood friend from Muyuka is from Bafang),maintain
> self-control,especially with those emotions that make us write stupid
> things.You can win the respect and confidence from your opponents without
> all these insults.
> Bamileke, Eton,Bassa,Bali etc are part and parcel of Cameroon and it is my
> opinion that will not change. And again,Anglophone Cameroonians should fight
> to restore their rights and freedoms,but they should also know that,such
> rights and freedom are to be enjoyed by all Cameroonians and not just a
> small group of people.I AM AN ANGLOPHONE CAMEROONIAN.
> Augustine Agbor Enow
> --- On Wed, 12/12/12, ngang awasom <> wrote:
>>From: ngang awasom <>
>>Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Il faut dénoncer l'élite anglophone
>>Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 10:54 AM
>>--- On Tue, 11/12/12, Brice Nitcheu <> wrote:
>>>From: Brice Nitcheu <>
>>>Subject: [cameroon_politics] Il faut dénoncer l'élite anglophone
>>>To: "" <>
>>>Cc: "Cameroon Politique" <>
>>>Date: Tuesday, 11 December, 2012, 16:57
>>>Chers Aaron et Boh
>>>Apres que Biya ait volé la victoire de Fru Ndi en 1992, il a nommé qui
>>> comme son premier ministre? Qui etait le President de l'assemblee
>>> nationale? Combien d'anglophones ont crache sur la soupe lotsqu'on leur a
>>> tendu le morceau? Il y a au Cameroun une elite anglophone qui aide Biya a
>>> voler, et à se maintenir au pouvoir. Si nous ne sommes pas d'accord sur
>>> ce point precis, ca ne vaut pas la peine de continuer le debat
>>>J'attends toujours que vous denonciez tous ces anglophones qui volent
>>> autant que les francophones, fraudent autant, tuent autant, nargent
>>> autant. Denoncez-les autant que vous denoncez les francophones. Denoncez
>>> Dr Foncha, Tandem Muna, pour leur complicité historique. Denoncez les
>>> Muna Fils, filles, etc,. Denoncez Peter Musonge Mafani. Denoncez, Achidi
>>> Achu, qui est assis tranquillement chez lui a Santa, apres avoir aide
>>> Paul Biya pendant des annees à combattre les anglophones. Normallement,
>>> vu votre détermination ici, vous l'auriez deja pendu court. Denoncez
>>> Enoni Ephreim, ancien Premier Ministre en taule pour detournement de
>>> Fonds, alors que certains freres anglophones passent le temps ici a dire
>>> que la culture anglophone n'accepte pas les vices comme le vol. Denoncez
>>> le Chairman Ni John Fru Ndi, mon ami personnel. Dénoncez-le Aaron et Boh,
>>> car le SDF est formellement contre la Secession. Et sur ce point,
>>> j'aimerais comprendre l'incoherence de vos
> positions reciproques Aaron et Boh. Comment pouvez-vous soutenir le SDF,
> dont la Constitution est contre la secession, et soutenir la meme secession
> d'une autre main? Denoncez le General Tataw James, sans qui Paul Biya ne
> serait plus au pouvoir.
>>>Cela dit, je reste convaincu que les regions du Sud Ouest et du Nord Ouest
>>> ont ete fortement discriminées, et qu'il y a eu une tentative
>>> d'assimilation qu'il faut corriger. Ceci ne peut se faire que dans le
>>> cadre du Federalisme
>>>B Nitcheu
>>> From: Nyangkwe Agien Aaron <>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, 11 December 2012, 12:04
>>>Subject: Re: [Cameroonpatriots]Groupe Parlementaire du SDF
>>>Brice Nitcheu écrit"Nous avons au Cameroun une bande de voyous a col
>>> blanc, qui viennentde tous les horizons, parlent toutes les langues, et
>>> complotent pourvoler et pour empecher l'emergence de la democratie dans
>>> notre pays."C'est bien dans la République que cela se passe où un
>>> Commissaire dePolice affirme même qu'il a "...accompagné Allain Mebé Ngo
>>> donner del'argent à John Fru Ndi " dans un Hôtel à Yaoundé et cela
>>> n'émeuveaucune justice. Au Southern Cameroon, mon cher, nous n'avions
>>> jamaisconnu cela. Vous parlez de certains Southern cameroonians qui se
>>> sontimpliqué dans cette salle affaire de détournement. C'est tout à
>>> faitnormal. Non? Vous ne pouvez pas marcher avec les voleurs pendant
>>> 40ans sans tenter de voler aussiOn 12/9/12, Herbert Boh
>>> <> wrote:> Cher Brice,>> Je suis d'accord avec toi
>>> sur la necessite de ne pas accuser tous les> Anglophones ou Francophones
>>> du meme mal. Je suis surtout d'accord de traiter>
> personne de "monkeys", idiot, fou, Biafrais, Nigerian, etc.>> Tous les
> Camerounais souffrent du mal que nous inflige le regime. Cependant,> l'unite
> dans l'opposition ne doit pas signifier uniformite des approches de>
> liberation. Certains Anglophones ont adopte une approche qui ne semble pas>
> la meilleure pour toi. Et on te comprend.>> Ceoendant, saches que si un
> Anglophone etait president de la republique et> dirigeait un regime domine
> par les Anglophones et qui traitait les> Francophones de "second class
> citizens", je serais d'accord de voir les> Francophones se battre pour se
> liberer d'une telle domination.>> Il me semble que les esclaves qui se
> liberent les premiers contribuent a> fragiliser la domination du maitre. Il
> ne faut pas exiger que tous les> esclaves ouevrant dans les plantations du
> coton et les plantations de la> canne a sucre soient unis avant toute
> contestation. Surtout si les esclaves> de la plantation du coton sont lances
> et ceux de la
> plantation de la canne> restent peu prepares a lancer la lutte.>> Boh
> Herbert>>> Sent from my iPhone>> On Dec 8, 2012, at 7:44 PM, Brice Nitcheu
> <> wrote:>>> Cher Aaron>>>> Imagines seulement un seul
> instant. Si un "francophone" (appelation>> absurde pour identifier un
> Camerounais qui parle une autre langue que>> l'anglais) traite les
> "Anglophones" de "Monkeys" comment allez-vous vous>> sentir? J'attendais que
> tous ceux qui ont le bon sens se mettent debout>> pour condamner cette
> derive. Mais, il parait que cela vous arrange? Nous>> avons un defi commun.
> Celui de bouter dehors l'oligarchie criminelle,>> composee des elites
> anglophones et francophones qui servent les memes>> interets, ceux de la
> France, contre les interets des Camerounais.Je le dis>> depuis ici. Nous
> avons au Cameroun une bande de voyous a col blanc, qui>> viennent de tous
> les horizons, parlent toutes les langues, et complotent>> pour voler et pour
> empecher
> l'emergence de la democratie dans notre pays.>>>>>> Lorsque Ahidjo a viole
> les accords, il l'a fait avec la complicite active>> de l'elite anglophone.
> La meme elite anglophone s'est alliee a Paul Biya.>> Aujourd'hui encore, les
> enfants de Muna et autres font partie du decor qui>> organise la prebende.
> Comme tu le sais, je soutiens sans reserve la cause>> anglophone, parce que
> je suis convaincu qu'il y a eu une tentative>> flagrante d'assimilation, qui
> s'est manifestee par le hold up historique>> operee par Ahidjo en 1972, puis
> par Paul Biya. Cela etant, nous attendons>> que les Pr Anyangwe et autre
> condamnent la trahison de leur elite qui>> s'est enrichie. Il y aura au
> moins une logique dans cette demarche>>>> From: Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
> <>>> To:>> Sent:
> Saturday, 8 December 2012, 19:21>> Subject: Re: [Cameroonpatriots]Le
> President du Groupe Parlementaire du SDF>> est Anglophones. Ils sont aussi
> des
> "monkeys?">>>> Monsieur Janvier Biscene>>>> L'anglo c'est une manière de
> vivre et pas nécessairement de parler>> l'anglais. A l'époque des anglos, la
> chose public est sacré et il>> était interdit de jeter les ordures sur la
> voie publique. La Police>> anglophone n'a jamais été brutale et personne
> chez nous n'a jamais vu>> un homme armé circuler ou aller boire dans un bar
> avec les armes.>>>> Cette histoire d'hygiène a fait que depuis plus de 15
> ans que je vis à>> Douala, ma mère m'a rendu visite une seule fois (Elle ne
> parle aucun>> mot d'anglais SVP). Pourquoi, parce qu'elle a été surprise
> de>> constater un désordre ici à Douala. "Les gens manges en route et>>
> jetent les choses partout et les soldats (policiers qui portent les>> armes)
> vous menaces pour présenter les papiers alors que quand je pars>> voir ton
> oncle à Bamenda, je ne vois pas ces soldats". C'est cela>> l'anglophonie et
> non cette histoire d'écrire et parler Anglais.>>>>
> Pour finir, l'anglophone ce sont les Southern Cameroonians, ceux qui>>
> avaient participer au plébiscite de Février 11, 1961 et qui ont une>>
> culture différent des francophones de La république du Cameroun. De la>>
> même manière que les frères d'Amadou Ali qui sont au Nigeria ne se>>
> comporteront jamais de la même manière comme lui qui est de La>> République
> du Cameroun.>>>> Aaron>>>> On 12/8/12, Janvier Biscene
> <> wrote:>> > tu vois mon cher Brice que c'est
> difficile de discuter avec des gens qui>> > ne>> > veulent pas discuter, il
> y a des monkey partout comme celui qui traite>> > les>> > autres de Monkey
> même si mon éducation m'interdit de m'exprimer ainsi?>> > si seulement si ce
> monsieur savait qu'il était originaire du Noun>> > ancestralement, il n'a
> qu'à demander à des historiens de son village au>> > lieu>> > de manger sur
> des terrains communautaires, car chez les anglos comme>> > chez>> > les
> francos il y
> a des sawa des nso et beaucoup d'autres nos langues>> > officielles sont
> des langues d'emprunt. si tout le monde parlait anglais>> > ou>> > français
> il y aurait quand même des cons qui trouveraient quelque chose>> > à>> >
> redire, je ne sais pas d'où sortent ces complexes chez certains?>> >>> > To:
>>> > From:>> > Date:
> Fri, 7 Dec 2012 16:41:35 +0000>> > Subject: Re: [Cameroonpatriots] Our
> country.>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> > Les anglophones sont nombreux
> a l'assemblee nationale, n'est-ce>> > pas.L'un des vice-presidents de
> l'assemblee nationale de LRC est Mbah>> > Ndam>> > du SDF. Le President du
> Groupe Parlementaire du SDF est Anglophones.>> > Ils>> > sont aussi des
> "monkeys?">> > From: John Njie Meande <>>> > To:
> "">> >
> <>>> > Sent: Thursday, 6 December 2012,
> 16:01>> > Subject: Re: [Cameroonpatriots] Our country.>> >>> >>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>
>> Great writing and insight from Efasamoto and Dr Anyangwe. Honestly>>
>> sometimes I wonder about the thinking and emotions of LRC politians and>>
>> elites, no doubt in Mark Twain's Autobiography he writes that "In>> >
> religion>> > and politics people's beliefs and convictions are in almost
> every case>> > gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from
> authorities who>> > have>> > not themselves examined the questions at issue
> but have taken them at>> > second-hand from other non-examiners, whose
> opinions about them were>> > not>> > worth a brass farthing," and in his
> book "Eruption" said "I am quite>> > sure>> > now that often, very often, in
> matters concerning religion and politics>> > a>> > man's reasoning powers
> are
> not above the>> > monkey's".>> > Taking a geniune, realistic and
> non-judgmental view of the paliament,>> > government and presidency of LRC,
> are they really far from the>> > monkeys?>> > Southern Cameroons must move
> forward if we care to restore our country>> > back>> > to our children.>>
>>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> > From: Carlson Anyangwe
> <>>> > To:>> > Sent:
> Thursday, December 6, 2012 4:38 AM>> > Subject: Re: [Cameroonpatriots] I
> will never advocate the split of our>> > country.>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>
>>>> >>> >>> >>> > There is poverty of thought and inquiry among the whole
> lot of them!>> > That is>> > the tragedy for them. --- On Mon, 12/3/12,
>>> > <> wrote:>> >>> > From:
> <>>> > Subject: Re: [Cameroonpatriots] I
> will never advocate the split of our>> > country.>> > To:
>>> > Date:
> Monday, December 3, 2012, 7:18 PM>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> > Monsieur
> Nitcheu:>> >>> > By your style of writing the Queen's language, you
> immediately come>> > across>> > as a brother from the east side of the Mungo
> and probably a man from>> > the>> > western province. Your write-up below is
> replete with contradictions.>> > Your>> > captive statement that, " I will
> never advocate the split of our>> > country,">> > is a non starter in the
> Southern Cameroons debate. Your write-up>> > summarizes>> > the confused and
> lukewarm nature of the general Cameroun Francophone>> > community towards
> the people of Southern Cameroons. It is the same>> > mentality born of the
> French, they say "Afrique aux africains," in>> > public,>> > however, in
> private they intensify neo-colonialism towards their former>> > colonies and
> encourage particularly Cameroun Francophone to intensify>> > a>> >
> colonialistic agenda on Southern Cameroons.>> >>> > It is not an accident
> that
> the countries you mentioned below, "Canada,>> > UK,>> > United State,
> Germany, Nigeria" are English or near English speaking>> > countries that
> know what federalism and sharing of power is. I was>> > dismayed>> > you did
> not mention France because I believe you are aware that majority>> > or>> >
> all French speaking countries are not governed by a Federal model. It is>> >
> not>> > their way of life, they do not know how it works and cannot live
> with>> > it. If>> > you consider English speaking Cameroonians as
> Cameroonians, why are the>> > Francophones afraid of their way of life and
> dealing them with a "long>> > spoon". Canada, a majority English community
> survives in Federalism and>> > is>> > not afraid even if Quebec decides to
> leave as in the days of Premier>> > Levesque who came to France in the
> seventies to proclaim "Quebec libre,">> > and>> > was supported by France.
> Senegal could not survive Federalism with>> > Gambia>> > and>> > had to let
> go.
> Cameroun Francophones cannot live with federalism and is>> > the>> > reason
> your politicians rule only by decrees whatever that is. Rulings>> > that>> >
> are not supported by solid parliamentary deliberations are mere facades>> >
> that>> > irritate rational beings. Your presidential elections are the
> same,>> > mere>> > smoke screens rubber stamped by the supreme judge
> appointed by the>> > president. Why will he not rule until death do us part?
> Face him and>> > leave>> > Southern Cameroonians alone, they owe you nothing
> and are fed up with>> > your>> > write-ups.>> >>> > The people of the
> western province need to leave Southern Cameroons>> > alone>> > and struggle
> to live with your Beti people who are more interested in>> > protecting
> their tuff in Yaounde from people of your ilk. If you do>> > not>> > know
> it, the French abhor people of the west simply because of the sort>> > of>>
>> intransigence you display here. Now we hear your people are planning
> a>> > genocides of anglos who want to assert their true and genuine>> >
> independence>> > they were denied by your unscrupulous politicians whom you
> support>> > without>> > regard of the Anglo community in Cameroon. What did
> the French do to>> > the>> > people of the west in the struggle for
> independence? Cameroon is not one>> > and>> > indivisible, there are two
> Cameroons because on January 1st 1960 when>> > French>> > Cameroun
> celebrated their independence, Southern Cameroons was there,>> > ok?>> >
> Call it secession, you do know what the term stands for, so go>> > figure.
> Southern Cameroons will get its true independence and no one>> > will>> >
> stop it.>> >>> > E. Moto.>> >>> >>> > In a message dated 12/3/2012 2:42:15
> P.M. Pacific Standard Time,>> > writes:>> >>> >>> >>>
>>>> > You are very right Docta. I will never advocate the split of our>> >
> country.>> > That says, I will recognise however, that Anglophone have been
> bullied>> > for>> > so long by the oligarchy in Yde. These oligarchs come
> from francophone>> > and>> > anglophone background. Anglophone elite are
> part of the problem, but>> > our>> > anglophone brothers have the tendency
> to point their fingers only at>> > francophone. This is where lies my
> disagreement with them.>> >>> >>> > There is no way Cameroon could go down
> the secession road. But, I>> > strongly>> > believe that the "reunification"
> of the two federations without a>> > referendum>> > was a blunder and an act
> of political cheating.>> >>> >>> > Remember Docta, no long ago, we have the
> Cameroon flag with two yellow>> > stars>> > on the Green band. The two stars
> clearly shown the federation status of>> > our>> > country. Then, in 1972,
> cheater Ahidjo changed the status of our>> > country,>> > which came down
> from "Federal Republic" to "United Republic". The two>> > stars>> > were
> removed overnight and replaced by one star on the yellow Band.>> >
> Oppressor Paul Biya took the power, and removed the "United", leading>> >
> to>> > "Republic of Cameroon". That was a deliberate act of assimilation.>>
>> These>> > handful of incompetent crooks (francophone and anglophone)
> believe that>> > they>> > are more clever than the millions of people they
> are supposed to>> > govern.>> >>> >>> > The "Federal Republic" status was a
> result of a referendum. When these>> > oligarchs sat in their living rooms
> and changed everything, they didn't>> > ask>-- Aaron Agien
> NyangkweJournalist-OutCome MapperP.O.Box 5213Douala-CameroonTelephone +237
> 73 42 71 27------------------------------------Appreciation for your
> participation. Any expression with good intenttioncan be good contribution
> for evolutionWe believe that relevant expression can yield important
> evolution."We owe our children a better future and a better Cameroon for the
> future"Cameroon as nation should have efficient constitution with provisions
> for proper


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.


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