RE: [ACEsthetics] asking for referrals

Just did the maths

745 new patients for 2012 Jan – Dec

33 new patient in January 2013 (13 working days)

I buy two dozen roses every Monday and give them to the ladies

Howard Farran says 85% of dental appointments are made by adult females

They make appointments for themselves, husbands, children and even for elderly parent

When someone tells me or my staff that they referred someone we give them FIVE introduction cards

It says

LET ME INTRODUCE MY DENTIST on the front with a QR code that goes to my downloadable forms and YouTube video webpage

On the other side are the usual lines for appointment day and time

Simple, cheap and very effective


We don’t send out reminder/recall/recare letters

Lighthouse 360 send email reminders to those with email

Everyone gets a fridge magnet with the DUE month inked in with permanent marker

And YES these bring in referrals from visiting friends who see the magnet on their friends ‘fridge  


Jeremy Rourke




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