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Saturday, March 2, 2013

RE: [ACEsthetics] Weight training


I started weight when I was 13, kept it up till a few years ago. Not heavy stuff; but, at the time it did its purpose ( Football, rugby and Hockey needs J ) . But at this stage I am very keen on stretching, cycling ( Skating but none of that in Texas )

I would stay away from heavy weights, I used to do a lot of non-weight squats but someone put sand in my knee joints, cycling is great for the legs J













Michael Pilon DDS


I am thinking that with some of the aches and pains I have been getting, I need to be challenging my muscles a bit more. 


My son sent me this link about doing squats, it is pretty interesting.


What do you real workout fanatics think about this, will I hurt myself, can I really look like Arnold in a few weeks?





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