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Friday, August 2, 2013

Re: [MTC Global] Address the poverty issue through management education

Dear Friends,
I n my view,freebies given by Political Parties across the Board-not to name any one makes people lazy-take for example,T.Nadu-you can see well settled people standing in hot sun to get free mixers,grinders and fans and they say why not--..People in T.Nadu are becoming lazy entirely my opinion-as if you have a valid ration card-life is easy.
But to mention the 5/-Rs. Idli centres-though SHG's are to be appreciated as the quality is good and scheme well run,poor are happy and working class are benifitted.
To address Poverty thro' Education we as teachers should preach and teach hard work and industriousness amongst the youth.
We should inculcate in the minds of our young students-nothing can be relied upon other than Hard work-have an open mind-learn and unlearn from your past-have a cherished Goal-work towards the set objective and leave it to GOD and destiny-you will be rewarded,I am telling this with over four decades of corporate exposure.
Discussions open to esteemed Colleagues.
Director Maniams Marketing Services Pvt.Ltd.
Visiting Faculty Amrita Varsity,Kochi,Coimbatore

To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, August 2, 2013 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Address the poverty issue through management education

I think poverty is not a STATE but a MINDSET..........Researches in Sociology found it difficult to study the behavioural patterns of poor people. 
DHARAVI is one of the examples where the slum dwellers were offered pakka houses to live in Mumbai suburb which they rented and went back to their previous places called so called JHUGGI (installed with AC, color TV, Refrigerator and such luxury yet poor).
I do not disregard those who are actually living in penury they are very few and rarely approached by various schemes that GOVT run. Ironically when it comes to taking advantage of receiving benefit of BPL our MPs, MLA and many rich people claim to be BPL.
Isn't it more of mindset ? 

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 5:34 PM, ekambar kodali <> wrote:
Dear All,

Very Good Question

Is it possible to address the poverty issue through management education ?

I strongly believe that it can be.

My explanation:

Poverty has two stages today in the currency world where economies are made on Currency.

1. Created - Poverty created due to Corrupted Financial Policies where a person even after hardwork will be made as Failed in terms of Currency Figures
2. Natural - Poverty created due to laziness of the individual

Which one are we talking about is the matter.

If it is about first one, it can be eradicated from its roots if corrupted financial policies are corrected.


On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Prabhakar Waghodekar <> wrote:
Dear All,

Economically poor and rich is a phenomenon existing since the time immemorial.

Individual attitude, societal stricture, political setup and many more factors
contribute to poverty. To measure poverty in terms of money like Rs 32 per ca-
pita may not come out with a satisfying solution i.e., eradication of poverty.
Ignorance, customs, education, health care, political system, social system
affect the poverty. Some people are unable to overcome the attitude and habits
poverty prone. Welfare-state, trusteeship and several other methods have been
tried but with limited success. CSR is today's buzzword.

It is to be noted that each factor contributing to poverty or economic richness
like education acts like a sword. For instance education on one hand can help
reduce poverty and the other side it can contribute to poverty too (human mind

Nevertheless, the suggestion to include facets of poverty in Management
Education is most welcomed subject to the outcomes are positive, not just an
academic ritual.



On Thu, 01 Aug 2013 00:16:10 +0530 wrote
> Dear Esteemed MTCians,Greetings! As we are aware that there are eight
millennium developmental goals and first one is eradicate poverty. Is it
possible to address the poverty issue through management education ? Few steps
are already taken like various community services works, collaboration with NGOs
etc. But not many. Is it possible to include the same in the curriculum ?Request
reflection on the subject. It would really helpful to the members.Educate,
Empower, ElevateProf. Bholanath Dutta

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