[MTC Global] Some more clarifications : Arrangements & Logistics

Dear Sankalp 2013 participants

Based on additional queries received, the following are some more clarifications for all concerned :

- We had got very special rates for tents and various other aspects related to Sankalp 2013, subject to our making them advance payment which we have already done one month back. In view of this, I sincerely regret that it would not be possible to refund the payment to any participant at this late stage when it is less than one week to go for Sankalp 2013.

- Even for those who have booked the tents on single occupancy basis, we are arranging to have two beds/cots in their tents. This is to enable the occupants to have convenience to use the second bed/cot for placing luggage, seating of guests for personal meeting, etc. This is, of course, without any extra charge. Those who have booked tent on triple occupancy basis will certainly have three beds/cots in their tents.

- Those who have booked for stay in Hotel Basant Inn should inform me if any one is coming before 04 October morning and/or staying late after 06 October so that the hotel can be informed and hotel can reserve the room accordingly.

- For the invited speaker guests there is separate list relating to their stay, which is being informed to them directly separately.
See you and best regards

Varun Arya
0-94141-36500, 96940-36500


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