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Saturday, September 28, 2013

[MTC Global] World heart day - Know your heart

Dear friends,

Good morning.

Know your heart.


Heart is where your softer emotions originate - the reservoir of immense love and compassion. True or not, let's leave this to philosophers, poets and scientists; heart surely is a vital part of our body.  However, with many complex diseases coming up, attention to heart diseases have been sidelined unless a poor soul faces one and when it's too late. Around 17.3 million people die of cardiovascular disease (CVD) every year, of which nearly 50% are women.

The irony is that a simple check on our daily lifestyle can keep this disease at bay but thanks to pure ignorance and negligence towards health and healthy habits that today cardiovascular disease has emerged as the number one killer, around the world.

Common Indicators of a heart attack:

- Discomfort in the chest coupled with any of the below symptoms
 - Breathing problem with or without discomfort in chest
 - Radiating pain in the left arm
 - Backache, pain or uneasiness in one or both arms, neck, jaw or stomach
 - Breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or light headedness
 - Sudden trouble in seeing from one or both eyes, speaking or understanding, walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination

Experienced or experiencing any of these symptoms? Do not ignore, for it might be indicating towards heart attack. Call for an immediate medical help and get the right treatment at the right time. 

Tips to reduce risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD):

1. Set your diet right –
 A healthy food habit can lower the risk of heart disease or stroke by 80% :
- Say no to bad Cholesterol - Saturated fat and trans fat both increase bad cholesterol putting you at increased cardiovascular risk. Sources of saturated or trans fats are processed food, red meat, deep fried food etc.
- Say yes to good Cholesterol – Who knew cholesterol can be good as well! Good cholesterol can be increased by adding Omega 3 Fatty Acids to your diet. For example Fatty fish like salmon, trout, or herring and flax seed, canola oil, and walnuts all contain polyunsaturated fats that are vital for the body.
- I like Garlic: Add garlic to your daily meal. It not only adds flavor to the food but is also a good blood purifier.
- Go for whole grains and eat a variety of fruits and vegetables
- Avoid excessive intake of salt in your meal as it not only weakens the bones but also increases blood pressure and hence a risk of heart disease

2. Time to get active – The current age of digitization, has brought a drastic change in our life style, where outdoor games, social visits and long walk to market has been replaced by video game, online networking and online shopping leading to obesity . Motivate yourself and your children to take up some physical activities like outdoor games, cycling, jogging, etc. which would help you burn calories and reduce the risk of developing heart related diseases. 

3. Say no to tobacco – 2 out of 5 of cases of CVD are caused due to smoking and tobacco consumption. Annually over 6 Lac non-smokers, including children, die due to passive smoking. Say no to tobacco, even passive smoking and set an example for your children as well.

4. Go stress free – It is a known fact that the more you take stress the more you are bound to bad health. While many would argue that living stress free is easier said than done, you can always keep the option of considering some of the following tips to practice the same:
- Physical activity: In addition to keeping your heart health, regular exercise or physical activities boost your mood, help you maintain your weight and ensure a healthy night's sleep.
- Avoid pent-up stress: Pent-up stress will only add to your problems and bad health. Wash out your emotional palette clean. 
- Drink like fish: Water, that is. Drinking ample water not only maintains your health but also helps in combating fatigue. 
- Some other tips: You can also cope up with unavoidable stress by - laughing a little every day; cutting out stimulants (like caffeine and sugar); relaxation & meditation and talking to a friend or counselor

5. Egg on regular medical checkup – Consulting a doctor or a physician does not always mean you are unwell. On contrary, regular health checkups only helps you in staying fit and also in detecting any problem much before it strikes you.  

Make an effort to educate yourself and your family about the heart related problems and reduce the risk towards heart related disease.

Most importantly SMILE…. It keeps both yours and others' hearts healthy and happy too!

Source: World Heart Federation |

With regards,
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar,  B.A. (Economics), BGL, M.Com., M.Phil., Cert. A.I.I.B.,
MBA (Finance), MBA (HR & Marketing),  ACS, FCMA, Ph. D.,
, SSN School of Management
C/o. SSN College of Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR)

Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India
Landline :  044-24860668
Mobile    :  9094405733
Success consists of getting up
just one more time than you fall
-- Oliver Goldsmith

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