Questions to Sango Emmanuel Alloytey about ACCDF 's cultural claims and attack dogs Re: [camnetwork] 2013 Cameroon Cultural Festival Updates

Dear Sango  Emmanuel Allotey

How does one appreciate a corrupt organization like ACCDF with the presence of a righteous man there like you?
Until lately, what we have seen has been attack dogs of ACCDF going after Cameroonians but if this is an organization that seeks to unite Cameroonians, why are they sponsoring attack dogs or aiding and abetting their members to go on the attack ? I am demanding answers to these concerns and questions because it is about time we hold ACCDF accountable and they must be transparent and accountable. I want to know why ACCDF has allowed Mishe Fon and Christmas Ebini as well as Kenneth Fru Ndeh to be attacking us Cameroonians for expressing ourselves culturally and politically? I want to know ACCDF HAS NEVER COME OUT TO CONDEMN AND DISTANT THEMSELVES FROM THE EVIL ACTIVITIES OF THESE MEN? 

Photo galleries are not enough. We need to know what ACCDF has accomplished and their vision for the future in order for us to know how to hold them accountable. I swear to God that I did not know that you were part of this criminal cultural enterprise called ACCDF.
As you know, there is always a reason why God put some people in certain places and after learning that you re involved, I said to myself, well, may be you may REFORM those twisted minds ! I swear to God that ACCDF is a very corrupt group and we all know this when they attacked every initiative we undertook to change Cameroon. 

Truth be told, ACCDF has some very stubborn and twisted minds. I know two of them recently.  Ask for Kenneth Fru Ndeh he has sneaked into Cameroon in hidding to go and collect more stolen money from his father to return to the US and continue paying  people to fight us. I am concerned that all these is happening on the platform of ACCDF whereas we hear all these claims about marketing Culture? 

Let me start with  Christmans Ebini who has not yet refrained from harrassing me with private abusive text messages and his old useless photos.  In spite of the fact that I have warned  him to decist from contacting me , just yesterday he text me his two useless old photos! I have downloaded the abusive messages of Ebini for the records and I asked Ebini why he did not respond to Mishe Fon for calling out on him but he was mute ! I also told Ebini that if he was HUNGRY for an award following his cry behind my back about how much he has accomplished during his youthful days, he could contact the noble peace prize in Norway  to recognize him because I was not in any position to recognize his achievements since I don't know about them. Sango Emmanuel, is there anyway that your ACCDF can help Christmas Ebini because I m  concerned for him very seriously. I am afraid that he might be slowing becoming demented sooner than later! 

What do you guys plan to accomplish with the ACCDF PLATFORM with all the advertisement and fanfare?
I am a curious person and will like to know because I have not learned anything new from all these old games
Who are the stakeholders of ACCDF?Are the other cultural groups you are contacting partners or shareholders or stakeholders?
Where is your financial balance sheet in the past two years and I don't want to bother you with a 5 years financial statement
Are you a not -for -profit tax exempt organization and have you been in compliant with the US tax laws with regards to your objectives?
If ACCDF claims to be an ALL CAMEROON CULTURAL SOMETHING why is it that ACCDF has been silent over the abusive activities of your members against Cameroonians? Is it how ACCDF intends to rally Cameroonians by encouraging their members to insult and lie against Cameroonians?

Sango Emmanuel, besides Christmas Ebini, Mishe  Fon is the second stubborn and twisted mind  who has just authored this circular  did spend a great deal of time fabricating lies against me about FBI and when I see that the same fellows who indulge into slandering  and sabotaging other Cameroonians for taking initiatives that are geared towards change and improvement of  the lot of humanity associated with ACCDF, i am bound to be  deeply concerned.Do you expect Cameroonians to take ACCDF seriously when we know that ACCDF is the leading Cameroonian organization that orchestrated divisions and hate speech amongst Cameroonians? 

Is it  just mere marketing of culture or there is something more that you guys are not telling people ?The way this thing is being marketed makes one begin to question  your hidden agenda.

Outline only 5 goals and expectations of this event and let us see if this is something authentic or just a stepping stone by some of you to manipulate, dupe and exploit people

In the past 5 years that you have been marketing culture , in what ways has ACCDF contributed to the common good of Cameroonians in the diaspora and back in Cameroon?

Last question.

How does ACCDF claim to be an all Cameroon cultural organization and at the sametime censors and unsubscribe Cameroonians from the ACCDFYAHOOGROUPS.COM forums?

Just curious because per your by-laws, these are some of the issues that  we will be  bringing to the attention of the authorities in case you are registered under US tax laws. If ACCDF FAILS TO ADDRESS these concerns, well,  you will have yourselves to blame. 

Thank you

Rev Jonathan Awasom 
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

From: Mishe Fon <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 11:07 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] 2013 Cameroon Cultural Festival Updates

Performers and other artists who want to "Perform" and who live around the DMV area should and must attend the last meeting on Sunday so that all the "I"s are dotted and T's crossed. Production is always a nightmare and needs a lot of collaboration from all and sundry. We should
discourage this attitude of ours (always waiting till the last minute) B4 showing up. Anyone who wants to be part of the event MUST show some seriousness of purpose by coming personally to the Planning Meeting. No Ifs, No Buts.
Address of meeting Venue: 6909 Presley Road, Lanham MD 20706
On Dignitaries; I think it is confirmed that the Governor of Maryland will attend. Cameroon Ambassador to the US has confirmed participation with many of his Diplomatic colleagues of different Embassies. PG County Executive will be represented. I guess other Cameroonian "dignitaries" who have been sitting on the Fence may now understand the importance and Non-Partisan nature of what the ACCDF is doing to promote Cameroon Culture...and may just show up as (PGC's) "Permanent Gate Crashers". You know the Cameroon Minister of Culture and other affiliated Ministries (Tourism, Communications, Education, Small and Medium Size Enterprises) were all Invited to grace this occasion...but comme d,habitude...No Call, No Show. They did not as much as acknowledge receipt of their official Invitation. Apparently, their very busy schedules were in conflict with attending an important "Cultural" event. It absolutely beats my cerebellar functions and "chatouilles" my medulla oblongata to imagine how the Ministry of CULTURE will not be represented at a Cameroon Cultural event. Perhaps I am suffering from peripheral neurosis.
This year, Cameroonians shall RESPECT TIME whether we like it or not. The Event is going to Start on Time and End on Time. That Auditorium will be closed exactly at 9pm. I don't know of a single Cameroonian who goes LATE to work or who goes to "American Fonctions" at his convenience...WELL, we will behave like Gentlemen and Ladies this time by respecting our Guests. We will Start on Time and Close on Time. Please Cultural Groups, Check the Program and follow the synchronization as laid out by the Production committee. Don't come and tell us the man "knacking" your drums is stuck in traffic or the mammie who is to answer the "Ho Ho Ho"..."n'est pas encore arrivee". Well, that will be too bad because you will have forfeited your turn of participation. I am sorry, but we have to put some discipline here. We have to demonstrate some amount of decorum and respect for ourselves. All Cultural Groups participating MUST bring along for EDITING their "Kontri Dance" CD's this SUNDAY. Don't come on the day of the Festival with your CDs. It will not be accepted. We want to showcase our ability in Self-Discipline.
VENDORS: Businesses, NGO's, Insurance Brokers, Bankers, Writers, Movie Producers...Come and promote your activities to Fellow Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon. Participation is $100.00.
NB: Only Registered Groups will participate.
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