DATE: 18/05/2014

NOTE on map of British Southern Cameroons:
1. Boundary with Cameroun (To the right of Mt. Cameroon, better still Mt. Mongo-Ma-Loba) is an international boundary by treaties since 1916, 1919, 1922, 1931, 1934, 1946 and 1961.
2. Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) shares boundary with Cameroun to the East, Nigeria to the West, and the Atlantic Ocean to the South;
3. Mt. Cameroon is by its traditional name known as Mt. Mongo-Ma-Loba or "Chariot of Gods."
4. Bakassi Peninsula is part of Marshy land next to south-western tip of boundary with Nigeria;
5. Crude Oil is not shown as part of Mineral resources even though by 1972 Cameroun President Ahmadou Ahidjo had already began mining oil from Southern Cameroons, clandestinely!
6. Flag on cover page is the Original flag of the Southern Cameroons as of 1954-1960

His Excellency Paul Biya, President of the Republic of Cameroun,
I wish to remind you about this Day of Our Lord 18 May 1992 to 18 May 2014:
That 32 years ago, the British Southern Cameroons was renamed Republic of Ambazonia when your protégées admitted but failed to contest the case HCB/28/92, at the High Court of Bamenda on 18 May 1992. HCB/28/92 called for termination of Cameroun rule of erstwhile British Southern Cameroons. We commemorate that day this week even as we know that in open appeal to pity and selfish nationalism (by your incessant bombardments of the United Nations in seeking to maintain hegemony over part or all of the British Cameroons), your government is reluctant to withdraw your agents of occupation from the British Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia).
That from whence Cameroun President Ahmadou Ahidjo failed to form a federation of "two equal states" as demanded by the UN Plebiscite Agreement of 1961 (The Two Alternatives)(for instance, by forging a Federation which imposed Cameroun's Constitution on our masses, and which was signed only by Francophone Cameroonians in 1961), through to whence Ahidjo hand-picked you, Paul Biya, as his successor, by issuing Presidential Decree 84/001 renaming the Ahidjo-created and imposed United Republic of Cameroon as simply Republic of Cameroun, as per its independence of 01/01/1960, things have not been well with British Southern Cameroonians.
That HCB/28/92 went further to make three-term Cameroon Bar Association President, His Royal Highness Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka the Head of State of Ambazonia (British Southern Cameroons)(see Addendum I ), and called on all Cameroon civil servants and administrators who were previously answerable to Cameroun Head of State Paul Biya to be answerable to the Ambazonia Head of State. Since then up until date, Ambazonia and many other factions of erstwhile British Southern Cameroons have won a barrage of cases against Cameroun, demanding you withdraw your administration from Ambazonia so that the defunct state of former British Southern Cameroons can be restored as an adult member of the United Nations Organization (UNO).
Your Excellency, Ambazonia (British Southern Cameroons) nationals are not only law-abiding but are also a peaceful people. However, due to egregious violations of their human rights that amount to yet to be told and accounted for crimes against humanity, the peace and law-abidingness will not stand too long in the face of continuous aggression by the presence of the Cameroun government on their soils. This is not a threat, neither it is a new story: it has been told in hundreds of petitions written to the UN by citizens of Ambazonia since the days whence clamouring for independence from both the British government and the colony of Britain, Nigeria, which equally governed the British Southern Cameroons via the Eastern Regional House of Assembly until 1954 when the citizens of then British Southern Cameroons invoked the Doctrine of Benevolent Neutrality and walked out of the Eastern House of Assembly, did said British Southern Cameroons attain something
known in history and peculiar only to this very stateless territory as "Quasi-independence!" The sad and ugly story of the British Southern Cameroons has been told in books, newspapers, seminars and symposia, domestic and international; indeed it has been told in domestic and international courts of law and tribunals, military and civilian. Currently, it is being told in academia by both Francophones (Camerounians) and Anglophones (British Southern Cameroonians)! However, I wonder for how long this same story would be just a matter of "being told in courts and seminars." I am sure our people have seen both sides of their borders and am now sure that neither can serve their best interest. If you showed us some love and care, we would have stayed united!
Your Excellency, given that the responsibility to lead British Southern Cameroons and British Northern Cameroons to attain independence was a UNO responsibility, first, before becoming that of Britain, I wish to call on you to also allow the UNO to do its best in remedying the situation. For instance, the UNO Post-Bakassi Settlement Process is still on-going and I suppose in its last phase. Rather than stand alone, I call upon you to respect the quit order given your government and that of Nigeria to vacate the territories of British Southern Cameroons and British Northern Cameroons so that the UNO commitment to restore the British Cameroons (Greater Ambazonia) (see Addendum III below) should become a reality, for the good of greater interdependence and for regional and global security concerns, the everlasting dignity of the people of Ambazonia in particular and that of human dignity in general apart. Lofty enough, the UN Millennium Development Goals
are anchored on the rights to be free from fear, free from want/lack and freedom to live in dignity (Annan, K. In Larger Freedoms..., 2005)! Do not become a stumbling block in the UN quest to live up to expectation of its new millennium agenda. To this effect, I write to you again, without fear, without favour but as a right I have claimed upon myself and which I would want bestowed onto our populations—Camerounians and Ambazonians with the coming of The New Glory.
Your Excellency, as citizen of British Southern Cameroons, and in my capacity as former Secretary General of Ambazonia People's Emancipation Council (APEC)—Washington, DC; as former Minister of Communication, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Republic of Ambazonia, whose activities, especially issuing the (first) Open Letter to Cameroun President Paul Biya in June 2001 appealing you restore the Cameroon Federation before the Bakassi Judgment became known, your hesitation of which has now become your nightmare, and currently as Spokesperson of the Southern Cameroons Revolutionary Council (SCRC), (back on my home soils and hometown, Bamenda) I, urge you to take this Commemoration Week communication very seriously, as being in line with measures taken to execute Judgement Enforcement Ordinances of domestic and international cases won against Cameroun for illegally and forcefully occupying and exploiting the British Southern Cameroons. This notice should
also be deemed consistent with all earlier releases under my signet regarding efforts to free our people from the yoke of Yaoundé.
That to this effect, the SCRC hereby draws the attention as well as puts on notice your country, the Republic of Cameroun (La Republique du Cameroun du 01/01/1960) and the rest of the world that the activities of your government, led by you,— of carrying out cross-border kamikaze operations are purely Boko-Haram-like operations in which your tugs and protégées kidnap and carry out illegal searches of homes of British Southern Cameroons nationals, members of the SCRC and citizens must come to an end—for, such operations stand in the way of God's sure promise of freedom and prosperity to the people of British Cameroons, which according to your utterances in response to the Two Maps provided you as "gifts" by the UN on 20 May 2010, is what history long decided. This has to be so for the following reasons:
1. That La Republique du Cameroun (01/01/1960) has, in violation of international law subjected British Southern Cameroons under her jurisdiction with severe consequences on material and human life that warrants rebellion since the very first day in 1961 that the said country's troops circumvented the process of re-uniting British Southern Cameroons with Cameroun upon attainment of independence by sending their troops on the night of 28 September 1961 to begin this illegal occupation and brutality by igniting and subjecting our populace to gruesome torture, mental and physical as the innocence of our peoples conscience was visited with the first killings at the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC); followed by the Bakossi massacre; that since then our people have known no peace as Cameroun ceaselessly arrests and charges them for crimes of "secession" and "endangering public peace," or "provoking civil war," which they cannot and have
failed hundreds of times to defend in the courts of law, domestic and international;
2. That having exhausted domestic and international remedies and forced to justify both in yet more domestic cases, the people of British Southern Cameroons, by their authority and under my signet as Spokesperson for the SCRC, do recognize beyond reasonable doubt that even with proven exhaustion of remedies, you are unwilling to vacate this territory which your country, Cameroun, illegally and forcibly subjects under its jurisdiction;
3. That by continuously arresting and detaining British Southern Cameroons' nationals on the false pretences that they who protest Cameroun's distasteful rule and presence are the ones endangering national and by extrapolation international security, Cameroun should bear responsibility for indeed endangering international security, fanning Boko Haram-like counter revolts by provoking youthful dissent and mass rebellion in the British Southern Cameroons with these illegal arrests and senseless charges of "secession", etc.;
4. That sure proof of this, and I suppose it should be the very last, is the recent re-arrest of the Chairman of the SCRC Shey Alfred Sembe and Counsellor Pastor Emmanuel Akumbu Gwenteh on the 21st of March 2014, which complements the arrest of Maxwell Oben and others at Moyuka a few nights before you, in your capacity as Cameroun President visited our historic Capital Buea, is sure proof of the your government's arrogance and intransigence in matters of law and sovereignty and that this should be seen as not only endangering international security and provoking youthful dissent, but also as a cause for mass rebellion in the British Southern Cameroons;
5. That additional victims of Cameroun government machinations are those of the alleged 1997 Jakiri Terrorist Attack on Cameroun government installations; these were not acts of terrorism but indeed acts perpetrated by Cameroun overzealous administrators on government installations to victimize members of the British Southern Cameroons Youth League (SCYL) so as to gain cheap popularity and promotions in the civil service in corruption infested Cameroun. That consistent with this initiative, I demand the immediate an unconditional release of Mr Ngeh Simon of Bamenda Central Prison, Lukong Hassan still of Bamenda Central Prison, Edwin Jumven of the Mbengwi Prison and Tita Roland of the Buea Central Prison, and others who have been behind bars from Kondengui Maximum Insecurity Prison in Yaoundé, Cameroun, to the regional and divisional prisons of the British Southern Cameroons where they currently languish in imposed suffering since 1997;
6. That such recurrent arrests must be seen as contumeliously aiding and abetting crimes against humanity, and persons perpetrating such acts are by this release notified that soon, in the shadows of the very certain future they shall face the World Criminal Court (WCC) —for it is known in international law that people have a right to rebel against tyranny, against oppressive regime(s)(including Yaoundé's) when individual and collective rights are violated (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Charter, AU Charter, Annan (2005) In Larger Freedoms). In this light, the arrest of members of the Revolutionary Council is nothing but a continuous assault on British Southern Cameroons conscience and the destiny of her masses;
7. That for diligence, we caution you of effects and interpretation of legal victories, which on the surface may appear as if there are no consequences. For example, HCB/28/92 through ICJ ruling on Bakassi! We once again bring to light the legal victories against Cameroun's illegal occupation of British Southern Cameroons, strengthened by the Proclamation Formalizing the independence of Republic of Ambazonia submitted to the UNO and OAU in 1990 and 1991 respectively,
i. Cameroun Military Tribunal Judgment of 1986 on the leader of the Ambazonia Restoration Council (ARC) Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka who was tried and acquitted on charges of High Treason (for releasing the Three Landmark Documents: New Social Order (March 1985), Open Letter to Cameroun L'etat-Major: Defuse the Time Bomb (May 1985); and The Revolt of Ambazonia (July, 1985). These documents demanded the withdrawal of Cameroun administration from Ambazonia in accordance with Cameroun Restoration law of April 24, 1984.
ii. Ambazonia Head of State Fon "Fongum Gorji-Dinka Versus British Foreign Secretary" in 1997 in the Crown Court in London in which the British government was forced by surmounting evidence to plead 'no contest' thereby admitting that the process of handing over British Southern Cameroons was marred and inconsistent with the terms of Trusteeship Agreement and Commonwealth of Nations Laws.
iii. The Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) and the Southern Cameroons Peoples Organization (SCAPO) took upon Nigeria at the Abuja High Court in 2002 (FHC/ABJ/CS/30/2002) over sovereign rights and boundaries inherent from colonialism—that "Nigeria should stop treating Southern Cameroons as part of La Republique du Cameroun." The Organization won the case.
iv. In addition "Fongum Gorji-Dinka –v- Cameroon" at the United Nations Human Rights Committee in a summative case reviewed all the above-cited cases (UN Tribunal in Fongum Gorji-Dinka -v- Cameroon, UNICCPR/C/83/D/1134/2002). Judgment in favour of Ambazonia's leader was delivered in New York, NY, on 17 March 2005.
v. At the African Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Restorationist groups of the Southern Cameroons—specifically the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) and the Southern Cameroons Peoples Organization (SCAPO) took Cameroun of French colonial extraction to task, at the African Human Rights Commission (AHRC) at Banjul, The Gambia, (Communication 266/2003) and won, though Cameroun propaganda on national TV claimed a draw game. The judgment among others demanded that Cameroun should stop arresting Southern Cameroonians and taking them to Yaoundé, Cameroun for any reason.
vi. The ICJ ruling inter alia reads as follows,
a. Bakassi is said to have formed part of the area of British Cameroon termed Southern Cameroons (para 210 line 8-9);
b. The map attached to the report of the United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner shows that the Bakassi formed part of the Victoria South West plebiscite district in the southwest corner of Cameroon. This would show that the Peninsular was recognised by the United Nations as being part of the Southern Cameroon (line 24-27);
c. For the entire period of 1922 till 1961 when trusteeship was terminated Bakassi was comprised within British Cameroon (para. 212 line 36-39);
d. Moreover, as the Court has shown in para. 213 in 1961/62 Nigeria clearly and publicly recognized Cameroon title to Bakassi (para. 223 line 15-16);(Charming Betsey technique in application!)
e. The Court accordingly concludes that the boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria in Bakassi is delimited by articles XVIII to XX of the Anglo-German Agreement of 11 March 1913 and that sovereignty over the Bakassi peninsular lies with Cameroon (para. 225 line 1-3); (Charming Betsey Technique in operation again, because 'Cameroon' is not defined!)
f. Nigeria claims to have acted in self-defence. It further contends that if the Court should find that Cameroon has sovereignty over these areas, the Nigerian presence there was the result of a "reasonable mistake" or "honest belief". Accordingly Nigeria cannot be held internationally responsible for which, at the time it took place, Nigeria had every reason to believe was lawful (para. 311 line 4-9); (Whose mistake? UN? Brits?)
g. Nigeria does not deny that Nigerian armed forces and a Nigerian administration are currently in places in these areas which the Court has determined are Cameroon territories/ territory, adding in respect of the establishment of the municipality of Bakassi that, if the Court were to recognize Cameroon's sovereignty over such areas, there is nothing irreversible in the relevant arrangements made by Nigeria. The same reasoning clearly applies to other spheres of civil administration as well as military and police forces" (para. 312 line 3-8) (Well then, that explains the diplomatic gymnastics undertaken by the UN in admiting the reasonable mistake and reversing the doomed and damned plebiscite with restoration of British Cameroons!)
vii. Mbuh, Justice Muluh –V- Cameroun (Suit No. HCB/PI304CMR/09 of Preliminary Investigation; and Suit No. HCB/37CMR/09 in Court), during which this author was incarceration and paraded before Cameroun-controlled High Court of Mezam, 19 times in 22 months, after which he was discharged and acquitted of two counts of secession charges trumped upon him by the Cameroun government, and numerous such cases (e.g. Ntumngia Timothy Neba –V- The People of Cameroon; Sembe Alfred Shey –V- The People of Cameroon; Ade Francis –V- The People of Cameroon, etc., etc.,), some still pending as we read this notice.
viii. And the Nigerian Federal High Court judgment FHC/ABJ/CS/526/2013 in which Republic of Ambazonia demanded Nigeria stop embracing the false pretences of Cameroun that Ambazonia (British Southern Cameroons) is part of Cameroon and should champion the liberation of the people of Ambazonia from Cameroun illegal occupation and wanton exploitation (See appended latest release from HRH Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka).
Your Excellency, only mad people can take the effects and consequences of these legal victories lightly. Hence, if you are upright in your thoughts, then act on these and make right decisions so as to restore the credibility of Cameroun domestically and internationally. Thus, by the powers vested upon me by the citizens of the British Southern Cameroons and the entire British Cameroons (AKA Republic of Ambazonia) by these legal victories and consistent with our history as a distinct people from Cameroun; and by the orders of the all leaders of the British Southern Cameroons liberation groups (Ambazonia Republic, SCRM, SCNC, SCAPO, SOCALIMO, SCYL, FWCM, and even some political parties such as ALIP); and additionally as victim of The Yoke of Yaoundé, and on behalf of the citizens of the British Southern Cameroons and International Conscience, in joyful commemoration of HCB/28/92—The Landmark, indeed a milestone in legal and peaceful pursuit of a
sovereignty dispute, I demand the immediate and unconditional release of prisoners of conscience and detainees arrested randomly and illegally by your protégées, with or without your complacency, who have been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment beginning with being terrorized by whisking them to the much dreaded Kondengui Maximum Insecurity prison for silly charges of "secession" and "endangering the peace of Cameroun."
That by returning the Chairman of the SCRC Shey Alfred Sembe and Counsellor Pastor Emmanuel Akumbu Gwenteh to the Bamenda Central Prison, as your protégées earlier did Maxwell Oben and others to Buea, Cameroun authorities have proven beyond any doubts that they do not have locus standi to put to trial any citizens of the British Southern Cameroons in Cameroun territory, let alone on Ambazonian soils. In this regard, the charges against these citizens of the British Southern Cameroons must be seen as null and void ab initio, contumeliously aiding and abetting crimes against humanity and as such must be seen as quashed under any legal norms. To this effect, this release also appeals to the UN to intervene and warn you and your Military Tribunal as having been estopped by this release from crossing the boundary between Ambazonia and Cameroun in the name of holding such fake and illegal trials.
That legally, taking suspects to Yaoundé and after a few weeks of torture (denying their captives food and water, beating them, interrogating them in lengthy hours and cajoling them with huge financial offers) violates the Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court which all come in handy against such provocations that amount to Crimes Against Humanity and the fair treatment of prisoners and detainees. Even by returning them to their abode or domicile should be considered as tampering with the rights of the accused to fair trial as such movements must be seen as either tampering with evidence or implanting false evidence on them, especially given that the laptop computer of the Chairman of SCRC is in their keeping, we sincerely hope the contents do not frighten them, but draw their attention that these gentlemen arrested and detained illegally are indeed members of the government of the British Southern Cameroons in the
making. This means that Cameroun can only defend their charges but in international settings, not in the domestic courts of the British Southern Cameroons, worse, not in the courts of Cameroun.
That by this same act, I demand these persons be release healthy and sparkling and should not, under any circumstance in the next decades of their lives die of any complications resulting from conditions suffered (like veteran Cameroun Musician La Piero de Mbanga, whose corpse rejects being buried in Cameroun because he was a graduate of Kondengui prison! lest we forget Mebara, Abah Abah, Marafa and Yves Michel, who are reported to be in poor health in Kondengui—Guardian Post, 12/05/2014).
That by this release, I demand that should your government truly cherish sustainable peace, security, development, greater interdependency and why not greater inter-marriages, then abide by international law, desist from illegal acts, including illegal arrests and trials, continuous false pretentions in celebrating days of infamy as National Days (11th February and 20th May), respect your country's boundary at independence, as well as that of your neighbours, and envision a brighter future with our country, by complying with alacrity to demands herein!
Your Excellency, agitation and or plans for agitation in demand of restoration of political and civil rights and associated freedoms so badly abused is not a crime worthy of arrest and re-arrest, trial by military tribunal as has been the culture of impunity, oppression and expansionism emanating from your government and country Cameroun. It is the illegal arrests and trials that are subversive because that is what over fifty years of togetherness has brought our people. Your regimes have been preoccupied with the wrong goals and targets by focusing predominantly on subduing British Southern Cameroons, annexing and exploiting it with impunity, so much that you forget that by 1961 the British Southern Cameroons was the first African state to have a national Airliner! Where is Cameroon Airlines in the last fifty four years? You forget that by 1961, the Prime Minister of British Southern Cameroons, Dr. John Ngu Foncha, submitted plans for Emergent Economy
Status, which by my PhD thesis, your country Cameroun is only now awakening to these lofty goal, which states like Ghana and Nigeria have already attained. That is a mark of misplaced priorities and part and parcel of why in 2008, in a conference in Seoul, South Korea, I demanded you resign and hand me power so that in less than seven years, I should, with my knowledge of economics, education, international law and conflict, secure at the very least, emergent economy status for a united Cameroon. Least you doubt me; I added that should I fail, I should be hanged at Liberty Square in Bamenda as my reward for failure. Instead, in shamelessness, you rewarded me with an arrest, detention and trial that lasted 22 months—from 4 September 2009 to 7 June 2011, when I was discharge and acquitted: Wasted resources, wasted opportunities, wasted efforts and time.
Note is also taken of the fact that on his part, Maxwell Oben was given an illegal prison sentence after he was arrested, indeed kidnapped from Moyuka and taken to Kondengui before returning to face and endure a renewable one year prison sentence (See p. 2 of Ordinance de Mise en Detention Provisoire au Nom Du People Camerounaise, "…detention provisoire a la Prison Centrale de Buea du 24 mars 2014 au 24 mars 2015 renouvelable," signed by Magistrate Engomo Thaddee Eric), as example of extra-judicial rulings that are not only poor judgment but also insensitive to the demands of the rule of law and securing peace and security, while preserving the dignity of the human person. Justice without a human face is no justice at all! These are impositions of Camerounian Neo-Colonial mentality on British Southern Cameroonians in exercise of illegal rule, wanton exploitation and gruesome abuse of the conscience of the British Southern Cameroons. The short and
long-term consequences of such acts are just too easy to predict!
Some lawyers have demanded we file a motion in Court demanding the transfer and trial of our brothers from Yaoundé to courts in areas of jurisdiction (where purported crimes were planned or executed). But does not the law say that in such circumstances, acting as such is tacit recognition of your administration as having the locus standi to govern this territory? That apart, by taking culprits to and from their abode, is it not possible to have already compromised (destroyed or tampered with) evidence positively or negatively? By the rule of law, the cases against the Maxwell Oben group and the Shey Alfred Sembe team must be considered quashed because of the illegal act of taking suspects out of area where the alleged crimes were planned or executed and for which they are under incarceration. On behalf of all the masses and liberation groups of the British Southern/ Cameroons, and all the members of the SCRC, I demand their immediate and unconditional
release. The so-called Military Tribunal which is haunting them is a jungle-junta phenomenon known only in Cameroun and should end there. The judges should not waste their time attempting to put to trial Shey Alfred Sembe and Counsellor Pastor Emmanuel Akumbu Gwenteh—for, such trials are extra-territorial and in the nexus of these discussions have no legal basis at all!
The days when Cameroon President Ahmadou Ahidjo arrested and rearrested, put to trials and illegally jailed and exiled leaders of the Ambazonia Restoration Council (ARC) such as His Royal Highness Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka II of Widikum Kingdom, and SCNC leader Albert M. Mukong were long over: you and your government should stop daring the youthful generation of the British Southern Cameroons and its emerging leadership. Unless there is no "Double Jeopardy" in the Cameroun judicial processes, the recent arrests are completely null and void ab initio! These arrests and previous ones for which certain named persons were given life prison terms are deemed by the people of the British Southern Cameroons to be acts of continuous aggression, cruel and degrading treatment of subjects under Cameroun jurisdiction (legal or illegal) and thus must be seen as being in contempt of the barrage of legal judgments against Cameroun by British Southern
Cameroons/Ambazonia nationalists and must therefore be deemed a call for mass rebellion and forceful ejection of your country, Cameroun, from British Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia)!
One must wonder why only British Southern Cameroonians are seen as endangering Cameroun's peace and security when nothing is done to Camerounians who write and act in support of British Southern Cameroons independence. The very first case worth citing is that of Gabonese President Ali Bongo, whom in making a toss on 20 May 2010 gala night at the Unity Palace at Etudi, demanded to know where the other Cameroon has gone, stating there used to be two Cameroons. That was not an inexpensive joke if truly unity was irreversible, was it? Even more, you never ordered for his arrest for fanning British Cameroons or British Southern Cameroons nationalism. The ones who must not talk are the real victims of Cameroun expansionism, us, citizens of British Southern Cameroons.
A case that complements Ali Bongo's is that of Professor Kamto Maurice who was lead attorney of the Cameroun team in negotiating and implementing the Greentree Accord, which Ambazonia rejected in 2005 (because its terms were ambiguous), and the UN was forced to call the International Peace Institute (IPI) Conference in New York in 2007 to broaden application of international law to include development issues. Kamto Maurice resigned from your government when the UN demanded on 22 November 2011 that he submit withdrawal plans of his country from the British Southern Cameroons before 14 August 2013, showed that no one with a good conscience and sense of judgment as he has (in re-awakening and revisionist posture) would want to put their name in the dirty books of Cameroun's ugly history and worse admittance of guilt of having illegally annexed and wantonly exploited the British Southern Cameroons in the last half century: so Kamto resigned by making it
clear in both his resignation speech and when launching his political party, (interestingly, Movement for the Restoration of Cameroun-MRC !; not United Republic of Cameroon; certainly not Cameroon Federation!), stating,

La cohésion nationale est mise à mal chaque jour un peu plus par l'intolérance politique, l'indifférence au mal être de certaines parties de la communauté nationale. Le tribalisme assumé reste un défi redoutable à notre vivre ensemble. En 2011, l'on a fait valoir que la concomitance de l'élection présidentielle et de la date de l'anniversaire du cinquantenaire de la Réunification, le 1er octobre 1961, avait empêché la célébration solennelle de cet événement historique. Le 1er octobre 2012 est passé ; voici que l'année 2012 s'achève, et le moment symbolique des retrouvailles fraternelles entre l'ancien Cameroun oriental et l'ancien Cameroun occidental n'a pas été commémoré. Notre histoire nationale reste mutilée. C'est à ces inconséquences que s'alimentent les frustrations de nos compatriotes de la partie anglophone du pays.
Yes, Professor Kamto: we are truly very frustrated with Cameroun rule and modus operandi! This lamentation on behalf Cameroon Unity dream, turned sour, indeed mutilated and the plight of the oppressed Anglophone (British Southern Cameroonians) by Kamto did not earn him arrest and charge for fanning the "secession" of the British Southern Cameroons, nor did it earn him a charge for fanning civil unrest and endangering national security. Why? You regime knows too well that Kamto knows too much regarding the outcomes of the Bakassi settlement process and would rather pretend in your habit of doing just that, that Kamto, like Fon Dinka, Chief Ayamba, Nfor Nfor Ngalla, Nwancham, Prof. Chia Ateh, etc, does not matter.
In like manner, other true Camerounians concerned with their/your country's illegal hold of the British Southern Cameroons have expressed sympathy and demanded Cameroun respects international law and the rights of the British Southern Cameroonians in various publication including but not limited to "Raison de plus pour justifier cette Citation Directe au Prof Touna Ebode de l'universite de Douala," which laments:
Question est-ce qu'on devienne stupide quand on est militant du rdpc ou bein on est stupid avant de devenir member du rdpc? J'ai suivi avec interet bien sur une emission de la BBC, services francophone (par francais) sur la pretendue reunification du Cameroun….BBC a fait parler tout le monde sauf un Anglophone du Southern Cameroons!.... En meme temps, M. Biya a mobiliser certain francophones (comme ce Ebode) contre les Anglophones, ignores parce que tout en reconnaissant que ce qu'on appele reunification aujourd'hui n'est autre que la colonization de Southern Cameroons par l'tat francophone de la republique du Cameroun. Or c'est meme M. Biya qui signa le traite de Greentree sur Bakassi qui dans l'une de ses articles ordonne au Nigeria et a la Republique du Cameroun de retirer leur administrations et troops vers leur fronteires heritees de la colonisations trove a Dibombari avec l'incidence que ceci a sur la ville de Douala. … QUE
LES Nations Unies sont dans le processor de recuperer la British Cameroons (Southern Cameroons et Northern Cameroons) a cause de la marginalization et de la colonization de ces territories par Cameroun francophone et le Nigeria. Donc le processus de la recreation de l'tat independent de Southern Cameroons est en cours. Et ce processus est irreversible. Les principles sacrosaints du self-government et de l'auto determination et demande. Or la colonization est un crime contre l'humanite.Quel qu'un peut nei donner le contract de ce Ebode.
And that "Psycho-technocratic" Post-coloniale et reproduction d'une identite Anglophone objective: troe dolosif et fragilite identitaire," and "Dynamique de positionnement Anglophone et liberalism politique au Cameroun: de L'identite a l'identification," by Loius-Marie Nkoum-me-ntseny of IRIC.GRAP, Yaoundé, Cameroun.
Your Excellency, Qui et fou du qui? These are forceful, indeed powerful defense of British Southern Cameroons as a distinct state from "your own country people," La Republique Cameroun du 01/01/1960! These academics of Cameroun origin have not been arrested and charged for crimes of fanning "secession" of the British Southern Cameroons, nor have they been charged for inciting civil unrest and destabilizing the security of some imaginary unity of Cameroun. Why not? They speak truths! Your gross intolerance targets only nationals from the British Southern Cameroons upon whom Cameroun has imposed its nationality in illegal exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction. Of course, we now know that Cameroun's boundary ends inside Douala, Cameroun and not even at the Mungo as previously thought! We now know that the UN spent fourteen million dollars ($ 14 million US) implanting 3000 pillars round the entire British Cameroons since 2008! We now know that
the UN gave two maps to you, Cameroun President Paul Biya who commented upon receiving the maps that "that was what history had decided," yet, you, Paul Biya and your operatives are bent on compromising, indeed corrupting the UN process to restore the British Cameroons at best or the British Southern Cameroons at least. By fanning Boko-Haram in Nigeria (least you forget, you paid a ransom to terrorists which gave them the funds they needed to purchase guns and bombs to rave havoc on Nigeria—your way of getting back at Nigeria post Bakassi? International Politics, filthy!), and have equally been seeking same with continuously arresting British Southern Cameroonians who protest Cameroun rule and presence, your administration is most definitely fanning a revolt and should be to blame should there be one. Such acts of illegal arrest of British Southern Cameroonians nationals, as repugnant as they appear, are equally self-incriminating evidence that
Cameroun is an illegal landlord in British Southern Cameroons and should be evicted! Stop scaring people with Boko-Haram tactics!
Oh, we have suffered and even our youth have been taught lies of history and politics. But thank God for the conferences your administration organized recently, in which Historians and Constitutional panelist were brought together to re-examine our unification, the general outcry, even from my former foes like Prof. Victor Juluis Ngoh (see addendum II below) (who previously argued against the independence of the British Southern Cameroons in a conference organized at the University of South Carolina, USA, where I schooled, stating that the British Southern Cameroons' union with Cameroun is a done deal and that only an internal arrangement that accommodates them within Cameroun was the best outcome), have all admitted that re-unification and hence unification of Cameroun with former British Southern Cameroons was illegal! To the best of my knowledge and association, you never arrested members of the Historian and Constitutional Panelist, especially
Prof. Victor Julius Ngoh for now reverting to support British Southern Cameroons independence: "Ngoh's ten minutes argument, maintained that the elements of union between Southern Cameroons and East Cameroon were merely temporal proposals for future application and could not be considered as binding to the parties." Indeed you rewarded Ngoh, by promoting him to become Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of Bamenda (UBa) of all places, this for reasons best known to you and Minister of Higher Education Prof. Ndongo! Of course, he (Victor Ngoh) is a true son of Cameroun, of your tribe, who would not defend why his parents migrated from Cameroun to British Southern Cameroons [(most of them fled persecution and 'njongmassi' or forced labor, or were children of influential people appointed and posted to the erstwhile British Southern Cameroons to misrepresent truths, and promote lies that there was reunification—such as the late Prof. Bamela
Engo, who misrepresented truths in both pre- and post ICJ Judgment, only to die (as an Anglophone) and be buried in his real hometown Ebolowa (as a true Francophone), and Ngoh the Federal Administrator to whom West Cameroon (British Southern Cameroons) Prime Ministers were answerable!)], and regardless of previous academic blunders would continue to enjoy promotions over many British Southern Cameroonians (including this author) who write and defend truths over deceit and demagogy. It was indeed a shameful and pitiful union! Spare us some more hurt, would you, and pack out of the British Southern Cameroons with alacrity, but first things first: release persons whom this write-up demands, and take heart, hearken to the spiritual message, which I have been led, as I was led to uncover UN Resolution 1608 of April 21, 1961, back in 1997, which now haunts you and your previously pseudo intellectuals, and from which understanding I wrote the (First) Open
Letter to you back in 2001, warning you of the outcome of the Bakassi misadventure to no avail!
Your Excellency, because you have previously ignored advice from me and from our varied groups, I am bound to make this revelation an aspect of this Open Letter, just so that tomorrow no one should say you were taken unawares, or that we were too preoccupied with freeing only Ambazonia and never cared about the future of Cameroun. The spiritual message I have for you has to do with cleansing Cameroun's image in the following ways:
1. In the Book of 2 Esdras 14:14, The Ancient of Days demanded from His servant, Esdras (Ezra), to cleanse house and keep things in order—for the hour of departure from a cruel world was at hand. You are called upon to cleanse house for your own sake! "Cameroun is in a state of emergency"!
2. You shall let go the British Southern Cameroons by first releasing all political detainees and prisoners who hail from this territory, unconditionally and with alacrity;
3. You shall immediately engage the family of former President Ahmadou Ahidjo for reconciliation! "Let Love Lead!" (Prophet T. B. Joshua, 07/01/2014); Honor Ahidjo! I need not expound on that, but know that the biggest threat to Cameroun's future development, peace and security is not from the British Southern Cameroonians—we are and should be your least worry, especially since we are only good at talking and writing petitions (I laugh!)—your biggest concern is the anti-corruption fight and power transition in Cameroun and do not be dissuaded by mis-concentrating on financing and fanning fears of "Boko Haram" in the British Southern Cameroons, as in Nigeria!
4. Reconciliation with Ahidjo's family gives you two women to choose from for power transition: the very much beloved Chantal Biya and Aminatu Ahidjo (who, regardless of previous warnings from Ateba Eyene (The Median, 16/10/2013) got a lashing for joining your political party! Those who lashed her are equally very ignorant!). These two, individually or collectively are God's choice for leadership in Cameroun. They would give Camerounians some years of respite and forward thrust in love, peace, security and sustainable development! You shall stay focused on creating a smooth transition for Cameroun. Your successor shall best be a woman—for the political men have proven to be greedy bandits who would do whatever it takes to ignore national concerns for personal material aggrandizements;
5. You must hold embezzlers of public funds accountable by not only arresting them, in your own words "jail them until they show remorse," but recovering their entire loot and much more. You shall also be your own judge and surrender 50% of your estimated wealth of about $600 Billion US to Cameroun for a good start. This is a necessary and sufficient condition for Cameroun to become an emergent economy state. My research shows that out of data assembled from CONAC and others, a total of 160/210 Foreign Bank Accounts owned by Cameroonians had 12 Trillion as account balances. Practical Statistical Analysis when applied to procedures of Futures Studies reveal that your country needs to recover and plough-back into the Cameroun economy a minimum 8 trillion FCFA within 3 years, interest free and without such funds undergoing the tedious process of Budget Realization, and three times within 9 years to secure your country's Emergent Economic Status by
2024/25, failure of which that emergent state status shall not come even by 2050! Another requirement is that you get the Anti-corruption Agency, CONAC away from your Presidency; get your presidency off CONAC and grant the Anti-corruption Agency powers to recover the loot with alacrity. See and emulate what works from Minister of Finance Ngozi Eweala of Nigeria!
Your Excellency, you would agree that these are by far more lofty concerns for you to pre-occupy your administration with, rather than chasing the shadows of British Cameroons and British Southern Cameroons agents, whom you know are right in advocating the restoration of their country. Please, "let my people to go," as peacefully as we came under your country's jurisdiction, however legally or illegally 53 years ago! The time for change is now, and it is not just external (allowing British Southern Cameroons to go) but also internal (focusing on political transition and Cameroun's quest for emergent economy status). Unemployment and underemployment is choking life out of the youths, even those of us at fifty, while the very old who were civil servants and politicians before we were born some fifty years ago are still power-holders: that mister, is disgusting and a call for mass rebellion! We cherish greater unity and that is why in exercise of
that Cameroonian nationality, I, the undersigned, demanded back in 2008 that if you, Cameroun President Paul Biya cherish same, you should vacate the presidency and hand it to me just as Ahidjo did to you. I guess I have shown much love and passion for Cameroun unity as I have for the liberation of my people thanks to the failures from your part in any debate/bargain. How much love does one have to show to fellow Africans and point out wrongs and right ways to be tolerated, worse provided a job of commensurate education qualifications? We cherish greater unity, but life under the yoke of Yaoundé has made us to hold firmly to the belief that unity is blasphemy! Worse, greater and more prosperous unity can never ever be imposed against the will and values cherished by a people. Clearly, our people have different values from yours and it was best we part in peace, not war, which your overzealous administration seems to be beckoning us, with illegal acts
of insensibility and intolerance. Therefore, by the legal victories and other activities of British Southern Cameroons nationals, even in political parties, there is substantial evidence that the Yoke of Yaoundé has been broken!
By this write-up, every group of persons or individuals clamoring for the restoration of either British Southern Cameroons or British Cameroons is vindicated, justified, redeemed and indeed liberated. The statistical significance of our legal victories against your country and administration are ample justification of how badly our people yearn to be free of Cameroun and your exploitative, abusive, thievery and dictatorial rule. The degree of freedom is our pending sovereignty, exercise and consummation of same. In the economics debate of statistical significance, "once the repetition is stripped away it is clear that they give no adequate answer to our key points and that our arguments remain unscathed,"—the fallacy of argumentum ad nauseam (your repeated arrests and trials of our nationals!). Even more, "while our repeated points do not commit the fallacy of arguing against a point that was never made in the first place,"—the fallacy of
ignoratio elenchi (Termination of Trusteeship Agreement by Granting Unfettered Independence to British Cameroons/Reunification/Unification); our continuous appeals to authority—the fallacy of ad verecundiam; against the incessant bombardments that the international community has exchanged with and against your Cameroun government, whose lack of response to our legal victories, peaceful pursuits, open-mindedness and outspokenness only adds and amounts to appealing for pity in a situation where no one else is more to blame than yourself, as Head of State (please, for once in your lifetime take responsibility!); you seem to hope that by committing this fallacy of ad misericordiam, our population could suddenly grind to a halt and stop talking and thinking independence of the British Southern Cameroons. Bottom-line: these incessant, recurrent arrests and re-arrests, trials and retrials signify nothing; I mean absolutely nothing! This is indeed pitiful,
pathetic and is a mark of shameless display of arrogance and intransigence in the face of such barrage of evidence. Which domestic or international lawyers can stand in the way of these victories?
It is one thing to engage in a fight with the facts and truths on one's side; it is utterly another, altogether to do so in falsehood, force and total ignorance, if not false pretense of the existence of facts and truths. Lest you doubt me as you often do: we have a right, indeed an international obligation to expand Ambazonia from British Southern Cameroons to include British Northern Cameroons, but you do not have any right, whatsoever, to expand Cameroun to include British Southern Cameroons for the simple fact that you are under obligation under international law to respect your boundary at independence. Worse, when you and Ahidjo pretended forming Cameroon Federation, United Republic, etc., there was no treaty to that effect and even if there was, even treaties when breached get abrogated, don't they? What manner of men and women constitute your government that they cannot assimilate and digest these truths? Do your administrators have some
sense in their heads? If they do, then the time to use some of their good brains is now. They should do right by the British Southern Cameroons and withdraw Cameroun administration peacefully and swiftly so Cameroun can register some credibility nationally and internationally.
Your Excellency, pardon my strong-wordiness and listen to me for once, lest I blow up: arms are cheap and littered everywhere in West and Central Africa. Acquiring them to turn our countries into infernos of further suffering is not and has never been our priority as it would only cause us to increase our individual and collective pain, misery, downtrodden-ness and retrogression. Yes, we only know how to talk law and write petitions! Our mentors have taught us well, have they not? When the Spearhead of our struggle HRH Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka II of Widikum ignited this struggle way back in 1985 with the releases of the landmark documents that landed him in Kondengui Prison and your Military Tribunal began getting bashed and crushed by his legal prowess in 1986, it paved the way for HCB/28/92 to come into being six years thereafter. Your Military Tribunal, by the precedence set in HCB/28/92 has no locus standi to appear in Bamenda for whatsoever! Since
then, look at the number of cases we have won; look at the number of Mukongs you have created: are you winning? Thus, if you and your administration are law-abiding, and I suppose you should be, or yearn to be, then accept our invitation to join us this week to commemorate this day (18/05/1992) on which HCB/28/92 was born. To fully show that you and your administration understand this write-up, spare us some hurt; show some love (Let Love Lead!) and respect for the rule of law, repent and show understanding of implications of this write-up, by responding positively to our demand that all British Southern Cameroons nationals in detention or in prison should be released unconditionally within Twenty-One Days of this release. Should you respond positively, I shall personally continue to ensure that peaceful cooperation and greater interdependence ensues between our peoples, failure of which there shall be short and long-term consequences, in the shadows of
the future with or without you as President! After all, the golden rule of international law and international relations states, "Goodfaith begets Goodfaith, and Badfaith beckons Retaliation." Beware!
May God Almighty Grant you Wisdom to govern your Country, Cameroun, for Peace and Prosperity! Peace of the Father, God the Ancient of Days, The Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient (OOO) be with you! The End Justifies the Means! To God Almighty Be the Glory!

Justice M. Mbuh,
Spokesperson, SCRC.
Tel: 237-74677738; e-mail:
PhD2 Peace Studies/Financial Economics (ABD, 2014),
MA International Relations (USC, Columbia, SC, USA, 2000),
MEd Education/Economics (USC, Columbia, SC, USA, 1997),
BSc Economics, (Ahmadu Bello Univ., Zaria, Nigeria, 1990).

UNSG Ban Ki-Moon; US President Barrack Obama/Russian President Vladimir Putin/German Chancellor/
French President/Chinese President/WCC President/UN Security Council President; EU Chairman/
AU Chairman/Nigeria President Goodluck Jonathan /South African President Jacob Zuma/Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka/Chief Ayamba Otun/Dr. Kevin Gumne/Prof. Chia Ateh/Clinton Foundation/Carter Foundation/Amnesty International/ WorldWatch/ Middle Radical/All Traditional Rulers of the British Southern Cameroons/Vice Chancellors of All Universities in the British Southern Cameroons/ All Student Union Presidents/All Teachers Union Leaders/ Leaders of All Political Parties/All Media Groups of the British Southern Cameroons/Al-Jazeera/CNN/BBC/ABC/VOA/Press TV/Global Times/London Times/New York Times/Washington Post/Cameroun Tribune/and Wilberforce International Rights Foundation (WIRF).

THE LEGACY OF AMBAZONIA (UN Trust Territory of Southern Cameroons)
The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form. -Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9

On Tue, 7/1/14, 'Taku A. A. Moses' via ambasbay <> wrote:

To: "Ambazonia National Group" <>, "FREE AMBAZONIANS" <>, "Southern Cameroon" <>,, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, ""
<>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Cc: "Cameroon Network" <>, "Nfor Nfor" <>, "Martin Yembe" <>, "Henry Fossung" <>, "Atanga John" <>, "Dr. Susungi Nfor" <>, "Mathias Ayuk" <>,
Date: Tuesday, July 1, 2014, 4:30 PM

Nfor N. Nfor,
Your mail is fantastic to the readers and the concerned.
whatever the enemy is doing to blackmial us, it will not
stand for God is the one who knows all the secret of the
matter. They have been trying to do all in their life of
lies-telling about our SCNC but to no avail. The only 2
persons that have been sincerely blackmailed in the records
of the International community are-Nfor Nfor and Ebong
including Justice Mbu. That is why Ebong and Mbu are all in
perfect and permanent silence. La Rep.tried to blackmail
Ambassador Fossung but to no avail because they know his
record more than Bia's government can offer to blackmail.
You remember you wrote a very powerful document sometime
that I congratulated you by mail and promised to take it
directly to the secretariat of the UN. I did and will always
want to let you know what happens to your mails as they are
never attended to them at all. The reasons for the blackmail
is not unconnected to their activities
with you both in soiling your hands with solft contaminated
monies at various instances to quench the SCNC activities
but to no avail. You all could not deliver the needed goods
or results to them and they resolved to blackmailing you
both to the international community and also to Heaven who
sees in the secret of the night. They tried that method of
theirs with Ambassador Fossung and they failed and they
decided to take away his life. But the International
community shouted STOP thru the red Presidential phone calls
daily for his release in 2005 Jan.

As a servant of God, I am empowered/privileged to enter into
any office as Desmond Tutu to obtain info at any time or put
up a plea at times. Your write up is highly appreciated and
will be sent to some truthful oriented quarters that be. God
bless you as a team player but known or called to be on the
rerserve bench of the Team and not to be on a line-up
selection of the 22 players by the coach-Jesus.

Yours sincere freedom fighter-Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses:
alias Daniel/DM Tutu to his nation and people of S.C. 

On Mon, 6/30/14, Bri Soucam <>

To: "Ambazonia National Group" <>,
"Southern Cameroon" <>,
"Ambasbay" <>,
Date: Monday, June 30, 2014, 5:05 AM


Since failing to kill the SCNC at birth in 1993 or at
age, la
Republique du Cameroun has over the years resorted to
dubious diabolic
tactics of giving the dog a bad name in order to hang it

In June 2012 Prime Minister Philemon Yang while in London
released a
bomb shell that the SCNC has dealings with the dreaded
extremist organisation, Boko Haram. In our response dated
27th June
2012 to the baseless accusation captioned "NO SCNC-NO
carefully painting the ideological differences between the
SCNC and
Boko Haram, we declared, "There is no means by which this
terror group
can infiltrate into British Southern Cameroons territory
other than
via la Republique du Cameroun territory. Note should
be taken
of the fact that British Southern Cameroons is under la
Republique du
Cameroun military occupation thus security which is in
the  hands of
the occupier is intense: infiltrators, if any, could only
in with their tacit approval."

We call on the international community to take judicious
note of our
position for la Republique du Cameroun's persistent false
alarm could
be a signal for some evil plan to annihilate the
movement to perpetrate annexation and colonial occupation.

On record many faithful British Southern Cameroonians have
life-threatening detentions, some tortured to death in
camps, others have been victims of extra-judicial
executions, while
others have been maimed and many have been forced into
self-exile just
with the calculated aim of killing the legitimate struggle
reducing British Southern Cameroons into a permanent
colony of
la Republique du Cameroun.

Seeing that the struggle for restoration is getting ever
stronger both
at home and internationally, la Republique du Cameroun and
its agents
are now determined to link the SCNC with Boko Haram, an
fundamentalist organisation that has gone wild with
acts of
impunities in parts of Northeastern Nigeria. Like its
fundamentalist organisations such as Al Shabaab in other
parts of
Africa, it is an evil organisation whose agenda is
neither on
municipal nor international law.

But this is not the case with the SCNC which is open,
respects and
operates within the tenets of UN Charter and international
and challenges la Republique du Cameroun to do same.

The persistent and systematic campaign carried both at
and abroad
by la Republique du Cameroun government and lackeys to
tarnish the
good name of the SCNC instead of respecting the ruling of
the African
Commission on Communication 266/2003 and respecting the
of eminent personalities confirms the expansionist and
colonial agenda
of the government.

The recent anti-SCNC campaign carried out in Donga Mantung
under the
guise of security meetings where the proconsul, Mr. Ngone
Bernard called on the population to have nothing to do
the SCNC
which linked with Boko Haram as agents of war to
country is a terrible diabolic machination of an evil
To drive
home the message that Yaounde's eyes are on Donga

Mantung, he had to call the leader of the SCNC by name.
Warning the
population sternly he said those who fail to report SCNC
and activists do so at their own risk.

However he got the appropriate response.

While this sadistic campaign was on in Donga Mantung, my
(Division) of origin, in Bamenda where I live, a
post has
just been opened in the Ntabessi neighbourhood, three
mine. This is unprecedented for even in the Diamare and
Divisions of the Far North Region where Cameroun Boko
has been
operating, Gendarmerie Posts do not exist in the
This is
intimidation par excellence which will yield no fruit for
the occupier
of our land.

Yaounde has done everything humanly possible to have the
community, including the African Commission on Human and
Rights label the SCNC as a terrorist group but failed.

President Paul Biya of la Republique du Cameroun has with
refused to respect the Ruling of the African Commission on
Communication 266/2003 approved by the AU Summit in Libya
July 2009
for Constructive Dialogue under the Good Offices of the
Commission to resolve the political conflict between
Cameroons and his country, la Republique du Cameroun. His
argument is that SCNC is illegal. At the African
in Banjul,
his Minister who embarrassingly raised this lame argument
was asked if
he ever heard of terrorists seeking legal redress.
Humiliated he had
no answer to give.

But citizens of the two Cameroons and the international
community are
witness to the fact that President Paul Biya, wishing to
create an
impression to his mentors that he is a man of peace, 
has sponsored
negotiations with Cameroun Boko Haram for the release of
foreigners, the most recent being the three clergy,
Bussiere, Fathers Gianantonio and Giampaolo, who kidnapped
on April 4,
were released on June 1 to Cameroun authorities and some
of the defence forces. From the Far North Region they were
flown to
Yaounde amidst tight security.

The question that readily comes to mind is, According to
Paul Biya, Is Boko Haram a legal organisation?

Secondly, why does President Paul Biya love and care about
for the safety and security of foreigners more than peace,
good neighbourliness of the two Cameroons and promotion of
and African unity and prosperity?

We are not here in the least holding that these harmless
should have been abandoned to rot in the hands of Boko
terrorists. Far from it! As much as they get what they
liquid cash, to fuel their horrendous atrocities against
what is irrefutable is that Boko Haram is Satan's hell
visited us here and now and must be fought to a finish,
liquid cash but by diligently identifying and nipping it

To the agents in Yaounde who split their hair in abortive
efforts to
link the SCNC with Boko Haram, may we remind them in
and the
Donga Mantung proconsul in particular that;

a)    Boko Haram is operating in Far North
Region of la Republique du
Cameroun but there is no SCNC there.
b)    Boko Haram hoisted their flag in
Blagochi Palace, Mayo Tsanaga
Division, Far North Region after pulling down la
Cameroun Flag. (The Guardian Post, No. 0614 of June 11,
p. 10).
Boko Haram flag is not British Southern Cameroons Flag.
restoration bid is anchored on history, culture,
legality and we are not interested in annexing even an
of la
Republique territory. We will not even take if given.

c)    La Republique du Cameroun forces have
exchanged fire with Boko
Haram insurgents and there have been reported casualties
sides. All these have taken place in la Republique du
territory, none in British Southern Cameroons. SCNC
even under
the most inhumane torture have never confronted their
torturers with
stones and sticks.
d)    Arms have been discovered and agents of
the Islamist terrorists
arrested e.g. Adji Issiaka - arrested in Waza, Far North
Region. All
these have taken place in la Republique du Cameroun
e)    Negotiations for the release of those
kidnapped have taken place in
la Republique territory.
f)    Boko Haram is not only in Nigeria;
there is the Cameroun Boko Haram
and Yaounde can only hold negotiations with Boko Haram on
territory and never that of a neighbouring country.
Lauding the call of SDF on President Paul Biya to read the
writing on the wall and submit to the CONSTRUCTIVE
under the
Good Offices of the African Commission we appeal to all
and women
of influence, the AU, the EU, The Commonwealth, the
Francophonie, and
the UN to mount pressure on President Paul Biya to save
Africa from
another Rwanda genocide by respecting the repeated words
wisdom for
dialogue with the British Southern Cameroons.

Highly appreciative of the renewed position of the SDF
Chairman Ni John Fru Ndi and NEC and other political
leaders, we call
on all men and women of conscience who fear God, not to
problem as that of the SCNC and the Biya Government. It is
of the two Cameroons, Africa and humanity in general.
we may
blame President Paul Biya today for refusing to obey the
Commission Ruling, history and posterity will judge you
and women
of good conscience guilty of betraying British Southern
Cameroons and
humanity in general FOR REMAINING SILENT!

We salute the patriotism and good conscience of all
Christians alike who have vehemently condemned Boko Haram.
To Yaounde
and its agents, it is an incontrovertible fact that
blackmail will not
transform an illegal occupation of a former UN Trust
territory into a
legal component of la Republique du Cameroun. And no
surrender to foreign domination and alien rule for ever.

Peace does not come from the barrel of the gun, imposition
proconsuls and stationed occupation forces to keep a
subjugated people
in perpetual bondage. No one gets the Nobel Peace Prize on
the blood
of the innocent and mass graves consequent upon a
war. No!
Such great men and women are change agents, are believers
defenders of democracy, the rule of law, the equality of
men and
nations, large and small. They are builders of peace based
on justice.
They are people who bring sun shine to the broken hearted.
Men and
women fit for Oslo are people who love and work for
They sacrifice self and live a shared life!

The SCNC will not surrender to blackmail, intimidation,
life-threatening detentions and extra-judicial killings by
Republique du Cameroun. Our inherent right to
self-determination is
protected under international law.

Done in Buea, this 24th Day of June, 2014.

National Chairman (SCNC)

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