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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Re: [MTC Global] INDIAN BUDGET 2014 - Gross National Happiness of India: Why it is dependent on Economic Well being and Budgetary policies of GOI--and How We Can Get More of It

Let me try to make it more clear.

If one spends.

If one earns a cannot spend a rupee.

We need to see the government earning ...before we see its spending.

Why did the previous government stall projects? The answer is simple. With the elections on horizon all the schemes which get vote where engaged in.

Now let's say you have a rupee to spend and you have to choose between buying aa vicks for cough ..or a. Melody for a child.

You can only buy one..not both...!

Infrastructure we have the money to pay?

Employement in manufacturing sector..even cooler....but how does one achieve that with a negative growth of the manufacturing sector?

No one thinks of passing the buck. If the previous government had won back to power they would have been doing the same thing.
Till their last day in power they kept blaming the world economy for all the economic woes.

in the last 2-3 years of their rule..they announced all kinds of soaps.. where did the money come from to fund them.

Those soaps are also necessary now..and no government can role them back. least won't have the courage too.
Till the industrial output increases and the government earning increases by its push. The common man will have to bear many burdens.

If the centre had so much money ..the former PM wouldn't have commented in odisa ..that money doesn't grow on trees.

The ways in which 2G and coal blocks where handled..not only led to loss of valuable money to ex-chequre..but also led to poor development of those coal blocks.

So much for power generation.  The previous government made such a hulla ..bulla over signing of the nuclear deal.

I am sure many know here what is the gestation period for setting up a nuclear power plant? Who are we fooling?

the first five years they seemed to be enjoying the work done by previous NDA govt. When in the second 5 year term they finally began working.

They left everything in negative.

Yes this discussion is for the aam adami.
The aam adami kept its mouth shut for too long. And was guilty of voting into power a group of men and women with a common financial interest.

There is so much more I can say. But I think we all know what we are guilty off.

Let's hope the finance minister can come up with a reasonably good that brings some ray of this bleak economic enviornment ...Where the consumtion is increasing exponentially at speed greater then the output.

Thanks and regards

Dr. Padma misra

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