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Sunday, August 31, 2014

[MTC Global] Value.

Subject: Value

I had known a friend of mine who used say that he misplaces and loses his pen very often. He will use only very cheap pens so that he need not worry about losing them. He was worried about carelessness habit.

I suggested to him to buy the costliest pen he could afford and see what happens. He did that and purchased a 22 carat Cross pen. After nearly six months I met him and asked him if he continues to misplace his pen.

He said that he is very careful about his costly pen and he is surprised how he has changed!

I explained to him that the value of the pen made the difference and there was nothing wrong with him as a person!

This is what happens in our life.

We are careful with things which we value most.

* If we value our health, we will be careful about what and how we eat;

* if we value our friends, we will treat them with respect;

* if we value money, we will be careful while spending;

* if we value our time, we will not waste it.

*if we value relationship we will not break it.

Carefulness is a basic trait all of us have,we know when to be careful!

Carelessness only shows what we don't value...

So let's be careful about our relationships and value them.

Dr A Jagan Mohan Reddy

Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray

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[MTC Global] Thoughts for the week

Dear friend,

Enjoy your journey
Life is too short to waste on grudges --
Laugh when you can ..
Apologize when you should ..
And let go of what you can't change

Follow you heart, but take your brain with you

Love what you have and then go for what you want

If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it

The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand ...
We listen to reply

Sometimes in life, your situation will keep repeating itself until you learn your lesson

Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you

Have a great and very pleasant week ahead

with regards-- 
Dr A Jagan Mohan Reddy
Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray

MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate
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[MTC Global] No Tomorrow Business

Dear Associates & Alumni                                                                                                                       1st September, 2014

There is no moment like the present. The man who will not execute his resolutions when they are fresh upon him can have no hope from them afterwards: they will be dissipated, lost, and perish in the hurry and scurry of the world, or sunk in the slough of indolence. ~Maria Edgeworth

Professionals, Young gen, Job seekers - Whatever you have in mind, take the first step. The time is NOW. No Tomorrow Business - things change, will not be as favourable as they are now. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,So just do it. Make that tel call, send that important sms, fix up the Appointment, invite an important person for dinner, do not hesiatate, he or she will come ; people love being invited; invite an articulate speaker with versatile knowledge for a Guest lecture - institution benefits; plan & visit the person or place you have been thinking for long, ask for help ; Attend the training/ session which is long overdue. All problems today are owing to lack of Knowledge; Ask, inform the well wishers about the position,.

Go after that alliance for your son/daughter, send that mail rightaway, keep making fresh attempts for a job, call few more people for a new order/ business, plan for next job from today , share your thoughts deliberate your views; Start saving today to buy the property, car, Europe visit with family,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,





Ramesh Vemuganti

MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate
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Re: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education

Dear All,

Let me dive somewhat deeper. 

The scenario like no takers for graduates, paucity of funds for meeting variable expenses such as recurring and salary expenses, vacant seats, etc., represents incidental problems and efforts are being taken to overcome such issues in HE business, like,

1. Admitting even second class Diploma holders to engineering, increasing second year admissions meant for Diploma pass-outs and more over many colleges have opted for second shifts. During the last 5years intake at UG/PG levels have almost doubled,in some UG colleges it is more than three times.And add to this Central, NRI, foreign, PIO and J & K quota.
2. Some States have lowered down the entry qualifications like just passing 12+ exam. with 35% marks or second class Diploma.
3. 10% student-fees waivers provisions. For increasing admissions, some institutes charge tuition fees at concessional  rates, especially to localites. 
4.A sizable financial load, as I know in Maharashtra, is getting transferred to States under EBC, OBC, NT, VJNT and other reservation categories, e.g. charging 50% tuition fees. In Maharashtra 0ver 50% tuition fees of the admitted students is funded by the State.
5. Like other business cycles, HE has its own ups and downs. During 1983-1993 entire financial control was in the hands of managements, most of the institute were started by political giants, then we have 1993-2003, the era of free seats and payment seats, and then fees approval by State Committee, constituted as per SC directives. Over the last 5 -7 years tuition fees have shot up to twice or thrice by Govt. authorities based on the actual expenses per student of the preceding year plus inflation plus development fees, we have accepted cost based education system. Bank loan is now available. There are a few examples that show faculty, staff and management reduce the expenses to meet both the ends, normally a short term phenomenon. SEFIs are one of the largest employment (direct and indirect: 3-4 times of direct) generating sectors. Faculty and staff are ready to accept lower compensations, rather it is not unusual phenomenon to be seen in both rural and urban areas.
6. Institutes are struggling for branding. Students are crazy after such institutes located in  cities like Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, etc
7. On one hand we cry for higher fees and on the other management offers un-thought compensation to some faculties,for branding, present trend is if you are merely a PhD degree holder, your pay is normally Rs. 1.2 lakhs to Rs 2 lakhs pm.
8. Demands for certain prgs as the time passes are bound to go down naturally or vacancies may shoot up, a normal phenomenon any business faces.
9. it is said that one engineering college is equivalent to 3 sugar factories or one medical college equal to 10 sugar factories.Donations are on rise. People are paying. I have come across, during 1988,  one of the prestigious egg colleges located in rural area adjacent to a sugar factory. The architecture/design of the institute building is unexpected, all labs underground. I was told that in case the college does not run, we will convert this into warehouses! Some of the colleges are on sale and sold out.
10.Please see the PG intake in UG colleges where one finds no enough number of teachers to teach even UG classes, but the business is successfully moving forward.

We must thank to our population. There may be vacancies here, but some other place there is a huge crowd. If you want admission for B Com in Delhi, your % needs to be 100%! But access in engineering and MBA HE, no problem. India is a very peculiar country, a country of rich people (though % is miserably low but absolute number is astonishingly very high in the context of the world HE education market), a country of brilliant students (most of them are trained in coaching classes charging fees something like 1-5 lakhs for say one year).

This is the set of people I am referring to in my statement : If the Indian HE players of the game are happy, is there any need/interest in improving our HE system?, though I fully agree with the Professor Goel's views that are based on larger and broad perspective in terms of, say,  social responsibility, nation making, etc. But all HE businessmen,  save a few, will strive to dwell in profit zone and not even prefer to be at BEP!


Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Aurangabad: 431028 (Maharashtra) INDIA
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: "Virendra Goel"
Sent: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 21:14:55
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education>
Subject: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education

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Re: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education

Profit and cost control makes an education institute efficient. But then , education institute has to deliver  what it stands for i.e - "Education". Profit and Cost control must not hinder the objectives of growing the quality of education. Otherwise the institute has nothing to deliver, for what it would ask the money, to the people at first place. You must be profitable, and control cost that you have enough wealth to re-invest in improving the 'quality of service' of education delivery. Once the 'quality of service delivery' of education is improved the margins will grow , as you can charge more premium prices. So improving quality of education is itself a drive to improve profit for an educational institute . Why do we need to de-link them ? There is nothing wrong in making profit , only you have to have more broader view of profit which is more inclusive in nature, and which takes quality of service delivery as an important parameter for growing in profit, then an narrower view of 'shopkeepers paradigm" of profit.  

Sri Joydip 

Managing Trustee & Founder,
Sri Joydip Ashram 

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On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 8:09 PM, Virendra Goel <> wrote:

If the Indian HE  players of the game are happy, is there any need/interest in improving our HE system?


Exceptions aside they are not happy today because there are no takers of seats and their whole game is based on filling all the seats. Manipulations and adjustments and cost cuttings aside – HE institutes hardly have any variable expenses commensurate with number of students. Hence their cash breakeven, actual breakeven and profit is all dependent upon amount of fees and other collections from the students.



Virendra Goel



From: [] On Behalf Of Prabhakar Waghodekar
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education


R Hall's views are right but the same have been repeatedly expressed since long, ,namely, to seek opportunities for profiteering in every activity man undertakes.


Man is just a part like other elements created by nature in the so called natural systems.But man is endowed with thinking power that man uses for growth, prosperity, safety, safe and secured future,etc., by creating his own world in terms of say systems, ways of earning livelyhood, hospitals, schools, transport, etc. Naturally for survival man is after wealth that offers him safety and security for future. Obviously, amassing money is the only objective left behind, save in a very few cases. There is a very small percentage of people who really adhere to the core theory of any ism, most others run after profiteering pretending "ism" as a tool of well-fare.


Now let us ponder on the features of Higher Education (HE). Giving approval for starting HE institutes to any sector, public or private, is not unacceptable. But as the time passes, every one of the regulatory bodies, educational providers, and public (beneficiaries) is after gaining something. And in the process every one starts moving away from the ultimate objectives, thereby giving rise to many social ills.


In fact, HE is a very profitable business. In manufacturing or service sectors, there are many demotivating factors right from capital generation to sales. In HE, this is almost missing, student-fees is a regular source of revenue out of which almost 50-60% is borne through public funding (Govt. funds). There are 'n' number of ways where cost cutting is done, like, outsourcing faculty, outsourcing man-power, smart ways of pleasing inspection/approval committees, squeezing faculty/staff who are paid low and no much expectation of  performance on job, etc.  In this process, every body is happy as there is no binding for achieving certain objectives as we are not in real terms student-centric or institute-centric or industry-centric or research-centric or HE-centric or national-centric. Our population-size  is the strongest point, we are having the world-largest HE market! And such a huge market is subjected to relevant strategies and tactics for successful HE business with minimum or no risk.  


If the Indian HE  players of the game are happy, is there any need/interest in improving our HE system?




Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Aurangabad: 431028 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: "Prof. Bholanath Dutta"
Sent: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:16:40
To: <>

Subject: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education

Why? Because these for-profit institutions often receive hundreds of negative reviews on our website – and at the end of the day, they only seem to care about their financial bottom line.

Free market capitalism argues that competition will drive businesses to offer better and better deals to consumers, while forcing them to place value on the reputation of their product or service.

In the education sector, however, an industry offering billions of dollars in unconditional government grants – and an industry in which for-profit institutions can change their name or location at a moment's notice while all the while blaming students for any lack of success – there is truly very little comparison to the typical practices and boundaries that make up the cornerstone of free market philosophies.

This very corrupt and misleading market is not 'free' in any sense – in fact, it more closely resembles the defence-contractor industry in the United States, where companies like Halliburton or Blackwater spring up overnight to win massive no-bid government contracts for things like re-building post-war Iraq.

Interestingly, Caribbean-based offshore investment companies are now offering 'shelf universities' for sale alongside shelf corporations – a shameful testament to the massive demand among fly-by-night investors looking to make a quick buck off the higher education sector.

The truth is that treating a college or university primarily as a 'profitable' business puts the focus on cutting corners whenever possible and increasing efficiency wherever possible. Ultimately, this approach treats higher education as a globally traded commodity with no safety net.

However, unlike gold, or oil, the 'product' of higher education is an intangible, virtual good whose value is completely perceived. And that is exactly why, among self-respecting academics, it will always matter more where and with whom you studied, rather than just merely what you studied.

As the founders of the United States government clearly understood, there are some things that must remain purposefully inefficient, and thoroughly bound by checks and balances, in order to maintain their purpose and value. The education sector should be one of the things.

Author: Richard Hall

An excerpt

Educate, Empower, Elevate

Prof. Bholanath Dutta

Founder, Convener & President

MTC Global & Knowledge Cafe

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Re: [MTC Global] Goals & Objectives

Goals are short term objectives ; and objectives are long term goals.

Sri Joydip 

Managing Trustee & Founder,
Sri Joydip Ashram 

Watch "Inner Journey of Sri Joydip Ashram"

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Sri Joydip Ashram Main Building,93 Itbhata Road,Burdwan-713103. 
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On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 6:24 PM, Monica varied mapranathukaran <> wrote:
the litmus test of an Objective: are you able to feel it by your senses at any time? if yes, it is not an objective , but a goal.
in the gven example, reaching any intermittant station is a goal. well taken. but when one define an Objective, it is an abstract target, not a concrete one. to be the most preferred employer is an objective. to recruit and maintain good faculty members is a goal in the achievement of the target.

M V Monica

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Prabhakar Waghodekar <> wrote:
Objective is a statement indicating what one has decided to achieve. Goal is a milestone that shows how near/far are you from your objective set.

For instance, I want to reach to Mumbai from Aurangabad. There are three main routes by car:
1. Aurangabad-Nashik-Igatpuri-Kalyan-Mumbai
2. Aurangabad-Ale Phata-Kalyan-Mumbai
3. Aurangabad-Pune-Lonwala-Navi Mumabi-Mumbai.

Suppose I take option one. When I reach to Nashik, the first goal of my destination half way through is achieved. Next mile stone is Igatpuri, followed by Kalyan and then Mumbai. Thus, goal represents how near or how far I am from the objective set.

Objective based learning or outcome based learning is another example. To achieve a certain skill say operating a lathe is the outcome of Workshop Practice. The first goal is simple turning, then threading then tapering, then preparing a sphere.



Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Aurangabad: 431028 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: Ramesh Vemuganti <>
Sent: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 12:28:50
To: join_mtc <>
Subject: [MTC Global] Goals & Objectives

Dear Colleagues

Food for thought. What is the universally acceptable difference between a Goal & an Objective?

Although Management, in its various facets, forms & fundas, has a history of over 2 centuries ,
some confusion still prevails on Goals & Objectives for a Manager.

Goals have a time frame & Objectives are aligned in the fulfilment of Goals. Losing 5 kgs in next 1 month is a goal - task & time frame. Objectives are series of things one does to lose weight, like diet, walking, yoga, attitude, etc. Some more clarity is needed as many Managers use Goals & Objectives, interchangeably

Few Management teachers & educators also get confused here.

Members can opine, with less of theory & more examples.


Ramesh Vemuganti

MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate
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Fw: Very Hectic Weekend.////ABA is in Abia State of Igboland

The Governor as well as his entire administration should not only be impeached but they should face Jail Time. What nonsense is this? Where are all those mouthy Igbo guys here?

Before I knack sais mop to my Igbo friends, let me tell you what happened this weekend. Again, I am lucky to be invited to all these "Hot" High Society Weddings. I had invitations for three and the half weddings...(half bicos the other one been be na Kontri Marret); so because of distances, I attended only two and the half.

1st Stop: IGBO MARRET: Last time, we discussed Doctors. That was nothing compared to the titles I heard during introduction for this Igbo wedding. (Let me hear one single person criticize our brodas of the NW Fons Council or my Bayangui Moyos for dishing out Sessekou titles to any Arrey, Bessem or Bessong). Out of curiosity, all was captured on my cell phone. Before I get to that, I must confess that Igbo women are very beautiful. Their head-tie alone and Ashuabi na lock-mop. In that maze, you will not know the difference between your wife and your sista-in-law...anyways (I had to get a translator) bicos the entire event was in their Kontri-tok.

Emcee: Ndimbahnyi Ekele muh Noh! Igbo Kwenu! Igbo Kwenu! Ladies & Gentlemen; I want to now introduce the panel that would oversee this Marret. Join me in welcoming:

Chief Barrister Ezeudo Alaigbo Okoye (King of Peace), New York
Chief the Honorable Mazi Ekwueme Okeke (Talk and Do), Florida
Chief Pharmacist Agbala Nwanyi Chinyere (Pocket no dey empty)
Chief Dokta Umu Nwanyi di_ocha Ngozi (Can never commit adultery)
Chief Dike Ana-Agbara Chukuma Boy King (Village warrior)
Chief Barrister Igwe Gbajiri the Lover Boy from San Francisco
Chief Aku N'ata Kasi Obiageli (Money Miss Road) from Chicago
Chief Engineer Professor Nwa Ezeoku Franklin (Pikin for Money)
Chief Mrs Udu-Ako Mmiri Uche Joy Original One Pound No Balance
Chief Dike Diorama "Locomotive Oga Himself" Ajuluchukwu
Chief the Honorable Mrs Asa Mpete Darling from London
Chief Dokta Kalu Ozigbo Ese Enu Ego (Dis one na chicken change)

In fact let me stop here. Everybody in that hall was apparently some kind of Chief (except yours truly). The hall had a capacity of 300 but there were more than nine hundred people in attendance and the Police unfortunately came and shut down the entire "Enjoyment".

MARRET # 2: Dis one na Kamalloon Marret. My broda Livingston simply kommot "Corrige". The man showed that he has class and is a "Crowd Puller". The Who is Who of USA was present. The ambiance was superb. You know how we do our stuff. You call at 11pm to find out where the Hall is at then you proceed with "People don start kam 4 dey?" Hence, the real "Sakwa" actually started around 11.45pm.
By 12.30, about four gun-trotting Oyigbo "Mberes" came and stood at the well decorated majestic entrance and gave "WE the Enjoyers", the Bride & Groom 15 minutes to vacate their premises..."In five minutes, we will start towing cars" the guy threatened. That is how I saw all those beautiful well dressed Cameroon mammies, moof high heels then take "Tokyo" to go enter their SUVs B4 Mberes call Tow Truck. I no be no say na so Cameroon woman dem sabi moof run when trobu kommot. My eyes see manyaka yesterday.

What was I even talking about B4 I jumped to this Marret Langua sef? Oh, I remember BUT we will continue latter. I don taya.

NB: By the way, Michael Lessong can bare testimony to the authenticity of my narrative as he was present with his beautiful wife.

Ta Mfar Mishe Fon

Make I hear one IGBO Man make Nyiang again. Nonsense. See Aba here below.

Aba after a brief rain


Uzoma KLN
(Life is simple, do not make it difficult) 

Sent from my iPad 4s

On Aug 31, 2014, at 3:49 PM,<> wrote:

Just read am yourself


Aba, a city in ruins

By News Express on 30/08/2014
Aba, the commercial nerve centre of Abia State, is lying prostrate, in utter ruins. It is in shackles, bruised and battered. And no one seems to care. Worse still, the residents have been cowed. So, they see no evil and speak no evil because they are afraid of the son of a top elected official in the state nicknamed Whirlwind. In Abia, the fear of Whirlwind is the beginning of wisdom. If you incur the wrath of Whirlwind, you will have yourself to blame. Aba has fallen from grace to grass. It has lost its former glory that dressed it in the admirable robe of the eastern commercial pride and made it attractive to investors and business people from within and outside the region.

The vibrancy that defined the city is gone and the once thriving city is a shadow of itself. Today, Aba is a terrible and indescribable sight. Indeed, words are not enough to capture the present state of the once famous Enyimba City. As Lewis Hine said: "If I could tell the story (of Aba) in words I wouldn't need a lug around a camera." According to Henri Cartier Bresson, "they (pictures) speak for themselves." And, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Aba, which was conceived as the industrial engine of the East, paints a piteous picture. It has decayed on all fronts, making it one of the ugliest cit­ies in Nigeria. Anyone who knew Aba when it was blazing in glory would weep at the present state of things. The home of creativity and haven of local technology otherwise known as the Japan of Africa is now defined by broken and ravaged streets as well as mountains of garbage, sometimes piled too close to human domestic life. 

One of the heart-rending scenes is in Ngwa Road where traders display their wares amid the putrid seepage from rotten wastes overflowing the road. There, maggots and flies dance on vegetables and other edibles on sale. There, 'Aba perfume' hangs thick in the air. Take this: Epidemic is imminent in Aba as sewage flowing down dirty streets is a common sight.

Broken roads: Coming into Aba, you soon discover that something is wrong. To start with, it is not a tea party entering into the city from any point, as all the roads linking it are in terrible condition. The Enugu – Aba – Port Harcourt Expressway is deplorably bad, particularly at the Osisioma axis through which the main town is accessed. The Aba – Ikot Ekpene Road is an expressway to hell, as craters dot the long stretch. If you are coming from Akwa Ibom, the way that you will know that you have reached the border is the state of the road at the Abia end. As soon as you enter Abia State, you begin to navigate through the valley of the shadow of death. And the fear of evil will be your portion because the Azumini area, in Abia State, is ritualists' den. Not long ago, scores of human heads, decomposing bodies and skeletons were discovered at Kilometre 15 on the Aba/Azumini Highway popularly known as 'No man's land' after Akpaa village in Obingwa LGA of Abia State. The victims include an unidentified national youth service corps member as his uniform showed. 

The Ogbor Hill section, which is right inside the city, is too bad. In fact, the right side from Opobo junction is impassable, so drivers drive against traffic there. "Aba is the heart of Abia State. But government is far from Aba." This submission by a commercial tricycle rider, Mr Chiemela Nwogu, succinctly captures the state of affairs in the city. It will be easier for the state-owned team, Enyimba Football Club, to win the FIFA World Cup than to lo­cate an entirely good stretch of road in Aba. The reporter was in Aba recently, and saw the once bubbly city in chains. In this rainy season, Aba is floating, so to say. Most of the roads are flood-prone because there are no drainages and where they exist, they have been blocked. So, with nowhere to go, the ensuing floods take over the streets and escape into homes and business premises. As a matter of fact, some streets have turned to river in Aba. One of the 'rivers' is found on the Umuojima Road, which leads to the Aba – Enugu expressway. An elderly resident of Umuojima Road, who identified himself as Mr. Nwanguma, volunteered: "The road has been impassable for three years. 

Sometimes when it rains, our homes are flooded. And because of the condition of the road, most of the residents of the area don't bring their cars back anymore." Indeed, the elderly fellow was excited when he saw the reporter taking pictures of the 'river' on his street. Disclosing that the residents of the area were going through hell, he lamented: "My son, please help us appeal to government to come to our aid. We have suffered so much in this area. There was a time they came in the name of repairing the road about three years ago but they ended up destroying it and ever since we have been passing through hell. Any time the rain is a bit heavy, many of us in this area will not have it easy." Nwanguma, however, joked that Aba residents get some relief when the rains go away through Okochi (Dry Season) Construction Company which comes to their assistance. 

From one end of the city to the other, it is the same story. From the 'town part' to Umungasi, Umule, Ama Ogbonna, Over Rail and Ama Mmong among others, it is the story of overflowing dumpsites, broken and flooded streets and general infrastructural decay. On a rainy day or even several hours after the rains, a speedboat can conveniently ply the right section of the Aba – Owerri Road, from the point where a private university is, to way beyond Crest/Enitona junction. A federal facility, it was given a facelift about two years ago but some portions have started failing because it is perennially flooded. And while the flood lasts, traders at Umungasi market close shops, otherwise their wares will be submerged and destroyed. Worst still, there is an open manhole at Brass junction, and when it rains, people fall into it. A source disclosed that many people have lost their lives in the manhole while several others had sustained debilitating injuries. 

You cannot tell the story of Aba without talking about Ariaria International Market, which is the most popular market in the city. In fact, Ariaria used to be the face of the town but not anymore. Today, going to the market through Faulks Road is an agonising experience because a journey of a few minutes can last for hours because of the terrible condition of the road, resulting in traffic bottleneck. But if Faulks Road is potholes infested, the popular Ukwu Mango is a scene from the pit of hell. Before now, the spot used to be flooded but somehow pass­able but after the state government 'worked' on it, the drainage was blocked. The result is that the place has become totally impassable. Like most parts of Aba, you cannot wear shoes when going to Ariara. The reason is that all the surroundings are flooded. The only way out is to remove your shoes and fold your trousers, wrappers or skirt to knee length and trek. In fact, when the heavens open up, keke riders and bus drivers disappear because, if they don't, their vehicles will be submerged. "When it rains, people's goods are destroyed by flood. My wife's wares were damaged, that was why she left the place. 

Considering the status of Ariaria as an international market, the state of the envi­ronment leaves so much to be desired," Chiemela said. Bakassi Street, in the Ariaria area, which has a large concentration of shoemakers, does not belong to this age and time. Umuocham Road that links Aba – Owerri Road is cut off. Osusu Road leading to Ama Ogbonna is also cut off. The popular MCC Road is in a terrible state, especially at the point around the Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry, Aba headquarters area. Powerline Road is also bad just as some portions of St Michael's Road and Asa Road also contend with massive moulds of waste. Eziukwu Road is in a mess. But Port Harcourt Road is simply in a class of its own. An arterial road, it should pass as one of the worst roads on the face of the earth. There, vehicles are trapped every day. In fact, only trucks and other big vehicles ply the road. A car can easily be buried in the gullies on the road and when it happens, the army of jobless young men in the area will jump into the muddy water and push out the trapped vehicle for a fee. They call it, 'self empowerment.' If all the major hubs are dilapidated, the adjoining or inner streets are simply non-existent. 

Ngwa Road also needs a special mention in ignominy. Apart from the distress associated with bad roads, heaps of waste occupy a large portion of it and compete with traders. And as noted above, there is the threat of disease outbreak due to overflowing decayed garbage emitting acid odour. It is a wonder how human beings do business under such atmosphere. An­other place where epidemic is looming is Emelogu where a mountain of refuse has sprung up. There, an offensive odour pervades the air. From bad to worse. In 2012, the reporter was in Aba to do a comprehensive report on the city following the peaceful demonstration by lawyers who wore rainboots to show that Aba had become a jungle. The lawyers' grouse was that life in Aba was brutish and harrowing. Or rather, living in Aba was a nightmare. The placards car­ried by the lawyers bore such inscriptions as: "Live in Aba, live in hell," The worst roads in the world are in Aba," "Weep for Aba," "Government neglect of Aba is injustice," "Lawyers are asking for good governance" and "This is Aba, the location of hell on earth." "The economy of Aba has collapsed because of the neglect of the town. 

People are merely living here now by the grace of God. They live from day to day, praying that God sees them through the next day," Chief Charles Eduzor, the then Chairman, Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Aba branch, had said. About two years down the line, nothing has changed in positive terms. Eduzor observed that things have actually gone from bad to worse. "Things have dilapidated more; that is the situa­tion. There is no improvement. The governor has not done anything in Aba since. I don't know what the problem is. Perhaps the governor is leaving the problem to the next governor. It is unfortunate," Eduzor told the reporter. Ironically, Gov. T.A. Orji and his men had debunked the report, saying it did not reflect the state of affairs in Aba. But in the same breath, few days after the report was published, the state government announced that it was awarding contracts for the rehabilitation of the same roads it had announced were shipshape. But the action was, at best, sophistry. The roads have worsened as nothing was done on them. Investigations revealed that potholes are turning into craters and gullies. 

Roads that were passable a few years ago had become no-go areas. Putting the matter in per­spective, Chief Dr. Francis Ene, a businessman, opined that the residents have never had it so rough and tough. Waxing philosophical, Chief Ene said: "Living in Aba is suffering and smiling because all the roads are totally dilapidated; there is no exemption. It is a terrible situation. Some of us who have customers from outside the state are feeling the pinch. This is because customers cannot come from Akwa Ibom to Aba, even coming from Port Harcourt to Aba is a herculean task. From Umuahia to Aba is no mean task; you will spend hours on the road because of the bad road.

There is no side you can mention and say it is better than the other in Aba. If you go to Ngwa Road, you can't pass there. If you go to Ogbor hill, no way. Obohia Road is nothing to write home about. Even Ariaria International Market is in a sorry state. If you manage to enter Ariaria, you will spend hours before you come out because of the nature of the road. You can't even come through Ukwu Mango, not to talk of Faulks Road. All those areas are death traps. So, living in Aba is suffering and smiling." Chief Ene went on: "I have been in Aba since 1970. It is a great town that had made a lot of people. 

We have senators here in Aba. We have House of Representatives and state House of Assembly members. Aba has produced so many successful people in various spheres of life. Abia is not supposed to be abandoned just like that. So, I'm appealing to the Federal Government to help us. Aba is part of Nigeria and is the commercial nerve centre of Abia and the South East states. "Aba boasts of skilled and skilful artisans like shoemakers and tailors, among many others, who can hold their own anywhere. All they need is the enabling environment to thrive.

Anytime there is politics or during election time, they will remember Aba to come and seek for votes. But immediately after that, the place will be abandoned. So, I'm begging the Federal Government to come to our aid because Aba is an important town that has the potential of turning around the fortunes of the country in terms of manpower and technical know-how." Chief Ene further said landlords in Aba also contend with other headaches apart from the infrastructural decay. "At a point, touts were almost taking over Aba after the kidnapper, Osisikankwu's issue. We have suffered too many things. I was shot in my own office before the intervention of soldiers in the state. My place has been invaded so many times. After all the suffering, touts took over.


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RE: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education

If the Indian HE  players of the game are happy, is there any need/interest in improving our HE system?


Exceptions aside they are not happy today because there are no takers of seats and their whole game is based on filling all the seats. Manipulations and adjustments and cost cuttings aside – HE institutes hardly have any variable expenses commensurate with number of students. Hence their cash breakeven, actual breakeven and profit is all dependent upon amount of fees and other collections from the students.



Virendra Goel



From: [] On Behalf Of Prabhakar Waghodekar
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education


R Hall's views are right but the same have been repeatedly expressed since long, ,namely, to seek opportunities for profiteering in every activity man undertakes.


Man is just a part like other elements created by nature in the so called natural systems.But man is endowed with thinking power that man uses for growth, prosperity, safety, safe and secured future,etc., by creating his own world in terms of say systems, ways of earning livelyhood, hospitals, schools, transport, etc. Naturally for survival man is after wealth that offers him safety and security for future. Obviously, amassing money is the only objective left behind, save in a very few cases. There is a very small percentage of people who really adhere to the core theory of any ism, most others run after profiteering pretending "ism" as a tool of well-fare.


Now let us ponder on the features of Higher Education (HE). Giving approval for starting HE institutes to any sector, public or private, is not unacceptable. But as the time passes, every one of the regulatory bodies, educational providers, and public (beneficiaries) is after gaining something. And in the process every one starts moving away from the ultimate objectives, thereby giving rise to many social ills.


In fact, HE is a very profitable business. In manufacturing or service sectors, there are many demotivating factors right from capital generation to sales. In HE, this is almost missing, student-fees is a regular source of revenue out of which almost 50-60% is borne through public funding (Govt. funds). There are 'n' number of ways where cost cutting is done, like, outsourcing faculty, outsourcing man-power, smart ways of pleasing inspection/approval committees, squeezing faculty/staff who are paid low and no much expectation of  performance on job, etc.  In this process, every body is happy as there is no binding for achieving certain objectives as we are not in real terms student-centric or institute-centric or industry-centric or research-centric or HE-centric or national-centric. Our population-size  is the strongest point, we are having the world-largest HE market! And such a huge market is subjected to relevant strategies and tactics for successful HE business with minimum or no risk.  


If the Indian HE  players of the game are happy, is there any need/interest in improving our HE system?




Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Aurangabad: 431028 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: "Prof. Bholanath Dutta"
Sent: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:16:40
To: <>
Subject: [MTC Global] The profit motive is threatening higher education

Why? Because these for-profit institutions often receive hundreds of negative reviews on our website – and at the end of the day, they only seem to care about their financial bottom line.

Free market capitalism argues that competition will drive businesses to offer better and better deals to consumers, while forcing them to place value on the reputation of their product or service.

In the education sector, however, an industry offering billions of dollars in unconditional government grants – and an industry in which for-profit institutions can change their name or location at a moment's notice while all the while blaming students for any lack of success – there is truly very little comparison to the typical practices and boundaries that make up the cornerstone of free market philosophies.

This very corrupt and misleading market is not 'free' in any sense – in fact, it more closely resembles the defence-contractor industry in the United States, where companies like Halliburton or Blackwater spring up overnight to win massive no-bid government contracts for things like re-building post-war Iraq.

Interestingly, Caribbean-based offshore investment companies are now offering 'shelf universities' for sale alongside shelf corporations – a shameful testament to the massive demand among fly-by-night investors looking to make a quick buck off the higher education sector.

The truth is that treating a college or university primarily as a 'profitable' business puts the focus on cutting corners whenever possible and increasing efficiency wherever possible. Ultimately, this approach treats higher education as a globally traded commodity with no safety net.

However, unlike gold, or oil, the 'product' of higher education is an intangible, virtual good whose value is completely perceived. And that is exactly why, among self-respecting academics, it will always matter more where and with whom you studied, rather than just merely what you studied.

As the founders of the United States government clearly understood, there are some things that must remain purposefully inefficient, and thoroughly bound by checks and balances, in order to maintain their purpose and value. The education sector should be one of the things.

Author: Richard Hall

An excerpt

Educate, Empower, Elevate

Prof. Bholanath Dutta

Founder, Convener & President

MTC Global & Knowledge Cafe

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