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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Re: [camasej] Aminateh Nkemngu was in Court, after all, and still expected again?

Could someone please acquire the English text of the Ne Law on
terrorism to be passed by the Camerounese National Assembly.
I hope this stunning still cut is just a very bad joke.

<< est punit <<de la peine de mort, celui qui, à titre personnel, en
complicité ou en co-action, commet tout acte ou menace d'acte
susceptible de causer la mort, de mettre en danger l'intégrité
physique , d'occasionner des dommages corporels ou matériels, des
dommages aux ressources naturelles, à l'environnement ou au patrimoine
culturel dans l'intention :
a) d'intimider la population de provoquer une situation de terreur ou
de contraindre la victime, le gouvernement et/ou une organisation
nationale ou internationale, à accomplir ou à s'abstenir d'accomplir
un acte quelconque ou à adopter ou à renoncer à une position
particulière ou à agir selon certains principes;
b) de perturber le fonctionnement normal des services publics, la
prestation des services essentiels aux populations ou de créer une
situation de crise au sein des populations ; c) de créer une
insurrection générale dans le pays>>

On 12/3/14, Ndi Senior Eugene Ndi [camasej]
<> wrote:
> Amabo, you dong make me ntumfor,ma installation na wen?haahahaha
> Yes,i need to speak for Tarhyang, i am also on bail and if i escape now,
> he(Tarhyang) will be in trouble because he is my surety (the one wbo bailed
> me). We are looking for ways of freeing Tarhyang and Aminateh from Camccul.
> I cannot blow my trumpet but i have been urging camccul (musa shey nfor) to
> drop the case. He is the one who told me tney have agreed on an out of court
> settlement and when i read Tim's mail yesterday on my sick bed, i called him
> because i was shocked. Tht is when he directed me to thr camccul lawyer.
> Amabo,you havr raised two things;camccul wants apology to redicule the sun
> or the sun does not want to publish rejoinder. Tarhyang can help us so that
> we can also know how to "attack" the issue.
> Ndi Ndi
> Sent from Huawei Mobile
> " [camasej]" <> wrote:
>>Tim, thanks for this info which I was quite aware off. Aminateh is on
>> bail...period.
>> Most of those who sat at the 'Bamenda/Camcul out of court settlement' have
>> been 'ignoring' some of my mails and messages...
>>I put it to Taryang: was there any out of court settlement? Did it involve
>> Aminate who is your colleague? Or you went to Bamenda and cleared yourself
>> and The Sun abandoning Aminate when he needed you most.? Mr Taryang can
>> decide to stay mute...but rest assured not forever!
>>Let it be clear. Camcul is out to jail many more...
>>And as I said. Those pressmen benefitting from small small kickbacks from
>> Camcul will have themselves to blame before history. Their 'champaign
>> party' would soon end.
>>If those who claim to be friends of the press cannot assist, if we continue
>> to watch this saga go on, then we would be at the wrong side of history.
>>For our information, Amungwa Nicodemus(not Nicolas) was slammed a ten
>> million frs fine. Camcul reportedly did not go for their fine to be paid
>> and he gains his freedom. There was some manoeuvre and the fine was
>> converted to a 2 year 3 months jail term... The matter is still on appeal
>> and is coming up soon.
>>What is really happening at Camcul? Is the credit union manipulating the
>> courts? Is the financial watchdog COBAC aware of what is going on?
>>The image they are trying to protects is simply being embattled.
>>Time will Tell
>>Sent from my BlackBerry(R) wireless device
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: " [camasej]" <>
>>Date: 02 Dec 2014 06:03:40
>>To: <>
>>Subject: [camasej] Aminateh Nkemngu was in Court, after all, and still
>> expected again?
>> Notwithstanding all the celebratory rounds of 'pen' fire that did go up in
>> this forum following the 'news' of sorts that CAMCCUL and the Accused in
>> the CAMCCUL Vrs Aminateh/Tarhyang court 'palapala' in Bamenda, had stroke
>> an out-of-court resolution, news reaching me holds that Aminateh, one of
>> the accused, was, nonetheless in Court on Friday, November 28. Aminateh
>> Nkemngu holds that he, on tis said Friday, was only let go on a
>> conditional bail amounting to FCFA 500,000 while his co-accused, who was
>> absent from Court, was slammed a bench warrant. Was there, at all, an
>> out-of-court settlement?
>> Aminateh told me by phone that there was no settlement was no such
>> settlement as far as he is concerned. He, nevertheless, said there were
>> overtures from CAMCCUL to this effect but, for now, no settlement.
>> And if, at all, there was an out-of-the-court room discussion, judicial
>> procedure demands that the parties needed to have gone back to court on
>> the day that the case was fixed in order to let the court take judicial
>> notice of whatever was agreed on, wherever. The Court then will proceed to
>> close the files. But, apparently, this did not happen. So, from Aminateh's
>> account, he and his co-accused are still, legally, clamped in-between
>> CAMCCUL's hammer and anvil as they await the next hearing date slated for
>> Monday, December 8. So, the window is open for us to help them out.
>> Tim


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.

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