Re: [camnetwork] Re: WHO IS AN ANGLOPHONE //////// Mendo Ze's room


Mishe Fon, I don`t get it. Where did Gaston Poufong put a foot wrong?
He was my classmate at Sacred Heart College, Bamenda and you who were
also there were not just our "Senior" but our "Senior, senior".

On 28/01/2016, '' [camnetwork]
<> wrote:
> Wow!!!Why should you have to explain yourself?What if you Bamileke?This is
> very sad!And then, we complain about Biya. You guys should leave Paupol
> alone. Thank God some people here will never get close to that
> presidency.Prinxess Becky
> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE device
> ------ Original message------From: GASTON POUFONG
> [camnetwork]Date: Thu, Jan 28, 2016 7:47 PMTo:
> [camnetwork] Re: WHO IS AN ANGLOPHONE //////// Mendo Ze's room
>   Tar Mfar Mishe Fon:Please, don't play that tune
> again. The one about the favorite Bamileke bogeyman of nationalistic
> anglophone Cameroonians. Stop beating down on Bamilekes who live among you
> and are your brothers and sisters. I for one know nothing about belle
> politics having come to the Usa as a young adult. My village Bagam just
> happens to share the same geographic space with other Bamileke villages. We
> the Eghap people speak a completely different language from other socalled
> Bamileke villages and our culture is kind of different. We are in the strict
> sense of the word not Banilekes, but that is another story for another
> time.If I learned that chickens must go home to roost, it has only come
> about from the stereotypical lens that has been projected on me by
> reflections such as yours. We should learn to accept people as individuals
> instead of easily categorizing them based on stereotypes. I for one still
> think of you as the ever smiling easy going Mishe Fon and for some reason of
> Small London of Saheco days. The bonds that some of us built and formed
> during those formative years are stronger that the divisiveness and acrimony
> that characterize relationships these days.Gus
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 28, 2016, at 4:00 PM, Mishe Fon [camnetwork]
> <> wrote:
>   There was a certain politician who was elected to
> represent Tiko constituency: I think his name was Oma Betow. When it came to
> critical issues that concerned "Southern Cameroon" in which parliamentarians
> of "Anglophone extraction" had to chime in and give credibility to the
> issues raised; the Tiko parliamentarian, Mr. Charles Oma Betow rose up on
> the 2nd of September 1996 and said approximately the following: "Yes, I am a
> UPC parliamentarian and was elected by the people of the South West Province
> to represent them BUT my loyalties are with my "Sanaga Maritime" ancestors.
> Our region is enclaved and deserves the attention of this corrupt
> government. Go to Edea, Eseka, Pouma, Boumyebel, Ngog Mapubi, Dibangue,
> Nsongloulou, Nsongbajek, Bakoko-Bijek and see how "my people are suffering
> under the New Deal CPDM administration.       As you may have guessed,
> Journalists present at the occasion pounded on him immediately to explain
> this conundrum and instead of doubling down, the Tiko based UPC
> parliamentarian lambasted: "Je suis d'abord un Sanaga (meaning Bassa) avant
> d'etre Anglophone du Sud Ouest. Je n,ai donc pas de compte a rendre ni a la
> presse ni a qui que ce soit". No more no less. And that is how poor
> Anglophones were once again fleeced by one of theirs for "Belle Politics".
> There are many (Bafang, Bangangte, Baham, Bafia, Mbouda, Nkongbou, Monatele,
> Obala, Donenkeng, Bokito, Dchang, Foumban) ANGLOPHONES who were born and
> bred in SW and NW Provinces; went to Sasse, Bishop Rogans, Miliko, GTTC, CPC
> Bali, Sacred Heart, St. Ngong, Frank Harcourt, Saker, Okoyong, Our Lady,
> Seat of Wisdom, Bojungo etc). Some even went to "England", Germany, America,
> Furabay, Ibadan, Lagos, Ahmadou Bello, LUTH, Ghana for further studies in
> ENGLISH SVP. Now, when some were appointed to positions of responsibility or
> as Government Ministers or big time parastatal Directors...aboriginal
> ANGLOPHONES were shocked to discover that automatically their erstwile
> "brothers and school mates" choose instead to identify with the village of
> their parental or grand parental birth. That is the schoolmate you knew
> simply as your classmate suddenly became a "Bamileke Man, an Ewondo man, a
> Bafia woman or an Eton/Manguissa man". You are not only shocked, but your
> disappointment eventually turns to resentment and justifiably so. That is
> the kind of politicks that out "Elders" have bequeath on this unfortunate
> generation...and that is essentially what Mr. Pufong was trying to prove
> here. i.e He is first and foremost of Bamileke origin. Period.Tah Mfar Mishe
> Fon
> From: "GASTON POUFONG [cameroon_politics]"
> <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 4:22 AM
> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [MINCAM] Mendo Ze's room
>   I don't see myself as Anglophone or Francophone but
> as a Cameroonian. However, I hail myself as a proud progeny of the most
> beautiful village that straddles the so called Anglophone- Francophone
> divide.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2016, at 11:01 PM, SAF [cameroon_politics]
> <> wrote:
>   What?  Mr. Poufong.  Are you francho or Anglo?
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android From:"GASTON POUFONG
> [cameroon_politics]" <>
> Date:Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 3:58 AM
> Subject:RE: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [MINCAM] Mendo Ze's room
>   How low, the high and mighty can fall. The
> fundamental question is why are all these people (men) being held? Even if
> they did not steal the monies, no good use would have been made of these
> funds. Cameroon basically lack the ethos to plan and use its resources for
> development.
> The so-called stolen funds even in state coffers would not have made us any
> better. It is ridiculous that all these people are being held to the
> contemptible silence of Cameroonians and the international community.
> Gus.
> To:
> From:
> Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 01:41:12 +0000
> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [MINCAM] Mendo Ze's room


Doctorat/PhD (Communication de Masse), Mastaire ès Lettres
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