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Wednesday, June 29, 2016


On the contrary, mate.
Your fraudulent PAAWCE fixation puts YOU are in good company with the
greatest force of evil known to man.
Let me show you how and why.
Anglophones, also known as Southern Cameroonians or Ambazonians, have
been clamouring all these years for the benefits of self-government
which benefits include 1. self-determination, the right to reject
subjugation, the right to reject cultural and structural violence, the
right to survival as a people etc. These rights are fundamental to
human dignity and the dignity of every people. While the benefactor of
the confiscation is these rights, alias French Cameroun, remains deaf,
dumb and blind to these demands we have your types from the community:
people who simplify the issues to musical chairs wherein they can
maintain ill-gotten privileges and hypocrites like Lucas Fon IN DENIAL
despite the overwhelming evidence. That the two of you are Shesans, my
very own alma mater, which is supposed to produce "genuine
intellectuals," in Fonlonian terms, is the tragedy. I say this to both
you and Lucas Fon: it is a free world. Disagree with me all you want,
challenge my facts all you want but do not dare call me names or else
my reaction will HENCEFORTH be exceeding abundantly above all more
violent than your violent unwarranted provocation.
Now, I am a Bible person, so let me show you where you stand.
See something:
The Lord God has more than 650 names and every name is attributed to a
virtue. He is the creator, the provider, etc etc.
The only one of his names that Satan wanted is the Most High.
See what Satan said in the DAY of His DISOBEDIENCE:
Isa 14:113 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into
heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also
upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:4 I will
ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
All YOU want with you PAAWCE claptrap is to RULE French Cameroun.
How does this solve the colonisation/annexation of Southern Cameroons?
How does this settle the horrendous and ongoing cultural genocide
manifested in the destruction of the education system in Southern
Watch your mouth.
I can understand ignorance and ignorant people but...there is a limit breaker.

On 6/28/16, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <> wrote:
> Ntemfac Ofege,
> All I can tell you is that your MIND is pre-wired into some putrefactive
> thought processing.That is the reason why your interpretation of the
> Ngemba-Widekum clan is the way it is.I have called you out when you have
> exhibited your Baforchu-Xenophobia.You exhibited that and continue to
> exhibit that I believe because you used tomilitate for the SDF. Ain't that
> right?
> Is a greater portion of your kinsmen and kinswomen, the KOUTEBs not in
> Nigeria?
> Whatever it is that is worrying you, whatever is said or done, I KNOW you
> will failto dis-engage from your putrefactive thinking.
> The next President of Cameroon shall be a PAAWCE. Nobody, no individual, no
> group of persons can stop this.This hath been Spiritually ordained. Very
> long time ago.We await its physical manifestation in this sinful world of
> ours.
> You can continue to spin wheels, gyrate all you want. Stick to your
> irredentist agenda.Have I stopped you in any way form or shape? I am
> heading to Yaounde. You are headingto Buea. What is your problem with
> me????? How do our roads meet? Eh?With your ben-ben trosah. Blessed Be
> Cameroon
> Pa Fru Ndeh
> From: "Ofege Ntemfac [cameroon_politics]"
> <>
> To:
> Cc: CAMNETWORK <camnetwork@yahoogroups.commkkl>;
> "" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 9:23 AM
> #yiv0224422298 #yiv0224422298 -- #yiv0224422298
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> Kenneth Jean Begheni Ndeh,
> Please stay with the issues and the facts, can you?
> Or are your seriously challenged with reading as well?
> This is what I wrote that got your goat.
> What I wrote was a challenge to your fictitious concolonial agenda;
> Rather than dispute the facts and the truths you had the audacity to talk
> about my imagined K-legs etc.
> Whereas I do not have K-legs for I am wonderfully and beautifully and
> handsomely made.
> Now tell us here and now:
> Is your PAAWCE a fraud or not?
> If not why not?
> Issuesthat DivideListen. I am not saying that there are no seriouslydivisive
> issues between Anglophones. Of course there are. Southern Cameroonians are
> in this messbecause, despite the intense warning of Endeley, they allowed a
> Dschang man –Foncha John Ngouh – and the rest of his Widekum-Ngemba fratas
> conjurati bamboozling them about the chimeric and illusive Shangri-La of
> their ancestral fatherlandeast of the Mungo. No sooner had he moved into the
> Prime Minister's Lodge asPremier than, to the bewilderment of the more
> circumspect 'forest" nativesFoncha John Ngouh transformed the central
> government into the final Milking Cowfor his graffi Bamendrous
> fraternity.Truth be told, the very Bamendrous Ngemba-Widekum clan
> (especially) continuetheir perennial duplicity, witchcraft and mischief to
> this day. Most of themhave their mouths to the West and their stomachs to
> the East to this day. Theyhave one foot in the very concept of the Southern
> Cameroons which concept theyuse as a weapon of blackmail to move their
> egomaniac, self-righteous,self-seeking and over-rated selves and
> over-bloated selves from the antechamberto the high table of the
> con-colonizer and thus glean crumbs from the hightable as it were. Tell me
> how exactly can you be SDF and SCNC? Or CPDM andSCNC? How exactly can you
> shout PAAWCE on free cyberspace with soporificalacrity while being a closet
> CPDM militant? The CPDM stands for anotherillusive claptrap called "one and
> invisible Cameroun" you see? Meaning that theconcept of West Cameroon is not
> an issue. The Bamendrous-graffi have even translated the so-called
> movementsposturing for the restoration of the statehood of the Southern
> Cameroons into aMilking Cow and a front for the manifestation of graffi
> hegemony. Those with savvy know that the written rule of theSouthern
> Cameroons Peoples Organization if for the leadership to always comefrom the
> Southern Zone.
> | | Virus-free. |
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 6:16 AM, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay
> <> wrote:
> Oh Please..... Massa Ntem Aloy Shoes Obouh Feungh.Next President of Cameroon
> a PAAWCE.Talking about carcasses, are you not a carcass of a political
> party?
> Blessed Be Cameroon
> Pa Fru Ndeh
> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
> To:
> Cc: CAMNETWORK <camnetwork@yahoogroups.commkkl>;
> "" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 9:11 AM
> Dear Mr Lucas Fon,
> First things first: My name is Prophet Ntemfac Aloysius Nkong Nchwete
> Ofege.
> It is spelt as it is written.
> This I know: that you decided long ago (with a mindset therein
> attached) that life offers you no better prospects than entertainment
> and being a vile clown.
> Reason why, since 1997, you hang around these Internet clowning your
> way through life and generally being a nuisance.
> Sorry, Prophet Ntemfac Aloysius Nkong Nchwete Ofege is not like unto you.
> I deal with serious issues and serious matters.
> You dare not challenge any of the solid facts and truths I have written.
> Rather you indulge in crass and infantile attacks upon my person as if
> those facts and truths will go away.
> They will not.
> Now, if you don't mind, ferry your carcass and your circus to they
> that are amused by your adult delinquency.
> I am not.
> On 6/27/16, 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay <> wrote:
>> This kind of incendiary rabble rousing agitated nonsense coming from a
>> self
>> proclaimed "Prophet" formerly a well respected Journalist (who should
>> know
>> better) that unnecessarily inflames, disparages, ridicules, causes
>> suspicion
>> and hatred amongst brethren is uncalled for. I honestly don't know where
>> "Prophet" NtemfacK is going with this kind of language. For the first
>> time,
>> I am learning that he (Ntemfack) is of the "Southern Zone (what ever that
>> means). When he and his colleagues of "CAMEROON CALLING" were given the
>> run-around by the Yaoundé authorities backed by their careerist
>> opportunist
>> co-workers; many of us in solidarity "Stood with them". At that time, we
>> did
>> not see Akwanka Joe Ndifor, Victor Epie Ngole, Asonglefack Nkemleke, Boh
>> Herbert, Tagni, Ngoh Bessing Suh Romanus, Zack Angafor, Enoh Chris Oben,
>> Luc
>> Ananga, Ebsy Ngoum, Julius Wammey, Willie Neba, Peter Esoka, Eric Chinje,
>> Jerry Domatob, Sam Nuvala Fonkem, Charly Ndi-Chia alias And Now (Lies)
>> From
>> CRTV, George Ntani, Becky Ndive, Animbom Munjo, Adamu Moussa and many more
>> I
>> cannot remember immediately. At that time and even now, I never heard of
>> Southern Zone or Northern Zone Reporting. All we admired from these
>> renown
>> gentlemen was their "Hard work" and holding Government accountable. Even
>> when our token gesture of appreciation constituted only that one "bottro
>> 33
>> Export + spiced Suya" at Carrefour Obili or en face Polytechnique".
>> Everyone
>> was happy and the camaraderie was genuine...not the Banza Mboko Langua we
>> are witnessing these days with this North West / South West
>> Nothern/Southern
>> Zone whatever. This is just plain wrong.So I will end my surprise by
>> sincerely wanting to know from my brother "Prophet Ntemfack Aloy Shoes
>> Obouh
>> Fegue: Na which side for Southern Zone dem born you?"FROM THE DESK OF
>> NTEMFACK OFEGUEThe SCNC posse did not force anybody to function; nobody
>> was
>> bullied, nobody was tied. It was just a job that had to be done, period!
>> You
>> will see and live more of these grand moments of national pride and sheer
>> heroism especially from Southern Zoners as we get along. Actually when
>> the
>> Southern Zoners brought the tape to the Bamenda Group and asked the
>> Bamenda
>> group to take over Radio Bamenda and cause the same broadcast, the graffi
>> folks panicked and said: ngang!Name them! Ndoki Mukete? Mr. (Justice)
>> Ebong?
>> Martin Ngeka Luma, the old Simon Munzu? Chief Ayamba? But, for Augustine
>> Ngom Jua and Prof. Carlson Anyangwe perhaps, produce one graffi leader
>> who
>> has stood tall for the Southern Cameroons as these South West giants.
>> Whereas those with inside knowledge on the Southern Cameroons
>> independence
>> groups would tell you how a group of self-righteous, self-seeking
>> incompetents led by one Nfor Ngala Nfor have done everything to undermine
>> legitimate leaders from the South West. Nfor Ngala Nfor and his cronies
>> subverted the lofty ideals of Justice Ebong. They played along because
>> Martin Luma was a strong personality. They greatly undermined Ayamba.
>> Today,
>> Nfor Ngala is posing as the National Chairman of the SCNC as if the SCNC
>> is
>> the umbrella organization of the struggle. And, as if the Southern
>> Cameroons
>> struggle is a graffi affair. Sadly Nfor Ngala Nfor enjoys the unflinching
>> support of his tribalistic graffi coconspirators. Belletician gone
>> ballistic, John Fru Ndi, has this day hijacked a movement created for the
>> salvation of the Southern Cameroons as is using it as the final cash cow.
>> With the overt and covert support of his graffi brothers. Like its CPDM
>> partner-in-bed, the current SDF does not and never will stand for the
>> Southern Cameroons. I recently had the honour of calling on Master Joshua
>> Osih, Vice President of the SDF. I listened with utter bewilderment as
>> Osih
>> reminded me that because Ndian rejected him when he ran for Senatorial
>> elections in Ndian he was now 'doing politics where he lived.' He was now
>> a
>> Douala-boy, Listen, Southern Cameroonians have placed great hope in Mr.
>> (Justice) Ayah Paul of Akwaya and the next logical leader of the
>> struggle.
>> The Bamendrous graffi should watch it: We will no longer tolerate their
>> two-timing games.
>> --
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> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a
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