[MTC Global] Epigenetics of Leadership

Dear All,
Our leadership and management style might actually have come at least in part if not wholly from our parents and that we might have had very little to do with it; New approach to evolution is called "epigenetics".
  • Leadership style is about the big things like vision, inspiration and followership. Management style is about the details such as implementation, execution and process. Epigenetics looks like it impacts both.
  • That your MBA, education, leadership experiences shaped your leadership and management style much less than you thought, if at all.
  • And that maybe your biggest unconscious influences on your leadership and management style actually came from your parents, or your grandparents, or even further back.
  • We all have unconscious cognitive biases that impact how we make decisions without ever realizing it. It's looking like epigenetics is a key driver of these unconscious biases.
  • What we think of as being our own particular and carefully nurtured personal style of leadership and management might in fact be a family style, passed on to us biologically without us ever realizing it. It's just that we never realized it.
  • http://www.perthleadership.org/index.php/perth-publication/insights/perth-research-and-white-papers https://www.google.co.in/#q=Epigenetics+Leadership

Darwin wasn't exactly wrong but he sure wasn't right on this one. We now know that offspring can indeed inherit acquired characteristics



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