Re: Detention of SCNC Activists is against human rights

Mr Mbesesha Patriotic salute to you. I did not say they are acting a's agents of an individual or a particular group. I am trying to say that when we write let our writings reflect our nation Ambazonia/FBSC and not a particula group or individual. In that way we are paying allegence to the state and not a group or an individual because it is a fight that needs every Ambazonian.
I have not discredited anybody or group for any contribution they have made.

The reason why I mentioned a name is to give credit to where it belongs. Some arrested brothers in Bamenda were called 'stray chickens' and others condemned for not taking permission to hold a meeting. If it were properly addressed I wouldn't have wrote anything.

However, I believe in action more than talking and writing. What I believe we should all do now is to put ourselves in the shoes of the detainees take their pain as ours and put resources together to take the struggle to a different level.

Thank you and let us focus our energy against the enemy.

Pst Roland Fominyam

On 29 Aug 2016 12:53, "'Timothy Mbeseha' via ambasbay" <> wrote:
Mr. Spokesman of the Fed.of Ambazonia, what are you implying here. I think your contribution is a total distraction. Are you suggesting that the State Counsel should change the charge from "Acting for the SCNC" to reflect that they were acting as agents of Chairman Cheo Ayaba in order to succeed?  You may say what you want but you may admit that at least in the past two decades, the SCNC is the group that Yaounde considers a real threat to what it does in the former British Southern Cameroons. I wonder whether you have any records of how many times Nfor Ngala Nfor, late Chief Ayamba and others have been incarcerated in the last decades for this cause. If the spokesman of Ambazonia wants to claim that the unfortunate detainees are agents of Ambazonia/Chairman Ayaba that is good but to prove your point go ahead and organize more meetings specifically for Ambazonia because it has been proven that a few isolated incarcerations of our people are very unlikely to lead to our freedom or even draw significant notice by the international community whose support we badly need. Many more mass incarcerations in the name of the Fed Government of Ambazonia might draw international attention and hopefully some reaction in favor of our people. My advice therefore is that instead of trying to take undue advantage of what these people are going through, the Ambazonia government that you speak for should do more. So far, the defense of the detained is that they were in a restaurant as normal customers not agents of anybody and for no purpose other than doing what people who are in restaurants are supposed to be doing-eating or preparing to eat.

On Monday, August 29, 2016 7:19 AM, AMBAZONIA GOVERNING COUNCIL <> wrote:

It should be made clear that when our people Ambazonians/FBSCns are arrested it does not imply they were acting in the name of SCNC.
They were/are acting as Ambazonians for Ambazonia/FBSC.
The recent revival within the territory is thanks to the AGC under the leadership of Dr Ayaba Cho. It has costed both time and money to generate the revival which has led to the arrests of our peaceful people.
Recently, the AGC has mobilised both lawyers and the citizens to attend court hearing in Buea.
It is time for us to support the detained brothers because they are already putting their lives on the altar. We should get past much talking and writing and support financially at least.
Pst Roland Fominyam
Nat Spokesperson for the Fed of Ambazonia.

On 29 Aug 2016 10:21, "'Fon Christoper Achobang' via ambasbay" <> wrote:
Detention of SCNC Activists is against human rights
Government of the Cameroun Republic arrested 16 alleged activists of the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) around the University of Buea junction on Sunday 17 July 2016.  After detention at various police stations in Buea, 14 of the activists were taken before the State prosecution and were remanded in prison custody since 21 July 2016.
The trial Magistrate, Beatrice Nambangi charged the activists of 'participating in a planning meeting to hold an unauthorized assembly in a public place, contrary to and punishable under section 231 of the Cameroun Penal Code'.  
David Njousi Abang, one of the alleged activists claims he had gone out before noon that Sunday morning to meet a friend at Mr. Clean Restaurant.
"Out of a sudden I saw a combined squad of police and plainclothes paramilitary appear and started rounding up people at the restaurant. I approached to ask what was going on. That is how I was rounded up with the others," lamented David Njousi Abang.
David went to the restaurant to meet Nke Valentine, one of the alleged activists. He had tarried in Buea after the marking of the Cameroon General Certificate of Education (GCE) examination.
Legal minds argue that they do not see how people gathered in a restaurant for food were breaking any law. They claim that the preamble of the constitutions (1960, 1972 and 1996) of Cameroon were abundantly clear as they guaranteed freedom of assembly and freedom of speech to its citizens.
Last Thursday 25 August 2016, Court of First of Instance Buea (CFIB) witnessed another travesty of justice as a panel of judges sat to decide on the admissibility of bail to the activists. Panel of judges is only constituted at the level of Courts of Appeals and higher jurisdictions to hear matters in Cameroon.  
Over 50 members of the Common Law Association, mostly English speaking lawyers trouped into Buea from Bamenda, Limbe, Buea and beyond to argue for the admissibility of bail and submission of a preliminary objection of the matter before the courts.
Overwhelmed by the unsubstantiated arguments of the State Prosecution, it is the conviction of the lawyers led by Bar Council member, Kemende Henry Gamsey, Barrister Tanguni Gilbert and Barrister Nkea, that the court rules on the nullity of the case.  Magistrate Beatrice Nambangi adjourned the matter to Tuesday 30 August 2016 for ruling.
A widely circulated statement from the PM of the National Governing Council of the SCNC calls on Southern Cameroonians to turn up massively in Buea Court premises on Tuesday 30 August 2016 for the next hearing. The statement reads,
"Compatriots, there could be no better time for us to be more determined to defeat the illegal occupation of our land than now. Our lawyers did a marvelous job at dismissing Cameroun's illicit claims that we belong to them. Please, we must turn up massively in Buea court premises on Tuesday 30th August 2016 for the next hearing. We are stronger together as one. God Bless Ambazonia." signed PM.  Ambazonia is the indigenous name for Southern Cameroons.     
In a phone conversation, Barrister Kemende Henry Gamsey said, even without supporting the positions of the alleged SCNC activists, it is his learned opinion that the accused persons have access to justice and be heard on the merits of the law.
The SCNC is accused of harboring an agenda to secede from the Cameroun Republic which treats Southern Cameroons as a colony. The Southern Cameroonians argue that they are not seceding as there was never a bonafide union with the Cameroun republic as there is no Act of Union deposited at the United Nations Secretariat General as proof of union.
The Cameroun Republic was Trust Territory of the United Nations governed by France, while Southern Cameroons was a United Nations Trust Territory governed by England. The Cameroun Republic speaks French and is subservient to all French policies while Southern Cameroons spoke English and enjoyed some degree of autonomy till it was forcefully and systematically annexed by its own counterpart in 1961 and 1972.
For over 55 years since pseudo-independence by joining the Cameroun Republic, Southern Cameroons has witnessed the painful erosion of all its institutions and its annexation by the neocolonialist French speaking brother. All viable financial institutions like banks, businesses, projects were dissolved or carted over to the French speaking side of the country.
Today, the courts in Southern Cameroons, with 99.99 percent of the population speaking English, have been flooded with French speaking judges and prosecutors. The laws have always been diluted and violated and made secondary to political whims. The Common Law Association was therefore formed to address some of the legal hardships imposed on the English speaking populations, enough justification for them appearing in their numbers to defend the SCNC activists .
Hundreds of English speaking Southern Cameroonians are languishing in jail and denied justice for simply standing up and asking for the freedom to independently make their own choices.
Unarmed civilians who pose no danger to public security are rounded up even on Sundays and whisked off to inhumane detention centers for harboring divergent political opinions. 
Curiously, crime is on the rise in the Cameroons perpetrated by or under the watchful eyes of the same overzealous law keepers cum law breakers.
The present batch of activists in Buea is made up of some really old people who no longer pose any real danger to the Cameroons.
The full list of detainees     
Date of birth
Nke Valentine Yong
26-12-1960  at Njinikom
GBHS Atiela Bamenda
Tonjoh Peter FEHBI
7-2-1950 at Bang Mfuni
Barombi-Kang Kumba
Asoh Cletus
25-8-1984 at Tiko
Muea – Buea
Tebo Titanji Christian
3-3-1946 at Angie
Angie-Batibo Momo
Bisong Mathias Arrey
18-8-1939 at Muyuka
Mokube Alus Ngoe
21-7-1958 at Mubenge
Njousi David Abang
14-01-1965 at Belo
Fokum Andrew
19-06-1963 at Ekona
Ekona town
Mbua Richard
32-12-91 at Buea
Shey Alfred Sembe
13-07-1964 at Binshua
Binshua – Nkambe
Teacher – Politician
Moto James Eni
1948 at Iyombo Ndian
Retired Teacher
His Maj. Nhon Ekane Iveson Maths
23- 01-1944 Bangem
Traditional Ruler
Nyah Watad Check
20-07-1991 Kumba
Isaac Kamga Nkounga
27-05-1987 Leicester, London
Software engineer
Fon Christopher Achobang
Social Commentator, Human rights activist
The Cameroons
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