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Saturday, October 29, 2016

RE: [MTC Global] Thought Experiment on Made in China goods.

Dear Madam,
In addition to your post and in Continuation of China policies are complete and complete of a rogue arrogance - a continuous process of misleading their nation and the world.
Let us take the case of Uber has to sell its stake to Didi a copied version of Uber.
Google does not make sense to them because on search Chinese citizens will know the truths and world will know of human atrocities committed on daily basis.
Except Apple with its selfish motives of having its highest sales no other MNC is associated.
We can go on---
The day India and its citizens will come to know the Dams that are built along Brahmaputra Basin - in coming years we will not have single drop of water.  It is bubble any day it will burst.
Very scary association - let us beware of Chinese - Beware of Chinese we need to say it day in and day out.

With Regards,
Vijay  Chaitanyam Kumar Samala.
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From: kiran paranjpe
Sent: ‎29-‎10-‎2016 19:45
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Thought Experiment on Made in China goods.

Dear Sir, It must be conceded that the Chinese follow their policies in international
relations closely aligned with their economic policies. Their economic policy is ground
on a) expansion of their exclusive zones for commercial exploitation and b) finding
global customers for their cheap products.

India seems to be a pushover. They felicitate India on expanding the trade of largely low
cost goods made in their country and at the same time oppose India's attempts to protect
its borders. They admonish India for arranging tours of visiting dignitaries to Arunachal
Pradesh. They also humiliate India on such issues as membership to the UNSC, NSG and even
to acknowledge the role of the International terrorists spawned by our hostile neighbors.
India is seen to react to these incidents with alacrity.

The boycott of Chinese goods is one such response. The role of the Cash economy in
smuggling Chinese goods from the Nepal and other entry points exposes the poor control
over the flow of these goods.

Perhaps in time to come, we may develop a more consistent and coherent policy that aligns
our various economic interests with our international ambitions. For the moment at least,
this does not appear to be so.
Best Regards,

On Sat, 29 Oct 2016 11:39:41 +0530 Stephen Narayanan wrote
>China has already given a clear warning that it won't hurt them much if India boycots
their goods as exports to India is just 2.8%. However this in turn could affect the
Chinese corporates Investments in India which is on a much larger scale. Even our film
stars are promoting chinese goods ( Alia Bhatt: Gionee, Hrithik Roshan and Sonam Kapoor:
Oppo,) besides the Samsung which are not being manufactured in China. The cheap labor and
Government protection for the Industries is something which we need to figure out and
perhaps develop a suitable model to counter the same. A decade back Ready Made Garment
Industry in India had lost out to Bangladesh for the very same reason. John Miller, Arrow
& many other brands which were being manufactured in Bangalore & Gurgaon were shifted to
Bangladesh as the cost of production ( involving labor cost ) worked out to be very less
there. Added to that the Indian Labor with militant unions which would often strike work
- Maruti Suzuki & Hero Group faced this several times. Could labor in China go on strike
against factories?Unfortunately when we are not self sufficient in production of basic
fertilizers ( Potash ) for which too we are dependent on China, we need to self
introspect and evaluate where we have gone wrong and immediately do course correction to
salvage future fall out of a possible Chinese embargo. A Country which boasted of being a
Agrarian country now has to import pulses from other countries.Agreed China has been
favoring Pakistan as it has lot of stake in the Gwadar port development to open up a
silk-route for trading. Also with lot of their engineers working in pakistan they cannot
afford to wade into pakistan's policies of anti-India outlook and supporting LET/JEM and
the traitors whom our own politicians are supporting tacitly. Also when our own people
are turning over classified defense documents to Pakistan for monitory benefits what can
we say to the world? Where is the love, regard and pride for the country? Our Courts took
4 years to reach a judgement to hang the terrorist Kasam.....feeding him Biryani in the
jail for diet. Italians and many developed countries are sceptical about Indian judiciary
and their abilities to give proper justice.As of today, the Supreme Court is complaining
that the Center is sitting on approval of lot of pending appointment which have resulted
in log-jam and pend-ency of cases.Even the High Courts these days seem more interested in
clearing only politically motivated cases immediately and not too concerned about the
cases pending for more than two decades.On top of that we have Judges themselves who have
been exposed as being corrupt and taking bribes and commissions and kick-backs. Where is
morality?Stephen NarayananFreelance Educational Consultant/Corporate Training

On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 5:15 PM, 'harsh Vardhan kothari' via Management Teachers
Consortium, Global wrote:
of Chinese Goods make sense because primarily it is tactically aimed at
throwing the ball where it hit the hardest. This Diwali this movement
is quite strong. Of late when India is trying to have its legitimate
position in World by being permanent member of Security Council and also
member of NSG , it is China which is blocking the same.

Similarly China is also not supporting India's effort of eradicating
Terrorism by putting pressure and isolating Pakistan in this matter so
that ultimately it works to eliminate terrorism.

China is all
prevailing in Manufacturing so it is very difficult to have influence on
that and with so much economic clout it is almost impossible to put
major economic disadvantage to it. But of late Chinese Economy is
slowing down and facing problems of mounting debt and its dangerous
repercussions, because of limited maneuver of absorb the same.

All of us know that there is huge Balance of Payment problem of trade
between India and China; and China has huge favorable Balance. If the
boycott persists and spreads it can lead to less surplus for China or
establish balance between both. It will further lead to slowing of
China's economy and its impact on its own peril.
Therefore this
marginal effect on Chinese Economy at its difficult time will lead to
realize the advantage in taking care of India's interests in World. If
China realizes the advantage of working with India and treating it as
partner then perhaps both countries can help each others Economy and
security goals. Both will be at advantage if they treat each other

Therefore trying to not use at least directly sold under
Chinese Brand name till they recognize India's Interests is a reaction
by common Indian at Individual level but has a tactical act to
pressurize China to recognize above listed India's legitimate interests.
Regards,Harsh Vardhan Kothari

From: Stephen Narayanan
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Thought Experiment on Made in China goods.

We can atleast make a start by chucking out the Junk Food. All these noodles, poodles,
crispers, crackers are allmaladies from imported chinese machineries. Just like the step
in Education process of going back to mother-tonguecompulsorily, we can revert back to
state food..... In Gujarat, KFJ's : Khaakra, Faafda's and Jalebi Joints. I saw
anexperiment during Modi's rise and the Chaiwala controversy.... all over Ahmedabad and
Vadodara many small outletsby the name of "Chai-Wai;'s"opened up. Just to prove the point
I guess and they are still operational with PM in hissecond innings...I mean second year
in power.Trust is more difficult for a North Indian to live in South ( bachelor
life) than for  Indians to settle in China.All our political leaders who give a call for
boycot of a product would themselves have half a dozen of the same in their closet.Even
if we remove the - "ese"from Chinese.....Life would not be Eesy.
Warm Regards,Stephen NarayananFreelance Educational Consultant/Corporate Training

On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 11:06 AM, 'K. Sampath Kumar' via Management Teachers Consortium,
Global wrote:

Dear friends,

Good morning.
Made in China goods.
 ============================== ==============================  
Thought Experiment on Made in China goods. 


  An interesting write up that explores the influence of Chinese goods In our trade
life and how vulnerable we are associated with it.In the recent past there have been
calls for boycotting Chinese goods. The question is: Whether this can be executed? Or to
put it more specifically, whether it can be executed by a middle class Indian? Consider
my personal situation. I am writing this column on a Lenovo laptop, which is Made in
China. The Kindle book reader which I use to refer to many books that I quote in my
regular columns, was assembled in China. My internet connection is provided by Reliance
4G Wi-Pod. The device has been made by the ZTE Corporation, which is based out of
Shenzhen in China. I use the Moto g4 PLUS mobile phone, which is Made in China. I own the
most basic model of a Hewlett Packard printer, which is Made in China. I own a Toshiba
television, which also happens to be Made in China. This shouldn't be so surprising. In
2015-2016, 36.6 per cent of Indian imports from China constituted of electronic products.
Engineering goods came in second at 28.9 per cent and chemicals came in third at 18.4 per
cent. So, basically if we want to hurt China, then these are the goods which we should
not be importing from them. In total, they formed close to 84 per cent of Indian imports
from China. So far so good. How realistic is this? Here's a thought experiment I did in
order to figure this out. So let's say you want to go out somewhere. You decide to call
an Ola or an Uber taxi. There is a very good chance that you do this using a Made in
China phone. In 2015-2016, 16.3 per cent of Indian imports from China were telecom
instruments. Even if you manage to avoid that, chances are that some component of the
phone would be Made in China. You have no way of knowing. Why do I say this? This is
primarily because MNCs these days manufacture products using global supply chains. As the
World Trade Report for 2013 points out: "A central feature of this... age of
globalisation is the rise of multinational corporations and the explosion of foreign
direct investment (FDI)... Upwards of two-thirds of world trade now takes place within
multinational companies or their suppliers - underlining the growing importance of global
supply chains." This is something that India has clearly missed out on due to a whole
host of reasons, which are beyond the scope of this column. Further, the battery of the
phone used to call the taxi, is charged through electricity. Chances are the electricity
that you are using has been produced using equipment imported from China, using loans
provided by the Chinese banks. Electrical machinery formed 4.4 per cent of Indian imports
from China in 2015-2016. You avoid thinking about this rather esoteric point and get back
to calling for the cab. You need to go out after all. And in order to do that, you need
to call an Ola or an Uber taxi. If you call Ola, you need to know that Ola is in alliance
with Didi Chuxing, a Chinese taxi-company. They have entered into a non-compete clause.
If you call Uber you are going to use Paytm to pay the taxi driver. The Chinese company
Alibaba is the major investor in Paytm. So that rules out paying electronically. So you
need cash. You go to withdraw cash from an ATM. Chances are the ATM will be in Made in
China. So what do you do now? You go to a bank branch and withdraw money. Chances are the
computer used by the teller to give you cash is also Made in China. So what do you do?
You think chuck it, let's not go out anywhere because we don't want to encourage Made in
China. Let's order a Pizza. Ah, a perfectly American Pizza. Uncle Sam can have my money
but I am not going to give it to China. What do you think Uncle Sam will do with that
money? Order goods from China. But that is a second-order effect. So you ignore that and
curse that MBA degree that makes you think so much. Nevertheless, Pizza has cheese. And
cheese is made from milk. In 2015-2016, industrial machinery for dairies formed 4.7 per
cent of Indian imports from China. Oh then, it's quite possible that cheese also has Made
in China inputs. What is a Pizza without cheese? But you compromise and decide to go get
Pizza bases from the market and make one for yourself at home with tomato ketchup. Wait,
wait, wait! What is a Pizza base made of? Wheat. And farmers use a lot of fertilizer to
grow wheat and other food grains. In 2015-2016, fertilizers formed 5.25 per cent of
Indian imports from China. India is dependent on imports in the case of phosphatic and
potassic fertilizers. As far as phosphatic fertilizers are concerned, almost 90 per cent
of it is imported. With no known commercially exploitable source of potash in India, the
country is totally dependent on imports for potassic fertilizers. You decide not to think
so much and just to order and eat the Pizza. After eating the Pizza you feel a little
queasy. You decide to pop a tablet. Wait, wait, wait. Medicinal and pharmaceuticals
formed 3.8 per cent of Indian imports from China in 2015-2016. Bulk drugs and
formulations formed a major part of this. In 2015-2016, bulk drugs and formulations
formed around 3.7 per cent of Indian imports from China. So chances are that the drugs
that have gone into the making of the tablet have been imported from China. Even if they
haven't, there is no way for you to figure out. How do we go we genuinely go about
avoiding Made in China? Let's say we boycott Chinese brands. You don't buy a Moto G phone
but an Apple iPhone. While iPhones are also assembled in China, a large part of the money
will go to Apple, which basically seems like an American company. Interesting. But the
moment you buy Apple, you pay more. This leaves you with lesser money to buy everything
else and in the process Indian manufacturers lose out. Hence, Apple is not worth the
trouble. Okay, so you buy a Samsung phone. Samsung is a Korean brand. But they also make
stuff in China. If more and more people buy Samsung phones (and not Moto G) that in turn
will also benefit Chinese companies. What they lose out on Moto G they will possibly make
up from Samsung. So where does that leave us? It leaves us with crackers. Yes. Diwali
crackers. Make sure you buy Indian brands this year. Made in Sivakasi. And not Made in
China. And in the process keep encouraging regular fires in Sivakasi. And forget about
the fact that there have been cases of Sivakasi fire cracker entrepreneurs also getting
their stuff Made in China. You will only know once you open the packet. And how much will
a boycott of crackers hurt the Chinese? Perhaps a little. But not something that they
can't manage. Fire crackers are low value products at the end of the day. So how is it
possible to really hurt China? The way out is to ensure that the government creates an
environment where Indian manufacturers can compete with the Chinese ones. And that is
easier said than done.--a



With regards,
 Dr. K. Sampath Kumar,  B.A. (Economics), BGL, M.Com., M.Phil., Cert. A.I.I.B.,        
                                MBA (Finance), MBA (HR & Marketing),  ACS, FCMA, Ph. D.,
Professor, SSN School of ManagementC/o. SSN College of Engineering Rajiv Gandhi Salai
(OMR)KALAVAKKAM - 603110 Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, IndiaLandline :  044-
24860668Mobile    :  9094405733  Success consists of getting upjust one more time than
you fall-- Oliver Goldsmith


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