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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

[MTC Global] MTFI, CA, USA joins as an Official Partner to 7th World Edu Summit 'Sankalp 2017'

7th World Edu Summit is getting much much bigger and stronger everyday. MTFI, California, USA joins as an official partner to it. Looking forward to meet you all at Bangalore, India , this Sep. Join us and let us connect the dots at

Chairman ~ World Edu Summit

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[MTC Global] Former GE CEO Jack Welch says leaders have 5 basic traits — and only 2 can be taught

For some people, the question of whether leaders are born or made is truly intellectual — fodder for a good classroom or dinner party debate.

But for people in front-line positions to hire, promote, and fire, the question, "Who has the right stuff to lead?" definitely has more urgency.

Getting the answer right can drive an organization's culture and performance to new levels. Getting it wrong can too — downwards.

So what's the answer? Of course, since we're talking about real life here, it isn't neat or simple. The facts are, some leadership traits are inborn, and they're big whoppers. They matter a lot. On the other hand, two key leadership traits can be developed with training and experience — in fact, they need to be.

Before going any farther, though, let's talk about our definition of leadership. It's comprised of five essential traits. These traits, by the way, do not include integrity, which is a requirement in any leadership position, or intelligence, which is likewise a ticket to the game in today's complex global marketplace. Nor do they include emotional maturity, another necessity. These three characteristics are baseline — they're givens.

So let's go beyond them. From our experience, the first essential trait of leadership is positive energy — the capacity to go-go-go with healthy vigor and an upbeat attitude through good times and bad.

The second is the ability to energize others, releasing their positive energy, to take any hill.

The third trait is edge — the ability to make tough calls, to say yes or no, not maybe.

The fourth trait is the talent to execute — very simply, get things done.

Fifth and finally, leaders have passion. They care deeply. They sweat; they believe.

As you may have figured, positive energy and the ability to energize are pretty hard-wired. They're basically personality. Similarly, passion feels inborn. Some people just seem to come fully loaded with intensity and curiosity; they naturally love people, life, and work. It's in them. It is them.

Edge and the ability to execute are different. New hires rarely show up with them in polished form, and even middle managers benefit from training in both. But the best teacher for these two traits is trench warfare. That's because edge and execution are largely a function of self-confidence. You can say yes or no a heck of a lot better when you've done it a bunch of times and seen how well decisiveness works.

Likewise, only in real world challenges can managers truly feel the power of moving quickly, demanding accountability, and rewarding results. They can also experience how damaging it is not to execute — a mistake most effective leaders don't make twice.

So are leaders born or made? The answer (perhaps not surprisingly) is both. Your best strategy, then, is to hire for energy, the ability to energize, and passion. Go full force in training and developing edge and execution.

Promote the people who have a good dose of all five traits. Always remember, though, that not everyone was meant to be a leader. But as long as you are one yourself – it's your job to find and build those who were.

Jack Welch is Executive Chairman of the Jack Welch Management Institute . Through itsonline MBA program, the Jack Welch Management Institute transforms the lives of its students by providing them with the tools to become better leaders, build great teams, and help their organizations win.

Suzy Welch is co-author, with Jack Welch, of  " The Real-Life MBA — Your No-BS Guide to Winning the Game, Building a Team, and Growing Your Career ," which debuted as a #1 Wall Street Journal and Washington Post best-seller, and of the #1 Wall Street Journal and international best-seller Winning.

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Founder &  President 
MTC Global: A Global Think Tank in 
Higher Educaiton Education, ISO 9001: 2008
Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic Impact
Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 9964660759


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[MTC Global] Conexion ~ The best value proposition to your institution

Dear Professor,

Sub: MTC Global Centre for Excellence – Conexión

Greetings from MTC Global.

Here is a great opportunity for your institution to establish a MTC Global Centre for Excellence "Conexión" in your esteemed institution.

MTC Global with its access, reach, acceptance, credibility and contribution, is the most trusted name in Management Education Parlance and such a Centre for Excellence would definitely provide more impetus and help in strong positioning, knowledge sharing, quality improvement and bridging the Industry – Institute Partnership.

MTC Global is an Apex Advisory Body in Management Education in the world having presence in over 30+ countries, over 250 B-Schools, 30,000 + members, 45 national chapters, 32 international chapters  and connected with millions of people across the world through its different initiatives. A participant in United National Global Compact program, United Nations Academic Impact and ISO 9001: 2008 certified organization.

Apart from many other benefits, the management students would have the privilege of pursuing one job oriented certification course in blended learning mode [online /distance / offline] freely from MTC Global which would equip them in their immediate placement and future career progression.

Under MTC Global Research and Publication Wing—Faculty and students will enjoy the privilege of publishing research paper in a top ISSN number global Journal and contribution of papers in all our edited Books, joining joint seminar/conference/workshop apart from many other benefits.

I am sure such an initiative would bring forth multiple benefits and spin-offs for the institution in the coming days.

Looking forward to hear from you. Upon your feedback, will send you the other details and procedures to establish the same.



MTC Global CoE
Get on Board, Get the Leverage
+91 96323 18178

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Re: Fwd: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel

Dear Members,
The Panel recommendation probably based on the following reasons...
1. Non availability of Ph.D holders in the respective subject
2. Ph.D acquiring through wrong roots
3. Pressure from the private institutions because majority of the institutions and universities are from private sector. For them, It has become very difficult to find the     Ph.D faculty and pay salaries to them as per rules.

Coming to point that 'Ph.D holders are not good teachers', but this is not correct in my point of view, because a candidate who have done Ph.D immediately after PG or M Phil may not deliver  as good as Non-Ph.D faculty who has few years of  teaching experience. That might be true in majority cases. A person with Ph.D and few years of teaching experience will deliver  goods in better way than an reasonably experience non-phd teacher. Most of the Ph.D awardees are having already teaching experience. That statement may be suitable for few individuals who are acquiring Ph.D without teaching experience. But we should also recognize that the research experience always added advantage for teaching. Particularly in Hihger Education We should give equal importance to research also as equal as teaching then only our purpose will be solved.  We are talking about Higher education, therefore, mere teaching is not a whole duty of the teacher, it is a part of duty. 
If that recommendation is accepted I can say the system will be more worse than the  present. How do we define a Quality teacher? are there any parameters to define a Quality teacher? Education institutions may misuse the opportunity. who will do research? who will bring new things into curriculum? who will take higher education a head? If we focus only on teaching it means we have half of our job. Therefore, Instead of that we should think how to stream line the system?.how to control dummy Ph.Ds. How to increase the quality in teaching and research?. I think  Research is the key for higher education. Let us respect true & valid research. All of the above a teacher should have PASSION to teach.

This is my personal opinion.

On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 8:46 AM, 'thanikachalam vedhathiri' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global <> wrote:
Teachers,  researchers, guides, supervisors, consultants, innovators, and intrapreneurs: 
We need key performing faculty in all higher education. If we exclude doctorates, then we have to depend on foreign universities for knowledge capital.
Doctorate degree holding faculty also need improvements in curriculum development, instructional design,  evaluation of the students and research focused on knowledge capital.
Never downgrade faculty with Ph.D.
Thanikachalam. B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D., M.S., FIE., FIGS

From: Ramesh Vemuganti <>
To: "'Dr. Pratap Reddy S' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2017 12:21 AM
Subject: Fwd: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel

27th Feb, 2017

"Quality teachers ,without PhD, are needed for colleges" is a welcome step for improving the quality & enhancing the standards of Higher education. This should have been done 15 years back in our country. Salaries should have been raised at par with industry. Then, Higher education would not have been in this state.

But a PhD has to be valued. The issue for research scholars & doctorates in not knowledge absorbtion or knowledge enrichment - what they need is knowledge management. To provide them an industry perspective, a one year orientation course/ internship for the Doctorates in teaching before their appointment as full time faculty. The evaluation must be done in an unbiased way by senior academicians, Professors & industry experts. Based on the earlier mails & opinions of senior members in MTC G, the process of awarding a PhD degree has to be streamlined - right from entry/ admission to the viva/ thesis/ completion stage.

A mix of academicians, professionals, entrepreneurs & industry managers should teach Management courses in every college, institution & university dept offering an MBA/ PGDM. Some B schools, where this is done, are among the top B schools in Asia. Industry goes to them. So many times, many industry managers & senior professionals seek my opinion on which college is recommended for hiring. I offer a fair opinion, where I am aware. With unwavering implementation, in 1 year, Management education will become the most sought after course .


Prof Vemuganti Ramesh


Begin forwarded message:

From: Amal Chaudhuri <>
Subject: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel
Date: 27 February 2017 at 4:02:15 PM IST

​Amalendu, MBA
A proud MTCian since 2009

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Re: [MTC Global] As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a studenthas ever t...

A revolutionary in Academic Arena. Working for innovative strategies in teaching and learning 

Sent from my  iPhone 7 Plus

From: Imimarla via Management Teachers Consortium, Global <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 7:21:55 AM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a studenthas ever t...
>>> please enlighten me:
What on earth is an "Academic Evangelist"???
Irmi V. Marla (Sociologist/Anthropologist)
Chairperson: International Institute for Holistic Research and Voluntary Action (India-Germany) in collaboration with Rural Business Hub Foundation India
Coordinator: Action Group for Good Governance (AGGG)
German Handy: 0049(0)17621443430
, Vellanad - 695543, Kerala, India
Mob. 0091(0)9910461835

The International Institute provides overall guidance to RBHFI with international connectivity. This is to activise viable investment opportunities without grants, rebates and subsidies. By recognising performers and lobbying for people-oriented, humane policies, both institutions strive for an egalitarian society and a peaceful world.
Our main fields of action are HRD, cross-culture issues, Disaster Management, Panchayat Raj and grassroot empowerment, self-employment and enhancing employability, and bridging the gap between white and blue collar labour through holistic approach to education and training.

Publications in India
Operationalising Holistic Human Development. Food for Thought and Ideas for Action in the Rural Context (Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2007)
Misery of Leadership - A Holistic Approach to Good Leadership
(authorspress, New Delhi, 2011)
In a message dated 28/02/2017 19:09:35 India Standard Time, writes:
The teacher should read one day before and a student must read one day after

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra <> wrote: This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! ( Add cleanup rule | More info


Learning to learn must be a hobby rather than an occasional occurence. 


Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra (Author & National Awardee)

Academic Evangelist,

Next Education India Pvt. Ltd.


From: <> on behalf of Prof. Bholanath Dutta <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 2:22:02 PM
To: join_mtc
Subject: [MTC Global] As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a student has ever taught you?

As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a student has ever taught you?

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Founder &  President 
MTC Global: A Global Think Tank in 
Higher Educaiton Education, ISO 9001: 2008
Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic Impact
Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 9964660759


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With Best Wishes & Regards

Shivanand B.Math

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[MTC Global] Data Analysis through SPSS during 3-5 April 2017

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

​Greetings from School of Commerce Studies, Jain University, Knowledge Campus​, Jayanagar

The School of Commerce Studies, Jain University is conducting a 3 day Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Data Analysis through SPSS during 3-5 April 2017. 
The detailed brochure is attached for your kind reference. 


3-4 April: Basic
 of SPSS and statistical tools for data analysis 
 April: Advanced data analysis
​ through SPSS​

Participants may register for 3-4 April or 5th April or for all the 3 days.

Pl share th
​e attached brochure​
 with you contacts. This is very useful 
​workshop ​
for PG students, M Phil and PhD scholars, faculty members and even industry professionals who have the NEED TO LEARN DATA ANALYSIS THRU SPSS.

​Faculty members and professionals​
 from different departments such as media sciences, commerce and management, agricultural sciences, mathematics, 
​psychology, ​
engineering, computer science, MBBS background, clinical researchers, working professionals from industry, etc.  have participated in the previous two seasons.

The event has only 30 seats to be filled on first come first serve basis. 10% discount will be provided, when 3 or more participants register from the same institution. 

Online registration will be facilitated on request.  

​Thank you

With Warm Regards,

Madhavi R
Prof. Punith Raj

FDP Coordinators

Jain University

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Re: Fwd: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel

Teachers,  researchers, guides, supervisors, consultants, innovators, and intrapreneurs: 
We need key performing faculty in all higher education. If we exclude doctorates, then we have to depend on foreign universities for knowledge capital.
Doctorate degree holding faculty also need improvements in curriculum development, instructional design,  evaluation of the students and research focused on knowledge capital.
Never downgrade faculty with Ph.D.
Thanikachalam. B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D., M.S., FIE., FIGS

From: Ramesh Vemuganti <>
To: "'Dr. Pratap Reddy S' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2017 12:21 AM
Subject: Fwd: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel

27th Feb, 2017

"Quality teachers ,without PhD, are needed for colleges" is a welcome step for improving the quality & enhancing the standards of Higher education. This should have been done 15 years back in our country. Salaries should have been raised at par with industry. Then, Higher education would not have been in this state.

But a PhD has to be valued. The issue for research scholars & doctorates in not knowledge absorbtion or knowledge enrichment - what they need is knowledge management. To provide them an industry perspective, a one year orientation course/ internship for the Doctorates in teaching before their appointment as full time faculty. The evaluation must be done in an unbiased way by senior academicians, Professors & industry experts. Based on the earlier mails & opinions of senior members in MTC G, the process of awarding a PhD degree has to be streamlined - right from entry/ admission to the viva/ thesis/ completion stage.

A mix of academicians, professionals, entrepreneurs & industry managers should teach Management courses in every college, institution & university dept offering an MBA/ PGDM. Some B schools, where this is done, are among the top B schools in Asia. Industry goes to them. So many times, many industry managers & senior professionals seek my opinion on which college is recommended for hiring. I offer a fair opinion, where I am aware. With unwavering implementation, in 1 year, Management education will become the most sought after course .


Prof Vemuganti Ramesh


Begin forwarded message:

From: Amal Chaudhuri <>
Subject: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel
Date: 27 February 2017 at 4:02:15 PM IST

​Amalendu, MBA
A proud MTCian since 2009

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Re: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel

Dear Professors
                  We should not generalise the attitude of Teachers.Majority of us are Good Human beings.We are Teachers.We are not here to BLAME others.We can do our level best to correct our system through our Contribution,Our Role Modeling, Our moulding process of our Children.

We are Great.

With Regards.,

Training Solutions India Inc.,
Mobile : 9443606677

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 6:31 PM, Vivek Sharma <> wrote:
I feel that teachers in higher education institutions should be classified as research teachers and teaching teachers. A good teacher who  can help students to give a good learning experience may not necessarily be a good researcher and vice versa may also not be true.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 2:49 PM, Pious Thomas <> wrote:
Boxbe This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! ( Add cleanup rule | More info

Great idea.
I support 100% for this.
Generally, majority of Ph.Ds are not good teachers.

Let us look for teaching quality, not highly qualified.

Warm Regards

Dr. Pious Thomas

Director, Academic

Bharata Mata Institute of Management (BMIM)

Thrikkakara, Ernakulum, Kerala

Mobile India: +91 7591915902


On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:32 PM, Amal Chaudhuri <> wrote:

​Amalendu, MBA
A proud MTCian since 2009

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Re: [MTC Global] As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a studenthas ever t...

>>> please enlighten me:
What on earth is an "Academic Evangelist"???
Irmi V. Marla (Sociologist/Anthropologist)
Chairperson: International Institute for Holistic Research and Voluntary Action (India-Germany) in collaboration with Rural Business Hub Foundation India
Coordinator: Action Group for Good Governance (AGGG)
German Handy: 0049(0)17621443430
, Vellanad - 695543, Kerala, India
Mob. 0091(0)9910461835

The International Institute provides overall guidance to RBHFI with international connectivity. This is to activise viable investment opportunities without grants, rebates and subsidies. By recognising performers and lobbying for people-oriented, humane policies, both institutions strive for an egalitarian society and a peaceful world.
Our main fields of action are HRD, cross-culture issues, Disaster Management, Panchayat Raj and grassroot empowerment, self-employment and enhancing employability, and bridging the gap between white and blue collar labour through holistic approach to education and training.

Publications in India
Operationalising Holistic Human Development. Food for Thought and Ideas for Action in the Rural Context (Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2007)
Misery of Leadership - A Holistic Approach to Good Leadership
(authorspress, New Delhi, 2011)
In a message dated 28/02/2017 19:09:35 India Standard Time, writes:
The teacher should read one day before and a student must read one day after

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra <> wrote: This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! ( Add cleanup rule | More info


Learning to learn must be a hobby rather than an occasional occurence. 


Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra (Author & National Awardee)

Academic Evangelist,

Next Education India Pvt. Ltd.


From: <> on behalf of Prof. Bholanath Dutta <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 2:22:02 PM
To: join_mtc
Subject: [MTC Global] As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a student has ever taught you?

As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a student has ever taught you?

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Founder &  President 
MTC Global: A Global Think Tank in 
Higher Educaiton Education, ISO 9001: 2008
Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic Impact
Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 9964660759


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With Best Wishes & Regards

Shivanand B.Math

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Bonjourr très cher !!!!

Je suis Sylvie RON, je suis une comptable dans une Banque en Afrique, j'ai une proposition d'affaires de 12.500.000€ dont je veux que vous gérer avec moi depuis ma banque comme bénéficiaire. J'ai obtenu votre adresse dans une base de données professionnelle quand j'étais à la recherche d'un partenaire étranger sur Internet pour confier une affaire par un système fiable et honnête.
Je tiens à vous informer que 40% de cet argent sera pour vous comme partenaire étranger, tandis que les 10 % pour les dépense et 50% restants seraient pour moi.
Par la suite, je vais visiter votre pays pour le partage selon les pourcentages indiqués ci-dessus. Dès réception de votre réponse, je vous enverrai un texte d'application, qui vous envoie à notre banque comme proche parent du défunt, également vous fournir l'ensemble des informations de la personne décédée pour vous permettre, de vue juridique de la réclamation.
Ce compte appartient à un de nos clients étrangers. Il était l'un des actionnaires du conseil en télécommunication au Burkina Faso en provenance du Mexique, il est mort sur un accident d'hélicoptère.
Je serai très ravi de vous entendre dès que possible et a assuré que cette opération est 100% sans risque. Encas si vous avez besoin d'en savoir plus à propos de cette affaire, la réponse à mon adresse. Aussi cette question devrait être confidentielle entre vous et moi.
Je vous remercie pour votre compréhension.
Mme Sylvie RON.

Looking for IBM BPM Consultant....

Hope you are doing well today,

Please let me know if you are comfortable with for this role. If yes please send me your updated resume along with the best number to reach you ASAP.

Job Title     : IBM BPM Consultant
Location    : HERNDON,VA
Duration   : 06+ months

Required skills :
Must have  3-4 years of experience of development of IBM BPM
Must be 7+ Years of Experience. 
Thanks & Regards.
Samad | Sr Technical Recruiter
Izar IT Solutions
655 N Swift Rd, Addison, IL 60101, USA
+1 708-401-3107

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