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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

[MTC Global] Story: The wow approach

Last spring I was walking in a park. A short distance ahead of me was a mom and her three-year-old daughter. The little girl was holding on to a string that was attached to a helium balloon. 
All of a sudden, a sharp gust of wind took the balloon from the little girl. I braced myself for some screaming and crying.
But, no! As the little girl turned to watch her balloon go skyward, she gleefully shouted out, "Wow!"

I didn't realize it at that moment, but that little girl taught me 

Later that day, I received a phone call from a person with news of an unexpected problem. I felt like responding with "Oh no, what should we do?" But remembering that little girl, I found myself saying, "Wow, that's interesting! How can I help you?"
One thing's for sure - life's always going to keep us off balance with its unexpected problems. That's a given. What's not preordained is our response. We can choose to be frustrated or fascinated.

No matter what the situation, a fascinated "Wow!" will always beat a frustrated "Oh, no."

So the next time you experience one of life's unexpected gusts, remember that little girl and make it a "Wow!" experience. The "Wow!" response always works . 

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Founder &  President 
MTC Global: A Global Think Tank in 
Higher Education, ISO 9001: 2008
Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic Impact
Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 9964660759


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[MTC Global] Why Engagement levels aren't increasing?

Why  Engagement levels aren't increasing?

With so many organizations focusing on engaging their employees, the 

question that frequently troubles our minds is: "Why aren't engagement 

levels across the world increasing?"

Gallup sees a clear divide emerging within the engagement industry. 

On one end there are scientifically and experientially validated approaches

that lead to changes in individual and business performance, supported

by strategic and tactical development and performance solutions that 

transform organizational cultures. And on the other,unfocused annual surveys

and a multitude of workplace dimensions that often have limited alignment with

other business objectives and can be difficult to take action upon after receiving results.

In reality, when companies focus exclusively on measuring engagement rather than

on improving engagement, they often fail to make necessary changes that will

engage employees or meet employees' workplace needs. 

These shortcomings include:

•viewing engagement as a survey/program instead of as an ongoing, disciplined 

  method to achieve higher performance

•focusing more heavily on survey data or reports than on developing managers 

  and employees

•defining engagement as a percentage of employees who are not dissatisfied

   or are merely content with their employer instead of a state of strong employee

   involvement, commitment and enthusiasm

•relying on measures that tell leaders and managers what they want to hear

•Not treating employees as stakeholders of their future and their company's future

These flawed approaches pose significant barriers to improving engagement, 

increasing performance, promoting manager development and achieving lasting

change. Then where does the solution lie?

By studying and working with highly engaging and high-performing organizations, 

Gallup has identified five best practices that improve engagement and performance:

1.Integrating engagement into the company's human capital strategy.

2.Using a scientifically validated instrument to measure engagement. 

3.Understanding where the company is today, and where it wants to be in the future.

4. Looking beyond engagement as a single construct. Engagement isn't determined

 by an abstract feeling; it's the result of concrete performance management activities, 

such as clarifying work expectations, getting peoplewhat they need to do their work, 

providing development or promoting positive co-worker relationships.

5.Aligning engagement with other workplace priorities.

Creating a culture of engagement requires more than completing an annual employee

 survey and it requires a company to take a close look at the critical engagement elements

 that align with performance and with the organization's human capital strategy. 

Managers and leaders should keep employee engagement top of mind -- because 

every interaction with employees can have an impact on engagement and organizational


Prof A Jagan Mohan Reddy,
Symbiosis Institute of Business  Management,
Symbiosis International University
Survey Number 292,Off Bangalore Highway,
Nandigama Mandal,Mamidipalli Village,
RangaReddy District-509217,
Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 11:09 AM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <> wrote:
Employee engagement is a challenging task for employers. Are employees are taking care of their responsibilities...

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Founder &  President 
MTC Global: A Global Think Tank in 
Higher Education, ISO 9001: 2008
Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic Impact
Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 9964660759


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[MTC Global] Mumbai schoolteacher forced to sell idlis on streets for a living

After working as teacher at a school in Kalyan near Mumbai for 14 years, Dilip Raje, 52, is now forced to sell idlis on the streets for a living. Reason: the school education department's decision to do away with surplus teachers in Marathi medium schools.

Raje, who was sacked in September 2016, used to teach social science and Marathi at Shishu Vikas Madhyamik School, Beturkarpada. "I always wanted to be a full-time teacher. I was promised a full-time post, but they never fulfilled it," said Raje

He was paid Rs6,000 as part-time teacher. His post was approved in 2009, after which his salary increased to Rs15,000 a month.

Raje is the only earning member of his family. His son is 17 years old, while his daughter is 2.

"I approached the education department to consider our demands and find a way to protect our jobs. At least 52 teachers from Thane and Palghar lost their jobs," said Raje.

Raje puts up his makeshift stall at Vasant Valley in Kalyan (West). " I don't hesitate, but I am not satisfied with what I am doing. I enjoy teaching and I wish to work as a teacher all my life," said Raje, who plans to move court.

According to the new rules, a batch of 30 students from Class 1 to 5 and a batch of 35 students from Class 6 to 8 can have only one teacher.

 Source: HT

Amalendu, MBA
A proud MTCian since 2009

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[MTC Global] Job Satisfaction ~ Employee Engagement ~ Employee Responsibility

Employee engagement is a challenging task for employers. Are employees are taking care of their responsibilities...

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Founder &  President 
MTC Global: A Global Think Tank in 
Higher Education, ISO 9001: 2008
Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic Impact
Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 9964660759


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[MTC Global] The current growth is a jobless growth

Mumbai : Conceding that growth of the economy not translating into more employment, a task force has been set up to compile figures of jobs generated in the last three years, according to Union Minister Bandaru Dattatreya. "The current growth is a jobless growth. Many European and Asian countries, including India, are facing it. Growth is being reported, but it's not reflecting in employment generation," Dattatreya told reporters here on Wednesday. 

A jobless growth describes a situation in which an economy recovers from a recession but the job market does not. "But, we should also know that our country has only two per cent technical workforce, against the requirement which is huge," Dattatreya said. 

However, the Union Minister for Labour and Employment said the Narendra Modi-led government's initiatives such as 'Skill India' aim to address this shortfall. He said it was true that the statistics department showed that employment generation figures appeared to be on lower side. 

"But, I have not received confirmed data from 23 ministries about job creation in their respective fields. I have therefore set up a task force to compile the figures and come up with (figures of) actual employment generation," he said. 

The minister also said the current education system has too much emphasis on theory. For instance, he said, in the engineering field 80 per cent curriculum is theory and 20 per cent is practical knowledge, while it should have been 75 per cent practical and 25 per cent theory.  

Source: HANS India

Dr. S.S. Dey

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Dear friends,

Good morning.

About neck and shoulders.


A crick in the neck can be irritating, painful, and can even cause headaches and upper back pain. To alleviate the tension you might be experiencing in your neck, there are a number of natural treatments you can try at home. In addition, the following simple exercises and stretchesare also effective for treating neck and shoulder pain. Most of the exercises below can be performed while sitting or standing, holding each stretch for 30 seconds, or a minimum of five to 10 breaths. For instant relief, take a long, hot shower to help loosen the muscles prior to exercising.  
Set 1: Relieve Neck Tension
Benefits: The following exercises will help relieve tension in the neck. These simple stretches alleviate neck muscle strain, whiplash (or neck sprain), cervical nerve stretch syndrome or wryneck (a condition in which the head becomes angled to one side and is often associated with painful muscle spasms).
1. Lateral Neck Stretch
Technique: Look forward and keep your head up. Keep your hands behind your back. Slowly move your ear towards your shoulder. Do not lift your shoulders up when you tilt your neck to the side.
2. Rotating Neck Stretch
Technique: Keep your spine in an upright position, with your shoulders still and your head up. Rotate your chin gently toward your shoulder. While holding the stretch, do not let your chin fall towards your shoulders - keep it parallel to the floor.
3. Forward Flexion Neck Stretch
Technique: Stand upright, relax your shoulders and keep your hands by your side. Let your chin fall forward toward your chest. Do not overstretch the back of your neck by forcing your head down - stay relaxed in the stretch and let the weight of your head do the stretching for you.  
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4. Diagonal Flexion Neck Stretch
Technique: In an upright position, with your shoulders relaxed and your hands by your side, allow your chin to fall forward toward your chest. Then, lean your head to one side, gently. Do not overstretch your neck by forcing your head downward. Relax and let the weight of your head do the stretching for you.
5. Neck Extension Stretch
Technique: Stand in an upright position with your hands by your side. Ensure that your shoulders are relaxed. Lift your head, looking upwards. Keep your mouth closed and your teeth together.
6. Neck Protraction Stretch
Technique: Keep your head up, chin parallel to the floor, then push your head forward, sticking your chin out. Throughout the stretch, keep your head up and do not let your chin fall towards the ground.
7. Sitting Neck Flexion Stretch
Technique: Sit in a chair, cross your arms over one another and hold onto the chair between your legs. Let your head fall forward gently and lean your body slightly backwards. Do not overstretch the muscle by forcing your head down. Relax and let the weight of your head do the stretching for you.
Set 2: Relieve Shoulder Pain

Benefits: The next set of exercises focus on stretching the shoulders. These exercises are useful if you have a dislocation, impingement syndrome, shoulder tendinitis or bursitis (inflammation of the soft tissue around the muscles and bones) or frozen shoulder.
1. Parallel Arm Shoulder Stretch
Technique: Stand in an upright position, placing one arm across your body. Keep your arm parallel to the ground, pulling your elbow towards your opposite shoulder. Throughout the exercise, your arm should be straight and parallel to the ground.
2. Bent Arm Shoulder Stretch
Technique: In an upright position, with your arm across your body, bend your arm at 90 degrees, pulling your elbow towards your opposite shoulder. Keep your upper arm parallel to the ground while doing the exercise.
3. Wrap Around Shoulder Stretch
Technique: Stand upright and wrap your arms around your shoulders as if hugging yourself. Pull your shoulders back. Do not pull too quickly on your shoulders. Ease into the stretch by slowly pulling your shoulders back.
4. Cross Over Shoulder Stretch
Technique: Stand with your knees slightly bent. Cross your arms over each other and grab the back of your knees. Slowly rise upward until you feel tension in your upper back and shoulders. Your shoulders should be level to the ground and try to avoid twisting or turning to one side while doing the stretch.
5. Reaching-Up Shoulder Stretch
Technique: Keep your spine long, with your shoulder blades drawing down your back. Place one hand behind your back and reach up between your shoulder blades. You may notice your rotator muscles in the shoulder become tight while performing the stretch, so do so very slowly and with caution.

6.Elbow-Out Rotator Stretch
Technique: Stand with your hand behind you, fingertips on your lower back and your elbow pointing behind you. Reach over with your other hand and gently pull your elbow forward. Due to most people having tight rotator cuff muscles, practice this stretch gently and slowly.
7. Arm-Up Rotator Stretch
Technique: From a standing position, lift your arm out to the side, with your forearm pointing upwards at 90 degrees. Use a broomstick for extra support and place it in your hand behind your elbow. With your other hand pull the bottom of the broomstick forward. This exercise will help stretch the rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder.
8. Arm-Down Rotator Stretch
Technique: Stand with your arm out to the side, this time with your forearm pointing downwards at 90 degrees. Place a broomstick behind your elbow and pull the top of the broomstick forward with your other hand. Practice with caution if your rotator cuff muscles are tight.

[MTC Global] Good social cause

Dear friends,

Good morning.

Good work.


Rena River in Maharashtra Revived by ‪‎Art of Living

Rena river in Maharashtra revived by Art of Living in 3 months at the cost of Rs. 17 million benefitting 1500 acres. This is the 13th water body revived by Art of Living and we look forward to reviving many more as part of the water revolution. 


With regards,
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar,  B.A. (Economics), BGL, M.Com., M.Phil., Cert. A.I.I.B.,
MBA (Finance), MBA (HR & Marketing),  ACS, FCMA, Ph. D.,
, SSN School of Management
C/o. SSN College of Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR)

Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India
Landline :  044-24860668
Mobile    :  9094405733
Success consists of getting up
just one more time than you fall
-- Oliver Goldsmith

[MTC Global] Thought for the day

Dear friends,

Good morning.

Have a fine day.

With regards,
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar,  B.A. (Economics), BGL, M.Com., M.Phil., Cert. A.I.I.B.,
MBA (Finance), MBA (HR & Marketing),  ACS, FCMA, Ph. D.,
, SSN School of Management
C/o. SSN College of Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR)

Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India
Landline :  044-24860668
Mobile    :  9094405733
Success consists of getting up
just one more time than you fall
-- Oliver Goldsmith

Re: [MTC Global] Time For B-Schools To Look Beyond Corporate Interests, Help Govt

Dear All,
All the stake holders are looking forward to a game changer breakthrough from the status quo.
  • Redefining the Customer Segment: The enlightened and dynamic enterprises, private, govt, NGOs, startups responding to the massive changes in the evolving economy, national as well as global, need qualified, skilled, motivated and adaptive business managers to interface with the emerging technologies paving the way for synergistic collaborations and partnerships for radical transformation.
We may need to take stock of our core capabilities and work upon them to cater to the segment of our choice.
Warm regards,

On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 1:05 PM, Prabhakar Waghodekar <> wrote:

God helps them who help themselves.


Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
NH 211, Beed by pass road,
Aurangabad: 431010 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925
Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: "virendra goel" <>
Sent: Wed, 31 May 2017 08:58:33
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Time For B-Schools To Look Beyond Corporate Interests, Help Govt [] On Behalf Of manickam gajapathy
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 10:04 AM
To: 'Dr. PARAG NARKHEDE' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Time For B-Schools To Look Beyond Corporate Interests, Help Govt


Aptly summarised by Prof.Ramesh Vemuganti....Many groups and trusts started B Schools and Management Institutes in commercial interests only but not to enhance the skills of the students...


Now that market is in the corrective mode and institution which withstand  the market challenges are here to survive and grow...So much of literature and useful concepts are available thanksto many pioneers like F.W.Taylor, Henry Fayol, Elton Mayo, Jerome McCarthy, Peter Cricket, Philip Kotler, Abraham Maslow, C.K.Prahlad, T.V.Rao and the list goes on and on....


If we should come close to the ranks of Wharton, Stanford,Harvard, Insead, Melbourne School, Oxford, Cambridge, it's a long way and the path has to be charged out well and in next 10 years , we can challenge them with our competence...



With best regards,



MBD Department

Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science, Chennai-119



On 30-May-2017 9:24 AM, "Ramesh Vemuganti" <> wrote:


My take is:

    Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

    Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
    Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

    From: Syed Ameen>
    Sent: Mon, 29 May 2017 20:08:10
    Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Time For B-Schools To Look Beyond Corporate Interests, Help Govt

    Dear all,


    I would like to repeat saying that, there is no differentiation made between good, bad and average performer especially in this sector and hardly we find few passionate teachers.


    So passion, plan and perseverance makes fabulous teachers. I guess 360 degree performance appraisal suits the need and even human resource accounting too. Survival of the fittest - I mean those who really work passionately and bring results are to be empowered and even package must be purely on the basis of performance.


    There must be high level of healthy and progressive competition in teaching and it has to be strictly followed.


    Selection criteria includes more of documents and degrees and why not excellence and passion with that?


    Many business schools have come up and students are segregated much, they hire people with less salary to reduce cost and they don't bother what those teachers make? Are they making assets of nation or liabilities?


    We must have a serious discussion on this and final decisions must be implemented soon to maintain the dignity of management education.



    Prof.Syed Ameen


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