Re: [MTC Global] Life Lessons: What can I learn in one minute that will be useful for the rest of my life?

Thanks to all,
Jack and the beanstalk.
For achieving life's goal:Think backwards and act forwards; Have a dream and build a
ladder to it.

On Tue, 27 Jun 2017 19:39:34 +0530 Pious Thomas wrote
>Thank you professors,

Good techniques.

Emotional Quotient is more important than IQ.

I remember the 3 Principles of EQ.

1. When you are angry, don't respond.
2. When you are sad, don't decide.
3. When you are happy, don't promise.

Warm Regards
Dr. Pious ThomasProfessor, Department of Economics and Business
Christ University, Bangalore

Phone:+91 9980795902

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Usha Gowri wrote:
To postpone stress.I fix a time to 'start' stressing.So if I think I am going to miss my
train and I am on the way I do two things:ask myself what is the worst thing that can
happen and my brain instead of worrying will move gears to finding Plan B.second: ok, I
have 25 minutes more-so I will relax now and start worrying 15 minutes from now. In 10
minutes we would have covered a good distance so I can tell my brain 'we have come this
far and anyway Plan B is ready'. Relax again  etc....100 percent I will catch the
train Sounds silly doesn't it? I thought so too when I was taught this trick.But over the
many  years I can be cool as a cucumber when everyone else is flustered.This is based on
a great finding called " signposting".We can sign post to our brains whatever we want-be
it feeling good to being courageous to worrying. Which is why survivors of plane crash
recall that they listened to the hostess when she announces safety measures and knew
exactly what to do and how to move!!.The  signposted brain is unconsciously ready for
challenges.So on the road-we look for signposts of the things we need-and the brain will
spot the Petrol pump sign for you.Exams, challenges,issues...any situation first take
that minute to signpost your brain. My best signposting was when a vehicle I was in
turned turtle.People who pulled me out told me how I had held on to my handbag so tightly
no one could take it from me.Obviously I had unconsciously planned it because I was
carrying a lot of cash and had signposted my brain to hold on to it in case of trouble.I
was  stunned .But that is how powerful the technique is .We also call this presence of
mind :-))G

 Usha K SankarPresidentCo.Re FoundationPartner Tugboat Consulting and Marketing Services
What is to be does not necessarily have to be.

Let go or get dragged 

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 6:49 PM, Amal Chaudhuri wrote:
Here is the million-dollar tip-Whenever you are angry or upset with someone or something,
do not reply or SEND a reply via email.So what to do? Well, just type it out completely,
full of all your rage and fury, adorned with all those amazing adjectives, and ready to
fire like the Agni VI missile loaded with multiple warheads, and SAVE TO DRAFT.No matter
what, don't press that SEND button. After a few hours, you'll heave a sigh of relief, and
will most probably, quietly, delete the mail. You just saved a relationship.All the best!
Amalendu, MBAA proud MTCian since 2009


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