Why Aminatou Ahidjo went into depression in Yaounde
Aminatou Ahidjo is the youngest of the former Cameroonian President's daughters. At the death of their father, the family moved from France to Dakar in Senegal where Abdou Diouf offered accommodation. She was barely 10 years old at that time.

A drop out from the "Universite de Dakar" after registering in the Faculty of Law, Aminatou became a hot headed recalcitrant adolescent and moved out of the family residence "hanging around friends". She was missing her "Lycee Leclerc" friends back in Yaoundé and wanted to return to Cameroon. Using her god given natural potential (a beautiful body) she cornered a diplomat at the Cameroonian Embassy in Dakar who then put in a word for her at the Etoudi  Presidency. A line of communication was established between Anderson Le, Camer Embassy in Dakar and Jean Kuete of the CPDM central committee.

As a quid pro quo, (Aminatou had to officially declare support for President Biya by publicly joining the CPDM) she requested (and was paid) the sweet sum of 400 million Frs CFA. She equally requested a high profile appointment into a gov't position of responsibility. She was told "Le President va s'occuper de ca des que tu arrives a Yaoundé". All arrangements completed and all protocol respected (except she never told her mum the secret discussions she was having with Y'de authorities).

As planned, she arrived Douala from Dakar (with a Senegalese Passport) and was immediately whisked to the nations capital. Hurriedly, Police immigration officials were brought in and they immediately gave Ms Aminatou a new ID Card (informatisee svp), a Cemac Cameroonian Passport and a CPDM card as resident of her village Gachiga in Garoua (where she had never been).

Remember she was born Feb 26th 1969 @ the Maternite Principale of the Hopital Central de Y'de where the head midwife "Sage Femme" on duty was a certain Jeanne Irene Biya Nyangono (the first wife of the current Cameroonian President).

Now fast forward to today July 2017.

Aminatou is an established socialite in Yaoundé.
Her initially proposed appointment as a "Senator" did not materialize. She waited. She was told "Il faut attendre les prochains remaniements ministeriels where she had a choice between being Minister of Sports or Minister of Social Affairs. She waited and is still waiting. Exasperated by this strange "promesse" she called the Presidency and was told "Le president est tres occupe avec le probleme des Anglophones aux nord ouest et sud ouest. Le moment venu, tu sera contacte. Inutile de nous appeler".

She then calls the CPDM Central Committee but is given the following: "Mlle Ahidjo, ce n'est pas comme ca que ca se passe. Vous croyez que nous autres nous ne voulons pas aussi des postes de responsabilites? Je vais te faire une petite Kongossa de polichinelle:
Quand je regarde un peu votre curriculum vous dites que vous avez suivi des cours en Sciences Politiques, Sociologie, Relations Internationales et Communications @ l'universite Catholique de Frichbourg en Swiss et Ecole des Hauts Etudes de R.I de Paris. Mlle! Soyons serieux, logiques et claires. Tu a abandonnes tes etudes en faculte de droits en premiere annee a Dakar. Tu crois que le President  Mb'ya est stupide a ce niveaux. Je ne dis pas qu'il ne peut pas te nommer . C'est sont ses prerogatives en tant que Chef d'Etat; mais avec les faux diplomes comme ca, tu croyais que quoi? Mettez vous a sa place. Un peu de retenu quand meme."

And that is how Aminatou Ahidjo started to get her "reality check" into control. Luckily for her, with the "handsome bribe" monies she had initially received from the government cajoling her to join the RDPC, she created her own business company called Abacom now known as "Chrysalide" which is at least keeping her busy while listening to the "Journal de 13 heures" if Biya would "Mimba her" by looking past her "Diplomes" and honor his promises of making her at least a Minister of anything or something. "Je n'arrive pas a comprendre les Camerounais. C'est eux qui m'ont contacte de rentrer au pays, mais regarde comment ils me traitent maintenant. A dire meme que certains ont meme profite de ma gentillesse corporelle. Vois moi des vieillards comme ca. Qu'ils me fichent le camp".
No more no less.


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