Fwd: [AmbasZone] Let's us fight "smarter" even while getting 'angrier'! We as a people who will never be recognize even as a "minority" in Cameroon should long ago have recognized this fact and accepted our destiny as a UNIQUE people deserving of their own UNIQUE country. No need to re-invent the wheel as the basis for this self- awareness and recovery as a solution in operational via the "identity and nationalism" construct of the name AMBAZONIA. Let us use it to retrieve our lost independence!

We will immediately be introducing "palpable power" into the struggle, if we as that collective of people now under the yoke of pan-Kamerun oppression were to make things easy for the rest of the world to know of our plight (amongst the plethora of "interest-based" global issues competing for attention)  by invoking our rights of self- determination as the very distinct people of AMBAZONIA!

By doing this, we will be telling both the offending Cameroonian state and the rest of the world that we "know who we are" at the same time that we "know what we want"; which in very clear and unmistakable terms is independence for our country we have "PRE- defined" as AMBAZONIA.

Note people! 
Why this our "very legitimate" as well as "very legalistic" struggle still lacks the element of power today is because it is yet to be integrated as a veritable liberation movement. We are still conducting this revolution at the level of the individual, the tribe and the region, none of which carries enough energy to break the "political sound barrier" where states recognition meets states integrity! At this moment "state integrity" braced and sanctioned by the defaulted geo-political realities is winning. We must change this dynamics by introducing the element "power". We must start climbing this "power ladder" at its base. The "free power" we have which is yet to be introduced and deployed in this our struggle is the "people's power" of our independence movement tied to the principle of self- determination. Take it and use it-- please let's not continue this stupidity by denying ourselves this real power! 

All movements come about because of a need. In ours, it should be very clear, very simple since it equally should be what unites us that our need is independence. For just too long we have been victimized by the "fallacy of relative truth". All roads leads to Rome even if it means burrowing through the center of the earth is how simplistic we have tolerated incoherence!  Simplistic notions regardless of their apparent and real incongruities, have been promoted as viable  "liberation strategies" and received support from an unsuspecting people. We have to at the least accept that thus is currently happening and  should not be tolerated but condemned! This is reason why even after the need of independence had long been identified, we are yet to gain any reaction from the rest of the world that is favorable to us. Why should any diplomat or country embarrass themselves by supporting a struggle in which as of today at least three different independence ideologues are in circulation? One, independence via some kind of federation, another independence by introducing the Northern Cameroons mix, another independence through legalism of several competing positions. While all of these are going on the very key test of resolution and differentiation in the principle of self-determination has been minimized to the point of non existent thanks to our penchant for "personality politics".

Therefore we all should be in agreement that it is past time to get the attention of the rest of the world that we are a recolonized people. WE MUST VERY CLEARLY AND VERY SYMBOLICALLY DEFINE THIS PEOPLE. This will be so easily done in our case if we were to go further by "consciously" attaching this our need (independence) to "the engine" that will direct and propel it-- attaching it to a liberation ideology! This is not a thing to be left to the hazards of chance; to be left to flow along the default contours of our history. NO!! This engine, otherwise called IDEOLOGY must be the product of a very conscious effort specifically directed towards finding the permanent solution to the problems we face in the region. Why we remain the only UN Trusteeship to not know that termination of trusteeship tantamount  to independence. 

We should all be in agreement that we live in a very bad neighborhood where exist a country called CAMEROON! This bad "tiger" Cameroon, will never suddenly change its stripe to become like CANADA! Recall that the later does not restrict Parti Québécois after  collection of 50000 signatures to table a referendum on the question of secession from Canada every election cycle!!!! 

It should no longer be a matter of endless debate that as an integral part of our strategy (PRE-meditated in this PRE-independence phase we are) we must seek to differentiate ourselves from Cameroon. Again, our history should only be used to guide us towards making the proper "survival adjustments" and NEVER as an imposition to be repeating its mistakes. Recall that had not our politicians got caught under the spell of pan-Kamerun mania ((the entire field was drowned by the reunification tsunami)), all they had to do was DO NOTHING but wait for  the United Kingdom to terminate its  trusteeship over the territory. Its like the coin that had two sides: on one side is "termination of trusteeship"; on the other side is "independence for that trusteeship", as per UN Article76(b). The damn plebiscite would not have happened had we conducted the requisite "identity and nationalism" politics as dictated by the hostile neighborhood we happen to find ourselves in. We did not then in the 1950s and still do today year 2013. So therefore nothing has changed and reason why even here in the free lands of the USA, pan- Cameroonism runs the day as championed  by our very own brothers and sisters -- 

Let's do the right thing now and introduce the element of real power into the struggle by adopting the PRE-independence identity and its accompanying nationalism of the name AMBAZONIA. Do this and see the international community recognize our cause at the same time they recognize  Cameroon as a country illegally and forcibly occupying our country we have do clearly differentiated.

The cardinal requirements of survival in a hostile system dictates that you "fight smarter even while getting angrier" or else you will be defeated! 

Edwin Ngang
A Community Organizer for ALIM ( AMBAZONIA Liberation Movement )  

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Pa-Teh <pateh.nubong@yahoo.com>
Date: October 25, 2013, 4:07:00 PM EDT
To: ambasbay@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [AmbasZone] Let's us fight "smarter" even while getting 'angrier'! We as a people who will never be recognize even as a "minority" in Cameroon should long ago have recognized this fact and accepted our destiny as a UNIQUE people deserving of their own UNIQUE country.  No need to re-invent the wheel as the basis for this self- awareness and recovery as a solution in operational via the "identity and nationalism" construct of the name AMBAZONIA. Let us use it to retrieve our lost independence!
Reply-To: ambasbay@yahoogroups.com

Brother Edwin,
Your write-up is very good and pertinent to our struggle. But what I have never been convinced to understand is that obstinate attachment by the leaders of the other factions to the label" Southern Cameroons".Dishonest  authorities of LRC have always deliberately twisted the idea and convinced their audience that it is the southern part of LRC with headquarters being Ebolowa that's threatening secession. I don't see any fault in adopting this name. This name issue is actually causing a lot of draw-back to our struggle. Our leaders need to sit down and officially adopt this name and the approach offered by HRH Fon Gorgi Dinka so that we can push this thing through. This is my humble take.May God bless.

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 5:50 AM PDT Edwin wrote:

Let's us fight "smarter" even while getting 'angrier'! We as a people who will never be recognize even as a "minority" in Cameroon should long ago have recognized this fact and accepted our destiny as a UNIQUE people deserving of their own UNIQUE country.
No need to re-invent the wheel as the basis for this self- awareness and recovery as a solution in operational via the "identity and nationalism" construct of the name AMBAZONIA. Let us use it to retrieve our lost independence!
Why they said "specialization" breeds efficiency?
-/: the world already knows us ( people of "Southern Cameroons ) as Ambazonians!

Why can we not just use this IDENTITY and its accompanying NATIONALISM to seek that much needed "specialization" as we engage this FIGHT for our independence?

Since 1984 when the illfated Cameroon federation was dissolved by "Restoration law 84-01, we automatically reverted to our pre-federation status which was that of a sovereign and independent state possessing a "distinctive" INTERNATIONAL PERSONALITY from Cameroon!

The internationally known principle of "creation and extinction of states" has simply taken effect when in 1984 Restoration Law 84/01 while rendering EXTINCT the "Federal United Cameroon Republics", was at the same time "CREATING two sovereign personalities as it's successor states;  namely:
(1) The Republic of Cameroon (former Republic of Cameroon as it returned to it's name at 01/01/1960 Independence Day)
(2) The Republic of Ambazonia (the former United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration). People we have to get SMARTER before getting ANGRIER as the name "Southern Cameroons" is the single reason our leaders during the 1950-60 independence struggle era failed to recognize that "TERMINATION of TRUSTEESHIP" tantamount to INDEPENDENCE for that territory!!!  

Since in year 2013 we know we have more KNOWLEDGE on our side that our fore parents did, why not permanently defuse and prevent any confusion our people could suffer when there is competing  nationalism [ Southern Cameroonian vs Cameroonian nationalism ] by adopted the pre-independence identity of Ambazonia? It makes all the sense in the world as ALL evidence point to the fact that the dominant nationalism (the one with the elements of coercive power and unlimited resources) will always be the "Cameroonian-based nationalism" and never REPEAT NEVER, the "Southern Cameroonian-based nationalism".

So Ambazonian people!

--Have we not delayed this simple business of restoring our independence 'by addressing the sine reason why we lost it in the first place' for just too long?
--Anybody out there still counting the "generations" LOST to pan-Cameroonism?
--Why can we behave as "reasonable" people who know "self-interest" and exploit to the MAXIMUM, the powers we know we can muster as the distinctive people of Ambazonia (( our collective rights of SELF-DETERMINATION )) before branching off into any logical "sub-specialization", everyone is free to execute such as armed struggle?

***Rejecting the POWER you already have or can have has never been a wise action so says our very violent history of the world! Seems like we have already forgotten that the Southern Cameroons is the only place in the world where it's politicians agreed to unilaterally disarm themselves!!! Surprise ..!! Go back and read your history and find out why the tiny but very effective West Cameroon" para-military force called MOBILE WING was disbanded after the "1966 Coup d'état"  that replaced Premier Augustine Jua with Solomon Muna?

Now you know why all that simplistic "analogical" arguements comparing our case with say that of Southern Sudan, or Eritrea or East Timor or Kosovo just  won't cut it! John Garang and his "ethnically homogenous" Southern Sudan military colleagues did not disband but rather "withdrew" as a unit, and better still, sought refuge in the safe heavens of neighboring countries.

We, Ambazonians have committed the worst forms of anti-survival actions in our history: we must now be solely focused on "recarving" for ourselves our unique survival path without any precedent! We are on our own!! But ours is the simplest liberation struggle to execute only if and when we play by the rules ( same rule John Garang of Southern Sudan obey): such as when we would be  united as one people of  AMBAZONIA, the world will immediately recognized our struggle as one of "Self- determination" and better still, be "positively engaged" in helping us recover our freedoms!  
^^**You can bet on this one**^^  

Here is how you that individual reading this can become engaged in this quest for freedom:
(a) invoke your inalienable rights to be free as the now oppressed people of Ambazonia.
(b) join/create an "AMBAZONIAN LIBERATION MOVEMENT" as the only known visible way short of "armed struggle" so as be on record as actively promoting this "right of independence "!
(c) do not relent! On the contrary ensure that item (a) & (b) are adopted by other Ambazonians and Friends of AMBAZONIA  you would have recruited into the freedom quest.

If ONLY those Ambazonians and Friends of Ambazonia who care so much about peace as to be praying for it every Sunday can ensure that items (a) & (b) becomes their very own BELIEF SYSTEM (prayers we already do), then we, Ambazonians who really want independence would have just discovered our liberation MANTRA!!!!!

Since everyone already knows that "peace" happens only when "justice" is prevalent, you would be serving not only your best interest, but the will of God by adopting the liberation MANTRA of Ambazonia.

Those who said there is "power in the TRUTH" were counting  that for this TRUTH to triumph over EVIL, the majority of "good people out there" would have to stand up and defend this TRUTH. They should not just  sit back there in resignation and defeatism praying  for some miracles! For the Christians amongst us, does the "Parable of the Talent" mean anything at all? God has given us the "talent" to distinguish "truth" from "falsehoods", yet all we have been doing since 1984 is denying the TRUTH (by inverse promoting FALSEHOOD),  and complaining about our marginalization inside the pan-Cameroonia!  

There is already an "Ambazonian Liberation Movement"  (ALIM) near you. Join it! If not create one by inviting five  others to join you in invoking their Ambazonian nationality

By joining or creating an ALIM branch is how you will be seen by the world as the victim of the current Cameroon's re-colonization of your country you have so effectively defined so differently from Cameroon as Ambazonia.

The ALIM branches (Ambazonia Liberation Movement ) is how the rising nationalism tide of the universal Ambazonian Movement intends to define and solve the problem through the effective channel of power. There shall be no more begging of the AU, the UN, ICJ etc but seeking out friendly countries to recognize our country now under Cameroon occupation.  Since 1984, we have been illegally and forcibly occupied by Cameroon and as Ambazonians united under the laser focused programs of the AMBAZONIAN MOVEMENT, we intend to gain POWER to eventually  "enforce" the laws of creation and extinction of states ( Restoration Law 84/01) which is the basis of our country, Ambazonia (former United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration).  


This is "emancipation made easy" for all the freedom thirsty people of Ambazonia to join and fully participate in! Have we not delayed the execution of this simply strategy for too long?

Edwin Ngang
A Community Organizer for ALIM ( AMBAZONIA Liberation Movement).

Sent from my iPhone


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