The Re-colonisation of the former United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern British Cameroons.
Executive Summary
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1608 (XV) of 21 April 1961 resolved that the Trust Territory of the Southern British Cameroons shall achieve independence on 1 October 1961. It also resolved that on the same date trusteeship shall end and the Southern Cameroons should freely associate with Republic of Cameroun in a federation of two states, equal in status. Trusteeship was indeed terminated on the appointed date. But independence was not achieved. Free association did not take place. Rather, on 1 September 1961, the National Assembly of Republic of Cameroun passed an annexation law illegally asserting territorial claim to the Southern Cameroons. One month later, on 30 September 1961 the Administering Authority invited to the Trust Territory a foreign Head of State, the President of Republic of Cameroun, transferred power over the Southern Cameroons to Republic of Cameroun in violation of international law and left. In violation of international law as well, Republic of Cameroun physically occupied the Southern Cameroons and has remained in colonial occupation of the territory to this day. The Southern Cameroons thus passed from British to Republic of Cameroun colonial rule. More than 55 years on, the former United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern British Cameroons is still languishing under the yoke of colonial domination and oppression by Republic of Cameroun. The Territory continues to cry out for freedom and independence.
This Briefing Paper seeks:
(i) To apprise the fair and conscientious world of the long and ongoing re-colonisation of the former United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern British Cameroons by the contiguous State of Republic of Cameroun, formerly French Cameroun;
(ii) To alert the world to the existential threat that the people of the former United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern British Cameroons are faced with;
(iii) To request urgent measures by states and international organisations to ensure by joint and separate action the speedy decolonisation of the Southern Cameroons;
(iv) To urge states and international organisations to provide any means or form of assistance recognised by the international community to the dependent people of the Southern Cameroons in their just and peaceful epic struggle to free themselves from colonial oppression and the bonds of domination by Republic of Cameroun; and
(v) To recommend to the African Union and the United Nations joint and separate speedy action in this matter.
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