Hello ghost Pat Ndep,

I have not been able to put in a word of advice for you until now, and I was hoping that time would heal all the wounds you have opened in the Camer cyberspace. It seems I was hoping against hope itself.
Since we are in the realm of IT, I would like to take you along the IT path to see if we can do some reverse engineering. 
The potential for doing good or evil is like a computer program. Software designers always give you several options for activating your program. You may instal the full program (recommended) or do a custom installation. When God created you, Pat Ndep, He built in many programs in you, all of them run by the Free Will OS. 
In your case, when you wanted to instal/activate some of those programs, you opted for the custom installation. That is when the virus called luciferus jumped in and helped you to instal all the wrong things: you enjoy seeing your community torn apart; you operate in darkness (a hallmark of luciferus); you enjoy inflicting emotional pain on people; you lack compassion since your MO is to open up old wounds, however painful it may be to your victims, and many other evil things you thrive in.
The purpose of my mail is to attempt a rescue operation for you. Take a few hours to read all the fallout from your initial posting which sparked off the blaze now raging in the Camer cyberspace. See whether God who made you, Pat Ndep, in His own image will nod His head in approval of what you started. If He would, you may then go ahead and do your worse. If He wouldn't, it is time to do some introspection to see how you can undo all the harm you have caused.
As you undertake this exercise, remember that luciferus who misled you into activating the wrong program components will be rubbing his hands in glee at one more agent he has recruited for his dark world.
I trust that you would rather not opt for luciferus's kingdom of darkness because there is not exit from there once the gate will be closed. Take this as brotherly advice from one who does not want to see you ruined. God bless and heal all those wounded by the sharp unkind words used here for the past few weeks. 

The Don

From The Don's iPad

On 10 Aug 2015, at 09:20, 'solomon atanga' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Ghost Pat Ndep, you are hurting people and trying to destroy the Cameroonian Community not only in USA but all over the world. Know that God is watching you. When you will be saying please 'forgive me, na devil e work', i don't think anyone would have the time to listen to you. You will be prosecuted accordingly.

Leave Mola Allotey and the others alone. If they owe you come clean and explain and people will understand what is your problem.

I suggest that you should not be removed from the forum until you are unearthed.
What you are doing is witchcraft in broad daylight.

Remember no evil prospers forever. You still have the nerves to write and provok people you have torn apart.

Rest assured it is time to begin discussing what should be done to you when you shall eventually be uncovered . Whoever you are.

Na which kind witch man this noh? Na last time be time. Nonsense. Show your face!


Solomon Amabo A.

On Monday, 10 August 2015, 7:48, 'Paddy' via ambasbay <> wrote:

U have written a lot in mopkwe. can u summarize in English so we can understand what all this rambling is about. Y r u afraid to use the delete function in yahoo mail. must u read everything written by Pat?  an empty headed parasite comme toi. nyamangowa like u

On holidays in Arizona 

From:" [camnetwork]" <>
Date:Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 8:53 AM
Subject:[camnetwork] Re:Stephen Hunter//PA KENNETH FRU NDEH// MY CONCLUSIONS ON THE PAT NDEP IMBR...

Stephen Hunter,
Yes, one may forgive but not forget. 
Like you rightly said, "Barely three days into the supposed  truce / apologies from both Tarh Mishe and Mola Allotey,  we are gradually heading back to where we started."
All these explanations will only open old wounds and was started and (Re-started, if I might add) by Tarh Mishe Fon. If the  moderator of Camnet and Campolitic were not enjoying and encouraging the idiot terrorist  Pat of a Fellow,  why are they still keeping him as a member of the groups ?, Why do they allow people to become members with ghost names, when  it verifiable?. Kick his or her dirty stinking ass let's have some peace. 
Mr. Hunter, you could not have written your e-mail any better. I believe you have been in/on these forums longer than I have. Do you know how times that Mishe Fon has apologized to the members of these forums? 
Repeat apologies mean nothing if one continues to commit the same crimes or crimes of any kind after he apologized. 
If Mishe Fon could come in here with a bold face and said he had all the evidence that I was PatNdep; and for someone like Francis Ngwa to come out and said, he could see guilt all over me and that I should instead apologize to Mishe Fon,   then I will agree with you on what you wrote: "I can only conclude  that 50 is the height through which we Cameroonians do not function properly upstairs."
If Mishe Fon, could come again with another strong evidence that Rev. Sam Esale is PatNdep, now, the question will be,  what happened with the convincing evidence that Allotey was PatNdep?  Mishe Fon needs to be taught a lesson, and I am about to set an example on Mishe Fon that, he crossed the line.
I do not want to be associated with negative Publicity; if we had spent this time and energy looking for ways and means to assist in providing the basic needs for our people back in Cameroon, then, I will say we are mapping the way forward, and will like to be associated with these people who have this mind set. 
Bottom line, why does Celestine Fon still have PatNdep in this forum. I know he is not on Cameroon Politics.
I have a complete record of this Mishe Fon. You know, in the United States of America, they say "If you don't want shitt, don't start Shitt".  Stay tuned.
In a message dated 8/8/2015 1:08:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Dear All,
Looking at all of you involved in this bullshit of an argument, I can only conclude  that 50 is the height through which we Cameroonians do not function properly upstairs. Micro Wave will  be turning in his after reading  all these back and forth exchanges. Yes he was the biggest fighter on our forum, yet forgives when he dare said so, It came from his heart. 

Barely three days into the supposed  truce / apologies from both Tarh Mishe and Mola Allotey,  we are gradually heading back to where we started.
Grow up guys let's move on. All these explanations will only open old wounds and was started by Tarh Mishe Fon. If the moderator of Camnet and Campolitic were not enjoying and encouraging the idiot terrorist  Pat of a Fellow,  why are they still keeping him as a member of the groups ?,Why do they allow people to become members with ghost names, when  it verifiable?. Kick hi s or her dirty stinking ass let's have some peace. 
When  I engaged Micro wave for  about a week "palapala" here, no want doubted our persons or other  duels we have witnessed on these two forums. Nyamfukah them all. Hunter 

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 - powered by Three

-------- Original message --------
From: " [camnetwork]" <>
Date: 07/08/2015 00:01 (GMT+00:00)

Pa Kenneth Fru Ndeh,
I do not eat kola nuts and I do not know where I can buy Kola nuts for you. However, if I cannot get Kola nuts for you, I can guarantee a bottle of any kind of wine/liquor for you. 
Now, let me say this about you before I dissect Mishe Fon's recent e-mail that you have responded to below. I have always had a total different opinion of you most especially when some people talk of some of us having inflated egos. 
When you moved to the USA, I did not know anything about you and/or your family, but saw you as humbled, handsome and a respected gentleman that you are until this day. I have always told people that the things that people sit behind their computers and write are not the same people when you meet with them live. I do not know anything about your father either, had never head of him before until I joined Camnet.
If I am not mistaken I believe that I have met your father once,  I did not know he was  Government official with the Cameroon Government,  he was very simple. I saw him at a church in Silver Spring when we attended a funeral service for late Pa Mbailey who died in Bamenda. I believe he happened to be in town during that time; and please, correct me if the man that I saw was not your father. Okay, that is that for that.
Back to the PatNdep Saga:   You have asked Mishe Fon some very key questions,  he has not answered anyone of them.
You asked Mishe Fon:
1) Where did he get his falsified finding IP address that linked Allotey to PatNdep; he has not responded.
2) Pat Ndep has been on the battle trail with Allotey for at least 5 years. What is it that Pat Ndep has AGAINST Flamboyant Mola. He has not answered you?
3) You wrote:   "Even if the analysis below is accurate, I am afraid the manner in which
private conversations are being disclosed publicly leaves a whole lot to be desired,
or let me rather put it this way, it says a whole lot about the character & manner of person
who is making such public disclosures."
But, what did Mishe Fon do? He came back and attempted to intimidate you.
Head Lines:
Mishe Fon came to these forums and said Guru Arul John IP Address Look up linked Allotey with the computer that PatNdep is using.  Mishe Fon, said the IP Address originates from Silver Spring, Maryland. These findings turned out to be false.
Mishe Fon, came with a bold face and lied about his age.
Mishe Fon, said Dan Achamorfaw Said I should cut that crap out, Dan never said
Mishe Fon,  said, I brought this issue to the net, no shame in your own face. What a nerve
Mishe Fon, openly apologize to me but in your own face again, said he is the one who has forgiven me
Mishe Fon, Said he wanted to make a Board of Director of my own project. Wonders shall never end.
Mishe Fon, said I keep running and telling the Achamorfaw stuffs, Dan himself knows that is a lie.
Mishe Fon, said I was PatNdep with convincing evidence, then turns around and said Sam Esale is PatNdep.
Mishe Fon, said Late Jacob Nguni was PatNdep, that was a lie.
Mishe Fon, has bad mouth/smeared the Stella-Maris Patcha and the Patch Foundation.
Mishe Fon, has bad mouth/smeared Dan Achamorfaw
Mishe Fon, has bad mouth/smeared Allotey in town and in other forums that I am not subscribed too.
Boy! Pa Kenneth Fru Ndeh, I will say this, I almost fell for that crap when Mishe Fon said Rev. Esale is PatNdep . If Mishe Fon cannot tell you all his true birth date or should I say his actual birth date, when can he ever speak the truth? He forgets to know that this is America. I will make Mishe Fon to understand that I have lived in this country way longer before he could think of getting a visa to come to the US.
Mishe Fon knows that I know that he is PatNdep, even if I am going to my grave today. ___The last I heard is that, Mishe Fon had really smeared my name all over town and in forums that I am not subscribed to, but stay tuned.
In a message dated 8/5/2015 3:50:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Even if the analysis below is accurate, I am afraid the manner in which
private conversations are being disclosed publicly leaves a whole lot to be desired,
or let me rather put it this way, it says a whole lot about the character & manner of person
who is making such public disclosures.   

Is it two-side cutlass they say in Pidgin or is it double-edged sword in English.  Or na double-headed snake sef?
[Unable to display image]Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "Mishe Fon [ACCDF]" <>
To: CAMNETWORK List <>; Cameroon Politics <>; Accdf Accdf <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2015 11:59 AM

From: Mishe Fon <>
To: Lucas Fon <>; Mishe Fon <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2015 12:24 AM
Subject: esale

For those who take this Pat Ndep matter lightly, they should think again. Let me recalibrate for the understanding of those who may not be abreast  with what is going on here (YES, our mails are forwarded to various other E-Groups).
It all began with the 2015 Miss Cameroon USA Beauty Pageant organized by the charismatic action lady Ms Kate Ndi Atabong. One prominent member of this E-Group, Mr. Allotey Emmanuel advertised with pomp, the participation of his daughter as one of the contestants. At the end of the contest, Mr. Dan Acha Morfaw's daughter was declared the winner. Mr. Allotey wrote a congratulatory email to the "winning" family and members of this august assembly praised him for his magnanimity and fair play. That was just the begin ning of the saga which has continued to this day. Keep that in mind i.e the Miss Cameroon USA Beauty Contest.

Immediately after Mr. Allotey's mail, a rapid response email surfaced from this Pat Ndep character with sole objective to smear Mr.Morfaw and his family by injecting a Court Case that had been adjudicated more than 16 years ago.  Since PAT NDEP is a ghost writer; it raised a lot of eyebrows as to the Why and of course WHO could be behind this kind of vindi ctive posturing since all these young beautiful girls are considered our kids. Many were asking the questions and even concluding that the Moderator of Camnet and Cameroon Politics should help expose who ever is hiding behind that pseudonym to insult innocent individuals on an unprovoked basis. To say the public embarrassment was total is to put it mildly. This Pat Ndep fellow has existed in various fora for more than ten years.

Mr Allotey Emmanuel in reacting to the Pat Ndep mail, clearly stated in one of his numerous mails that he knows who is behind the Pat Ndep pseudonym and that at a time and place of his choosing, he will "Expose" the character but suffice for now to hint that Pat Ndep is a Bamenda old man in his early sixties who attended a party "uninvited" at Chief Dan's residence. He went further to associate whoever was his suspect as trying to sabotage the late Jacob Nguni's funeral organized by the ACCDF here in Washington DC. He would later inform Chief Dan that (after his "Forensic" analysis) the culprit behind the ubiquitous Pat Ndep is non other than (yours truly) Mishe Fon. No more no less.

The "Breaking News Bomb Shell" announced by Allotey spread like wild fire amongst ACCDF and other prominent members of our community who, in absolute shock and disbelief brought it to Mishe's attention with "Mishe, u don hia say Allotey tok say na you be dat Pat Ndep?".In total shock, I immediately called Allotey to clear the air and wanted him to send out with automatic alacrity an apology or do a three way telephone conversation with Dan and any other persons he must have spread this malicious accusation to. I promised him that, if done, the matter will be laid to rest. Unfortunately, Allotey took it to the  web, where the back and forth  unfortunate insults everyone witnessed occurred. I decided that I must get to the bottom of this matter because I know my conscience is100% clean and clear. I might not be rich and educated but I have successfully established myself as a trustworthy Community Servant and would want to maintain that until "Breeze finish 4 my belle". No amount of "Bad Mop or hatred" will deter me from my goals of serving. That is how I decided to get to the bottom of this matter.

When I dug through the archives to understand the MO of this Pat Ndep character; I eventually dismissed Mr. Allotey as a possible suspect (even although he is known to use several Fake names). Allotey uses fake names to promote Allotey's momentary fantasies and sometimes Fight some retaliatory Fights but Pat Ndep was way too sophisticated and intelligent to belong to the Allotey league. Hence my subsequent public apology to the guy. Allotey does not possess the gumption and sustainability for incessant attacks like Pat Ndep. I am sure I was not mistaken.
Now back to Patrick Uche Paddy Patty Pattie Ndep Pat etc: To have eluded detection for so many  years, I concluded that this guy was in  a league of his I started digging. I had a couple of "suspects" in my mind (Nanj e Jackson, Konde Emmanuel, Pastor Jesusman Ayuk, DJ Eric, Emmanuel Allotey, Manu Tayong, Samuel King Etongwe,  Ms Joe Kinang, Michael Lessong and and others). I studied several "Fight Patterns" that had always brought in wittingly or unwittingly Pat Ndep. I settled on a long drawn Fight where many had ganged up against Dr. Pastor Arrey Jesusman Ayuk..and found what I considered as the missing link that had eluded many all these years. I threw it out there as a bait and Dr. Pastor Evangelist Sam Esale fell for it flat. After the email went out, Nanje Jackson called me saying he had Pastor Esale on the line. That telephone conversation lasted almost one hour ten minutes. The long and short of the back and forth was that, they wanted me to retract the story because I had inadvertently given ammunition to some Oroko characters like "troublemaker" (their word)  Samuel King Etongwe who had surreptitiously forwarded the Camnet mails to their Oroko E-Gr oup to embarrass the learned Pastor and others in their Oroko community. I refused to send out a retraction. Then followed the next day, a series of lame explanations about "Stone Mountain and Stone Valley interspersed with the now famous "Ebonic Akata Watchamacallit".
In all honesty, I was expecting a more robust and intelligent defense from my good  friend Dr. Esale but I must say he has fallen short of that expectation and his subsequent emails are creating more suspicion than distancing him from the now famous "Crime Scene".

Jonathan Awasum is a loose canon and everyone knows that. He can say just about anything that migrates into his head or his mouth at the moment he lands on his keyboard. He is erratic and sometimes displays a temperament of an angry spoiled child. That not withstanding, I can vouch for Awasum any day any time as a very honest individual. He is intelligent in a village kind of way but not street smart enough to muster the discipline to use a pseudonym for all these years (long before he ever joined Camnet) without picking a Fight with himself.
The issues pointed out by Agbor and Esale about his signature at the end of his mails suddenly appearing on Pat Ndep's mail, is a diversionary tactic planted by those who seek to implicate someone else at all cost and borders on criminal intent to falsify. Awasum is NOT and cannot be Pat Ndep. Awasum is like a "smol pikin cutlass". He is a harmless bull dog who can only bark, not bite. The issue at hand has absolutely nothing to do with Jonathan as he knows nobody in the Washington DC area and had probably never heard of the Oroko connection to this intractable issue.

[Unable to display image]I have just been reliably informed that the "Maryland Child Slavery Charge" Pat Ndep brought up concerned an "Oroko Child" and the information continues that some Oroko people in the US at that time spear headed the effort to have Chief Acha Morfaw Pay dearly. What has this got to do with anything today...16 years later, you may ask. I think that question will best be addressed to PAT NDEP who injected it for what ever reasons. I am not saying that because some of the characters in this Internet Drama are Oroko elements, they still harbor an axe to grind with an issue that had long since been adjudicated. I cannot speak with any certainty on this because I was personally still a permanent resident in Yaounde, Cameroon at that time and knew nothing of the goings-on in Washington DC.
I would humbly ask my good friend, Dr. Evangelist Pastor Sam Esale to think of the God he serves as Minister, think of his teaming admirers or WATCHAMYCALLIT and forget the WHODONEIT Akata Ebonics lingua franca and APOLOGIZE to the entire Cameroon Public who are a very forgiving people.

With that, I have come to the conclusions of my self-imposed unpaid work. As far as I am concerned, I wholeheartedly forgive Pastor Esale Samuel, just like I did with the  unprovoked and below the belt insults from Mr. Allotey and his battery of supporters. In anger, people actually vent what is deeply embedded in their sub-conscien ce.
I no blame dem...Some man na Ngrung beep?
Members of the Jury, I rest my case.


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