Mr. Joe Arrey,

You were told that the burning was done by restorationists who had no other option left otger than arson to bring everyone to honor ghost town. What then do you say now that you know the arsonists?

R. Takang 

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 8:39 PM, Joseph Arrey
<> wrote:
Mr. Enow  Augustin, what makes you think the burning of the university was orchestrated by secessionists  and not by La Republique who want us to blame the bamenda people. Don't you think that la Republique can carry out these diabolic acts just to inflame the hatred of the Southern westerners over the north westerners. La Republique will be just too happy to divide us. Please there is no iota of truth for your claim that the secessionist must have orchestrated the burning. Let us think before we pass judgments. Thank you and remain blessed. 

On Mar 9, 2017 3:15 PM, "sincerelawyer via ambasbay" <> wrote:
The issue here is not whether one entity was an independent state or not. The issue here is two entities came together to form a loose entity known as the Federal Republic of Cameroon. Both entities had territorial boundaries recognized by the UN before they came together. Whether one was poor or not was and is of no consequence. Today, the one ignorantly considered poor is the richest. That is where our death is coming from. We must be deprived of our riches; our resources. That is why Southern Cameroonians must be exterminated. 

-----Original Message-----
From: 'EKINNEH Agbaw' via ambasbay <>
To: ambasbay <>
Cc: Jean Enowmbitang <>; EDWARD TANYI <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 9, 2017 11:37 am
Subject: Re: [boba-list] Re: [cameroon_politics] BAD NEWS FROM MUTENGENE: CAN SOMEONE CONFIRM IF THE NEWS IS TRUE?.

Mr. Tanyi wrote:
"I would like to make a point of correction: Gambia was a full state before joining Senegal, But Former Southern Cameroon was never an independent state. The British thought it was  too small to be administered separately, and so the UN ( who said UN then meant Britain, France and the US) gave only two options: to join their Francophone brothers or join Nigeria to gain statehood. There was never a third option. So it is intellectual dishonesty to claim that we were once an Independent State. We were just a  Region of former German Colony known as Kamerun."

With all due respect, this kind of revisionism betrays a degree of ignorance of Cameroon history that is laughable, and should attract no further comment. But just because some might read and believe same to be true, I feel compelled to set the records straight. Consider these dates:

Feb 11, 1961 - UN-organized plebiscite in former British Southern Cameroons with two options - Do you want to achieve independence by joining Republic of Cameroon or Nigeria? The plebiscite vote granted SC independence first before joining French Cameroon later.

April 21, 1961 - UN General Assembly adopts Res 1608 recognizing Southern Cameroon's independence from the plebiscite vote. 50 nations voted "Yes" but France opposed the resolution and abstained from the vote, while Republic of Cameroon voted against the Resolution which passed.

July 17-21: Foumban constitutional conference to work out the modalities of re-unification between the two independent states - Republic of Cameroon which gained independence on Jan 1, 1960 and Southern Cameroons which gained independence on Feb 11, 1961.

Oct 1, 1961 - Date set by the UNGA for re-unification between the Independent State of Southern Cameroon and the Republic of Cameroon.

Mr. Tanyi, Southern Cameroon had a Westminster Parliamentary democracy like Britain with an elected prime minister from the majority party in parliament. Foncha became prime minister thanks to the political machinations of Manyu people when DM Frambo of Tali crossed the carpet to bring down Endeley's gov't; in a deal that was masterminded by ET Egbe, Nzo Ekanghaki and WNO Effiom, who rose to become Speaker of the Southern Cameroon House of Assembly. You now understand why Bakweri people love to hate Manyu people!

When people talk about ST Muna betraying Anglophones, few even know what Pa Muna did. The betrayal was because Muna accepted to be PM of West Cameroon after he was appointed by Ahidjo who had ignominiously signed a presidential decree dismissing AN Jua as premier of West Cameroon; whereas, even as Federal President Ahidjo had no constitutional authority to dismiss the elected prime minister of West Cameroon. If Muna had resisted the temptation of becoming PM, we might still have a federation today.

Mr. Tanyi, in the light of the above explanation, it would be disingenuous to say Southern Cameroon never achieved independence.

Ekinneh Agbaw-Ebai 


From: Morgan & Jean Enowmbitang <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2017 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [boba-list] Re: [cameroon_politics] BAD NEWS FROM MUTENGENE: CAN SOMEONE CONFIRM IF THE NEWS IS TRUE?.

Mr. Tanyi,
Cameroon is a lawless country. The parliament was suppose to be a body that prevent the president from becoming a dictator.  They're are just a rubber stamp for his agenda. What you just said about a (2) state federation or (10) state federation would have been true if you had a real parliament to debate the merits of these systems but this has not been the case.

Which gov't will brutalize, rape and kills its youths dragged from their residence and that gov't will not even call for an investigation. This is evil. Stop dreaming, no one is talking of war or secession. You Biya loyalist like to pin a nonviolent protest to secession. Biya has waged a war on Southern Cameroonians and they want to separate. Whether that happens today or tomorrow, blood has already been spilled.

Morgan Enowmbitang

On Wednesday, March 8, 2017 1:00 PM, EDWARD TANYI <> wrote:

Good day Mr. Njang . In your rejoindeer to Mr. Enow Agbor , I would like to make a point of correction: Gambia was a full state before joining Senegal, But Former Southern Cameroon was never an independent state. The British thought it was  too small to be administered separately, and so the UN ( who said UN then meant Britain, France and the US) gave only two options: to join their Francophone brothers or join Nigeria to gain statehood. There was never a third option. So it is intellectual dishonesty to claim that we were once an Independent State. We were just a  Region of former German Colony known as Kamerun.  Let the Bishops go back and straighten the catholic faith that is becoming a shadow of itself. Federalism, be it two States or 10 states is good for both sides of the Mungo. But the big problem is our approach to it. Our so- called  Federalists leaders lack tact and Diplomacy. We are living in a Diplomatic Era and not in the era of Tribal wars and unconstitutional breakup actions. Like Winston Churchill once said  "Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in the way that they look  forward to it"  -unquote. Secession is not the best option. We should not even dream about it. unless we want to seize to exit as a people. It would be total warfare and disaster. If the Biafran situation cannot serve us as a lesson, then we are fools for ever. There is no secession without war. CAmeroon won't be an exception.  " What difference does it make to the dead, the ophans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction of war wrought  under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy" -Mahatma Gandhi. 

Have a good day.


From: sincerelawyer via ambasbay <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 1:04 AM
To:; cameroon_politics@yahoogroups. com;
Subject: Re: [boba-list] Re: [cameroon_politics] BAD NEWS FROM MUTENGENE: CAN SOMEONE CONFIRM IF THE NEWS IS TRUE?.
Dear Mr. Enow Agbor, you are becoming something unreasonable. Do you know whether those doing the burning are not angry south westerners? What makes you think that those who are burning places are from another region? By the way, do you know the meaning of session? Who is seceding from who? I believe you do not join ignorant people in terming those fighting against oppression by calling them secessionists. Please, read the letter from the Catholic bishops to the president to know the history of Cameroon. If you know the history, you will not call the struggle a secessionists movement. Cameroon as it is today was made up of two countries: Southern Cameroon and the Republic of Cameroon. You had Senegambia, they broke off; Zanzibar joined Tanganyika but they later broke off, etc. these were not secessions, my brother. Only ignorant people term the present struggle against marginalization, secession. It is not secession. Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Agbor Enow Augustine' via ambasbay <>
To: cameroon_politics <cameroon_politics@>; boba-list <>
Cc: CAMNETWORK List <>; wimbum <>; ambasbay <>
Sent: Tue, Mar 7, 2017 3:43 pm
Subject: Re: [boba-list] Re: [cameroon_politics] BAD NEWS FROM MUTENGENE: CAN SOMEONE CONFIRM IF THE NEWS IS TRUE?.

No, my problem was that people leave their region to burn properties and vital institutions in the SW region. When people become so stupid to the extent that they burn down a vital university structure in their own region, who am I to comment? It is a shame that Anglophone Cameroonians, especially those from the NW region are donating their resources to make the University of Bamenda an excellent place for learning, and some mad secessionists and irredentist choose to burn the lives of our kids down. It is stupidity on steroid.

Augustine Enow Agbor
The outcome of my life is not more than three lines: I was a raw material I became mature and cooked And I was burned into nothingness. Rumi

On Tuesday, March 7, 2017 3:16 PM, "NDI MANJONG [cameroon_politics]" <cameroon_politics@> wrote:

Professor Mbaku,

There is something about subjugation that makes the subjugated to create a niche within which to act subjugation. The Widikum people are very like the Enow's and the Agbor in about everything but name. Like the Widikum, the Enow's and the Agbor are not Sawa by origin. Interestingly  Biya's decree creating the South West and North West is reason for the Enow's and Agbor to be more Sawa than the Widikum. Jesus' story about the man forgiven of his debt that became brutal to his fellow servant over a much smaller debt is the story of the subjugated looking for opportunity to be the top dog of subjugation. Some Enow's and Agbor see an arbitrary South West as the opportunity to play top dog. It makes one long for the East African tune as advises those wanting to be big fish to go live in the Pacific Ocean. What a recurrent shame even in times like now.


Mr. A. Enow Agbor:

Indigenes vs. non-indigenes? Indigenes of what? It is interesting how concepts introduced by colonialists continue to color the way we (i.e., Cameroonians) view each other. I know a Bami man who was brought to Muyuka as a child and grew up there. After primary school, he was sent by his uncle to Nigeria for further his education. He returned and became a very successful businessman and farmer and made significant contributions to the town and its environs. Yet, in the mid-1990s, he was being told by his neighbors, whose children he had sponsored overseas, to go back to his ancestral home. He eventually moved his family to Europe and the Europeans, not the people of Muyuka, are now the beneficiaries of his generosity. His is not an isolated case.

What do you think would have happened to the thousands of young men and women educated at CPC Bali if the Bali people had insisted that "non-indigenes" not be allowed to attend school on their lands? What would the University of Buea look like if the people from the country's other 9 regions had successfully convinced the government to limit funding for the university to only taxes paid by the people of the South West Region?  What use is Cameroonian citizenship if the holder of such citizenship can only exercise it in some tiny little geographic area within the country? How can a country be developed if citizens are not allowed to move from one place to another in search of opportunities to invest their resources? Mr. Agbor, are you telling me that because I am not a so-called "indigene" of the South West Region, I should not be allowed to invest, for example, in real property in Limbe or, for that matter, help a struggling student from the South West Region?

If an individual commits a crime (e.g., burns down a school), he should be prosecuted according to the law and his punishment, if he is found guilty, should be based on what the law mandates. Where he comes from should not matter! According to your reasoning, if a Bakweri man is found guilty of assaulting a Bakweri woman in Limbe, he should face a more lenient justice than a Mankon man who, while living in Buea, had committed the same offense. This is a twisted justice.

Perhaps, you should find and read a good book on the colonial Code de l'indigénat or on the colonial concept of "The Others" or "The Natives"--perhaps, you will understand how regressive these policies are.

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 10:00 AM, NDI MANJONG [boba-list] <> wrote:

Why does Mr. Agbor Enow think the jail term should be lower for South West indigins in this instance? Given how much private citizens contribute to building such schools out there, one is tempted to think that more non indigins than said indigins (by Mr. Agbor Enow's definition) might have contributed to the building of the said GBHS Mutengene; unless otherwise proven. Have the likes of Mr. Agbor Enow ever given thought to the people of Fako of Mutengene's location defining indigins to mean just persons of Fako origin? Without making a scientific claim, one wonders why names of a particular order are more involved in defining who are "South West ingigins". One wonders what such persons will do if mistakenly entrusted with enforcing the law.


Perpetrators who burned a school if true  should be given lengthy jail terms. If they are found not to be South West indigins,  that time must double. We are are sick and tired of political anarchists seeing our region as the only place to burn public property to voice their anger. We have seen this before,  and the law should handle perpetrators harshly if caught. 

Augustine Enow Agbor 

Reliable sources claim a police officer and 2 civilians killed. GBHS Mutengene was burnt down. There are many arrests and many have escaped into the bushes to avoid arrest. The situation is really tense.

Reuel Nwiyoh
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in[a] Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13

My Blog: www.FinancialHealthStatus.

------------------------------ --------------
On Thu, 2/23/17, Martin Tumasang [cameroon_politics] <cameroon_politics@> wrote:

To: "cameroon_politics@" <cameroon_politics@>
Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017, 12:39 AM




  hr ·

As written by
Tapang Ivo Tanku
Cars owned by brewery company, Basseries du Cameroun, and
the Cameroun police have been burnt to ashes in Mutengene,
Southern Cameroon, citing telephone calls from
"Mutengene is bad. Policemen shot a boy this evening
and the population has risen up again against the
regime," the caller reported.

Mutengene has always been a flashpoint for police
brutality because the foreign French Cameroun regime trains
its unethical trigger-happy colonial police officers
The AFCON trophy is on a disgraceful tour across Southern
Cameroons despite unpopular support for it. Bamenda has
massively disgraced the trophy.
Mutengene has been bracing up to push back the trophy, it
is confirmed. Tiko and Buea too are very much aware of our
boycotts and shaming strategies.

Kaavi Wo Melim
  mins ·

Good job to the Lekanyi brigade. Mutengene up in flames.
GBHS Burnt down.
It's 3:13 AM and this message just came in from a
Mutengene indigene. Hear him, "...IT IS BAD IN
DOWN THIS NIGHT...". The frustration stems from the
fact that some francos are beginning to go to
  school, thus disrespecting the stay-home strike for all
My Reaction: Our boys in Mutengene should be calm. We
cannot fight them wit...h bare hands. I have
said the best method we could now start using is making our
municipalities UNGOVERNABLE...
  kidnapping their colonial admins who give instructions to
the army commanders for subsequent prisoner exchange is the
best thing to do at this. When you arrest their men, do not
torture them, instead, give them food and water! Meanwhile,
all francos on the
  Southern Cameroons land MUST respect the laws of our land.
The people are run the risk of being burnt
down while in the building next time. Violating the laws of
the Southern Cameroons could get you arrested by the people
and repartriated to
  the other side of the Mungo.



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