Tiko Airport (IATA: TKC, ICAO: FKKC) is an airport serving Tiko, a town in the Southwest Province of Cameroon.
The Tiko non-directional beacon (Ident: TI) is located on the field.
Coordinates of Tiko Airport A: N4°5.18' / E9°21.43'
Elevation is 151.0 feet MSL.
Magnetic Variation is 2° West
The government of Cameroon has decided to upgrade the Tiko airport from category C in which it has been operating since its creation to category B. A committee in charge of rehabilitating the airport is already in place, working to identify all illegal occupants of the land harbouring the airport land. The Senior Divisional Officer for Fako, South West Region, Zang III, is leading the team.
Tiko Airport Transformed into Military Base; Esele Villagers in Bimbia Expelled for Military Camp
The British Cameroons Independence Action Group (BRICAMIAG) considers LRC's military expulsion of the Esele people of Bimbia from their ancestral land for the expansion of an arsenal in an already unwarranted military complex, as one of their frequent provocative fits intended to push our people to the brink of war.
Why would the army Commander bypass the Mayor who is in charge of dislodging, relodging, or relocating as the case may be, and treat threateningly with the population? Even the Senior Divisional Officer, the boss of the Mayor is ignored! This is anarchy.
This unbecoming behaviour of the regime, intended to incite the population to take up arms which, in the first place they do not possess, is evidence that they are either oblivious of the ACHPR's Communications 266/2003 and 337/2007 or that they are out rightly telling the ACHPR and the AU to:" Go to hell, what's your business in Southern Cameroons?" This is further evidence that La Republique du Cameroun (LRC) neither respect their domestic laws and regulations, nor international law and decency.
Much as BRICAMIAG is worried about the fate of innocent villagers who are to be dispossessed of their ancestral land, the Group considers the two Communications at the ACHPR as adequate material whose outcome, sooner or later, will take care of the situation. Therefore, rather than take action that may inundate the ACHPR with law suits, the Group makes the following proposals:
1) Pending the disposal of the two Communications, CAPO and SCNC should address a prayer to the ACHPR to place an injunction on LRC to stop behaving or taking action of whatever nature in the name of the state, in Southern Cameroons as if the territory were a part of LRC. Even if the injunction is disregarded as that of stopping the sale of CDC over the BLCC case, the piling of dishonoured injunctions will be advantageous for our purpose.
2) The RG, SCAPO, and the SCNC, taking advantage of their Triple Entente, should, in view of the gravity of the proliferation of military build up by ejecting people from their land, petition the ACHPR to expedite action on the two Communications.
Vincent N.Feko
14, December 2016
Understanding our Anglophone freedom fighters 1
POWERCAM: It was a hydro electricity dam located in Yoke Muyuka that was supplying electricity to the entire British Southern Cameroons. This dam was closed down deliberately by the Francophone led government after reunification.
CAMEROON BANK: This was our Anglophone bank created by the government in Buea and was the biggest bank in the two Cameroons and operated under the Barclays Bank UK standards in West Africa. It was completely destroyed by both Ahidjo and Biya's men in La Eepublique du Cameroun.
National Produce MARKETING BOARD: It was the cocoa and coffee authority of British Southern Cameroons headquartered in Victoria (Not Limbe as the Biya comedian Inoni Ephraim wants us to call it}. It provided Anglophone farmers with details of all what was happening in the world market. It invested in reserves in the Cameroon Bank and kept the our young men off the streets by running football clubs. This was completely shattered by La Republique.
Cooperative Societies: This was a Dutch culture implanted in Anglophone Cameroon. Farmers had to work in cooperative groups. Those who were sailing from a Port in Douala via Malabo in Equatorial Guinea to France to be assimilated came and destroyed it.
Mobile Wing Police: It was a well trained British police force that we Anglophones inherited and was noted for its discipline. Ahidjo replaced them with a ruthless force known as the French Gendarmerie
What can we say about the following?
CAT (CAMEROON AIR TRANSPORT): The main hub was Tiko international airport. It was transporting CDC produce and also running domestic flights. Was an airline representing British Southern Cameroon values and was a fast growing airline in West Africa at that time. It was closed down by a Francophone dominated government in Yaoundé.
PWD: The Public Works Department was an Anglophone identity of heavy duty machines placed at the doors of councils for road maintenance and repairs. Their pride was also seen in the football clubs; PWD Kumba and PWD Bamenda and it was the fastest road construction and maintenance body growing in West Africa. It was maliciously stifled by vicious elements of La Republique du Cameroun.
MEDINO: This was a body of trained roving Agric experts who moved around helping farmers by educating them on farming methods. The seat of MEDINO's government was in Bamenda. It was ruined by La Republique du Cameroun.
Ekona Research Centre was created by the Americans and was the best research centre in West Africa. It was systematically Francophonised and now is a sham.
Tiko international airport was indeed the fastest growing international airport in West Africa that hosted the late Dr Nkwame Nkrumah of Ghana during his maiden official visit to British Southern Cameroons. It was shut down by people we call brothers from La Republique du Cameroun.
Tiko Wharf: It Linked maritime transport between West Cameroon via Nigeria to the entire West Africa and was growing to the status of a seaport!! This was Killed by La Republique du Cameroun.
FONADE was created through a British Southern Cameroons initiative to subsidies farmers both financially and materially. It was transferred to Yaoundé by Ahmadou Ahidjo and the name changed to Credit Agricole and destroyed by Francophones.
Ombe Trade centre: Equipped with heavy industrial machines and training Southern Cameroonians to master the maintenance culture was laid to rest by La Republique du Cameroun.
George Pompidou (French President) including Ahmadou Ahidjo and Paul Biya agreed that, all these Anglophone companies should be eliminated so that, we can be the slaves to La Republique du Cameroun.
Sent: 12 July 2017 16:55
To: camnetwork@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] SC Flights/Airports
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Oga CUE,
Here is my point: There is not even a CDC airstrip in Tiko as I type. We used to have 3 airstrips in S/W run by CDC. One in Idenau or Sanje, one in Likomba and the third in Musaka, between Muea & Ekona. The strip in Musaka had only one runway and was used by those CDC one engine liners to spray insecticide over the Molyko Banana Plantation, to prevent "panama" from affecting the Cash crop. The other two were used for SS or Senior Service Transportation, ferrying Plantation managers around, to carry out scheduled inspections. Most of the Area managers at the time were oyibos or nfundisi.
The Tiko airport EN is referring to, went away even before 1972 and the hope of bringing it back vanished after the construction of the Tiko-Douala Highway. I don't know what my buddy EN has been smoking lately. but there ain't no bloody Airport in Tiko. Even a UFO can't land anywhere in Tiko. I think the location was turned into a CDC camp or Rubber Plantation.
This is the deal: Each day, EN is cleverly trying to provide "answers" to the 20 questions I asked about Ambazonia, by fooling this readership. Do you recall Donald Trump taking credit for the construction of the Panama Canal? Same difference. Bloody Republicans.......
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On Jul 11, 2017, at 5:25 PM, Osagbemwonrhue uwensuyi-edosomwan edosomwanlaw@gmail.com [camnetwork] <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Hello Sam,You don't want the airport functional? From Tiko to Great Sopo would be a lot shorter than Douala/Yaoundé - Great Sopo😀CUE
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On 11 Jul 2017, at 9:17 PM, SAM ESALE invictusam.leadershipro@gmail.com [camnetwork] <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Oga CUE,
Don't mind these people. Even my friend EN is losing it. They think everything day is April Fools Day.
Be well.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 11, 2017, at 1:22 PM, Osagbemwonrhue uwensuyi-edosomwan edosomwanlaw@gmail.com [camnetwork] <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
EN,Hope this isn't another ruse as I was in Tiko last year and it didn't look as if that former international airport has a usable runway. If it's true, this would be a great step towards statehood.Cheers,CUE
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On 11 Jul 2017, at 4:56 PM, Esu Ndzem-Usu ndzemusu@yahoo.com [camnetwork] <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
We are winning bigly.Now we can arrange with major airlines to fly directly to Tiko or Abakwa. Douala or Yaoundé must be a no no from come October 1, 2017EN"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson
"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel
Posted by: SAM ESALE <invictusam.leadershipro@gmail.com>
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