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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Re: [ACEsthetics] Re: Chuck Flume speaks out

Alex, welcome to ACE it is a terrific venue to share ideas and you are among many of us who were booted from LVI forum.

Corine Leech

Dr. Thomas K. Hedge
513 777 7017

On May 30, 2012, at 10:52 PM, Alexandra George wrote:

This is Alex! you taught me a while back at Lvi. I can say, I DID NOT get the letter from you. And I have not spoken to you for years.
I did send the mass email. And I feel fine with that. I did it because it was and eloquent letter paying respect and well wishes to Sam and his wife.
And I also did it because of the censorship! I told Mark that a few times, plain and simple. (via email, I did not get a call)
Yes, I have been booted. The ACE forum, is getting an outcast. I'm not a hell raiser at all, honest. I just was saying goodbye and good luck to Sam and speaking out against the silly censorship. It didn't get to the masses that the forum reaches so, I got to the dentists by passing the forum where it was intended to be read.   I also asked Mark if I was taken off the forum because I emailed to people's personal address. I did not get a response. What I do personally should not be judged by Lvi forum. I have nothing to hide.
I glad for change.... If ACE will take me.
This is insane, I agree!!

Sent from my iPhone 

On May 30, 2012, at 10:00 PM, wrote:

"OMG! This is insane".  What an original opening salvo on the forum.  Beginning with that quote I now feel compelled to defend myself.  Obviously many of you have received an email of the letter which I composed giving kudos to a great dentist, clinical director, supporter of NM Dentistry, the IACA and LVI.  Of course, I am speaking of my good friend Sam Kherani.  Unfortunately, this letter was censored and not posted on the forum.  The letter was intended to clarify a post by Mark Duncan and more importantly to give Sam a heartfelt thank you for all that he has done for each and every one of us.
After a foiled posting attempt I was confronted by a person who shall remain nameless.  This person's comment to me was that I shouldn't post lies on the forum.  The crux of this unfortunate story is this.  Three (3) times I asked this person to answer one and only one question.  Please tell me what is in my letter that you believe to be a lie?  Three (3) times this person avoided answering the question and could not or would not respond with an appropriate answer.  If you are making the accusation that someone is lying, please be prepared to defend those accusations.
Let me now move forward to the May 29, 2012 posts by Bill Dickerson and Mark Duncan.  I will first discuss Bill's post.  I have had absolutely no communication from or to Bill since my letter was written and denied posting on the forum.  Bill has now falsely implied and I quote "the email being mass sent by Alex and Chuck".  For the record Bill this is a BLATANT LIE by you.  I do not know Alex, I have never communicated with her, not in person, not by email, not by text, not by letter, not by telephone nor by any other means of communication.  I mass mailed nothing (that is until now).  I did send my letter to 3 or 4 of my personal friends (Sam included).  As an aside, the only reason I sent the letter to these 3 or 4 friends was because of you Bill.  You or somebody obeying your orders chose to censor my post.  This was certainly (even under an extreme exaggeration) not a mass mailing.  My attempted post was clearly a response to a post by your own clinical director who by the way sits in an office almost adjacent to yours.  You didn't choose to censor his post.  I was only responding.  Evidently a dialogue only exists when you agree.  Monologues are inherently for people who desire power, try to control, or are afraid of something.  Just my take on the situation, however, I seem to sense an apparent paranoia surrounding Sam Kherani's departure.  This is not surprising to me when looking back at past clinical directors, lecturers, sponsors and instructors who are no longer at LVI.
Bill, you state "no more of this nonsense…it just seems so junior high-ish".   I do consider possible defamation of character and possible censorship to be junior high-ish.  You further state "I don't want any more posts on the forum about this subject".  Of course you don't!  I presume you want this subject to just go away.  Well, maybe it will but not quite yet.  From the conversations, emails, and calls that I am receiving, there appears to be a great deal of sentiment that things are not always as they seem.  I have heard from colleagues that Alex has been booted off the forum.  This along with a few others who have openly showed support for Sam, with no fear.  It's Bill's forum, he has the right to block posts and kick people off.  But for what?  Expressing farewell to their mentor?  No one has attacked LVI so what's the deal?  What fuels this immature behavior?
Now for another original…"This has gotten silly".  Mark, there is nothing silly about possible censorship even though legal in this case.  There is nothing silly about thanking Sam Kherani and there is certainly nothing silly about a BLATANT LIE.  You state and I quote "you have gotten an email that Alex sent that was forwarded from Chuck".  As neither Bill nor you confirmed any of your allegations against me I must personally call into question your honesty regarding this post.  News Flash:  I DID NOT FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO ALEX…PERIOD.   It is always easy to spew forth venomous lies about me.  After all, I guess I am unable to defend myself on the forum as my post would probably be censored.  Eventually honesty will triumph!
To all of my friends and colleagues;
By now you know me well enough to realize that I will not be walked upon by innuendos and lies.  I will set the record straight knowing full well the possible consequences and spin which in all probability will come to fruition.  I cannot speak for Sam but will be forever grateful for his contributions to our profession and to me personally. 
In closing I believe each and every one of us must reflect upon our own station in life.  The U.S. just celebrated Memorial Day.  This day gives utmost respect and adoration to those who sacrificed and in some cases gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may be a free people.  I cannot refrain from mentioning freedom of (truthful) speech and freedom of the press.  We must also strive to obtain freedom from fear and coercion.  Honesty, ethics, and integrity are paramount to maintaining our personal freedoms.  I challenge all of you to do yourself a huge favor.  Walk to the mirror, look yourself directly in the eyes and ask yourself…Am I honest?  Do I possess integrity?  Am I ethical?  Then, ask the ultimate question and you be the judge…Am I truly free?  I looked in that mirror this morning and it was exhilarating… I am free!
God bless,
Chuck Flume

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