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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Re: Marafa's Lawyer, Prof Kale Meets the Press in Buea/ ???

I applaud Prof. Kale for taking this bold move. While I know him as a very brilliant, well spoken refined gentleman, I will simply hope that he and his team of Lawyers, extend their Legal Expertise to the other personalities like the former Prime Minister Inoni Ephraim, Minister Mebara, Ambasador Mendouga; all of whom have been linked to the "Infamous" Albatross Affaire.
My only fear is the "Legal Imbroglio" that exist in Cameroon where the Judiciary is as Independent as a Military recruit in training; Where the "Chief Justice" is appointed by the President without prior consultations even with his rubber stamp "National Assembly"; Where Common Law Principles and Procedures are relegated to the dustbin of Cameroon Politics; Where, only the French language is the official language of Judicial proceedings. Remember that with Common Law, it is the responsibility of the Legal Team (Lawyers) to gather and present "Convincing" evidence  in moving a case forward or to sway a "Civil Jury", while the Judge,s role is limited to deciding which of the opposing litigants (parties) has made a more convincing presentation. In contrast, with the Francophone (French) Civil Procedure, Monsieur le Juge, Procureur de la Republique ou President du Tribunal are the guarantors of the outcome of cases regardless of the Defense Lawyer,s ability.
I ask myself how Professor Kale intends to proceed  with this very interesting and complicated case in a country where the likes of Professor Titus Edzoa have been locked up (in a cell and not even in Kondengui) for almost fourteen years. If this is not Human Rights abuse of gargantuan proportions, what exactly is it? It is now rumoured that Prof. Kale,s client has been whisked off to the "Titus Edzoa" type of solitary confinement because he was becoming very vocal and Politically very dangerous from Kondengui.
My sincere hope is that Prof. Kale goes in to defend his client Marafa not as a SDF Lawyer but as an Academician and Professional Attorney with International clout and pedegree. Adding the SDF dimension may water down the importance of this case to a small "Intra-Party Squabble". In my humble opinion, this is serious and would enter into the anals of Cameroon history. A sitting President is bold enough to arrest his closest collaborators (Prime Minister, Secretary Generals at the Presidency, Ministers of State, Ministers, Ambassadors, Director Generals of Parastatals and other top Government officials and lock them up like common criminals). This is as my "Mbouda Ntongtu friends would say "Affaire NKAP, Affaire trop serieuse qui nous met dans une situation sauvagement insortirable" and Cameroonians from all and any cardinality are interested in knowing "La Suite du Feuilletons...ALBATROSS.
That said, Professor Ndiva Kofele Kale, GO 4 B4, WE TANAP 4 YA BACK 100%...KANG-KWEH.
Mishe Fon

From: sea gol <>
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] Marafa's Lawyer, Prof Kale Meets the Press in Buea/ ???
If Prof Kale is in this - then, those prosecutors have some work to do in prosecutorial administration, evidence managment, and justification justice: yes, it's going to be ENAM vs Raw Academics. Man lep e lep--- On Sun, 5/27/12, louis <> wrote:

From: louis <>
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] Marafa's Lawyer, Prof Kale Meets the Press in Buea/ ???
Received: Sunday, May 27, 2012, 1:36 PM

Ho-ho-ho, will'd how this will end. Hahaha. Yes. That's right. Will Sango himself be forced by law to give evidence ? What about the IMF Chief? Boeing's CEO? Will this end up in the international Criminal Court? Hahahaha. We are watching the international-cum-national criminal drama.The day of reckoning comes suddenly and without warning, says the preacher and the Messiah now in Heaven.These are the times of the oppressed. The times of the political "gentiles" that have trodden the land underfoot are coming to an abrupt and catastrophic demise. Where is Sango Esale? Hahaha. He who laughs last laughs the best. The first shall be the last and the last shall be the first. Hahahaha.The SCNC also has very good lawyers. Will they be called? Who knows. Anything is now possible. Who would have thought about this?Man no make erreur oo. Man no make erreur!Mbua> -----Original Message-----> From: solomon atanga <soloamabo@...>> Sender:> Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 14:46:11> To: cameroon politics @yahoogroups<>;> camasej group all members<>> Reply-To:> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Marafa's Lawyer, Prof Kale Meets the Press in> Buea>> That was on May 25. We hear he is leading a battery of more than 10 lawyers.> Below is his statement in English>>> STATEMENT TO THE PRESS>>>> It is so much safe to stand back and watch, as it were, from a Cartesian> distance, while the reputation and good name of someone else are being> dragged through the mud. But somewhere in his DIVINE COMEDY Dante famously> warns that the hottest place in hell is reserved for those who in times of> moral crisis refuse to take a stand!> I have taken my stand on the side of Mr. Marafa; a decent and honorable> gentleman, whom I have known for over two decades, first in the United> States and later in Cameroon. I am happy to state that our friendship has> over the years transcended our political differences. After devoting 20> years of my professional life researching, writing, and consulting around> the globe, on official corruption and economic crimes, I should have no> problem recognizing an economic criminal: Mr. Marafa is not one! In the days> and months ahead we shall make good on this statement.> Marafa Hamidou YAYA is an eminent son of Cameroon who has served his nation,> his people and his President, loyally, faithfully and with great> distinction, for 17 long years. This gentleman deserves better than being> locked up in a cell in a maximum security prison!>> For this reason, we who make up his defense team are determined to do our> level best to ensure that he has his day in court to refute these baseless> accusations. We shall also throughout the course of the trial, if it ever> comes to that, insist that Minister Marafa's constitutionally-guaranteed due> process rights are scrupulously observed and respected. Among these minimum> guarantees of a fair trial are: (a) his right to be presumed innocent until> proved guilty with the State carrying the burden of proving his guilt> "beyond a reasonable doubt", the highest standard of proof in the rules of> evidence; (b) his right to prompt notice of the nature of the charges> against him; and (c) His right to be tried without undue delay.>> Ladies & Gentlemen of the press, we emphasize these procedural rights> because they are among the cornerstones of a democratic society which> Cameroon claims to be. These safeguards assume even greater importance> where, as in this case, the accused risks losing his liberty for a long> time.>> While keeping a watchful brief over our client's due process rights, the> defense will also confront head-on the criminal charges, if any, that will> be leveled against him. It will accordingly mount a vigorous and aggressive> defense against each charge; challenging at every stage the factual basis> and legal support for these charges.> I am not being hyperbolic when I say that the eyes of the world are glued to> Cameroon, watching as the case against Minister Marafa unfolds. And for good> reason: in the last decade or so Cameroon has distinguished herself as one> of the world's most corrupt countries. Not surprisingly, therefore, world> public opinion is eager to find out whether these spectacular arrests and> detention of high ranking officials, for allegedly committing acts of> corruption and embezzlement of state funds, is all sound and fury signifying> nothing! Or, whether, as in Minister Marafa's case, it masks something much> more sinister: a macabre Machiavellian plot to eliminate a charismatic> visionary statesman from the political stage, by any means necessary!!>> Members of the Press: How this case is handled by our judiciary will either> confirm or disabuse public opinion (at home and abroad) as to the unspoken> reasons behind this affair. In any event, the Government of Cameroon is on> notice!!! Thank you for coming.>> Professor Ndiva Kofele KALE, Esq., Defense Counsel>>> Solomon Amabo A.> Journalist,> Deputy Editor-in-Chief> Equinox Radio/Television> P.R.O. Camasej-D> P.O.Box 5082, Douala,Cameroon> Tel:(+237)74668899/(+237)95302043> Home: (237) 22687972> Email: soloamabo@...>--The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief ina thing makes it happen.
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