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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Re: [MTC Global] Best Management Institutes to Work With- Collection of data-Regarding

Dear Meesala,

I am sorry to submit that individual research in such matters does not
have any value. MTC like platform may have value but they would not do
it for obvious reasons.

Academically you should have studied questioner from Good
Organizations to work with.

At least I don't agree with the way questions have been framed and
afraid that it will lead some good results.

Statistically from the same Management Institute at least 5 % randomly
selected data is required and no body will give you. Confidentiality
is also to be ensured.

In corporates such surveys are sponsored by Management.


Raj Verma

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 8:05 PM, <> wrote:
> If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out
> online:
> Best Management Institutes to Work With- Collection of data-Regarding
> Dear Management Faculty Member: Sub: Best Management Institutes to Work
> With- Collection of data-Regarding In order to help management teachers
> choose the right institutions for their career, I have set out to collect
> data on good management institutions in India to work with. It is common
> knowledge that after joining an institute only, teachers get to know the
> reality and get shell-shocked at the management's poor attitude towards
> teachers; it was not what is cracked up to be. Sometimes, new recruits have
> no reliable information about the institutions, particularly the attitude of
> the management towards teachers and teaching- learning process. This
> information gap lands many management teachers into wrong institutions. In
> this context, this is a humble attempt to plug this hole and provide a
> prospective teaching employee with right information about the institution
> into which they are going to walk. This data helps the faculty members in
> making the most informed and right choice about the employer, and thus avoid
> making costly mistakes. A faculty member who has worked more than two years
> in an institution can make right judgment about an institution. I request
> one such faculty member of an institution to fill this. If more than one
> teacher responds to this, the responses from one only will be retained; the
> remaining will be deleted since there will be duplication. This is an
> attempt to find information about good institutions only; please desist from
> giving data about clearly bad institutions. The faculty member who is going
> to give the information should be very fair and unemotional while filling
> this about their institution. Later, this database will be kept available to
> all the teachers free of cost. The teacher who fills this questionnaire need
> not identify himself/herself ( it means that the faculty member filling this
> doesn't need to write their name). This information will be available with
> Prof. Bolanath Dutta ji of Management Teachers Consortium also. Management
> teachers switching their jobs may consult this data or contact me or Prof.
> Bolanath ji before actual switch-over. Please fill the name of the
> institution and its address; without it, all other data is of no use. Yours
> faithfully Dr.Appalayya Meesala 0-9848514011
> Name of the institution * Please write the name of the institution in full
> with address
> City * Write the name of the city/town/district (write only answer)
> State in which this institution is located *
> Salary Package
> More than IIMs
> On par with IIMs
> Close to IIMs
> Best among the local institutions
> Average Pay
> Lowest Pay
> Benefits Provided by institution (PF, casual leave, earned leave, sick
> leave, study leave etc)
> Excellent
> Best
> Moderately Better
> Average
> Poor
> Management's Academic Focus Management's interest in improving
> teaching-learning process, providing opportunity for the teacher to be
> creative, spending on teacher's learning, student learning, freedom given to
> teachers etc.
> Exceptionally High
> Best
> Better than average
> Average
> Poor
> Institution's Willingness to invest in teacher's learning and quality
> sending teachers for training, seminars etc
> Exceptionally High
> Best
> Better than average
> Average
> Poor
> Respect to the teacher from institute's management
> Exceptionally high
> Best
> Better than average
> Average
> Poor
> Quality of the students enrolled
> Exceptionally high
> Best
> Better than average
> Average
> Poor
> (Peer) Teacher Quality How do you rate the quality of your teacher
> colleagues?
> Exceptionally high
> Best
> Better than average
> Average
> Poor
> Level of annual increments
> Exceptionally high
> Best
> Better than average
> Average
> Poor
> Staff Politicking/ office politics Tendency of the staff to come closer to
> power / undermine the authority, engage in scheming, tale-carrying etc)
> Absolutely no office politics
> Some negligible bad elements
> Moderately high politics
> High office politics
> Management's Inclination to engage spies on teacher's work and breathing
> down teacher's neck
> Management encourages some staff to engage in active spying and reporting
> Management depends on proper authority's feedback
> How is the workload? A lot of work or reasonable work ? Do they ask you to
> do clerical work also?
> Fair
> Moderately high
> Overload (suffocation with work)
> Are there enough faculty members to teach? In some institutions, unusually
> more number of subjects are given to each faculty member because of
> inadequate teaching staff.
> Yes
> No
> Is the management fair in its judgment? Some managements cannot judge
> properly; they depend too much on third party tales. Some depend on their
> perceptions but not on professional objectives
> Yes
> No
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