[ACEsthetics] Fwd: "Is Groupon running out of Gas?" update

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Dr. Mike Maroon
Founder & Fellow Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ACE Dental World <admin@acedentalforum.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 12:11 AM
Subject: "Is Groupon running out of Gas?" update
To: drmikemaroon@gmail.com

Dear drmikemaroon,

You are subscribed to the thread "Is Groupon running out of Gas?" by drmikemaroon, there have been 4 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was Peter.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Is Groupon running out of Gas?
Posted by: drmikemaroon
On: 06-03-2012 12:58 PM

Mike Barr wrote a very interesting commentary on this in his blog, The Dental Warrior. Here's the link: http://thedentalwarrior.com/2012/01/26/is-groupon-running-out-of-gas/

He makes some very interesting points about Groupon (and competitors) and what it's doing to the price of dentistry around the country.

Be sure to check out the comments section for some very charged discussion about the topic.

Kudos to Mike for sticking his neck out there and writing about a wide range of topics in his blog. I'm sure he takes a lot of heat for what he's doing, but he's also helping a lot of people by getting them to think about things. Check it out!

Posted by: drtimhale
On: 06-03-2012 04:35 PM

---Quote (Originally by drmikemaroon)---
Mike Barr wrote a very interesting commentary on this in his blog, The Dental Warrior. Here's the link: http://thedentalwarrior.com/2012/01/26/is-groupon-running-out-of-gas/

He makes some very interesting points about Groupon (and competitors) and what it's doing to the price of dentistry around the country.

Be sure to check out the comments section for some very charged discussion about the topic.

Kudos to Mike for sticking his neck out there and writing about a wide range of topics in his blog. I'm sure he takes a lot of heat for what he's doing, but he's also helping a lot of people by getting them to think about things. Check it out!
---End Quote---
 Mike Barr has always had great insights. Groupon is in financial trouble as well . Is that true ?

Posted by: peterboulden
On: 06-03-2012 06:44 PM

Groupon and the like should be outlawed from Dentistry.  Unless you REALLY like working for free (or paying peeps to work).  The days of getting quality patients from them IS (and has been over).  The entire allure for a dentist is to acquire a patient with a "teaser" offer and then have them integrate in to your practice for years to come.  In theory, it's great.  But people who use these sites now like Groupon and Loclly are just going to "wait until the next coupon" and NOT become a loyal patient

Posted by: Peter
On: 06-03-2012 08:18 PM

Simple view from a simple Canadian: Groupon is a rip off.  You are stupid to sign up for it and in my opinion, almost as dumb to be a consumer that uses Groupon.  Groupon has been duplicated by other companies many times over.  Basically, Groupon is a middleman salesman shyster, with no education, who sucks YOU, the educated, hard-working dentist, into almost giving away your services for free (but you are still at full legal liability of course).  Groupon salesperson takes a "cut" (commission) and delivers the etherware promise that some/many of these people will "convert" into normal, regular, appreciative paying patients.  They won't.  They're coupon shoppers!!  WTF did you expect?  Ok, look - maybe if you just HAVE to, run a small, limited promotion but you can have no problem finding internet horror stories of business being destroyed by Groupon.  Groupon is just a bunch of middlemen who get between you and the patient and steal your money - they promise nothing.  And they keep you scared shitless by telling you everyone is doing it.  I agree with Peter Boulden - Groupon is insanity for a practicing professional UNLESS you own a mill or a mega clinic and want to offload the work to worker bees while you rake in the cash off the top.

All the best,
ACE Dental World

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