[MTC Global] A few drops from the ocean of Vedic Knowledge- Two Vedic Messages- Revive Vedas

Fellow members who believe that spirituality is an integral and essential component of one's existence may fine the following article interesting.


Virendra Goel

Rig Veda 1-72-2 and 8 mentions that the greatest service to God is to spread the spirit of Vedas with honesty, straight-forwardness, without deceit of any kind, for all to enjoy true and spiritual happiness.

Vedic metaphysics can save the mankind from all kinds of social, economic and other depressions. Strengthen Sanatan Dharma (the eternal religion) through revival of Vedas.

The followers of Vedic metaphysics can become paramjot- the carriers of Vedic divine light (knowledge)


Dear Spiritual Brothers and Sisters,

Subject: Vedas and their relevance to the present age.


Owing to utility of Vedic metaphysics to the mankind, UNESCO has accorded Heritage status to Vedas. These scriptures of yore explain comprehensively many divine, spiritual and material subjects and guidelines given there in can help in Universal Brotherhood (Viswa Bandhutva) and development of scientific temper.

Adi Grantha says, "Asankh grantha mukhi Ved path"- there are innumerable scriptures but study of Vedas is supreme. It also says, "OMKAR Ved Nirmayi"- Vedas were revealed by God- hence Vedas are Shruti.


Atharva Veda makes it clear when soul was provided to human beings, Vedic knowledge was revealed as human soul contains all the Vedic knowledge. Vedic metaphysicists (Rsis) and wise wandering sages (Munnies) through meditation communicated with their souls which are vachispatiah (i.e. human soul- Atma has a sound and can communicate with us) and acquired Vedic knowledge. Rig Veda tells us that soul was provided to human beings so that the purpose of human birth could be known to human beings.


Rig Veda further mentions the purpose of human birth is to assist the Vishwakarma (Supreme Reality/Architect) to assist Him in the maintenance of His Grand wondrous Design by following Rta- Cosmic laws of social, moral and physical order. Having created these laws (Rta) even God follows them sternly lest great harm is done to His Creation.

Some of these Rta are "as you sow so shall you reap", follow path of moderation, "Iddm nan mam"- nothing for self all for society (enlightened liberalism) and many others.


When human beings followed Vedic teachings and guidelines Vedic Sanatan Dharma (eternal religion) was spread beyond Caucasus, Prasava (Persia), Ariana (Iran), Indian sub continent, South Esat Asia JAVA, Samatra, Tashik Khand (Tashkand) etc.

Many Greeks, Parthians, Kushans and many others merged with this divine Dharma without any kind of conversion. Rig Veda mentions "Rtam, Satyam, Dharmmam" as Vedic Dharma. Rta-Cosmic Laws of social, moral and physical order are eternal truths (Satyam) and following these Laws (Rta) is Vedic Dharma.


Under the vehement effect of dreaded materialism of Charvakaas the followers of Sanatan Dharma started deviating from Vedic Metaphysics (Upanishadic part of Vedas), Buddhism overtook Sanatan Dharma and history tells us that Adi Sankracharya revived Vedas and Buddhism virtually vanished from India. The message of later Rsis/Swamis/Maharisis is very clear "Revive Veda and save the mankind from self destruction". 

Vedas for modern age

Our social interaction is limited to friends, relations etc but not to community so our houses are spotlessly clean and surroundings dirty as community welfare is never our Motto- Vedas take us to community welfare and "WE" Feeling.

2. In social service the concept of Success is difficult to define- so it is better to be a man of value than of success.

3. Research in social sciences and medical sciences has found that helping others not for recognition is good for heart. It is great way to exercise your heart and soul.

4. Vedas specifically guide us to TEACH (transparency, ethics, accountability, community and humanity welfare) principle. Most of the modern systems have failed in this regard.

5. Unless self rule at the grass root level is there in Democracy, the rulers tend to become autocratic, corrupt, hypocrite and tyrannical (Plato). There is no visible movement for swaraj- self rule in India.

Ishta theory of Vedas describes paths could be different so long as these paths aim at the welfare of mankind and other animate and inanimate life. Vedas do not consider matter as inert and explain in a large number of hymns that matter has unsuspected vitality. All religions should aim at unity in diversity i.e. (should lead to universal brotherhood-viswa bandhutva), global family of the same One God (vasudhaivan kutumbkam), global trade and global market for the material and spiritual welfare of mankind. God being formless, ineffable and self-created, avoid explaining God through categories, substance, activity, quality and relationship. HE is beyond cognition, perception of human senses, logic of mind and intellect. Words recoil to explain the Supreme Reality. Only true and harmonised material, spiritual and divine knowledge (para jnan) can unite all religions to compete with each other for the welfare of mankind.

          For the theists with material and intellectual knowledge, multiplicity of gods is seen in the form of idols, icons and incarnation of God as a human being. Some such individuals even find God/god as partly a man and partly a woman (Ardhanari Iswaran). Any individual who starts moving towards para jnan (higher knowledge), all arguments start and end at One formless and ineffable God who is Sat, Chit, Anand - the only reality, supreme consciousness, and bliss.

What is admirable in the Vedas is that their powerful and comprehensive philosophy was created for all ages and for the entire mankind. This philosophy was made available at a time when most parts of the world had hallucinations of ghosts getting out of dead bodies, when shadow was interpreted as the soul, spirit, ghosts, and the soul was considered to be getting out of the body at night during dreams. It was the period when the concept of inner and outer world was highly confused. Out of fear complex the ancient man worshipped snakes, animals, plants, and clouds by creating millions of gods with form. When in most parts of the world the religion of animism was wide spread, the Vedic metaphysics was getting developed in the areas which now lie in the states of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia, Pakistan and some Northern parts of India. Arya Vrata was the land spreading up to Parshavas (Persia), Ariana (later Iran) and this land was not a fairy tale country, since the Vedas nowhere describe mythology as part of metaphysics.

The Dark Age or Kali yuga has the predominance of avarnas and vritras. In this Age owing to spread of only material and intellectual knowledge bereft of divine and spiritual knowledge, the predominant features are superstitions, unscientific outlook, blind faith, hypocrisy, naked selfishness and wide spread corruption. Fake gurus and god-men who get hallucination that they are the incarnation of various gods on this earth, multiply. Thus Vedic metaphysics meant for the guidance of human beings of this Dark Age is largely ignored. However, the study of Vedas would reveal that Vedic gurus (Gu- darkness and Ru- to dispel) are the dispellers of both inner and outer darkness. They are more like Socrates, Mencius, St Augustine, Immanuel Kant, Sankrachrya, Guru Nanak and swami Daya Nanda and do not bear any resemblance to the modern godmen, gurus, babas, tantriks and swamis.


A perusal and study of "Glimpses of Vedic Metaphysics" on the Internet can give more details on the subject. The seekers of Vedic knowledge can access this book through website http://www.sabhlokcity.com/metaphysics/ OR through google.com/ yahoo.com/ lulu.com. Search for the Book.

With warm regards,

Yours spiritual brother,

Prem Sabhlok



Vedas contain many other subjects like:

1. Vedas explain scientifically divine, spiritual and material knowledge.

2. Material economics not based on inert matter

3. Purpose of life and human Birth

4. Why Vedas are referred as Shruti(Heard/directly revealed through human soul)

5. Education system for allocating four divine Varna

6. Science is useful but scientific temper is more important.

7. Universal brotherhood, global family

8. Equality of men and women,

9. All religions to compete for the welfare of mankind- they could vary due to local conditions for environment, culture etc

10 Tri-ani-pada (three bodies in one)

11. Apriori- Knowledge

12. Concept of Moderation

13. Iddam nan mmam (nothing for self all for society)

14. Earth is not a quarry for exploitation

15. No Caste system based on birth

16. Spiritual science against present egoistic commercial spiritualism

17. Rtam, Satyam Dharmmam.

and many other subjects.


2nd Vedic Message

Rig Veda 1-72-2 and 8 mentions that the greatest service to God is to spread the spirit of Vedas with honesty, straight-forwardness, without deceit of any kind, for all to enjoy true and spiritual happiness. By understanding the philosophy, metaphysics, knowledge and various models contained in the Vedas, we can perhaps find viable solutions to our present social, economic, political and religious problems.



Dear Seekers of Vedic knowledge,

Subject: The origin of divine four varnas- not based on Birth

Rig Veda 1-113-6, X-90-11 and 12, Y.V. 31-11 and A.V. 19-6-6 explain the origin of four Varna to formless and ineffable Brahman. HE is described as the entire universe visible to the eyes and all other subtle worlds invisible to the eyes, where six communities of divine people, like angels, pitries, gandharvas, karma devas etc., live. Heaven is His head, Sun and Moon are His eyes, the entire universe is His body and the earth is His feet. Brahmin varna is born from His mouth which symbolically represents the heaven. This divine varna was created to spread Brahmajnan- Vedic metaphysics amongst all members of society. Bhagavad-Gita in verse X-32 says, the science of soul or metaphysics is the supreme science. Rig-Veda 6-75-10 mentions that a Brahmin is the knower of God and Vedas. Since the origin of this varna is from heaven- the kingdom of God, which is the place of bliss and supreme knowledge, the followers of this divine profession are to spread Brahma's knowledge amongst others and bring heavenly conditions i.e. the City of God on this earth.

            The human senses and sense organs like eyes, etc. can visualize and even see with the help of scientific instruments the entire gross universe which is the manifestation of the subtle divine Nature and is extremely powerful, disciplined and benevolent. Nature and the ever-expanding universe and cosmos are mentioned in the Vedas as part of His formless body. Symbolism to the various parts of His Body continues in the Vedic hymns. Kshatriya varna is born from the most powerful shoulders of God. This varna has men and women of great strength who are extremely powerful and benevolent. Their divine duty is to destroy all evil and corruption in society. The individuals belonging to this divine profession are rulers, defence services officers, commander-in-chief, bureaucrats, scientists, technicians etc. (Rig Veda.5-69-2). Their main duty is to protect the people belonging to other three varna and ensure a corruption free society. All monarchs, kings, queens and elected Presidents are Kshatriyas. However, if a ruler's son is not virtuous or incompetent he is not entitled to rule the state or country (R.V. 4-19-9). The ashvinaus             (scientists) can be both men and women of absolute self-control with scientific outlook (R.V.1-3-4). Kshatriyas are advised to take Soma drink for vigour and energy (R.V 4-45-3). Soma drink is some kind of red coloured herbal drink, which is slightly intoxicant and should be taken with milk or curd.

It is the mother earth, which renders selfless service to all animate and inanimate life. Vedic hymns describe the earth as the feet of the God. Shudra varna is born from the earth and the members of this varna based on ability, merit and aptitude render selfless service to other three divine professions. Since all parts of the body are equally important and they help each other for a healthy body, so all these divine varna should assist, cooperate and sustain each other for achieving an ideal society. Mandla 10, suktam 90 of Rig-Veda describes the followers of Shudra varna as good at unskilled work, of good physique, handsome and of high character. In the universe, all planets, stars and others perform their allotted task silently and gracefully and it is difficult to say which parts of the gross universe and subtle Prakrti are more important.

The above social scheme of Chatvar Varna Ashram is of divine origin being born of the Body of God. Rig-Veda 10-90-12 has a prayer "O, God give luster to Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaish and Shudra and to me." The basis of Vedic social grouping or Varna is pursuit of divine professions with Dharma and Rta (R.V 10-90-12, AV. 19-6-6, Y.V 31-13 and 17 and Br. Up 1-4-11 to 14). The individuals pursuing these four divine professions while following Rta and Dharma can eat and drink together. They can marry amongst themselves. In the society they are co-workers for prosperity and should make riches flow (AV 1-15-2, 4).


Thus individuals belonging to chatvar varna ashram form an egalitarian society and serve each other. All these four varnas (divine professions) are ordained by God. The fifth non divine Avarnas , Vritras Kimidin are not ordained by God. Thus there are five classes dealing with different professions –four divine and fifth non- divine. Marplots, sorcerers, bribe takers and givers, exploiters, evil minded people form Avarnas. (R.V 1-76-3, 1-191-8, 2-14-3). They are not ordained by God. Being dambhi purush (sycophants and hypocrites) they aim at honour, power and wealth and pretend as servants of the people. The terms used in Vedas for five classes is panch kshatinam, panch manavis etc.   

Vedas had also visualized that material prosperity alone may turn a number of individuals into avarnas, vritras and other evil minded people, resulting in lack of transparency, corrupt practices and make an ideal state and open society into a perverted state and closed society (R.V.1-191-8, 1-28-4 and 24, 1-76-3, 2-14-3, 4-9-9).

A few other relevant references are given below:

Female Gurus (preceptors) are mentioned in R.V 3-33-1 to 3 and can teach Vedic metaphysics to students.

Kashtriya Queens who have studied under the Vedic Education system up to the age of 24 years should take the role of protecting the subjects/citizens during the war if the king dies or injured. She can take the help of the Commander-in-Chief. (R.V 6-75-3 to 15)

Women can attend Vidhta and Sabha (religious and political assemblies (R.V 10-85-26, 42 to 47)

There are many other mantras/riks about women studying Vedas. Gargi, Godhra, Lopmudra and many others were the renowned Vedic Rsikas of yore.

Kvaish Aylush, maharsi Valmiki, Vyas became Brahmins though born in other Varnas.

From the above it is apparent from Vedas that four divine Varnas are not by Birth and women and all Varnas can study Vedas. Even non divine Avarnas can move towards Varna by studying Vedas and following their teachings/guidelines.

For more details kindly see chapter "Vedic Society" in Glimpses of Vedic Metaphysics" on Internet. Website http://www.sabhlokcity.com/metaphysics OR

through search engines of google.com; yahoo.com; lulu.com


With regards,





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