
This is to thank Chief Taku for giving us the true history of the politcal evolution of the SC.
Many of us seem to be interested in feeding ourselves with what we think, rather than with the truth.
This is the time to think and act collectively in order to gain our goal. Blaming this person or that person, will not correct the past mistakes.

Some of us may have different views, but when discussing our common problems, we shall arrive at an agreement or at least, a compromise.

Let us end the blame game.

Best wishes

ngwang gumne

From: Chief Charles A.Taku <>
Sent: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 19:21

The so-called " Anti Christ" article sounds much as the work of the " Anti Christ" itself. It contains half truths and uncordinated ideas.
The person who took credit for moving the constitutional amendment that has enslaved La Republique and its citizens to the political agenda of Paul Biya is Hon. Foju who we all know is not a North Westerner.  The very first amendment was moved by Hon. Peter Ikundi Ray who again is not a North Westerner.
The prime mover behind the idea that destroyed  multiparty politics that led to the creation of the CNU writes Sadou Daoudu was Hon. E.T Egbe who was not a North Westerner. The Only Southern Cameroonian in the 1972 slave deal Commission that abolished the so-called Federation  was Hon. E.T Elangwe who was not a North Westerner.
I am not be this absorbing some Southern Cameroonians from the Northern Zone from being used to enhance colonial rule. These Southern Cameroonians socalled " Anglophones de services" were not chosen because of ethinic reasons as the " Anti Christ" writter alleges nor is it reasonable to impute guilt by association to any one or group of individuals. Those who allowed themselves to be used to betray their own people, and this includes marginal civil servants who are transported every now and then to go back to their tribes to lie to their own people, or people who every now and then dupe their people of sums of money purporting to use it to support Paul Biya or the CPDM, are all culpable.
 Treachery, my dear brother therefore has no tribe.
 It is therefore disengenious and presposterious to ascribe that vice to any group of people.
 Chief C.Taku

--- On Tue, 6/26/12, Patrick Vega <> wrote:

From: Patrick Vega <>
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 7:37 AM

Baseless analysis and facts. Quote your sources and we shall believe you. You write like a "mbuh" house student.

--- On Mon, 6/25/12, Martin Eyong Tabe <> wrote:

From: Martin Eyong Tabe <>
To: "" <>
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012, 6:32 AM

At least two Bible prophets mentioned the coming of the
Antichrist. Apostle Paul of Tarsus mentioned that there are several
Antichrists. When you carefully evaluate the Cameroon Problem, you realize that
the Antichrist is already here.
It is very very hard to understand the position of the
North-Westerners. This is not tribal politics but we must hit the nail on the
head. One thing remains very certain…the North-westerner is not to be trusted.
You guys are TRAITORS without end.
1). We take a historical narrative from the Foumban
conference prior to the so called reunification. Foncha and Muna in complicity
with their brothers in the west conspired with the existing regime against the
legitimacy of the Southern Cameroons to get what we have today. Someone got so
angry with me for not realizing that the symbol of the Foumban chiefdom is a
Double headed serpent. Of all the animals on earth, this kingdom decided to
choose the serpent (SATAN), the worst enemy to mankind. And behold, it wasn't
any ordinary serpent but a serpent with two heads, a sign of treachery and
betrayal, hypocrisy, double standards you name the rest. Even from their
geographical location, the guys of the west are neither Anglophone nor
francophone. They remain in-between, lukewarm. I am sure you know what demerits
there are for those who sit on the fence. They are neither this way nor that
way. When the wind blows this way they identify with it and the reverse also
holds sway. They can take trade secrets across the fence to either side
according to their whims and caprices.
Many have wondered why of all the existing intellectuals at
that time, the destiny of a people could only be entrusted to two primary
school leavers.
2). In the 1990's came John Fru Ndi and
the SDF syndrome. Popular opinion at that time held that the messiah had come.
It wasn't long before long awaited messiah started showing his ugly side with
his intrinsic, tribal, vindictive and other hypocritical instincts. When the
SDF received election money, Fru Ndi alone grabbed 150million lion share. When
he was interviewed he justified the act by saying that he had not been paid all
these years. Many wondered where it happens that someone who does not hold a
post of responsibility is paid. His graffi brothers were quick to justify that he is the leader and as a leader he
alone can allot 60% of the booty and 40% for the rest of the people.  In other countries, opposition members are
either senators or congressmen. From his finicky and very dull declarations, on
wonders whether he ever saw the walls of a classroom. Once again, the destiny
of a people was placed in the hands of some illiterate. He used the Famous 8.2
to send all who dared oppose him to the guillotine. He even attacked Ngwa Sirri
in person with tear gas, something that is not sold in the market and is used
only by the military. This attack lead to the death of Ngwa Sirri later on but
Fru Ndi was not charged till date. This means that Fru Ndi was/has been working
with the regime all along. Needless mentioning the Nkemgu's, Asonganyi's, and
the litany continues. It's hard to believe that an intellectual like Jua
Paulinus could be pushed to the back ground because he dared challenge Fru Ndi.
This is a seasoned jurist, perfectly bilingual with good working experience,
yet the SDF regime could afford to throw him to the back ground so that the SDF
will become/remain a party of empty heads, nonentities and of vandals. The era
of road side politics is over. The era where one could garnish much support by
criticizing and by condemning the regime on roof tops is long past. The era
when one could go to Mbouda to stir public uproar in the minds of vandals and
lunatics so they vent their anger and frustrations over the regime by breaking
and burning stuff is dead and gone. What obtains is your political agenda, how
things can be made better so Cameroon can move on. Furthermore, Mr. Fru Ndi
used his wide-sweeping powers to appoint only those from his region of origin to
posts of responsibility in the SDF. This was further compounded by his so
called shadow cabinet that laid his inherent tribal instincts to the open with
a total 100% of members from his region of origin. This caused many supporters
to withdraw their votes and finances, bringing the SDF to its knees till
present date. Critics went wild in the tabloids and in mbu houses asking aloud what difference there is between Fru Ndi
and Biya. If at the level of a political party the former could display such
nepotism then no one dare imagine what will happen if he were elected president
of this country. Needless mention the persistent news about all his secret
meetings with Biya and with CPDM big wigs. Joseph Owona visited him right in
his Bamenda residence.
Fru Ndi's wife was evacuated for medical reasons at speed of
light. As though that wasn't enough, when she died, Fru Ndi received a wreath
from Biya and a colossal 21 Million francs cfa. Some talk of a much greater
sum, to buttress the point that Fru Ndi has been wining and dinning with the
regime over the years at the expense of all the confidence Cameroonians have
vested in him. Well he is reaping the fruits of his labour. The SDF today is
less than a shadow of itself. All enthusiasm has died down with very few people
willing to attend rallies of participate in elections because Fru Ndi and Biya
are one or better still, there is no difference between the two.
3) Of all the regions, the North West was the first to herald
the constitutional Amendment that made Biya the Life president of Cameroon.
Zaccheus Fonjindam, Tazong Abel Nde, John B Ndeh called for the revision of the
constitution under the guise that it was undemocratic for the president's
mandate to be limited and that Biya was the only one man enough to rule
Cameroon. They promised him their unflinching support as well as the support of
the North West chiefs and the entire northwest population. Remember that one of
the few special constituencies in the country is in the North West
region-Ngoketunja. One of the biggest cohorts in CRTV was of this extraction;
Mr. Luc Ananga could go to any length to hail the Biya regime to the high
heavens with his obnoxious analysis even to the point of describing how
handsome Biya was and how well dressed he appeared on TV. Remember that it was
in Bamenda that Biya was crowned chief of chiefs and fon of fons. Also remember
that it was in the same Bamenda that the CPDM was born. Also remember that one
of the leaders of the 1996 constitutional amendment that gave Biya sweeping powers
was Carlson Anyangwe of North West Origin and his Brother Munzu of the South
west. The obnoxious ELECAM is headed by a North Westerner. Needless mention the
Paul Atanga Njis, the Fai Yengos, the Gwanmesia's etc. at present date, it has
been established that Mme Kahbang Wahla is a CPDM cohort, sponsored by Paul
Atanga Nji to destabilize the SDF.
4) Woe unto any one who places his trust in the North
Westerner. It's very hard to understand their position. Over the ages, minister
Marafa has been persistently rigging elections from ages to ages through out
the national territory in favour of the CPDM, stealing the victories of the SDF
all along. This reporter was told that the SDF victory in Fako especially was
so ashamed, 200: 15 votes in favour of the SDF, 325: 12 and 100% in some
polling stations. In the Buea locality it was even more alarming with the
National station mentioning a sweeping victory for the SDF with 75% of votes
already counted at 6:30 am, only for the Buea municipality to parade the streets
with a caravan at 11:30am, singing the victory song. In spite of all these, Mr.
Fru Ndi was willing to put lawyers in the defense of Marafa whose hands are
plunged deep down the dirty waters of corruption. At the same time, the SDF was
filling a motion at the National assembly calling for an investigation to the
Camair Crash of the 1990's of which Marafa was the one in charge of the award
maintenance contract for the plane and the indemnification of the victims which
never saw the light of day. At the same time the SDF regime criticized Biya for
using dubious means to acquire a plane with SNH funds at the time when the
country was wallowing in poverty. Newspaper reports stipulate that in a secret
meeting at his residence on the sharing of the booty, Marafa alone is purported
to have gone home with a lump sum of 600 million CFA. Yet the SDF is willing to
go to any length to defend Marafa. Surprisingly enough, the North West elite
was very passive about the arrest of their kinsman from Chantier Naval but they
were very ready to support Marafa of a different tribal extraction. It is
thanks to Fru Ndi that we have the toll gates on our roads till date; extorting
money from Cameroonians. Yet the roads are what they are with no provision for
expansion or any significant maintenance. The number of cars flooding the
country has been on the steady increase yet the toll gate revenue remains
questionable. Over the years many commissions have been put in place to audit
toll gate revenue that has ended up in personal coffers. You simply need to
travel form Bameda to Buea of from Buea to Yaoundé to imagine how much revenue
is generated daily with all the numerous cars and agencies that ply our roads
24 hours a day. What a shame.
Its very hard to understand the fact that Fru Ndi, Achidi Achu, Forgindam, John B Ndeh, Tazong Abel Ndeh, fon
Angwafor and the like all hail from Mezam or better still, from Santa
subdivision yet there has never been any criticism, talk less of a direct
conflict or an open confrontation between these people. If truly the CPDM is
Fru Ndi's worst enemy then it is hard to understand the type of game that the
North Westerners are playing in Santa Subdivision
The SCNC is inexistent in the national territory except in
the North West region. What then is the stance of the North West? Is it
incomprehensible for the North West to be strong in the SDF, in the CPDM and in
the SCNC at the same time? This position cannot be defined. If those of the
West region are the snake with two heads, then the North West is the snake with
3 heads.
The herald of the GCE Board, Mr. Azong Wara gathered his
graffi brothers in Yaoundé to criticize the failure of the Ministry of National
Education in organizing the GCE.
Among other things, he said the frogs were under minding Anglophone education, which GCE standards
were falling, that teachers' correction dues were hardly ever paid, that the frogs were responsible for the
persistent leakages on other examination malpractices. For some reason unknown
to the public, the GCE Board was granted by presidential decree in less than
time, with Azong Wara as the pioneer Registrar.
From then on to present date, there has never been a year
that teachers have received their dues without putting up a fight before or
after marking the GCE. There has been no year without leakages and other
malpractices. Over the years the standards have been on steady decline with
some subjects having as low as 20% cut off marks. Yet you will hear how 21
students had 50 points and all the like, n a mere multiple choice exam.
One is tempted to wonder what Cameroonians do with money. In
the days of old, registration for the GCE cost as little as 3,500FRS CFA.
Nowadays it costs from 15,000 FRS to 25,000 FRS. In order to get more money,
compulsory subjects are increased every other year, compelling students to
register more subjects than they nee. Since the price is per subject, it means
that more money comes in. to maximize their booty; the GCE Board has resorted
to multiple choice questions that are marked by computer so that little man
power would be sought yet the cost of examinations is at an all time high. This
year the GCE Board comes up with G1 form at the cost of 1,000 FRS CFA, claiming
it is used for authentication. Multiply 1,000 FRS by 110,000 candidates and get
the result. The next year another form is instituted, G2 at the cost of 1,000
FRS CFA. Multiply 1,000 FRS by 110,000 students; what do you get as additional
revenue, left aside the registration cost and the cost per subject, other
charges left aside like 5,000 FRS for the certificate, whether it is for passed
or failed. Multiply 5,000FRS by 100,000 students every single year, what do you
get? You get 500 million francs cfa for just a single year. Then you add the
hundreds of millions sent from the General Paymaster in Yaoundé, to the tune of
250 million francs or more. Then you start asking what Cameroonians are doing
with money. In spite of all these it seems very hard for teachers to be paid
their menial setting and correction dues, yet you want to tell me that the Antichrist is not here already? This is
why the GCE Board has become a Death trap with personnel that are at daggers
drawn, ready to shed blood in other to get appointed to posts of
You will be very surprised that the GCE Board is still
renting private premises 20 fucking years after its creation. This defies any
human or divine logic. Sure the GCE Board is waiting for Biya to build them a
permanent residence.
Let's wait and see……
                       During the hey days of
multi party politics, many letters purported to have been written by Fru Ndi
were leaked to the press. This led to a general uproar and condemnation because
the letter called the South Westerners PUPPETS.  Whether the source of the
letter was genuine or not is immaterial but one thing remains clear. The South
Westerners are even bigger PUPPETS than you can ever imagine. These are people
who follow the blowing of the wind like sheep without a shepherd. If the wind
blows east they are ready to follow, if it suddenly turns west they willingly
follow. The answer to this enigma is very simple; the South westerner does not
have a direction. Sheep without a shepherd because its so-called intellectuals
are at daggers drawn, ready to slaughter one another for their personal gains
and egos, the reason why the region is where it is 50 years after independence.
Yet this is a region that is pregnant, endowed with so many natural resources
yet it languishes in misery and penury. Over the years the South West Elite and
peoples have had a sizzling romance with the Beti regime with nothing to show
for it. If you compare availability of natural resources, the allegiance to the
Beti regime and the level of development in the two Anglophone regions, you
realize that there is nothing to write home about in the South West Region.
1)    As at now, there are more than 15
petroleum extractions companies in the Bakassi zone, Kombo Itindi, Kombo
Abedimo, Isangele and many other islands in Ndian division yet not 1km of tarred road exists in that
division. What a paradox! Yet this
is a division that votes the CPDM with universal acclamation-total unanimity.
One is tempted to wonder whether these indigenes are insane or are spell bound.
The Bakassi mayors of recent sent a motion of Support to the Yaoundé regime
thanking it for the theft of their oils to finance frivolous activities in Yaoundé,
Switzerland and the like. Mundemba which is the divisional head quarters goes
for weeks without electricity and water supply. It is only of recent that
Mundemba could capture CRTV television signals. So the Ndian elite are telling
the Ndian indigenes that they don't deserve any level of development, no basic
amenities in the 21st century and 50 years after independence. How
much of the South West is tarred? There is oil and there is SONARA at the door
step If the kumba-Buea road was tarred it's because of the heavy activity in
that axis so that the government could impose a weighing station and collect
more money for the regime.
When the Green Tree accord was put in place, there was so
much talk of the Ekok-Mamfe-Mutengene road that would disincline that part of
the region. Surprisingly, the road has been diverted to Bamenda and the South
West elite are simply clamped shut about that issue. All the historic towns in
the South West Region are no where to be found, Tiko, Mamfe, Buea you name the
rest. Mamfe cannot boast of good roads, Mamfe goes for 2 weeks without
electricity supply; talk less of potable water or town ship taxes, 50 years after
2). The South West Region does not have a Reference Hospital
but Bamenda can already boast of one. The reference hospital in Buea can go on
for 8 months without potable water. In a hospital! The toilets stink to the
high heavens and patients and pregnant women have to help themselves in the
near by bushes when nature calls. Instead of getting cured, the hospital has
become a place to get infected. If the Regional Hospital can attain this low
level, how will those in Kumba, Mamfe, mundemba be? Your guess is as good as
Id like to ask Mbella Moki, Andrew Motanga
Lifanda, Mme Lifaka, Njalla Quan and the like what the CPDM has realized in
the South West or better still in Fako Division after 13 years of uninterrupted
rule of Fako sons at the Star building. The Tiko wharf is where it is, the Tiko
airport is where it is, the Limbe
deep sea port has been pushed to the back ground. When it was time to
placate the masses to support the constitutional amendment you could hear about
the Limbe deep sea port. These days you hear only about Kribi sea port. Where
is the Limbe thermal plant or the Yoke
electricity power supply of the Korean
cement factory that has become a National disgrace on the Batoke road like
wise the South West Chiefs conference that is an eye sore at the Muea road, several years after the laying of the
foundation stone. Up till now, the most part of the South Wes Region is
untarred, no regular electricity supply, no potable water you name the rest for
all the years of allegiance and un alloyed support to the regime. The North
West has been in the opposition for 20 years yet the Ring road is about getting
tarred, they have been offered a University, they have a Reference Hospital and
all the like, with less that 3 years of rulership at the star building.
Yet the South West barons will hail Biya as the God-sent
President of Cameroon. Yet Fako CPDM cohorts can send motions of support to
Biya for the so-called Grandes Realisations, how Cameroon has been turned into
a vast construction site with many projects that will make Cameroon an emerging
economy in 2035. Perhaps the South West elite find it hard to explain to the
indigenes that not a single project, not
one project is situated out of the South Region, Menve ele, mekin, Lom Pangar, Kribi
sea port, kribi thermal plant, Limbe gas plant etc. Not one of the numerous
projects s situated out of Biya's region, yet the regime is taking tax payers
money from over the national territory including debts that will be paid by
posterity at 5% compound interest to finance projects in Biya's Region of
origin. What a shame!
3). During the last presidential elections, all regions were
represented by candidates. Some regions like the Centre, West and Northwest had
a minimum of 4 candidates in these regions. The North West had, Nyamdi, Fru
Ndi, Kahbang Wahla, and Muna. Even the minority of all minorities in Cameroon,
the Littoral Region had a candidate, Ekindi. Yet the loner (Ayah) from the
South West who dared join the race to challenge Biya was received all the
opposition from his indigenes. Did someone say l'ennemi dans la maison?
There is something wrong with this region, better still this
region is cursed. Since when has Achidi Achu, Forgindam, Angwafor or any other
big wig challenged or distanced themselves from Fru Ndi because the latter is
in the opposition? When did Garga Haman Aji who is now in the opposition ever
challenge Marafa or Issa Tchiroma?
It is only in the South West that Ayah could be challenged
even from people of his own village in the likes of Obi Okpun,  Agbor Tabi and other South West Elite. Sure we
haven't forgotten one of the Vice Presidents who justified the purported proxy
to vote in Ayah's place. If not of Ayah, the South West would have been the
only region in Cameroon that would not have been represented. It means that if
tomorrow the CPDM collapses (which it must one day) there will be no one to clamor
for the region's interest whole other regions will have more than one Candidate
to defend their interests. Not one South Westerner has a will of his own. It is
all about …..The Head of State's….this or that.
The country went amok when Ngolle Ngolle (direct replica of Luc
Ananga made in South West), the Bakossi scholar from the hills of Kupe
Muanenguba tried to translate his native Bakossi language into English by
justifying the new definition of the word "Natural".
He was surely trying to add a new definition to the English dictionary, even
though the road to his village has been impassable for 5 years now. The only
access to Tombel, Bangem is through the West Region. You leave the South West,
through the Littoral and then to the West before making a left turn to get to
Bamgem which is just around the corner here, a stone's throw from Kumba.
4). So much dust has bee raised since Biya started the (in)
famous Operation Epervier. Never has
any subject raised dust this much or caused ink to flow without end, stirring
popular opinion, making the atmosphere pregnant with speculation. It is hard to
fully access how much success this operation has registered, talk less of how
much funds have been recovered. Many pundits claim that it is destined towards
the settlement of political scores rather than effectively fighting corruption.
All hell broke loose when big wigs like Inoni and Marafa were arrested. Many
analysts justified the fact that the timing of these arrest were destined
towards diverting political opinion from the obnoxious Electoral law which it
did. What was even more interesting was the way the so-called South West elite
reacted to the detention of their kin. Meetings were held in Buea to appease
the elite to the fact that it was not a political motive and that the Law
courts were going to do their job. Later on, interviews were granted and Fako
elite stunned the public the most by their declarations….justifying his arrest.
They even went as far as saying that …"it is not good for people in a country
to steal too much…." this already criminalizes Inoni prior to his trial. Yet
the law talks about the Presumption of Innocence, innocent until proven guilty.
The (in) famous English scholar who hails from the jungles in Manyu further
criminalized Inoni by single-handedly sent a motion of support to Biya,
praising his efforts in the Fight against Corruption. During the old school
days, English was for the weak, those who couldn't make it in Physics or in
economics. This was common with men who were academic misfits and flashy girls
with empty heads. It was very hard for a man to study English like a major. Yet
you have someone parading himself as an English professor. Too shame. You would
willingly turn off your radio set when you hear him talk, no display of any
linguistic skill or any mastery of the language. He nurses the illusion that by
so doing he will be appointed Prime minister some day. In Cameroon, the
professorship coefficient is measured by how much allegiance, how much praises
can be poured on the Biya regime. When you hear the some one's credentials and
you realize that such a person cannot write a simple article in a news paper,
let alone make a publication in an academic journal. I challenge any one to go
to the internet and Google any of such names and get his shock.
The South West has sacrificed or better still, auctioned Mr.
Who can claim that Inoni has not helped South West indigens?
How many people of this extraction got jobs thanks to Inoni's influence at the
Government and even at Standard Chartered where he was Board Chairman?
If the Limbe-Idenau road is tarred today it s thanks to
Inoni's influence when he was in the Ministry of Finance. Inoni Supported many
endeavours in the South West including the South West chiefs. Today, the same
people he raised to the pedestal in the Government, in the National Assembly,
in the Councils and in the Standard Chartered Bank have all turned against
their brother
Make no mistake. This writer does not in any way endorse
corruption. Sure, Inoni will get just what he deserves but until he is proven
guilty, he remains innocent. Inoni will pay the price for romancing with
When Marafa was arrested all hell broke loose in the Grand
Nord. Better still, since his removal from office the Grand Nord has been under
siege up to the point where Issa Tchiroma and 2 Northern elite had tried making
a trip to calm the nerves of their kinsmen without success. During the
installation of the Garoua Governor, no CPDM elite or population came out to
witness the occasion. There was a total boycott from the Northern populace.
Of recent, the Ngaoundere University students sent a motion
of support to Marafa this same day, 18th of June 2012. They even
went as far as endorsing his candidature for the next presidential elections,
addressing him as His Excellency. Marafa's brothers in the capital city in Yaoundé
were not left out as they printed tracks in colour paper and pasted them all
over Yaoundé including locations close to the Tsinga Police School with
courage. It is only in the South West that their kinsman was auctioned for less
than 30 pieces of silver….
Allegiance to the Rose Cross and to the Freemasons doesn't
always work. Politics is a Machiavellian thing. It goes beyond allegiance to
demonic sects or praise singing. There are no permanent friends or permanent
enemies in politics but there are permanent interests. Where are all those who
could lie down for Biya to walk over them? Where are those who sang all the
praises to Biya hailing him as the life president of Cameroon?
Biya is the master of his art. Biya and Biya alone know where
he is taking this country to. He understands the Political equation so well.
When you are at your prime, Biya uses you to the fullest, giving you the
impression that you are indispensable or better still that you are a semi-god.
After having sapped you of all your potentials, he dumps you when you least
expect and what a great fall that usually is. Biya is good at using and dumping
people. Where is the famous "15 days renewable?" Where is Forgindam who
introduced the Life president campaign? Where is Ngolle Ngolle? Where is Marafa
who rigged all the elections over the years? Who could have believed one year
ago that one day Fotso will be in prison after all their romance and allegiance
to Biya?
Many more heads will roll. Many of those who think they are
untouchables will fall. The CPDM is a kingdom divided against itself and it
will definitely fall. It's just a matter of time….and woe unto all those who
rely on the CPDM for their protection and for their survival. There will hardly
be a hiding place for them. I'd suggest self exile in that event. God save this
On the next publication; a cross examination of the
Cameroonian political and administrative landscape-
THE CAMEROONIAN PROBLEM: Corrupt Administration, Thieving
Lawyers, Complacent Church, Divided Army, Pseudo-Intellectuals, Powerless
Legislative, Dishonest Politicians and the way forward!


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