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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Re: The June 22 Pact of Non-Aggression Re-visited: IN RESPONSE TO CLARIFY

With the benefit of hindsight, this posting was dead prophetic!
Alas! Southern Cameroon pressure group leaders can't take heed and avoid unnecessary squabbling.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 26, 2012, at 2:29 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:

> This was posted on June 22; 2012
> Compatriots,
> It is my singular pleasure to announce to us all that certain decisive
> pathways, the results of years of effort, white pain and hot sweat,
> dedication and commitment, have borne fruit - singular FRUIT.
> The days ahead will, per force, divulge those pathways.
> Without stiffing our democratic right to debate and agree or disagree,
> and without infringing on our right to belong to this or that group, I
> do implore us all to wait until we have all the facts about a pathway
> before we type and send.
> Hence I do propose to us all a PACT of NON-AGGRESSION.
> This is because it is obvious to us all that we sometimes disagree on
> strategies but not on the essential goal which goal is the full
> expression of our natural and legal right to self-determination as a
> PEOPLE - an independent state one way or another.
> God bless the Southern Cameroons
> Ntemfac Aloysius Nkong Nchwete Ofege - Prophet.
> Chairman - Commission of Ways and Means
> Southern Cameroons Peoples Organization.
> On 6/26/12, kaavi melchizedek <> wrote:
>> Is it a fight to now place SCAPO in the lime light?
>> or what is this fighting now all about. I thought there
>> was some peace now between SCAPO and the SCNC.
>> Pa Ngumne for the good of the struggle knowing how
>> sensitive it is, you should have addressed your letter direct
>> to Dr Nfor without letting us knowing. You people are just
>> discouraging us with all these your better than thou reactions.
>> If there is something concerning the Banjul case that SCAPO
>> was keeping and waiting for SCNC to come and ask for. Or
>> waiting for the people of Southern Cameroons to come and ask for
>> before they know then SCAPO should better eat it. SCAPO do not
>> have an office but SCNC does ask Pa Ndangam when last he visited
>> the SCNC office. Next time please write these fights behind the screen.
>> . mk
>> Chairman SCNC Belgium
>> Melchizedek Kaavi
>> Melim City(LGA)
>> Northern Zone Bui
>> County Southern Cameroon
>> Web:
>> ________________________________
>> From: thomas sama achoa <>
>> To: "" <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 3:26 PM
>> Deze my Pa them di kill my spirit some times me a di wander wosai we di go.
>> I hope Pa Ndangam is not a child like also is Pa Nfor but the thing that
>> disturbes me most is when
>> we are giving the impression that one of this persons is a child that needs
>> to be pampered by the other.
>> Pa Ngumne how much interest have Pa Ndangam shown on working with Nfor that
>> makes you to think
>> that Nfor does not want to work with him?
>> Pa Ngumne i have been a witness to a lot of things in this movement and does
>> not want to be highlighting
>> those things for they keep us apart reather than bringing us together.
>> Like i am an advocate of unity if the people you want them to work together
>> does not want to do so as mature
>> people i cannot force them.
>> The one billion question we should ask ourselves today is, why is it that we
>> cannot indevour to work together and
>> blaming a/b for working together is when i Sama Thomas makeup my mind that i
>> want to work with my brother and
>> not the other way round. I will like to know if Pa Ndangam have ever went to
>> Nfor and ask him that he will like that
>> they should be working hand in gloves and Nfor turned dawn that opportunity.
>> If that is not the case i don't see how Nfor should be accused by anyone for
>> not wa
>> ________________________________
>> From: Ngwang Gumne <>
>> To: "" <>
>> Cc: NFOR NFOR <>; AFN Gwannua <>;
>> Martin Yembe <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 1:05 PM
>> Dear Mr Nfor,
>> Thanks for your long mail in response to my mail to you.
>> Mine was a limited circulation. Yours-as usual-became a world circulation.
>> It is a pity that you did not read that I praised Mr Yembe for the coverage;
>> you did not also read that I praised you for the interview.I praised you
>> and Mr. Yembe.You lost sight of this when responding.
>> We have information on the legal and diplomatic approaches that are not yet
>> in the public domai
>> I had requested many times before that you and Mr. Ndangam shouls work
>> closely together. You have never shown interest in this approach. If you two
>> were doing things together, you would have all this up-to-date information
>> that would have enriched your interview.
>> I took up the Banjul case irrespective of your stiff opposition, in the name
>> of The Southern Cameroons and in consideration of the fact that you are not
>> the SCNC. At no time have I ever regarded it as belonging to any one
>> person.If you remember, that since the SDF days, I had never been interested
>> in taking up politics and that my fight is to contribute to bringing about
>> justice for the SC, you will have no reason to think that I want some sort
>> of recognition.You have shown interest and participated in parliamentary
>> elections as a candidate though the voters did not get you in.This reminds
>> me of a friend who told me they call a certain friend, "depute manque". You
>> would have been in parliament.
>> You said Mr Ndangam was in the US; this is not true because he is in Bamenda
>> and he was there when you gave the interview. You did not know because you
>> have no interest in working together with SCAPO.
>> To end, I remind you that I wrote to you with limited circulation. You wrote
>> back copying the world.
>> I praised you and Mr Yembe for the interview. I pointed out the weakness and
>> showed how it would have been better.Banjul is a Southern Cameroon issue
>> even hough it was one man's initiative. Every Southern Cameroonian is free
>> to quote it, including its opponents.
>> Best wishes
>> ngwang gumne
>> ________________________________
>> From: NFOR NFOR <>
>> To: Ngwang Gumne <>
>> Cc: ambasbay <>; ""
>> <>; Martin Yembe <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 6:52
>> Dr Gumne,
>> Sir,
>> Your second posting on the interview I granted to a French researcher
>> whether questioning, attacking or blaming whoever has necessitated my
>> reaction. In the first you
>> blamed me for not
>> bringing in
>> your
>> Executive Vice for he is better informed than any of us on the Banjul
>> issue. I have never contested such claims and we were not writing Mr
>> Biya's concour here.
>> I note that your worry stems from the fact that by talking about it
>> alone, by implication I failed to give credit where it is due. Was
>> that the purpose of the interview? And should that have been my
>> preoccupation? I am not oblivious of the blames, attacks and
>> accusations I have received from you and SCAPO authorities which mean
>> nothing to me. You will notice that I have not been replying or
>> reacting for obvious reasons.
>> Firstly we do not have the luxury you people have over there to be
>> preoccupied with sterile issues which do not advance the struggle for
>> freedom.
>> Secondly I do not want to get involved in this blame, blame syndrome
>> and personality cultism. It is exclusive. It does not build
>> confidence. It does not bring people
>> together. It is injurious to
>> human dignity and good conscience.
>> One thing which Mr. Martin Yembe did not say or saw no need to, is
>> that he did not tell his readers that he did not attend the interview,
>> he listened to it on a DVD and made his notes and published his
>> article. I was surprised at what he was able to do and I praised him.
>> And we should all do that for by his ability some of you who may never
>> be opportune to listen to the DVD have had a word for or against which
>> to me is human.
>> Second point of correction: You blame me for not inviting Mr Ndangam,
>> SCAPO Executive Vice Chairman. You expected me to have told the
>> French researcher to wait for me while I rushed to the USA or wherever
>> and to bring Mr Ndangam? Did he hand to me a list of questions so
>> that I should have selected those to be answered by your Executive
>> Vice? This war against the occupier is a collective issue and people
>> must be
>> educated on their rights to fight the enemy.
>> I have said it before and here do reiterate – Banjul is not a personal
>> property of any individual or group, it belongs to all British
>> Southern Cameroonians just the same as the victory/independence when
>> it comes will be. We ahead, suffering as we are, are only messengers
>> and stewards. Below the list of complainants it is put "for and on
>> behalf of the Southern Cameroonian people." By this we have made
>> history and we should thank God for that. If any praises at all should
>> come tomorrow, let the people decide, don't sing it to yourself.
>> When we say the people's fundamental rights have been violated and
>> their sovereignty confiscated, we are not referring to the few on the
>> list of complainants or the few card bearing members on SCNC or SCAPO
>> register. I pray no one should reason like Chief Ayamba who has it on
>> record that those working with LRC or
>> in the Diaspora should return
>> home and join the struggle if not they shall lose their rights of BSC
>> citizenship. We seem not to have gotten him rid of that mindset.
>> Third point: When in reaction to Martin's explanation, see below,
>> you stated "Mr Nfor did not need to say that 226 was SCNC. The fact
>> that he gave the interview as a Baron of the SCNC, leaves no one in
>> doubt as to who may have put in the 226, which remains false."
>> When I read this I was forced to re-read Martin Yembe's article for I
>> did not understand what '226' is and I knew I never said any such
>> thing. I wasted valuable time which is a scarce commodity.
>> Fortunately from his article I saw but 266/2003 which we all know NOT
>> 226. You are angry that I gave the interview "as a Baron of the SCNC"?
>> (Whatever meaning you attach to "Baron)." You wanted me to give the
>> interview as a Baron of the RDPC? You need to hear the
>> researcher's
>> opening statement as Martin paraphrased. The SCNC is BSC struggle for
>> freedom, justice and independence and the researcher wanted to know
>> the genesis of the problem, if really there is a problem and how we
>> Southern Cameroonians are pursuing it. He frankly confessed that few
>> French men know about the problem and political conflict.
>> I quote from Yembe's article the reference to this issue that has
>> obsessed you Dr Gumne "Another option the SCNC and Southern
>> Cameroonians have adopted all this while is that of litigation. The
>> Southern Cameroons people have taken their case to the African
>> Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) in 2003 in
>> Communication 266/2003."
>> My mission in this interview, briefly put, was to vividly paint the
>> inherent distinction between BSC and LRC, the victim and the
>> aggressor, the victim of a failed decolonisation process and the
>> annexationist and
>> coloniser and the compelling role of the
>> international system in conformity with the UN Charter, AU Charter and
>> international law for annexation is a crime against humanity and
>> threat to world peace and decolonisation a UN RESPONSIBILITY. My aim
>> as a messenger and steward of the people, who faithful to his defined
>> role does not run away from his duty and responsibility was to expose
>> LRC foreign aggression, territorial expansionism, imposition of
>> foreign domination and alien rule and that annexation and colonial
>> occupation is a direct declaration of war on the victim nation and
>> people in which the people have no option but to fight back to reclaim
>> their freedom and dignity. I likened this inherent right of the
>> Southern Cameroonian people to fight back with that of France under De
>> Gaulle in 1940s which with international support France was restored
>> to national sovereignty: BSC under international law claims that
>> same
>> right of nations and peoples. I spoke for and on behalf of BRITISH
>> SOUTHERN CAMEROONS and its people, Southern Cameroonians, against LRC,
>> its government and agents, who ever they may be. Score me on this and
>> condemn or praise me.
>> Yes your reaction on the Boko Haram issue is well placed and timely.
>> You, like others, reacted as a Southern Cameroonian whose image and
>> integrity is called to question in this baseless LRC imperial
>> accusation. You fully agree with me here for you do not have to be a
>> card carrying member of the SCNC. SCNC as I have said above is BSC,
>> the BSC voice for freedom, identity card within the international
>> arena, once attacked, we all are.
>> The blame syndrome would have been well founded if you started by
>> blaming me for not singing praises to ELAD, ANYANGWE, MUNZO and itoe.
>> You have the floor. Sir,
>> thank you.
>> Nfor N. Nfor
>> Mr. Yembe,
>> Thanks for your views.
>> Mr Nfor did not need to say that 226 was SCNC. The fact that he gave
>> the interview as a Baron of the SCNC, leaves no one in doubt as to who
>> may have put in the 226, which remains false.
>> The Boko Haram issue was mentioned somewhere linking the SCNC. When it
>> reached me, I did not wait for the SCNC to counter it as false.I acted
>> immediately and called the attention of Nfor and other SCNC factions
>> to act together to dispel the unfounded rumour by LRC Lobbyists.I
>> brought it in this time to show how we all should be our brother's
>> keepers.
>> Thank God, the Boko Haram link to SCNC has backfired on Cameroon-not
>> the SCNC.You mention the post by Chief Taku. I handled the issue
>> together with him.
>> I repeat, Mr Nfor's interview was good; it would have been better,
>> should he have treated it from a Southern Cameroons
>> perspective, by
>> associating people with up-to-date information.This is not the time
>> for individual action.Please, both Nfor and you, should, from now on,
>> consult with Mr Ndangam on a regular basis, in order to inform
>> Southern Cameroonians and the international community with up-to-date
>> information. We have done so much that you all need to know and spread
>> for Southern Cameroonians and others, to know.Keep secrets off.The
>> Executive Vice Chairman of SCAPO is requested to to respond favourably
>> to this cooperation for the sake of our country.
>> Best wishes
>> ngwang gumne
> --
> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
> a thing makes it happen.

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