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Saturday, June 30, 2012

RE: RE-UNIFICATION: CLARIFICATION NOTE: Time to stop the waste of time.

Thanks, Mr. Ayaba,
For acknowleging the work of Ofege, Mbua and the rest on this subject. This Susungi man has " Learned Nothing and has forgotten Nothing" Denis Richard. Though this quote belonged to the era of Louis XVI in France, it can aptly be used here to describe this man - Susungi and his behaviour. Who could think that after a lot of postings about two/three months ago destroying this fellow, he would hatch another one again. Let us assign Prophet Ntemfack Ofege to complete the job if Susungi continues to come in again as forcefully as he has done this time on this subject matter. If this man Susungi  has read these responses and is not crying in his study room, then he is hard hearted.
Gerard Best

--- On Sat, 6/30/12, Ayaba Cho Lucas SOUTHERN CAMEROONS INDEPENDENCE <> wrote:

Subject: RE: RE-UNIFICATION: CLARIFICATION NOTE: Time to stop the waste of time.
Date: Saturday, June 30, 2012, 7:50 AM

Dr. Tumasang,
Your mail and that of Dr. Mbua should sink into Susungi's bone marrow like knife through butter. Ignoring Susungi is dangerous. To win this struggle we must win the argument and as you have rightly stated, historical revisionism and terror have made our people gullible. Feeding on this gullibility are modern day Petains. As comrade Ofege has repeatedly stated we must hunt these men whereever they duel and destroy them. This is a very simple mission easier than sniffing out gendarmes from fortified barracks.

Subject: RE-UNIFICATION: CLARIFICATION NOTE: Time to stop the waste of time.
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 14:34:56 +0000

Dear All,

I hold reason with Martin Yembe that we should not waste our time spewing rubbish as to whether there was a union or not between Southern Cameroon and La Republique du Cameroon. This subject is a well trammeled terrain where dubious commentators strive to find a new financial inspiration and belated relevance in order to captivate their jaded and subjugated audiences.

To cover their Ignominious and failed misadventures across the Mungo, they conjure fake and nonexistent union propositions/documents to generate internecine quarrels and foster fissiparous inclinations within the focused liberation struggle of Southern Cameroons. The union issue is laden with jurisprudential tension, rich in judicial commentary and of fundamental legal, practical and commercial significance that these purported later day historians are intellectually not equipped to address. Each time they pick on the topic, instead of addressing it fully in all its multifarious legal and political dimensions, they instead adumbrate and produce shady outlines of the problem/solution. with the sole aim of flummoxing the gullible in La Republique du Cameroun to call them in Yaounde and give them political space i.e. begging for an appointment in Yaoundé.

After a dismal failure to cash in on the telecom and or banking boom in Africa, and to address their later day impecuniosities, they invent imaginary union documents to take and look for space/grain in Yaounde but wow to those who have forsaken their subjugated people for a bowl of grain from Etoudi, may their unfortunate lot be bitter as they have been rejected by Southern Cameroons, by the SDF and by La Republique to Cameroun so they are in the middle and are very infectious and dangerous. Ignoring them is the only solution. Their ambulatory tendency where they move from one side of the spectrum to the other is not acceptable.

Whether union or no union, we must liberate ourselves from the present bondage. Senegal and Gambia might have had a union but they each went their separate ways when it was resulting in bondage. Malawi, Rhodesia etc. were in some form of federation at one in time but later each went its separate ways.

This issue of whether there was a union or not has been overlaboured and we must forget about it and stop revisiting it each time with nothing new to add. Our fight for liberation is not ONLY premised on whether there was a union or not. We must focus on forging our chains into swords and free ourselves and our generations yet unborn. A slave does not waste his time asking if there was a treaty between his village chief and the white slave merchant that resulted in him being a slave. NO, he seeks for his manumission, treaty or no treaty.




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Dear All,


I hold reason with Martin Yembe that we should not waste our time spewing rubbish as to whether there was a union or not between Southern Cameroon and La Republique du Cameroon. This subject is a well trammeled terrain where dubious commentators strive to find a new approach and belated relevance in order to captivate their jaded and subjugated audiences.


To cover their Ignominious misadventures, they conjure fake and nonexistent union propositions to generate internecine quarrels and foster fissiparous inclinations within the focused liberation struggle of Southern Cameroons.


After a dismal failure to cash in on the telecom and or banking boom in Africa, and to address their later day impecuniosity, they invent imaginary union documents to take and look for space in Yaounde but wow to those who have forsaken their subjugated people for a bowl of grain from Etoudi, may their unfortunate lot be bitter as they have been rejected by Southern Cameroons, by the SDF and by La Republique to Cameroun so they are in the middle and are very infectious and dangerous.


Whether union or no union, we must liberate ourselves from the present bondage. Senegal and Gambia might have had a union but they each went their separate ways when it was resulting in bondage. Malawi, Zimbabwe etc. were in some form of federation at one time but later each went its separate ways.


This issue of whether there was a union or not has been overlaboured and we must forget about it and stop revisiting it each time with nothing new to add.





Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 14:26:26 +0100
Subject: Re: A Reply to Dr. Susunji's RE-UNIFICATION: CLARIFICATION NOTE

Dr Louis Egbe even the damn thing that Ahidjo called a Federation in September 1961 before the intention
of the Southern Cameroonian people was made in October that is a month later was wrong.
See why it was wrong let me bring Nigeria into play. Nigeria as an entity started as a federated state of three
states that does not mean that three states were independent entities with International Boundries as was the case
of the Southern Cameroons, what happened in LRDC in September 1961 is just the same like the Nigerian people
deed by declaring a federated state from the start, so  Ahijo's Federation does not include the Southern Cameroons into the damn thing
what a heck is Dokta Susungi trying to tell me here? It is because of the likes of Dokta Susungi that we are where we are
today for he dokta saw this thing coming but he failed to raised an objection today we the young once are suffering and
scattered all over the world like sheeps without a shepherd and enstead of him appologising to us he is there running his
mouth about nonsense is he insane or what is this all about?

From: louis egbe <>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 2:17 PM

Saturday, 30 June 2012
I was interested in Hon Chief Ayah's internet-circulated posting, 29 June 2012, which clearly stated that there is no legally binding document deposited at the UN, as required by international law enshrined in the UN Charter that created the so-called Union between the Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroun. Hon. Ayah was correct. However, it seems Dr. Susunji, in his own rebuttal article equally published yesterday, 29 June 2012, in various Cameroon internet fora is stating that Hon Paul Ayah's is misleading and that there is or was a kind of legally binding agreement. Dr.Susunji is totally incorrect and his article is grossly misleading as the following analysis and argument will reveal in this essay.

In the first place, if there was any "Treaty", then that "Treaty" has been violated since Ahidjo abrogated the Treaty in 1972 by violating the Federal constitution that brought to birth the de facto Federation in 1961. The Federal Constitution which came to force in September 1961 could not possibly be classified as a Treaty since the only signatory in the document was President Ahidjo......
Read the full article in:

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