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Monday, July 2, 2012

Another Assault of LRC on Southern Cameroons Villages

Another Assault of LRC on Southern Cameroons Villages

Plans to Plant Pillars Countered by Villagers of Wabane LGA

                Report by Martin Fon YEMBE

                Coordinator, Global Information Network(GLOBINET*)

With additional facts from Nfor N. Nfor


The peaceful citizens of M'mouck Leteh Local Government Area in Wabene, Lebialem County are now living in terror and fear, following the invasion of their village by authorities of La Republique du Cameroun. This event which took place this June 30, 2012 was more serious than the previous ones recorded, given that the invaders came in with boundary pillars, poised on planting them at localities right inside the community, viz, Tedek-Seng( Tedelebeng).

Chanting war songs, men, women and children of M'mouck Leteh LGA came out in their numbers and chased the invaders from La Republique du Cameroun with all they brought along, back. Yet, on their retreat, the invaders fought back, and casualties were registered. They were heard vowing in the coloniser's language " Nous avons les noms de tous les esclaves de ce village. On reviendra bientot arêter vos leaders!" ( We have the names of all the slaves here, and we will be back to arrest your leaders). In fact, they vowed that by this day, Monday June 2, 2012, they will be back to arrest the "culprits".

The seriousness of their diabolic intentions were visible when they put down all billboards, signboards written in the English language, especially at Primary Schools in the villages they intend cutting off and annexing to the Menoua in the La Republique Region. The villages earmarked in this dangerous expedition include: M'mouck Leteh; M'mouck Fosimonds; M'mouck Mbei; M'mouck Leleng, all in Wabene in Lebialem.

According to the spokespersons of the said people,( whose names we are withholding for obvious reasons), the threat has been persistent until this time that these colonizers have resolved to use their powers of the gun to attempt planting boundary pillars slicing off a good chunk of Southern Cameroons land and adding them to that of La Republique du Cameroun.

It should be recalled that this reporter had written and handed a comprehensive report of the planned invasion and molestation of the peoples of Bang Kountchoum ( in Donga Mantung County of Southern Cameroons); the area at Kutupit in Jakiri ( in Bui County of Southern Cameroons) the Yota Community in Tiko LGA ( Victoria County) and the present case in Wabane ( Lebialem County) to the Chairlady of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights ( ACHPR), when she came visiting in Buea two years ago.

As usual, the report was thrown into the diplomatic dustbin of peace and empty talks. The authorities of Sonkolong in the Adamawa Region in La Republique du Cameroun swept on the Bang Koumtchoum people with their Israeli Trained B.I.R. ( Rapid Intervention Batallion), arrested many villagers, burnt down houses and farmlands, and attempted off-rooting an international pillar planted in the colonial era to demarcate the two countries…to no avail. The Chief of the village languishes now in exile, while that fertile plain is being exploited by the colonizers…and the world is complacent and silent on it.

One common factor in these four communities being sliced off by La Republique du Cameroun is that these are very fertile areas, feeding the populations of the neighbouring La Republique communities.

Our research revealed a hidden agenda, that the authorities in Yaoundé and the Regional Governors are directly issuing out the instructions for these acts, reason why the local administrators get involved, backed by heavy military and police forces to force the people succumb or abandon the area as is the case in Bang Koumtchoum. Of course, there are clear indicators that the people of the Southern Cameroons are gradually, but surely assuming their responsibilities and taking back what belongs to them…being their nation, the Southern Cameroons.

Given the developing facts, La Republique du Cameroun is poised on slicing off huge chunks of fertile lands of the Southern Cameroons and adding to her own territory before D-Day( Doom's Day). How pathetic this is, given that few loud sounding Southern Cameroonians are doing little to fight this nasty phenomenon. But, it must be registered that while a poor people cried out and wailed to the free world of their tragic situation, the so-called free world remained silent and looked the other way as the children of Southern Cameroons were being led to the slaughter house.

Historical International Facts:

Maybe we should be reminding the Free World of the basic facts that had to do with the demarcation of the international boundaries between La Republique du Cameroun and the Southern Cameroons. Notwithstanding the Simon-Milner Agreement after the First World War, which was based on Moisel's map,surveys and actual demarcation took place on the ground…which indicated the extinction of German Kamerun and the birth of the two distinct territories.

At the Yato area, M. Chazelas, Chef de la Circonscription de Douala, and Mr. Davidson, the resident in Buea, signed a process-verbal on 9th August defining the boundary in the region of the Mungo River and its estuary. Reason why the Misselele Plantations were confirmed to remain part of British Southern Cameroons. In fact, La Republique later seized the tobacco Plantations of Penja, Njombe and Djongo.

Dschang, which had since the provisional partition of 1916 remained under British Cameroons, was handed over to the French, and a process-verbal was signed on 28 August 1920. However, disagreements as to the actual precision of the boundary as described by the 1919 Agreement persisted, but by 1930, they were all perfected. By Law No. 126 of 1954, referred to as Proclamation 1954, the Northern Region, Western Region and Eastern Region and the Southern Cameroons boundaries were defined…and by October 16, 1959 by UN General Assembly Resolution 1352 (XIV), when the Southern Cameroons boundaries were recognized, standing at 43,000sq. km.

Of course, the invasions so cited above are a declaration of war, not against the Southern Cameroons people alone, but against the International Community, and thus the United Nations!!! Yes, the dead United nations that has to be awakened or resurrected somehow. The people of Bang Koumtchou, Yota, Kutupit and Wabane are looking up to the international community…or else they will turn to what any hurt person does, fight back.

*GLOBINET is a Human Rights Communication Consultancy, based in Bamenda, headed by Martin Fon Yembe, trained as a human rights activists by the African Commission on Human and People's Rights (ACHPR) in 2010.

Courtesy: The Southern Cameroons: The Truth of The Matter by Nfor N. Nfor

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