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Sunday, July 1, 2012

MECA-USA: Accomplishments prior to the 2012 MECA-USA Convention in Houston and the task ahead


·         Chapter Chiefs

·         Community Leaders

·         Rank and File members of MECA-USA

·         Members of the Advisory Team

·         Friends of Manyu Division

·         Manyu Sons and Daughters around the globe


I want to thank you again for giving me the honor to serve as Chairman of our Association, MECA-USA and for giving the National Executive Committee (NEC) your support that has enabled us to move our association to what in my humble opinion is "a higher level".  Your support and loyalty has enabled us to make some major achievements that have the potential of improving the quality of life of our close and distant relatives back home in Manyu Division.  As we look ahead to the 2012 MECA-USA Convention in Houston, Texas, let us take an assessment of our accomplishments and develop a plan of action that will help us realize our major goal of completing the MECA USA Mamfe Public Restroom Project (MPRP). 


Today, I am proud to present to you a score card that shows some of the major accomplishments that we (MECA USA) have made in the last 12 months.  Among others, our major accomplishments Include:

Ø  Built a strong tri-partite partnership with the Mamfe Council and Mamfe Catholic Diocese

Ø  Raised approximately $20,000

Ø  Built a foundation to start the construction of a Public Restroom in Mamfe town

Ø  Built collaboration with the Mamfe Diocese and other Religious groups in Mamfe to support a Health Insurance Scheme in Manyu for the purpose of addressing Health Disparity

Ø  Built collaboration with the Mamfe Diocese to put services in the Multipurpose Center (MPC) that will provide Health Screening on risk factors for:

·         Diabetes

·         Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

·         Hypercholesterolemia

·         Breast Cancer


The aforementioned record of accomplishments would not have been possible without your support.  For that, I am truly grateful to have earned your trust and loyalty.  I strongly believe that we have the potential to even do better if we can inspire others to commit to community service.  To this end, I would like the Theme of the 2012 MECA USA Convention to be "Engaging and Inspiring Others to the Noble Spirit of Giving".  How do we encourage others to give to deserving and noble causes without expecting anything back?


As we prepare for our journey to Houston for the Annual MECA-USA convention (July 5-8, 2012), let us reflect on our life journey;  let us also think of our blessings, and let us think of how we can support a cause that can improve the wellbeing of someone who has no one to turn to.


Our major task in the next couple of months is to complete the MPRP project and embark on an aggressive sanitation/hygiene that will improve the wellbeing of our people in Mamfe.  To realize this task, we must raise additional funds to reach our target goal of $35,000.  At this point in time, we have already raised more than 50% of our target for this project.  Therefore, at the convention, I will be counting on all of you to once again reflect on the lives of our relatives in Manyu that you will be impacting, and to once more donate to help us reach our target goal. 


I wish you all travel mercies as you make the trip to Houston. 


May the Almighty God continue to abundantly bless you and your families.


Samuel Besong,

Chairman, MEC-USA



Houston, TX

July 5-8, 2012


Ø  Convention Chair:      Mr. Simon Mbi (MECA-Tristate, Chicago)

Ø  Convention Co-Chair:  Mrs. Elza Etchu (MECA-New England)

THURSDAY, July 5, 2012

Arrival of MECA-USA members and Friends of Manyu

9:00 p.m.             Reception/Gathering at MECA-Houston Chief's residence (4006 Hardwood Dr, Sugar Land, TX 77479)

FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

Part 1: 2:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m.  

·        Registration of Members and Guests/Chapter Dues and Contributions

·        Unity Prayer for Peace/Unity and Progress/Development for MECA USA and MANYU (By Mrs. Evelyn Mbi)

·        Leadership meeting

  • Welcome Address by MECA-Houston Chief (Chief John Etta)

·        Welcome Note from Coordinator of Council of Chiefs (COC)-Chief Peter Takim


·        MECA – CALIFORNIA (Chief Irene Agbotabi)

·        MECA – CHICAGO/TRISTATE (Chief Teddy Enoh)

·        MECA – DALLAS (Chief Sampson Ebot)

·        MECA – DELAWARE (Chief Kenneth Eyong)

·        MECA – GEORGIA (President Peter Takim)

·        MECA – HOUSTON (Chief John Etta)

·        MECA – MARYLAND/TRI STATE (President Debra OrocK)

·        MECA – NEW ENGLAND (President Stanley Tabi)

·        MECA – RENO, NEVADA (Chief Peter Aiyuk)

Ø         Committee Report

·        Dinner


Part 2: 8:00-2:00 p.m.  Cultural activities

Introduction of Master and Mistress of Ceremony by Social Secretary: Ms Susan Ayuk/Cultural Secretary

Master of Ceremony

·        Mr.  Fred Momanyi

Introduction of Guests of Honor

·        Libation by Sessekou Sammy Arreymbi

·        Display of Manyu Culture/ Dance Competition

JUDGES (To be selected)

              - Chapter performance

              - Ngbe Manyu

              - Nkim

               -  Angbu

               -  Manyu Band Dance



Part 1: General Assembly Meeting

10:30 a.m.           Registration of Members and Friends of Manyu

11:30-11:35am  Opening Prayer for Peace and Unity for MANYU (By Rev. Ignatius Arrey of MECA-Dallas)

11:35-1:40am     Introduction of Convention Chairs and Guests of Honor by Male Social Secretary

11:40-11:50am  Welcome Address by MECA-Houston Chief (Chief John Etta)

11:50-1:00 pm    LUNCH BREAK

1:15-1:35 pm      State of the Association Address by National Chairman Dr. Samuel Besong

1:35–1:45pm      Financial Report from NEC, By Mr. Dennis Awu

1:45-2:00pm       Progress Report on MECA-USA projects (Restroom & MPC); by Dr. Julius Enoru



2:00-2:30pm   Panel Discussion:

Topic:  Manyu People are very supportive of their immediate families and even their church but very reluctant on community initiatives: What can be done to inspire the Spirit of Giving among Manyu people in order to support Community Development projects?


1.   Mrs.   Evelyn Mbi (MECA-Tristate Chicago)

2.   Rev. Ignatius Arrey (MECA-Dallas)


2:30-2:45pm Questions and Answers after panel discussion


2:45-3:10pm: KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Ferdinand Orock

Political Action Committee: Engagement and collaboration with Manyu Politicians/Community Leaders to foster economic development


3:10-3:40pm       Guest Speakers

1.      Dr.  Takor Enoru, MD  (Topic: Major causes of Health Disparity in Cameroon, specifically in Manyu Division; and strategies to develop an awareness campaign and prevention)


2.      Sessekou/Chief Edward Assam (CPA) (Topic: Filing Tax Returns: "THE DO & THE DON'T": How to avoid potential problem with IRS).  

3:40-4:30             Questions and Answers after Guest Speakers


5:00-6:00pm       DINNER

Part 2: Fund Raising Gala

Masters of Ceremony

·       Mr. Greg Tataw (MECA-Dallas)

·       Mr. Godfrey Etah (MECA-Houston)


9:00pm-Til-Dawn: Gala                    

SUNDAY, JULY 8, 2012

12:00     GOOD BYE BRUNCH at 4006 Hardwood Dr, Sugar Land, TX 77479


Samuel Besong, PhD
 Professor and Chairperson
Department of Human Ecology
Delaware State University
1200 North DuPont HWY
Price Bldg, RM#103
Dover, DE 19901
Phone: 302-857-6440
Fax: 302-857-6441

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