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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Re: [cameroon_politics] Full Text of the Pre-Plebiscite Resolution on Reunification.


You can say it again and again

Agien Nyangkwe

On 7/3/12, Emmanuel Tatah Mentan <> wrote:
> Dear ALL,
> I hope Dr.Nfor Susungi is still sober enough to review this quote from his
> irrelevant epistle:"Resolution" which President Ahidjo and Prime Minister
> John Ngu Foncha signed on 14th October 1960 on "Reunification" in the event
> that Southern and Northern Cameroons vote in favor of joining the Cameroun
> Republic.
> Since "Southern and Northern Cameroons (did not ) vote in favor of joining
> the Cameroun Republic",does this failure conjure annexation?
> Would Dr.Susungi come clean and tell us plainly whether he was bewitched or
> became a deadwood to sponsor SOCAMPROCs as blue-prints for the economic
> prosperity of Southern Cameroons?
> This was a revised standard version of his NESPROC for the SDF, which I
> could never imagine somebody of his certification bragging with such a
> treacherous testament for capitalist sharks to come and devour Southern
> Cameroons.
> If Dr.Susungi has fallen into disuse, let him spare us his display of
> documents which reduce him to a mere bloviating ignoramus.
> Even LRC cannot higher him to bail them out with this barrage of ahistorical
> documents.
> Let him join the new nauseating choir singing that SCNC  is an arm of Boko
> Haram.
> tatah mentan
> ________________________________
> From: Chief Charles A.Taku <>
> To:;
> Cc:;;
>; solomon atanga <>; Eden
> Media <>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 10:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Full Text of the Pre-Plebiscite Resolution
> on Reunification.
> --- On Tue, 7/3/12, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron <> wrote:
> Aaron,
>>What is referred to as a highly classified document subject of the skewed
>> analysis we have been fed, was analysed by Lekene Donfack Etienne in his
>> thesis " Le Federalisme Camerounais" and dismissed as lacking in a any
>> reasonable legal basis.
>>Again, I was summoned to Lagos by Fon Dinka some years ago and in our
>> discussion about our cause, the learned QC produced a copy of the said
>> document as well as one he termed then as the McCleod slave deal and legal
>> tored them to pieces.  His analysis of those documents as well as many
>> others I have read ( and this includes that of reasonable La Republique
>> public law scholars) is consistent with sound legal reasoning. The learned
>> Fon has since tested the legal validity of that and other so-called
>> documents in a Britain  and  the Home office could not fault his legal
>> submissions concerning his status as well as these documents.
>>Again, I suggest that we consider this analysis subject of your comment for
>> what it is worth and ignore it. No one, even La Republique is taking it
>> serious, for it is neither law nor history.
>>Chief  Charles A.Taku
>>From: Nyangkwe Agien Aaron <>
>>Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Full Text of the Pre-Plebiscite Resolution
>> on Reunification.
>>, "solomon atanga" <>, "Eden
>> Media" <>
>>Date: Tuesday, July 3, 2012, 10:25 AM
>>So Dr Susungi is saying that we should forfeit our fatherland to an
>>occupier that seceded from reunification in 1984 and has put in place
>>a system of grab, daylight stealing, unaccountablilty, intrepid
>>corruption and where people can get rich without working?
>>God forbid!
>>I say no!
>>Soputhern Cameroon must be free
>>On 7/3/12, Nfor N Susungi <> wrote:
>>> Full Text of the Pre-Plebiscite Resolution on Reunification.
>>> In one of the secret documents which I obtained from the British Public
>>> Record Office in Kew Gardens in London, which became open to the public
>>> in
>>> 1993 after the mandatory 30-year rule on highly classified secret
>>> documents,
>>> I became aware of the types of arrangements that took place between
>>> Foncha
>>> and
> Ahidjo prior to reunification.  The key document which underlies
>>> Reunification in Cameroons is a "Resolution" which President Ahidjo and
>>> Prime Minister John Ngu Foncha signed on 14th October 1960 on
>>> "Reunification" in the event that Southern and Northern Cameroons vote in
>>> favor of joining the Cameroun Republic.
>>> Please read this important document carefully.
>>> Reunification of Southern Cameroons with Republic of Cameroun
>>> Resolution
>>> Whereas by resolution of 14the session of the United Nations a plebiscite
>>> will be held in February 1961 to decide whether the Northern and Southern
>>> Cameroons will gain independence by joining the Federation of Nigeria or
>>> the
>>> Cameroun Republic;
>>> And Whereas in the event of the vote favoring the joining of the Cameroun
>>> Republic, the implementation of reunification on a Federal basis
>>> adaptable
>>> to
> conditions peculiar to all sections of Cameroon cannot be automatic but
>>> gradual;
>>> And Whereas the delegations of the Government of Cameroun Republic and
>>> the
>>> government party in Southern Cameroons reaffirm their peoples' strong
>>> desire
>>> to reunite as a nation, and the same leaders having held two previous
>>> discussion to initiate the constitutional nature of the Union;
>>> Now, at their third meeting holding in Yaoundé between the 10th and 14th
>>> October 1960 resolved that the outline draft proposal for the
>>> constitution
>>> in the event of unification be adopted.
>>> Outline Proposal for a Draft Constitution for a federal United Kamerun
>>> Republic.
>>> At the third meeting of the Representatives of the government of the
>>> Republic of Cameroun and the Governing Party in the Southern Cameroons to
>>> continue their discussions on a draft constitution for the unification of
> the Republic of Cameroon and the Northern and Southern British Cameroons
> the
>>> following declaration s were made by Premier Foncha, President Ahidjo,
>>> Head
>>> of the Cameroun Republic, and Mr. Charles Assale, the Prime Minister of
>>> Cameroun Republic:
>>> 1 (a) That they intend to do everything possible (in their power) to
>>> implement the country-wide desire for unification to which they have
>>> dedicated themselves;
>>> 1 (b) Reaffirmed that the territories shall be unified as a federal,
>>> sovereign state outside the British Commonwealth and the French
>>> Community;
>>> And agreed on the following draft constitution:
>>> 2.     The Federation shall consist of the Republic of Cameroun and the
>>> Southern Cameroons.  The two parties hope that Northern British Cameroons
>>> will join the federation whether as a separate state or as a unit with
>>> Southern
> Cameroons;
>>> 3.     The main features of the constitution of the Federation of Kamerun
>>> States:
>>> a.     The Federation of Kamerun states shall be democratic and freedom
>>> of
>>> worship, of speech of press and movement shall be guaranteed in so far as
>>> these rights are exercised within the law of the Federation.
>>> b.    The Federation shall have a common motto, national anthem, and
>>> national flag;
>>> c.      All indigenous people in all the states shall have Cameroonian
>>> citizenship;
>>> 4.     Minimum Federal Subjects:
>>> a.     Citizenship
>>> b.    Civil Rights
>>> c.      National Defense
>>> d.    Foreign Affairs
>>> e.     Higher Education
> f.       Immigration and Emigration
>>> g.    Federal Budget
>>> h.    Posts and Telegraphs
>>> The remaining subjects which are likely to fall within the power of the
>>> Federal Government will for the time being be legislated upon by the
>>> states;
>>> 5.     The Legislature of the Federation:  There shall be two legislative
>>> Houses for the Federation:  The National Assembly and the Senate
>>> The Federal Authority:  The Supreme Authority of the Federal State shall
>>> be
>>> composed of – the Federal Executive with the President who is also Head
>>> of
>>> the Federation, and the National Assembly;
>>> Constitutional Safe-guards:  Certain Federal Acts shall be enacted in
>>> such
>>> away that the majority shall not impose on any state a measure which
>>> would
>>> be contrary to its interests.  In case
> of conflicts between the Federal law
>>> and the law of one state, the Federal law shall supersede.  The states
>>> can
>>> legislate only on matters which do not fall within the Federal list.  A
>>> Federal Tribunal shall arbitrate on conflicts arising between the states;
>>> Federal Judicial System:  A Federal Court of Justice shall coordinate the
>>> two judicial systems and to create a Federal Supreme Court of Appeal.
>>> State Organs: The government organs of the States as at present will have
>>> to
>>> continue until the Federal organ is created.
>>> Signed by:
>>> 1.  For and on behalf of the Government of the Cameroun Republic:
>>> HE Ahmadou Ahidjo, President
>>> Mr. Charles Assale, Prime Minister
>>> 2.     For and on behalf of the Government of the Southern Cameroons:
>>> J.N Foncha, Premier
>>> Observations:
>>> 1.     The
> source of this document is the Public Record Office in Kew
>>> Gardens in London, United Kingdom;
>>> 2.     The importance of the above document which was signed in Yaoundé
>>> on
>>> 14th October 1960 is that it explains everything which happened in
>>> Foumban
>>> in July 1961 and later on October 1st 1961.
>>> 3.     It is in this document that the term "reunification" is used for
>>> the
>>> first time.
>>> 4.     There was a "Resolution" and a "Joint Communique" on the
>>> Resolution
>>> and both of them were signed by President Ahidjo, Prime Minister Charles
>>> Assale and Prime Minister John Ngu Foncha;
>>> 5.     The legal experts of the Southern Cameroons have opined that
>>> reunification did not take place in legal terms on 1st October 1961
>>> because
>>> Foumban failed to produce a legally binding union agreement.
> But the above
>>> document which was signed one year earlier shows that no additional
>>> agreement was necessary in Foumban because the Yaoundé Agreement was a
>>> legally binding agreement on reunification, having been signed by the
>>> Ahidjo, Assale and Foncha, "For and on Behalf of their Governments".
>>> 6.     I also discovered why the British Government was absent from the
>>> Foumban conference.   The simple reason is that they were not happy with
>>> Foncha.  In this secret document, the British Government expressed their
>>> anger with Foncha by saying:
>>> "Considering the paramount importance of the issues involved, coupled
>>> with
>>> the respective strength of the two major parties in the Southern
>>> Cameroons
>>> House of Assembly, we consider it a matter of profound regret that
>>> neither
>>> H.M Government in the United Kingdom nor the government of the
> Southern
>>> Cameroons considered it appropriate to invite the Opposition to take part
>>> in
>>> the Yaoundé discussions before the so-called "Constitution for a Federal
>>> United Kamerun Republic" was signed by Premier J.N Foncha, 'for and on
>>> behalf of the government of the Southern Cameroons', and President
>>> Ahmadou
>>> Ahidjo and Prime Minister Asale, 'for and on behalf of the Cameroun
>>> Republic'.  Since the territory of the Southern Cameroons is still held
>>> in
>>> trust by H.M government in the United Kingdom, we question very strongly
>>> the
>>> competence of Premier J.N Foncha to conclude and sign an international
>>> agreement of such magnitude 'for and on behalf of the government
>>>  of the Southern Cameroons"'.
>>> 7.     The British Government was so angry with Foncha that they saw no
>>> need
>>> to come to Foumban given the fact that the real
> negotiations had already
>>> been done and sealed in Yaoundé in October 1960.  There was no point in
>>> going to Foumban.  In any case no one insisted on the presence of the
>>> United
>>> Kingdom before proceeding with the conference.
>>> 8.     It will be recalled that UN General Assembly Resolution 1608 (XV)
>>> "Invites the Administering Authority, the government of the Southern
>>> Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroun to initiate urgent discussions
>>> with a
>>> view to finalizing before 1 October 1961, the arrangements by which the
>>> agreed policies of the parties will be implemented".   My own
>>> interpretation
>>> of what happened in Foumban is that Ahidjo, Asale and Foncha felt that
>>> they
>>> were meeting merely to review and agree on the final draft federal
>>> constitution which would be promulgated on 1st October 1961 because all
>>> the
>>> necessary
> negotiations on agreed policies had been done prior to the
>>> plebiscite and the deal had been sealed in Yaoundé in October 1960.
>>> There
>>> was therefore no need for any new union agreement to be signed in
>>> Foumban.
>>> 9.     This interpretation has consequences for reunification refusniks
>>> who
>>> have maintained that reunification did not take place on 1st October 1961
>>> because of the absence of a legally binding union agreement. This
>>> position
>>> needs to be reexamined because who can deny that the Yaoundé Resolution
>>> of
>>> 14th October 1960 is a legally binding union agreement?   If we accept
>>> that
>>> the Yaoundé Agreement was a legally binding union agreement, then the
>>> Southern Cameroons independence movement has lost its legal platform!!!
>>> The
>>> Southern Cameroons independence movement has to find another platform in
>>> which to justify
> itself.
>>> 10.                       The secretive nature of Prime Minister J.N
>>> Foncha
>>> in handling the reunification question was echoed by N.N Mbile who said
>>> in
>>> his book entitled "Memories of an Eyewitness" that during the conference
>>> which they held in Bamenda in June 1961 to prepare for the Foumban
>>> Conference, the Premier had received a draft Federal Constitution from
>>> Ahidjo but kept it under his armpit and refused to share it with them
>>> (Opposition) because he described it as "confidential".  The comment of
>>> the
>>> British Government official to the Yaoundé Resolution of 14th October
>>> 1960,
>>> confirms that Foncha systematically excluded the Opposition in the
>>> Southern
>>> Cameroons House of Assembly from anything negotiations dealing with
> reunification.
>>> Based on the above, I feel that I have no choice but to accept
>>> reunification
>>> not just because of the legitimacy that it has acquired after 50 years,
>>> but
>>> also more importantly because the documents which I have studied lead me
>>> to
>>> believe that the reunification process which culminated with the
>>> promulgation of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Cameroon on
>>> 1st
>>> October 1961 suffered from no legal deficiencies which can lead anyone to
>>> challenge the international legitimacy or legality of the Federal
>>> Republic
>>> which came to being on 1st October 1961.
>>> --- On Sat, 6/30/12, <> wrote:
>>> From: <>
>>> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Re: Dr. Susunji is Wrong in RE-UNIFICATION:
>>> To:
>>> Cc:,
>>> Date: Saturday, June 30, 2012, 2:47 PM
>>> When I read Dr. Susunji's piece, I was very impressed with his analysis.
>>> However, he did not succeed in challenging the central thesis that "There
>>> was never any re-unification. Throughout his analysis he pointed out
>>> errors
>>> which in many legal minds would have frustrated the contract or agreement
>>> between Ahidjo and Foncha. There was never a meeting of the minds between
>>> the representatives of the Republic of Cameroon and the representatives
>>> of
>>> the British Southern Cameroons. He, in many occasions referred to "The
>>> French Republic of Cameroon". There has never been any country called
>>> "The
>>> French Republic of Cameroon". There was French Cameroons, British
>>> Southern
>>> Cameroons, and British Northern
> Cameroons. When the French Cameroons had its
>>> independence on January 1, 1960, it changed its name to The Republic of
>>> Cameroon which by the way after they seceded from the United Republic of
>>> Cameroon in 1982 and assumed their original name at independence, The
>>>  Republic of Cameroon, they would not leave Southern Cameroons'
>>> territory.
>>> If Dr. Susunji reads his own piece all over again, he would come to the
>>> conclusion that there was no re-unification because the meetings between
>>> Ahidjo and Foncha as analysed by him, were fraught with bad faith and
>>> errors. The Queen of England and Her Majesty government was the rightful
>>> authority to grant independence to Southern Cameroons and/or to negotiate
>>> with the Republic of Cameroon but did not because a few misguided
>>> individuals who did not understand global politics or any politics at
> all, but were intoxicated with power they thought they had, drew us to a
>>> situation they themselves could no longer get us out of it. Dr.
>>> Foncha and
>>> Mr. Muna were here in Washington in the 1990s and I was present in those
>>> meetings were both of them confessed to their mistakes. Fortunately for
>>> us,
>>> Mr. Biya seceded from the illegal union, i.e. the Federal Republic of
>>> Cameroon, and took his
>>>  nation back to their original status of the Republic of Cameroon though
>>> he has since been illegally occupying our territory against our will.
>>> There
>>> were so many irregularities, as pointed out by Dr. Susunji's analysis
>>> that
>>> made the agreement null and void ab initio. So, when Hon. Ayah, a
>>> respected
>>> jurist states that there was never any reunification, he is very right.
>>> Dr.
>>> Susunji's lengthy analysis just confirmed that thesis that there was
>>> never
> any reunification. The Republic of Cameroon and its French backers know
> that
>>> they are occupying a territory as colonizers.  They should know that no
>>> people ever die under colonialism or subjugation. Southern Cameroons will
>>> not be the first. We, Southern Cameroonians shall be free one day. It
>>> took
>>> the children of Israel 400 years to be free from the Egyptian bondage, it
>>> took African Americans 400 years to shake off the shackles of slavery, it
>>> will take Southern Cameroon a shorter time to get itself rid of
>>>  the shackles of The Cameroon Republic's occupation. Indeed there was
>>> never
>>> any reunification between Southern Cameroons and the Republic of
>>> Cameroon.
>>> One might even not succeed to defend that thesis even if the country were
>>> still called the Federal Republic of Cameroon or the United Republic of
>>> Cameroon because of the
> irregularities enumerated by Dr. Susunji. There
>>> was the Republic of Cameroon from January 1, 1960 which boundaries did
>>> not
>>> go beyond the Mungo River. The Republic of Cameroon did not share borders
>>> with the Federal Republic of Nigeria on January 1, 1960. Southern
>>> Cameroons
>>> shared borders with those two independent Nations: The Federal Republic
>>> of
>>> Nigeria and The Republic of Cameroon. Since 1982, the Republic of
>>> Cameroon
>>> has been violating the sovereignty of Southern Cameroon which attained
>>> her
>>> independence on October 1, 1961.
>>> Dr. Peter N. Njang
>>> In a message dated 6/30/2012 12:51:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>>> writes:
>>> I have warned all those transforming the liberation struggle into
> an
>>> intellectual debate to beware. We can NOT be fooled ANYMORE. Thanks,
>>> Mola Mbua for this piece, but I dare state that no matter how many
>>> thesis are presented on whether or not there was (re)unification is
>>> not our point of interest now as to the fact that a people want to be
>>> free. Those who want to remain in LRC are free to, without dragging us
>>> along. I am speaking from my soul!!!
>>> Shey MF Yembe
>>> On 6/30/12, thomas sama achoa <> wrote:
>>>> Dr Louis Egbe even the damn thing that Ahidjo called a Federation in
>>>> September 1961 before the intention
>>>> of the Southern Cameroonian people was made in October that is a month
>>>> later
>>>> was wrong.
>>>> See why it was wrong let me bring Nigeria into
> play. Nigeria as an entity
>>>> started as a federated state of three
>>>> states that does not mean that three states were independent entities
>>>> with
>>>> International Boundries as was the case
>>>> of the Southern Cameroons, what happened in LRDC in September 1961 is
>>>> just
>>>> the same like the Nigerian people
>>>> deed by declaring a federated state from the start, so  Ahijo's
>>>> Federation
>>>> does not include the Southern Cameroons into the damn thing
>>>> what a heck is Dokta Susungi trying to tell me here? It is because of
>>>> the
>>>> likes of Dokta Susungi that we are where we are
>>>> today for he dokta saw this thing coming but he failed to raised an
>>>> objection today we the young once are suffering and
>>>> scattered all over the world like sheeps without a shepherd and
> enstead
>>>> of
>>>> him appologising to us he is there running his
>>>> mouth about nonsense is he insane or what is this all about?
>>>> ________________________________
>>>>  From: louis egbe <>
>>>> To:;;
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 2:17 PM
>>>> Subject: A Reply to Dr. Susunji's RE-UNIFICATION: CLARIFICATION NOTE
>>>> Saturday, 30 June 2012
>>>> I was interested in Hon Chief Ayah's internet-circulated posting, 29
>>>> June
>>>> 2012, which clearly stated that there is no legally binding document
>>>> deposited at the UN, as required by international law enshrined in the
>>>> UN
>>>> Charter that created the so-called Union between the Southern Cameroons
>>>> and
>>>> La
> Republique du Cameroun. Hon. Ayah was correct. However, it seems Dr.
>>>> Susunji, in his own rebuttal article equally published yesterday, 29
>>>> June
>>>> 2012, in various Cameroon internet fora is stating that Hon Paul Ayah's
>>>> is
>>>> misleading and that there is or was a kind of legally binding agreement.
>>>> Dr.Susunji is totally incorrect and his article is grossly misleading as
>>>> the
>>>> following analysis and argument will reveal in this essay.
>>>> In the first place, if there was any "Treaty", then that "Treaty" has
>>>> been
>>>> violated since Ahidjo abrogated the Treaty in 1972 by violating the
>>>> Federal
>>>> constitution that brought to birth the de facto Federation in 1961. The
>>>> Federal Constitution which came to force in September 1961 could not
>>>> possibly be classified as a Treaty since the only
> signatory in the
>>>> document
>>>> was President Ahidjo......
>>>> Read the full article in:
>>Aaron Agien Nyangkwe
>>Journalist-OutCome Mapper
>>P.O.Box 5213

Aaron Agien Nyangkwe
Journalist-OutCome Mapper
P.O.Box 5213

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