Re: [cameroon_politics] Full Text of the Pre-Plebiscite Resolution on Reunification.

Whatever is in the document, is information, which we all acknowledge that   United Republic of Cameroon is no more.  But why does dr. Susungi  sounds the way he sounds, against restoration?  Even if we  are informed, yes, its power,  that does not justify SC's colonization by LRC, does it?  His writing tone is problematic, seems to only justify reason to seek SC space in Yaounde, even if in slavery,  or second class citizenship, why? This is how i feel. I hate for us to waste energy on this, please.

Greetings & complements of the day, from Rezeh's iPhone !

On Jul 3, 2012, at 10:09 AM, Nfor N Susungi <> wrote:


Pa Fru Ndeh,
Your skepticism is quite understandable.  What I have sent you is a document which is obtainable from the Public Record Office of the UK.  In fact I am going to scan the document and distribute to all and sundry.
I don't want to discourage anyone from pursuing or demanding independence for the Southern Cameroons.  It is the right of anyone to do so.  But but before anyone makes a fool of themselves, I strongly advise that they should go to Kew Gardens and do the research and confirm for themselves that Foncha and Ahidjo signed a document which was termed:  "Resolution on reunification"  and that they jointly signed a Communique to that effect.
I shall also send you a scanned copy of a letter which the three of them signed the same day addressed to the Colonial Secretary.
You are free to question whether such a document satisfies you or not.  But folks, the document is there.  Please let us not ignore it and make a fool of ourselves.
Dr. Susungi


--- On Tue, 7/3/12, Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM> wrote:

From: Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Full Text of the Pre-Plebiscite Resolution on Reunification.
To: "" <>, "" <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "solomon atanga" <>, "Eden Media" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 3, 2012, 10:28 AM

I have read this recent submittal from former Presidential Candidate Susungi.
A non-careful reader may be lured into believing what he is saying.
The Southern Cameroons practiced parliamentary democracy.
That is why the document signed by Foncha, had the word PREMIER in it.
That document was NEVER ratified by the Southern Cameroons House
of Assembly.  This is one of the core reason why there was no final
document from the Southern Cameroons, and of course La Republique
du Cameroun.  That is why the UN has no document that shows us
that Southern Cameroons united or even re-united with La Republique
du Cameroun.
I believe that Dr. Nfor Susungi knows this, but he is trying to hoodwink the not so careful reader.
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh
From: Nfor N Susungi <>
Cc:;;; solomon atanga <>; Eden Media <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:28 AM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Full Text of the Pre-Plebiscite Resolution on Reunification.
Full Text of the Pre-Plebiscite Resolution on Reunification.
In one of the secret documents which I obtained from the British Public Record Office in Kew Gardens in London , which became open to the public in 1993 after the mandatory 30-year rule on highly classified secret documents, I became aware of the types of arrangements that took place between Foncha and Ahidjo prior to reunification.  The key document which underlies Reunification in Cameroons is a "Resolution" which President Ahidjo and Prime Minister John Ngu Foncha signed on 14th October 1960 on "Reunification" in the event that Southern and Northern Cameroons vote in favor of joining the Cameroun Republic.
Please read this important document carefully.
Reunification of Southern Cameroons with Republic of Cameroun
Whereas by resolution of 14the session of the United Nations a plebiscite will be held in February 1961 to decide whether the Northern and Southern Cameroons will gain independence by joining the Federation of Nigeria or the Cameroun Republic;
And Whereas in the event of the vote favoring the joining of the Cameroun Republic, the implementation of reunification on a Federal basis adaptable to conditions peculiar to all sections of Cameroon cannot be automatic but gradual;
And Whereas the delegations of the Government of Cameroun Republic and the government party in Southern Cameroons reaffirm their peoples' strong desire to reunite as a nation, and the same leaders having held two previous discussion to initiate the constitutional nature of the Union;
Now, at their third meeting holding in Yaoundé between the 10th and 14th October 1960 resolved that the outline draft proposal for the constitution in the event of unification be adopted.
Outline Proposal for a Draft Constitution for a federal United Kamerun Republic .
At the third meeting of the Representatives of the government of the Republic of Cameroun and the Governing Party in the Southern Cameroons to continue their discussions on a draft constitution for the unification of the Republic of Cameroon and the Northern and Southern British Cameroons the following declaration s were made by Premier Foncha, President Ahidjo, Head of the Cameroun Republic, and Mr. Charles Assale, the Prime Minister of Cameroun Republic:
1 (a) That they intend to do everything possible (in their power) to implement the country-wide desire for unification to which they have dedicated themselves;
1 (b) Reaffirmed that the territories shall be unified as a federal, sovereign state outside the British Commonwealth and the French Community;
And agreed on the following draft constitution:
2.     The Federation shall consist of the Republic of Cameroun and the Southern Cameroons .  The two parties hope that Northern British Cameroons will join the federation whether as a separate state or as a unit with Southern Cameroons ;
3.     The main features of the constitution of the Federation of Kamerun States:
a.     The Federation of Kamerun states shall be democratic and freedom of worship, of speech of press and movement shall be guaranteed in so far as these rights are exercised within the law of the Federation.
b.    The Federation shall have a common motto, national anthem, and national flag;
c.      All indigenous people in all the states shall have Cameroonian citizenship;
4.     Minimum Federal Subjects:
a.     Citizenship
b.    Civil Rights
c.      National Defense
d.    Foreign Affairs
e.     Higher Education
f.       Immigration and Emigration
g.    Federal Budget
h.    Posts and Telegraphs
The remaining subjects which are likely to fall within the power of the Federal Government will for the time being be legislated upon by the states;
5.     The Legislature of the Federation:  There shall be two legislative Houses for the Federation:  The National Assembly and the Senate
The Federal Auth


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