Re: Good advice : Mr Tumasang Thanks again//Former Pastor Awasom's present Profession

Mr Tumansang
Thank you! Some of them try to intimidate others with lies in order to scare people with their useless scare tactics and manipulations.
Join the struggle wholeheartedly. I have posted the article tackling the lies about Cameroon on my blog! Join the fight for freedom. It is coming soon and we have no time to waste with loosers like the  son of a den of thieves, the Cameroon kleptocracy ,which has produced opportunists who can't relate with the simple and humble life many Cameroonians like me have lived.
President Abraham Lincoln left a tattered house as a destitute and changed America and the world forever with a vision and conviction about freedom and human dignity. So, too were many whose names I don't have to overbelabor!
I am a nursing assistant and what is their profession? Their profession is to steal 50.000.00 dollars and make a down payment for a house worth 5000.000.00 dollars in Virginia. That is the profession of a thief and the son of a thief. If they are not stealing funds meant for the people, they are like busy ants slandering and spreading lies about well accomplished gentlemen
Whatever profession or career you 're undertaking in this life, never belittle it because we are part of the whole as every part of our body counts. I am a subject of all kinds of villains after me because I can account for everything I have done as well as the infleunce and impact it  is having on millions of lives around . Since they have nothing to show for except stolen wealth and funds meant for the people being misappropriated, their last resort is to demonize me but  all and sundry must beware of the distractors as they are being tormented by their demons of hatred and prejudice.
What we are emphasizing is transparency and accountability as well as individual responsibility
What I detaste about some Cameroonians is that  they never tell us what they 're doing professionally as well as their achievements.
Instead some of them focus , too much on what I am doing and this makes me to wonder whether these guys are above accountability?
By and large, I know many Cameroonians who started as nursing assistants, housekeepers, cashiers and UPS carriers and all what not but today ended up as lawyers, nurses, doctors and other careers other than what they started with in this country.
We must have humble beginnings from where we nurture a deep understanding of human nature, the problems of humankind in terms of the human condition in order to become compassionate leaders . Good leaders MUST not come from the aristocratic class because they are spoiled  with ill gotten wealth they never worked for and so become a nuisance to society because they have no idea about how to be creative and toil day and night like I have done most of my life.Besides, they will never get it!
It will be a terrible tragedy to compare me with children of the kleptocracy who are thieves just like their parents. I am being very clear as I am a very humble and successful professional in my own rights since I was born and from grass, humankind's destiny is geared towards grace when they have a conscience and a purpose in this life.
Have a great week
Yours sincerely for the office of President in the making
 Jonathan Awasom   
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

From: Tumasang Martin <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 12:59 PM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] RE: what is wrong being a Nursing Assistant ? Re: [camnetwork] Former Pastor Awasom's present Profession
Hi,   thanks for the clarification. I must have misunderstood the mail. Nothing wrong with any legitimate profession. These people contribute a lot and actually help save lives. I have great respect for all those contributing in the health sector.   Regards   Tumasang  
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 09:18:13 -0700 From: Subject: what is wrong being a Nursing Assistant ? Re: [camnetwork] Former Pastor Awasom's present Profession To:;;;;;; CC:
Mr Tumansang
May be you misunderstood my mail.
Mishe Fon is a CNA Health Care  Professional, right?
I think he owns some shares in a CNA and Nursing Staffing Agency as well as a school where  they train nursing assistants.I stand corrected if I am far from the facts.
I am not a health care professional. I worked as a Nursing assistant for one year, Home Health Aide and also in a Group Home for another one year during my early days in the USA! These careers were very helpful to me.
There are hundred of Cameroonian families who make a great living as nursing assistants from across the United States. These families have changed their lives as well as the lives of their families and friends forever! They do not steal from a collective pool of resources like some of those who are insulting the career! 
What is wrong for them being nursing assistants if that is productive and useful ?
Just curious to know why this is a big deal in the first place?
Would rather be idle and eating free from ill gotten wealth your father has stolen from the country or work hard like every other person to make a living?
Click and listen to Jonathan Awasom on California,USA, Radio The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village Blog: --- On Tue, 6/26/12, Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM> wrote:

From: Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] Former Pastor Awasom's present Profession
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 6:45 PM


Why is a Nursing Assistant the worst job ever?

They do ALL the work with half the pay if their lucky. At St. Bernards hospital here where I live,they pay their janitors more than they do their nursing aides! They have to always LOOK busy,even if they're not. They're not supposed to be seen up front where the nurses & doctors are. They are the most UNAPPRECIATED working people in any work field and they work harder than anyone. I don't know about other places in the country but here in Arkansas,it IS one of the worst jobs ever!!!! And these hospital's just can't figure out why they can't keep CNA's??!!

Additional Details

Karen I can't stop working right now. My hubbys in collage so I have to work till he gets done. He'll be done this may though. Just because someone is where they are doesn't mean they've CHOSEN to be there!!!
3 years ago
MHnurseCby MHnurseC
Member since:
September 20, 2007
Total points:
12,701 (Level 6)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Many, in fact I daresay all, positions within the healthcare field are somewhat unappreciated and underpaid at times. It seems no matter what we do, sometimes its just not enough for some people. CNA is a hard job. So is assembling cars, building homes, researching new drugs, and delivering the mail. Want is the main difference between CNA work and the other jobs mentioned above? People are still getting old and sick and need the vital interventions provided by CNAs to get by. Everyone else is loosing their jobs as the economy gets worse and no one is buying new cars, new homes, new drugs and now the Post Office is considering cutting out delivery one day a week. Suggestions: 1. Be thankful that you are working and able to provide for a husband who is in school. 2. Be the best CNA that you can be everyday and in every way to all of your patients. 3. If you wish to be treated as a professional, act like one. Address everyone with the respect that you wish to be afforded. 4. Finally, if you are interested in being where the doctors and nurses are, become one and you will experience first hand the tremendous responsibilty that they bear every day. I guarantee that you will appreciate what CNAs do then.


RN, BSN and former unappreciated nurse aide.
  • 1 person rated this as good
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Asker's Comment:
yes i can see the wisdom in this,and when hubby gets done with school this may i'm going to start preparing for nursing school. Thanks
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Other Answers (2)

  • Karanby Karan
    Member since:
    June 16, 2006
    Total points:
    17,554 (Level 6)
    What's the next step up the ladder? If you can take courses and earn your diploma you will no longer be a Nursing Assistant. Grunt jobs are no fun, especially if you choose to remain there.
    • 1 person rated this as good
  • scott-irishby scott-ir...
    Member since:
    December 02, 2008
    Total points:
    5,073 (Level 5)
    That is the way it works in any industry , all of the grunt work is low prestige and low pay , and the harder the job , the lower the pay and prestige . I bet most , if not all of the doctors run around there all arrogant as **** thinking they are the smartest people ever to be born to the human race , when in reality they couldn't stick their finger up their *** with both hands ( educated fools , i call them ) . The RNs probably do much more than the doctors but they leave all the dirty work for your kind , the lowly CNAs . It's the same way in construction and i assume ever other field . General contractors and real estate people don't do **** but they make 10-20x the $$ that any of the actual workers make off of a job .
From: Tumasang Martin <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 7:04 PM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Former Pastor Awason's present Profession
Dear all, Awasom has been portrayed as jobless, idle, time waster but the guy seems to have stated his profession as shown below without people taking note. I am not knowledgeable about the American professional world but his profession in nursing assitance health care combined with business seems like something useful and he should be given respect fo it. Can someone kindly explain to me what the profession as described below entails?. Is he a nurse?, health care assistant?, or a businessman supplying some products to nurses and health care assitants?. Seems the guy is contributing his bit to society. Regards   From: Jonathan Fru  
"As a professional nursing assistance health care businessman, I believe that your knowledge about human well being is limited only to the physical. This is where you have failed to capture the spiritual and emotional component of our human nature.
There are illneses that can only be cure spiritually and I bet you that miracles have happened as people get healed miraculously.
It is not all sickenesses or illnesses that can be treated in the hospital or health clinic. Be very mindful of this and avoid decrying the claims of people who believe to possess spiritual healing powers".

As a professional nursing assistance health care businessman, I believe that your knowledge about human well being is limited only to the physical.  This is where you have failed to capture the spiritual and emotional component of our human nature.
There  are illneses that can only be cure spiritually and I bet you that miracles have happened as people get healed miraculously.
It is not all sickenesses or illnesses that can be treated in the hospital  or health clinic. Be very mindful of this and avoid decrying the claims of people who believe to  possess spiritual healing powers. 
I  think you absolutely need to leave Pa Taku alone!
The bible was never written inside Cameroon.
One thing many of you fail to understand is, nobody can claim any absolute knowledge of how bible be interpreted to speak to our cultures and problems. Everyday we are exploring and seeking to understand how God's plan for the redemption of humanity fits into our own personal and collective stories/dramas as we wrestle with questions about what it means to be free in Christ?
So, whatever are your prejudices , please, be careful
Click and listen to Jonathan Awasom on California,USA, Radio
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global villageBlog  --- On Fri, 6/22/12, Mishe Fon <> wrote:

From: Mishe Fon <>
Subject: Re: "Pastor" Taku Heals Cancers, HIV, Diabetes, Hypertension etc///AWASOM IS APPARENTLY NOT CRAZY
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Date: Friday, June 22, 2012, 6:45 PM

Listen to this other one: "Patients with Cancers, Diabetes, Hiv Aids, Montolli, Kam-No-Go, Sugar-Sugar, Bottom Belle, Blood Pressure, ~^o^~ cheerTubacrosis~^o^~ cheer etc have all been healed during my Ministrations"...reverend Prophet "adeboloja" Taku Ayuk A Moses, the Magician. Mr Taku; B4 you continue deceiving yourself and other gullible "Souls", take one minute and peruse this article here below. Bottom line: YOU CANNOT CURE JACK. Period. Are you a Healthcare Professional or a Native Dokta? The next thing we,ll hear from you is that you can make people "Jorrup 4 Die". I beg, go find place shiddon with Mboko langua...I cured cancer my jigger foot..Vraiement!
                     The Blind and the Dead
"Woe unto ye, ye blind guides..."—Matthew 23:16
"...clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever."—Jude 12-13
They're flamboyant. They're colorful. And they're deceiving and leading millions of unsuspecting victims with all deliberate speed straight down to the very core of hell!
The Blind & The Dead!
Shocking New Video —
60 minutes — $25.00
I call them The blind and the dead. They're today's most popular televangelists and ministers. Practicing their money-making craft with smooth tongues, corrupt personalities, and captivating charm, they have already delivered untold millions of souls into the waiting arms of their master, a rough beast whom the Bible calls Satan, the devil, the adversary, the deceiver.
For years now in tears I have warned people to stay away from the horrendously defective ministries of these pretenders of the Gospel. I have frequently named the worst offenders and cited in print examples of their heresies and horrors.
Invariably, each time I exposed such men and women in my newsletter or on my radio program, I would be besieged by a slew of angry letters and phone calls from their legions of fans and groupies. These zealots would caution me not to "touch God's anointed." They sometimes threatened me, warning that God would severely punish me for reporting anything negative or derogatory about their favorite TV preacher, evangelist, or faith healer.

"If the blind lead the blind..."

The fervent, almost mesmerized fans of the false teachers insisted that I was wrong; they alleged I had made a mistake, that I had misquoted their hero. Some of these deluded, pitiful, blind people angrily and blatantly called me terrible names.
"Texe Marrs," they would typically exclaim, "you are a rotten liar. Repent, my friend, of what you have said about God's great, anointed servant, Mr. Wonderful, or you will burn in hell!"
As our Lord so sagely put it, "If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch" (Matthew 15:14). And fall these blind victims did, one after another, into the mud and mire of apostasy and heresy.
What has always broken my heart is that these folks are often so very sincere. They genuinely want to believe in the fabrications and false teachings indulged in by their particular hero. Regrettably, the followers of these deceitful religious leaders are devoid of discernment, and either are unable or are unwilling to render righteous judgement. Most refuse to judge anyone or anything. Politically correct, they proudly boast they are nonjudgemental and unprejudiced. Yet, oddly, they are quick to harshly criticize and judge those of us who expose their hero's falsehoods.

Casting Pearls Before Swine

These misguided people love to quote (out of context, to be sure) Matthew 7:4, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Of course, they fail to note that in that same chapter, in verse 6, our Lord Jesus admonishes Christians, "neither cast ye your pearls before swine." Naturally, to obey this admonition, we must first judge who is swine and who isn't. But that fact simply escapes the nonjudgemental crowd.
It is mainly due to the gullibility of those deceived multitudes of followers that I decided to produce a definitive new video on this important topic. The result is The Blind and The Dead, a bombshell video exposé that accurately documents the tragic and monstrously harmful works of these evil men and women in high religious places.
In The Blind and The Dead you will see some of the world's top televangelists and teachers as they really are. I know that after viewing this eye-opening documentary you will conclude, as have I, that finally, "The Emperor has no clothes!" What these deceitful teachers from hell are feeding to millions of duped followers is so stunningly different than what the Word of God teaches, you will marvel that anyone could believe such terrible garbage as these men and women are spreading over the airwaves.
Paul Crouch
Tired of "doctrinal doo-doo."
Rodney Howard-Browne
"Holy Ghost Bartender"
Benny Hinn
Wants riches and treasures now!
Jan Crouch
Says Jesus was tortured in hell.
Kenneth Copeland
Proclaims himself a "little god."
Kenneth Hagin
Commands spirits, "Go get me money."

Men on Dog Leashes, Women Howling like Wolves

For example, on this video, you'll actually see popular charismatic Benny Hinn, who fills auditoriums with his healing crusades, declaring that he doesn't want to wait till he gets to heaven to acquire heaps of money and riches, he wants them right now, here on earth!
You'll marvel, too, as you see TBN's big-wig Paul Crouch scream that he doesn't want to hear about "doctrinal doo-doo." Then, you'll see Crouch angrily tell people that if they want to complain to him about false teachings, they are simply wasting their time. "Get out of my sight," he screams, "I don't want to see your ugly faces!"
On this video you'll see such bizarre happenings you'll scarcely believe your eyes: men barking and crawling around church platforms on all fours, being led on dog leashes…women howling from the pulpit like wild wolves…crowded auditoriums erupting in crazed laughter, with people going bonkers and running around whooping and hollering like chickens with their heads cut off.
Your jaw will especially drop when you see famous Word of Faith prosperity teachers Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin laughing like lunatics and speaking in mocking, unseemly tongues that certainly are not of God.

God's Holy Bartender

You'll see popular, foreign-based evangelist Rodney Howard-Browne proclaiming himself to be God's "Holy Bartender," and you'll see TBN's Jan Crouch insisting that Jesus was taken captive by the devil down in hell and tortured and tormented in the flames.
You'll also witness the grotesque fruits of the Browns-ville and Toronto Revivals-people laughing hysterically, dancing and prancing about, some struck dumb, others jerking and shaking violently and falling down, still others slithering around the floor like serpents. And all giving God the "credit" for their ungodly performances.
You'll be disgusted as you watch a private video clip of Benny Hinn passing around to associates, as well as a big-name gospel singer, a "hookah," a Turkish smoking pipe. Then, you'll find out that, shortly afterwards, two of Benny Hinn's top lieutenants died of heroin overdoses.

Lewd, Crude, and Vulgar

But as bad as this is, it doesn't even compare with what you'll see on this video as Benny Hinn's wife takes the stage. What she says and does before a huge throng of admiring people at one of Hinn's crusades is so unbelievably lewd, crude, and vulgar, I am reluctant to describe it here. But, believe me, you'll fall off your chair when you see it. I know I did. In fact, I am still in a state of shock over what I witnessed on this video.
You will be appalled to see Benny Hinn and Paul Crouch declare themselves "little gods," watch as Kenneth Copeland says he is the "I AM," and hear evangelist Dwight Thompson spinning a tall tale about pianos that supernaturally play in churches with no pianist around.
You'll also see Marjoe, once a famous, tongue-speaking evangelist, brag about and detail how he ripped so many people off for filthy lucre's sake, and you'll hear faith healer Kenneth Hagin explain that he doesn't pray anymore, he just commands the spirits, "Go get me money."

Inventors of Evil Things

My friends, this is the shocker of all shocker videos. The scriptures speak of "inventors of evil things" (Romans 1:30). Well, after seeing this video, I know you will agree with me that these deceitful men and women, slick as they are with their covetous promises of prosperity and lying signs and wonders on unholy display, are not mere religious charlatans. They are, in fact, truly "inventors of evil things."
Finally, after you personally view this video, my prayer is that you will invite some of the more zealous fans of these deceivers over to your house—or to your church—and present the video to them. Then, they will have no excuse. Here is enough evidence to convince even the most dull and insensitive of believers in Christ that we are all in the chaotic midst of a rampaging pack of apostate wolves. Wolves who, unfortunately, have up to now fooled untold millions into accepting as valid their black, black behavior and conduct.

Cleaning Up the Spiritual Wasteland

These famous, yet greedy, charlatans must be exposed, otherwise, countless more victims will suffer loss. I'm counting on each of you who are friends of Power of Prophecy. Please, obtain your own personal copy of this powerful new video, The Blind and the Dead, and, together, let's broadcast the truth far and wide before it's too late.
Together, let's work to clean up this spiritual wasteland and light a candle so that God's great light of righteousness will shine through the prevailing darkness of deceit and folly.
Rev. Awasom, Dr.Mbua, Rev.Ayuk Jesusman,George Achu,etc.
Calvary greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ.This letter is actually intended for the PCC Synod thru her Moderator-Rt.Rev. Dr. Asana.
It is a sad thing that you all are involved in this matter as a result of you both knowing some and having knowledge of the infallible Word of God but humanly and not spiritually. It will be noted that the man Martin Luther-the Reformist stole the Bible from his Catholic Church for the single reason of making it possible for the members of the Church to have access to the hidden word of God by the Roman Catholic Church then and even now. That was the assignment God gave him as at then and he accomplished it as we all now have the Word(Bible) in our respective churches and homes. He is the founder of the so called Evangelical or Protestant churches which stood against the Roman Catholic Church  doctrine which prohibited members from reading the Bible.
They(Missionaries) came to Africa in the yesteryears with what we call-Religion. Religion is man's way using the Bible to get to God without the Writer(Holy Spirit) of that Bible which is the Word of GOD. But God expects us to practise but the life of Christianity which is GOD's way to the lost man thru His Son Jesus Christ, who came from Heaven to Redeem the Man and the Glory which is the Anointing or Presence of the Holy Spirit with man. That is one of the lost items that Satan stole from man-the Anointing of the Holy Spirit which can also be called or termed the Presence of God with man.
The life of CHRISTIANITY=12 letters is a life of SPIRITUALITY=12 letters. It is therefore very errorneous for any one to call him/her self a Christian when the one is not Holy Spirit filled or Holy Spirit baptised. That was why Apostle Paul asked the Church in Antioch if they had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they said no; for we know not that one as we have only received the baptism of John the Baptist-Water Baptism. There are 2 needed Baptisms for every Believer as Jesus had them all at river Jordan. Baptism by emersion and baptism by the Holy Spirit is obligatory as that is what you are empowered with to fight your Spiritual Battles-2 Corint.10:1-5. Can any PCC Pastor be proud to say he/she can fight the Devil? the answer is a capital "NO".
 Can any PCC Pastor be able to do the Works that Jesus did as He commanded them to do, and they were doing them with signs and wonders following.John 14:12 and Mark 16:15-20 and also Luke 4:18. Paul could send only his handkerchief to a sick person and when placed upon the sick, he will receive his healing. The shadow of Peter was able to heal the sick.  I am performing that right now as an Evangelist in the 5 fold Ministry call upon my life as an Anointed Called Servant of the Lord-Ephes.4:11 &1 Corint.12:28.
Patients with Cancers,Diabetes,Hiv Aids etc have all been healed during my Ministrations. That is what those Pastors are now empowered(by the Holy Spirit) to perform to the surprise of the carnally minded PCC Synod who are trained in various Theological Seminaries locally and abroad with the knowledge of the Bible as a History book. History can not save but only the knowledge of the Saviour thru the Spiritual life of being Born Again as stated in the scriptures, John 3:1-8 and this is now being reffered to the Moderator as he is now the Nicodemus of the PCC and should therefore effect the needed change in the Church of Jesus Christ. Nicodemus was Born Again and knew the Truth from their carnal worship of Judaism that it was obsolate in practice and therefore he was not involved in the killing of the Lord-Jesus. You will realise that Nicodemus who was like the Moderator of the Judaism Church then, was not involved in the killing of the Lord because he came by night so that he should not be seen by other Synod members that he was going to that new Preacher-Jesus Christ to know the Truth about this new Religion or Doctrine of being Born Again as they called it.
Same as the members of PCC come to me in their secret to demand Healing and or Deliverance Prayers. The Miraculous Divine Healing of our Elder Paa Fomukong of the PCC down beach church in AD 1995 is a glaring example to be mentioned for verification. This was done by my spiritual father- Rev.Dr.Billy Lubansa who worked at the time with Pan African Institute in Buea, but effected the healing in Muna's clinic in D'la. Dr. Muna came in the morning and saw Paa Fomukong eating to his surprise as he was only waiting for him to give up the Ghost as he could not see anything wrong with him thru his medical equipment. Medical equipment do not see demonic afflictions as these are spiritual.
Our forefathers who embraced the new Religion, worshipped and did all in their ability to keep the 10 commandments which were not too hard for them then as the world around them was still very primitive in nature and with no spiritual competition as we find ourselves now. It was as if the Devil was not available then in their cities or villages. Religion permitted their members to hold the Bible on the right hand and equally hold our demonic traditions on the left hand permitting you to serve both. That is what Moderator Kangsen did and was killed like a village chicken at Penja by a car on a straight road. Luther and the Missionaries that came to Africa, did not emphasise on the Truth of worshipping God only thru the Man called the Holy Spirit as found in the book of the establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ-called the Acts of the Apostles: Acts 1:8 & John 4:23-24.,Luke 4:18
The Holy Spirit was and is still here on the earth untill when rapture would have taken place and Jesus is returned as found in the scriptures. The problem we have in the methodical churches like PCC is simple. They have all the learned Pastors as Apostle Paul who also saw that his former church was not doing the right thing as they worshipped God thru the many laws that Moses handed to them and he thought that the Disciples were against the church as at then, just as the PCC is thinking that the 2 Pastors are against the doctrine of their church as Saul who turned to be Paul on the way to Damascus. He became Born Again on this trip of his to Damascus as Moses in the burning bush and myself on the Hospital bed in Italy having been visited there by Jesus and He healed me and commissioned me to go preach the Gospel of Truth with SIGNS and WONDERS following according to His infallible Word. Any one called to Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ must have a Testimony of call and will be preaching the Gospel with Signs and Wonders.
When I returned from Italy, I had to go give my life to become BORN-AGAIN as His Word admonishes us. I passed thru deliverance and then had a new life void of the works of the flesh(SIN) that we all in the PCC and other so called churches are still doing and are saying to themselves that they are christians-see Galatians 5:19-21 called works of the flesh. Now that I had known the Truth as the Bible states that when you know the Truth, that Truth will set you free from ignorance as the devil is using but our ignorance of the Word to be dealing with us in all that we do. How on earth will you accept in your Church a man who is fully known to be an ARMOC agent to be a Pastor. He was and is NOT dismissed but youngmen preaching the gospel according to the word as Paul who persecuted the Disciples in error as the PCC is doing now. The PCC should sack Pastor Sakwe who is a man fully known as an ARMOC but is kept secret in the Church. He was in the Limbe Church as head Pastor and my former choirmaster-Eyong is also an agent of Amorc all in the PCC. Pastor Sakwe was at the time instead transferred to the Seminary in Kumba where he was going to produce but agents of Satan as he will instead lead them to demonism and not Christianity.
The time has come when the PCC is to be revealed in her evil deeds. You will agree with me that Pastor Bame Bame was the first to shout spiritual FOUL in the PCC and even evicted Paa Muna from the Church in Bastos in Yaounde even as President of the House of Assembly. Before Paa Muna could die, he was preached to by a man who had been in the Amorc like him and had repented and become an Evangelist/Prophet from Jamaica who was based in Camroon and worked with the FAO. When Paa Muna repented and burnt all the Occultic books, and destroyed all the whiskies on his shelves, the devil was not happy and then came and burnt part of his palace. Please go and verify this even from his son Ben Muna. Whatever I post in this forum is subject to verification as I always give names.
I am an Ancient and have lived in the PCC Church for too long as far back as 1955 and was baptised 1958 with the unbiblical baptism of Springling of water. I was re-baptised as Jesus was by emersion in the small river behind the PCC quarters in Limbe. They all came out and were watching the new baptismal act of emersion that was biblical. I was periodically being called to come and explain to the Men's fellowship some topics like "Divine Healing" in their Bible study register that they could not understand and or interpret, as I was still in Limbe in those days. The era of Carnal worship-Religion is past as in the days of Judaism. We are now in the era of Anointed Spirit filled worship as stated in Acts 1:8 and John 4:23-24. God is Spirit and His Words are spirit, so they that worship Him must do it in Spirit and in Truth. I am an example of a Presbyterian who has found the Truth and was eager to let that Truth be extended to the Church as I still love my ignorant brothers and sisters still living in spiritual darkness. I was called by the Men's fellowship in down beach PCC  in  AD 1995 to come and let them know something about the new Spiritual life that healed Paa Fomukong from untimely death. I did the demonstration in their church and proved to them that their Pastor then-Rev. Mote can not kill a spiritual fly because he was not Born Again and filled with the Holy Spirit.
What have I contributed therefore to the above spiritual Ignorance of the PCC?  I will state here categorically that I spent my own money and life to cause the Moderator of the PC in Nigeria to come and let the PC in Cameroon to receive the light of the Gospel as they are now in the light and my PCC is still in darkness. I met with this Moderator-Rev.Dr.James Ukegbo in Port Harcourt where he was preaching the gospel with signs and wonders as a Pentecostal Preacher. After the meeting I did everything to have access to him and solicited for him to come and help my PCC. He told me of the spiritual huddles and the fight he encountered with the Presbytery to have the change from methodical carnal worship to the biblically aproved Spiritual worship-John 4:23-24. He said it was not easy as most members have been used to having the Bible in one hand and doing their things any how with the other hand.
As I solicted for him to come to Cameroon for evangelistic purpose to my PCC, he accepted willingly and requested me to come to my Moderator Nyasako Ni Nku who knows him as he had invited him for their 50th Anniversary which took place in Y'de, to send to him an official invitation. I ran back to Camroon and went and shared this lofty spiritual visition with brother Moderator who accepted it too. I then asked him to issue me and invitation letter according to his complimentary card that he sent to him. Instead of a letter,Nyasako gave me but his own complimentary card to take to him. I did not bother about the money for the trip and the risks involved, I still went back to Nigeria on my own expenses and went right to the Moderator's station in Umuahia in Nigeria. He asked me if he was to use that card to tell the Church that he is invited to PCC Cameroon? I was tongue tight. I was stupified and rediculed. I did not give up as I came and went back to Nyasako and still demanded the letter of invitation as requested by him which was the right thing to do. He did not request for Airticket but only letter of invitation to guarantee his trip. Nyasako did not give me the letter of invitation. You can therefore agree with me that the PCC Church does not want a change from their old fashion of carnal worship which does not glorify God but glorifies Satan thru their sinful lifestyles.
The Church has a duty to look into the Word and see what is not being done rightly as in the time of Judaism of Saul turned Apostle Paul. The 2 young Pastors who have been dismissed should leave the Church (as Paul) and go start preaching the True Gospel as handed to us by the Lord as I did leave to. They are coming to me now, for various spiritual  cases as they see what is happening in the Botanical Gardens during the annual Fire Conferrences as even their members are healed and delivered from witchcraft and works of the flesh by the Anointed men of God as in the days of Peter and Paul in ACTS. 
Rev.Awasom has been outspoken in the relationship of the CPDM and the PCC. This relationship can not be broken for one single reason of receiving annual financial support from the CPDM gov't to the PCC. Their members too are also senior members in the CPDM such as P.M.Musonge, rtd Gov.Ebong Ngole, rtd P.M. Achu and many others. They also have good relationship with the PC-USA who are also their finacial support partners. The PC-USA has just announced in a Christian world news broadcast during their annual conferrence that they are changing the interpretation of the word "Marriage" from a union of 2 opposite sex to a union of 2 Persons. This has for now brought a division in the PC-USA. If they will finally settle to one decision of 2 persons and not 2 opposite sex, then be sure that PCC will also be enfluenced to follow suit as they are a financial Pillar to the PCC yearly. That will be the ushering in of the lifestyle of Homosexuality in a church supposely to be the Church of Jesus Christ. Paraventure such a thing happens in the PCC, I will champion a 21 days fast for the Fire of God to fall upon the Synod members beginning with their Nicodemus-the Moderator. The money the Synod guys are enjoying is from these 2 sources-CPDM and PC-USA. They are therefore subject to dance to their tune of demonic music because they are in control of their well-being  when it comes to money matters as money answereth all things. Awasom is right to say that the CPDM is in partnership with the PCC. That assessment is correct to the best of my understanding.
One who sponsors your wellbeing has an Autoritative voice to whatever you are doing. Jesus is not the Sponsor of the Church so He has no place or voice in that church as He has in the PENTECOSTAL Churches that He sponsors.
This sincere letter or write-up is for the purposes of Rebuking the Church Authority for a change as all that they are doing is sin in the side of the Lord and He has requested me as His  servant to rebuke the Siner openly so that Fear will come to others who intend to sin in any way-1 Timo.5:20. The Church of Jesus Christ has been turned now to be the church of Satan where all sinful life-styles are free to be practised to the glory of Satan and not Jesus. The Churches have become Sodom and Gomorrah where Fornication and Adultry is no longer a sin but a life of enjoyment with HIV patients full in the Church-shame to PCC.
The PCC is not preparing any one for Heaven(Luke 1:17b) but is preparing all her members to the everlasting Fire in Hell to the advantage of Satan. What a shame in the name of Church. It is likened to a school that prepares her students but to fail at the end. 
Do you know that the PCC and or Catholic Church members go to consult witch doctors in simple matters that can be solved thru human knowledge. A clear case in referrence is that which the NW SCNC members went to Oku and invited a medicine man or Witch doctor to come and determine who will be the Leader of the group after the 2 old men must have left the scene. This took place in AD 2000 in the Wimbum Women's Hall in B'da. The man came and danced round and to their surprise, he went and pointed to a man he did not even know. That man was Ambass.Henry Fossung to the embarrassement and or shame to them that invited him. These very elites who go to Church are writing their papers for SCNC and stating that they are praying to God-which god will share his glory with Satan?. In PCC Limbe, the members go to Mile 4 Bonadikumbo to consult witch doctors and come to the Church on Sunday wearing white and white and take communion. What a life of spiritual hipocracy in the Church of Jesus Christ.  Their rewards are not doubted even to the eyes of an old man except they repent before dying prematuredly-Amen.
May the Lord have Mercy on them that will hear and or read Rebuke and repent. A repented soul will He not forsake. This letter is intended to be handed to the PCC Synod office in Buea for their awareness of what is in the offing for their Church tomorrow.
Yours sincere Servant in the Vine Yard,
Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses.(formally a carnal member of PCC Limbe congregation)
--- On Wed, 6/20/12, louis <> wrote:

From: louis <>
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: AWASOM IS APPARENTLY NOT CRAZY
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 10:35 AM

Rev Thank you very much. For instance, if one is admitted into a catholic school, you must toe the line or be kicked out. Only a fool will be admitted into a catholic school and then turn around and question their daily morning and evening worship, or refuse to follow them. If one were to oppose this style of worship ( you must worship every morning and evening according to your "approved" religion, and at an officially accepted venue if one were not a catholic : whether you are a Muslim, a Presby, born again etc). However, you can't actually go into the main college chapel to practise other kinds of service which fall out of line with the catholic doctrine. If you do, you will be thrown out with immediate effect. The authorities will be right. You are free to go somewhere else and do what you believe to be good. Awasom Jonathan is a liar and a slanderer. He has to apologise to all those he has slandered with his terrible lies; and then repent. Mbua Mbua --- In, Jesusman <saintarrey@...> wrote: > > Messieurs Caspa and Achu, > > > Awasom's points are untenable because he thinks that the PCC should not have sacked the two pastors. According to him if they are a godly group, then they should love anyone preaching and doing the things of God. That is naive as every denomination has its church polity. That is why there is a difference between the evangelicals and the Pentecostals. The PCC falls under the evangelical movement (mainly Calvinistic)  which does not believe in the outward manifestation of the gifts and works of the Holy Spirit; meanwhile,the Pentecostals (which i belong ) do.   > > > Therefore, if the pastors want to behave as Pentecostals, they should leave the Presbyterian church and join a pentecostal denomination rather than set afoot the tenets of the mission. If we have a pastor in a pentecostal church who starts to implement the mannerisms and teachings or proclivities of the Presbyterian church, then it will not be wrong to put him out. > > > Notwithstanding, the accusations of simony, corruption, apostasy and other malfeasance could be looked into independently out of the termination of the pastors because i believe their termination is justified. When i was in the Full Gospel Mission, I did not preach certain things i teach today because I was in a mission and that mission has its rules and doctrines. If I did not like it, the door was opened for me for leave. If I decided to stay, I had to obey the mission. Now i preach on what i believe is right because I am my own boss. Until such times when  those gentle men are their own bosses, they must respect the church positions.  > > It is like saying, you marry a woman, but you decide to live the way you want. No, you are in a union and must behave according to the internal rules you both have set. if you do not want to respect the rules, then leave the marriage.  > > However, I do not also think it is fair game to accuse Awasom of craziness. I just realize that many cannot take his opinions. I don't agree with him, but I believe he is free to say what he thinks.  > > Until then, the PCC is right. > > > St Arrey of Ntenako. > >   > "This world is phony: if my enemies heard that I have killed a lion even with my bare hands, they will gossip that I killed a mere squirrel, but when they hear that their friend has used 4 days to catch a tilapia, they broadcast to the world that he caught a shark." (Hamilton Ayuk). >   >  "Only a man cursed to die a violent death challenges a male buffalo to a fight." (Hamilton Ayuk) >   > "Idle people write, idler people read, and idlest people read and whine that idle people are taking their time." (Hamilton Ayuk) >  "When a people have suffered for too long, they will drink fairytales on fairylands with insatiable gullibility." (Hamilton Ayuk) >   > > > ________________________________ > From: Chris Caspa <chriscaspa@...> > To: > Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 6:09 AM > Subject: Re: [camnetwork] AWASOM IS APPARENTLY NOT CRAZY > > >   > Well said Ashu, it is said that we should listen to the dull and ignorant for they too have their own story . We will get to the bottom of this definitely soon. > Chris Caspa > On Jun 20, 2012 10:04 PM, "George Achu" <fongam583@...> wrote: > > > >  > > > > > >As a Presbyterian and a stakeholder in the work of the PCC, having read what Pastors AWASOM and Taku as well as others have written on the crisis in the PCC, I don' t believe Rev. AWASOM is crazy. His argument that the argument of truth supersedes the force of argument is more compelling. If the facts on which he bases his conclusions are truthful, they should be given weight for investigation and analysis. As a lawyer, I know that the search for the truth is the foundation of justice. Instead of defaming him, contest the truth of his assertions. It is said, one has a right to one's opinion, not to one's own facts. This is all I am going to say on this issue. > >George Achu > > > >Sent from my iPad >
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