Sessekou Shey Ebini
You are a treasure to the community. The Video brought back very vivid memories of the Anglophone struggle.
Some of these heavy weight patriots who have since departed this world will be in shock and awe to see what has
become of the "Fight" they innitiated. It is simply pathetic....Imagine those claiming to be SCNC today.What a waste.
May the soul of "Maitre" Amoro rest in perfect peace. A post-humous decoration should even be envisaged for this
great man by our community.
By the way, don,t forget to keep that my own video under "lock & key" so that tomorrow when I "Meung" you will
show it @ my "Die House"...but I beg you Pah Sessekou; Edit that part where I am wearing dat Okrika Guangzhou Suit.
I will always want people to think that Mishe Fon was a "Show-Boy" and no a "Garri-Boy".
Mishe Fon

From: noel ebini <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:07 PM

Click on link below to watch video:

Death is the path we will all tread but when we are made to witness the departure of one with some significance in
the way he lived his life, we look for memories to cherish. Political activism has become a very cheap commodity in our
community since we got closer to using the Internet. All you have to do to be seen as a political activist is to hide
behind a computer keyboard and share textbook theories, without any show of active courage, without any resolve,
without any commitment to a structured cause, without any obligations or responsibilities. And if anyone should
ask you questions you do not like you rain venom on their person, their family and their worth.

Before the age of unengaged cyber activism, there was the focused activism of the true patriots. where true citizens
who did not like the status quo, got effectively engaged, took risks, made sacrifices and put their education and resources
on the path of influencing social change. I came to know Lawyer Oscar Amorow as one who was ready to do anything
to free his country and people. In 1992 Oscar was very instrumental in organizing the arrival of the two man CAM delegation
to the UN made up by Mr. Albert Mukong and myself. He arranged with Carlet Ayuk and many others the creation of the
Cameroon Anglophone Movement (CAM) in the USA. Martin Eno was the first president and Tabri was the vice. This
was done with the participation of Mr. Mukong and myself; and also present were Dr. Agbor Besong and Lawyer Sam
Ekontang Elad who were members of the Ni John Fru Ndi and the Union for Change delegation that traveled to the US for
President Bill Clinton inauguration, just after the lifting of the house arrest and state of emergency in Bamenda.

Oscar was also the lead organizer of the First All Anglophone Conference in Washington DC in 1995 during the visit
of the CAM and SCNC delegation that dragged Pa Foncha and Pa Muna to the UN. When the Southern Cameroon's
Advisory Council North America was formed, he was one of the very active and influential members. If you pick up an
old copy of the Southern Cameroons Information Bulletin, the Editorial Board would read thus:
Chairman: Shiyghan S. Shemlon
Members: Christmas Atem Ebini, Emil Mondoa, Dibussi Tande, Lydia Namondo Evakisse, Beatrice Wamey, Oscar Amorow,
Tabong Eyong Kima
Editing, Layout and Composition: J.K. Bannavti

Oscar was very committed to the Cameroonian cause. He was willing to do anything to bring genuine political change to Cameroon.
We have lost a great soul and a friend. Our community has lost a great partner. Our country has lost a great patriot.

We wish you perfect and eternal rest. Heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

Christmas Ebini


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