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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Reaction to Prof Tatah Mentah's Self Determination research

Dear Prof. Mentan
On the surface, you have it all; time, applaudable research, proper social connections, and above all else impeccable English. Unfortunately all these wonderful work of yours.... I am afraid... is in vain.
'Self-determination' as stated in Article 76 (b) of the United Nations Charter denotes the legal right of a people to decide their destiny without external compulsion. As you rightly said, it is a core principle of international law and it is enshrined in international treaties and protected in the United Nations Charter and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as a right of all peoples.
 You didn't make mention of the fact that the outcome of Self-determination is autonomy. Autonomy - within international law, can either be federation, assimilation, independence or protection.
By a substantial majority, the people of Southern Cameroons decided to achieve independence by rejoining the independent Republic of Cameroon. This decision was made through a democratic process and under the supervision of the United Nations. In actuality, the United Nations expressed a high appreciation of the work of its Plebiscite Commissioner for the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration and endorsed the results of the Plebiscite. 
By voting for reunification, the people of Southern Cameroons freely chose the assimilation option of autonomy. (If Foncha had resolved his clashes with Endeley, Endeley would have corrected him).
Assimilation is a socio-political process whereby ethnic minorities are blended into a dominant ethnic grouping whose members identify with each other through a common heritage, often consisting of common languages and cultures.
The creation of the Federal Republic of Cameroon was the first stage of the assimilation process in Cameroon. The replacement of the federal state with a unitary state called United Republic of Cameroon and later Republic of Cameroon were the second and third stages of the process respectively.  
 Assimilation usually involves a gradual change and takes place in stages. As we speak, Francophones are invading Anglophone schools so as to grab all positions reserved for Anglophones in future. This is an ongoing process.
Prof, you sit high on the Logan mountain, and give our people false hope and prevent them from integrating themselves – and becoming president - of Cameroon some day.
My question is who is a Southern Cameroonian?
Ofege Ntemfac, are you a Southern Cameroonian? You make so much noise for the Southern Cameroon cause, but you can only be issued asylum to be a full Southern Cameroonian when independence comes.  
Are Southern Cameroonians Anglophones? Or people living in the North West and South West regions?
Forget about the facts of yesterday.... how can you try to force a marriage between the people of the South West and the North West regions? Is it because of the English language which the white man gave us? North Westerners and Westerners have identical cultures while South Westerners and Doualas have an indivisible SAWA culture, and will always remain one and indivisible.
This is why the Simon – Milner Agreement of 1916 was not any physical and Legal Birth of the Southern Cameroons as you claim, but a forceful partition and invasion act.
Why do you think the UPC fought so aggressively against the French and not the Germans?
Why did Foncha's KNDP stood for the unification of all parts of German? Why did 90% of Southern Cameroons political parties opted for Kamerun rather that Cameroons?  
Despite the fact that the Southern Cameroons was once given an international status, the bitter truth is that Britain does not recognise SCNC. Yes, 30 years of Anglophone struggle, with countless letters to successive British governments, there isn't even any receipt of an acknowledgment.
War can be the only answer…..but in the event of war, French troops will ensure that the people of the North West region pay the price. Any way they certainly deserve it.
It was Foncha's hatred for Endeley that took us into this mess. He sidelined Endeley and many intellectuals in the Southern Zone and fell prey at Ahidjo's hands. He preferred Ahidjo than Endeley...only to cry crocodile tears after 32 years.
In the previous Southern Cameroons government under Foncha, the leadership was manned by elites from the North West region: J.N. Foncha, Prime Minister of Southern Cameroons, Augustine Ngom Jua, Prime Minister West Cameroon, Solomon Tanden Muna, Prime Minister of West Cameroon, Vice President of the Federal Republic of Cameroon and speaker of the Cameroon Federal House of Assembly. This kind of marginalisation is worse than what Paul Biya is practicing.
No South-Westerner in his or her rightful mind will ever consider returning to an Independent Southern Cameroon. Thanks and No thanks.....SCNC is not a thing for South Westerners except traitors like Mola Litumbe who are looking for their gari.
People like Hon AYAH Paul and Chairman Ni John Fru Ndi understand that Southern Cameroon is history and they can only improve the lives of Anglophones by changing things in Yaounde.
Dr Yembe, are you not ashame when you cover up your brother Nfor Nfor at the expense of the Anglophone struggle? You must all came clean if you are to be trusted. According to Chief Ayamba all you need to do is use a gun like he did and enter CRTV Buea, to earn the right to lead the struggle.
Nowadays anybody can write an open letter, even Nfor Nfor has the guts to portray himself as the people's Mandela... who knows what torture in prison means. What a shame!
I cannot recall any consultations that took place before you guys decided to call our land 'Ambazonia'.
Who made you leaders over Southern Cameroonians?   
I know how you all feel about people who say the truth like Dr Susungi. Go on and ridicule him!!
It will not change the fact that all you can do is waste time and argue on the internet. You are not different for Biya....your garri cames from the so called Anglophone cause. Continue to fly around the world and sleep in good hotels in the name of Southern Cameroonians.
It will not change the fact that all the Fons in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon are already speaking French.
God bless you all

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