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Friday, August 31, 2012

RE: [MTC Global] Management Siksha Samrat- Review of Autobiography of Prof.Dr.Bholanath Dutta-

Thank you Prof. Subramanian for introducing us to our leader spearheading the cause of educating, empowering and elevating the management teachers. Though we have been with him for more than two years but never knew about his life journey and his achievements.


Virendra Goel


From: [] On Behalf Of subbu sankara
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 9:11 PM
To: MTC Global. General.Mod.Dr.Bholanath MTC Global MTC Global. General
Cc: Subramanian.sankaranarayanan Subramanian.sankaranarayanan Subramanian.sankaranarayanan; bholanath dutta
Subject: [MTC Global] Management Siksha Samrat- Review of Autobiography of Prof.Dr.Bholanath Dutta-


Management Siksha Samrat


"My life (is) a story of common man next door", he confides. As I have closely known of him in the past 2 to 3 years or so, it's a stark and genuine reality. Born of a Bangladeshi refugee father, who was robbed of all his belongings in a train that resulted in an unenviable 'Life (like a) jig saw puzzle with most of the pieces missing', and who had perforce settled in a backward area of Srirampur in West Bengal and requiring to support a large joint family, the young boy had faced only struggles and poverty and un-surmountable hurdles along his life journey. Be it clothing, housing, food or education, everything or early life events could have been apt to form the backdrop of the re-known legendary Satyajit Ray's movie. In his auto-biography, he goes on elaborating all his strife, untold miseries and poignant personal difficulties very candidly without mincing any extra phrase to eke out sympathy or empathy from others at large. ".. a simple life- full of struggle, poverty, hardships and challenges, with a ray of hope and big dreams…. a replica of thousands across the globe. At the same time, I am aware that a lot (of people) have slogged and shed their sweat more than me". This is the background and early life of a budding future scholar, who through his own relentless pursuit to achieve his life's ambitions and lofty value-based objectives, has made the grade in the field of Management Education in a short span of just a little less than two decades. Today, he is the accredited and well-acclaimed Management Education Teacher, orator, writer and what not, besides being the Founder & Promoter of the MTC Global, which has spread its firm roots and branches not only in India but also across 40 plus countries outside his native land. An unblemished record of sorts, stands in good-stead today.


2. I met Dr.Bholanath Dutta in his home and his equally well-read scholar life partner, Smt.Paramita Dutta about two years ago in Bangalore during one of my visits to attend Board of Directors and other business meetings from my then HQRs at Chennai. When, MTC was formed, Dutta as a single-man army sent his invitations over the net to many familiar and unknown people. How he got my email-id, is a puzzle to me even today. But the moment I received his invitation, I rang up from Chennai and started conversation in my half-baked Bengali that I loved to the core, "Khemon, dada..etc". We had setup an excellent personal rapport and won him my 'Sela' meaning 'Son'. That relationship got strengthened by the day, he requested me to be the first Chair-Person of MTC Global Advisory Board. He duly absorbed my suggestion to have " Educate..Empower..Elevate " as the authentic slogan for MTC Global. During my few visits to his home, I saw a self-made and highly talented scholar who practiced and exhibited humility, passion, relentless spirit, burning fire for learning, teaching and knowledge-sharing in his rigourous pursuit of his ambitious goals and tasks dangling before him.


3. Dutta's 'parents tried to give their best despite so many hardships'.. What strikes about this young scholar's life journey, is his frankness to explore his real past and share with us about his family conditions. The less-friendly environ of ' rented house, six people, no fan, no tuition, lack of proper food', gave him (mental) strength to work hard and change the fate of the family. Despite the adverse situation, (self) motivation was the dominating factor. Growth and making of a steely will-powered man is what is brought out well in Prof.Dr. Bholanath Dutta's book titled, " Making of a Teacher: The Journey Continues- An Autobiography ", which I felt I must review today on the eve of the Second National Convention / Conference of MTC Global being sponsored and conducted with great fanfare by the VIT University and Jaipur Chapter tomorrow, 1st September 2012. We are all eager to participate and enjoy VIT's regal Jaipurian hospitality. Coming back to Dutta, one would not disagree with me, if I painted him as a mature professional leader of an extraordinary character of grit and determination, which drives him to wade through all odds but with discipline. I vouch before all of you that Dutta, the holder of MBA and Doctorateship, who has slowly and steadily ascended into the elite category of scholar tutors, had imbibed values and compassion from his parents. Further, the traits of self-discipline, honesty, integrity, focused approach and punctuality to attain the distant and lofty targets, came natural to him as he was groomed and grounded well during his short, tough but definite stint in armed services, before he got wedded to the arena of the Management Education as part of his present life and career. Gritty Dutta says, " My tenure in Air Force made me tough.. talent was nurtured in solitude, character was formed in the stormy billows of the world ".


4. Prof.Dr.Dutta is credited with hundreds of published reaserch articles, papers and well-compiled 19 books on Management Education.. all in a span of just about ten years.. Let us give due credit to a self-made man, who ensured to see the growth of MTC Global studded with a strong membership of over 5000 scholars, industrialists and other stake holders encompassing the Management Education. With a view to felicitating the yeomen services rendered by him with great aplomb, I have little hesitation in conferring the title, " Management Siksha Samrat ", which he more than deserves.

5. I do recommend to you all the autobiography of Prof.Bholanath Dutta, which contains many lessons for young scholar professionals to learn and imbibe in their life for achieving success. Incidentally, I will be failing in my duty, if I donot point out certain avoidable printers devils that have crept in the first edition of this useful book. These could be pruned in subsequent editions. My personal wishes to the Management Siksha Samrat for greater laurels ahead in his professional life and the conduct of MTC Global..

Book reviewed: " Making of a Teacher: The Journey Continues- An Autobiography " by Prof.Dr.Bholanath Dutta, Sri Vinayaka Printers, Pages: 82, Price: INR 100  or USD 10


With best wishes and goodluck

Prof.Subramanian  - ( +91 9845809857


(Retd.Sr.RBI Executive, Ex Bank Director)
Executive Chairman, Kensho Information Technology Solutions Ltd,
Chairman, African Center for Mobile Financial Inclusion (ACMFI) (
Advisory Board Member & Management Consultant (BFSI) for Gradatim IT Ventures Ltd (Fin. Inclusion Tech), Sunnet Systems (West Africa)
Clock Work Solutions Ltd (SAP Academy Group)
Silicon City Management Educational Group
Chair-Person-2010-11, Advisory Board, Management Teachers' Consortium Global; & Jury-SANKALP AWARDS-2012
World Bank Projects Consultant-2007 & 2008 for Cooperative Sector Reforms
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