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Monday, August 6, 2012

Re: Why we need a Cameroon without a Biya and CPDM : "Dear President Paul Biya " .... Why dictator Paul Biya MUST step down ///My Response to President Paul Biya's 2010 New Year Message



The force of  truth that is standing the test of time about why dictator Paul Biya must leave power peacefully  

--- On Sun, 1/6/10, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:
 From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Subject: "We" Do Not Hate You :My Response to President Paul Biya's 2010 New Year Message
Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2010, 10:40 PM


Dear President Paul Biya

My Fellow Cameroonian Citizens


Sincere greetings to you and your family for a just and peaceful 2010 for all people.


 50 Years of Dependence on Foreign French Rule against "Minorities" is enough


It is with great pleasure that I wish you a happy ending to your more than 34 years as a foreign servant of the Nation of Cameroon. You are aware of the fact that you were initially Prime Minister of Cameroon from 1975 to 1982 when you became President. Since 1982 till 2010 you are still the President of Cameroon to suit the whims and caprices of the French government and your "majority" Cameroonians. This is too long for one man to be Prime Minister and President in a diverse country like Cameroon where we represent different tribes, indigenous populations and regions.


Dear President Paul Biya


The Constitution of Cameroon does not preclude us as a minority from being President of Cameroon. Before I had the audacity to declare my intentions to take over from you and lead a Transitional Government, I had taken into consideration the Constitution as well as the problems of Cameroon within a global economic and financial crisis. Democracy can only thrive under the rule of law and a system of government that is representative of the people. It is the only accurate means through, which we can guarantee the liberty, fraternity, justice and progress of one another.


Since Cameroon became Independent on January Ist,1960, you and your predecessor have dictated Governors, Divisional Officers and Government Delegates to my own Region of Bamenda in the North West part of Southern Cameroon. Your dictatorial actions have deprived us of the opportunity to seek public office in these regions in order to participate in nation-building and the promotion of the development of our people.


Today, you continue to use our people as political pawns to suit your selfish aims. I want you to know that I am standing up to defend our sacred rights as minority conferred upon us by the Constitution of Cameroon. Unfortunately, in your New Year's message to the Nation and witnessed by the Diaspora, you continued to flagrantly violate the Constitution and the Rule of law. This is what you said;


"Democracy however also means protecting public funds. That is why we started waging a merciless war against corruption...I also seize this opportunity to denounce systematic contestation by minority of our compatriots who readily resort to lie-telling and slander.Undoubtedly,they would rather our country plunged into all forms of chaos for them to achieve their aims"


It is very disappointing that as President you would dismiss people like us standing up for justice and our rights as "minority of our compatriots". Immediately, I read the charge about " lie-telling and slander" from you, I decided to look at the Constitution in order to be sure that we are not acting unconstitutionally and against the Rule of law. This is what I found out according to law No. 96-06 of January 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2, June 1972 deliberated and adopted by your National Assembly.


         "The President of the Republic hereby enacts the law set out below:




                          of the Republic of Cameroon





                                    We, the people of Cameroon ...


Declare that human person, without distinction as to race, religion, sex or belief, possesses inalienable and sacred rights;


-The State shall ensure the protection of minorities and shall preserve the rights of indegenous populations in accordance with the law;

-Freedom and Security shall be guaranteed to each individual, subject to respect for the rights of others and higher interest of the State;"


Therefore, you must agree with me that although I am a minority, I must be protected by the above statues and the Constitution as a whole. The problems affecting Cameroon is not a war between majority against minority. The question before God and humanity is whether those of you who consider yourselves majority have the slightest understanding of the principles, which validate majority as a socio-cultural and economic power? If they do not know the Constitution then you and your government have been misleading them through negative propaganda.


Those who are in the diaspora and staying in touch with your government aid and abet your system of oppression, anyways. They are out because President Paul biya,the CPDM regime and French government are operating a system in Cameroon that is not free.In this light there are equally a group of Cameroonians in the diaspora who are rather interested in the freedom of that system.It is needless defending it when you know it is far from being free and democratic.



In fact, as a minority we are on the right side of history because this is about the rule of law. I do not care whether you are representing the majority as it seems because all of you are on the wrong side of history due to the fact that you have violated the Constitution of our nation. In this case where majority is absolutely wrong, all of you must take responsibility before humanity and step down. It has increasingly become clear to me and my fellow patriotic Cameroonians that the human race is one complex family governed by universal principles and natural laws.


You are on your own with your lack of knowledge of how important it is for us to treat everyone the way they should be treated. At the core of our existence as human beings, there is a longing for liberty to, which everyone is entitled whether black or white, majority or minority. So do not act as if a minority is not supposed to have inalienable and sacred rights.


If you are the majority but make bad decisions and choices, which contravene established laws both domestic and foreign then it is your fault. Mindful of all these inappropriate and treasonable actions of yours and your government, I urge you to resign and hand over to us to form the Transitional Government. We are not an opposition as usual. Indeed, we are an alternative force to reckon with as a new breed of Cameroonians convinced about our common destiny and the resolve to build a new Cameroon for all.


We are the emerging bulldozers endowed with a different kind of energy you have never seen before. Our ideas are great. Our vision is very bold and clear. Our commitment to take over from your government and France is driven by the ideas of some of the greatest French Thinkers during the French Revolution of 17th Century who shaped the current French system of government.


 Dear President Paul Biya


I believe that you have taken advantage of us because we are a minority but it is not a weakness or a deficiency in human nature. You must realize that none of us ever asked to be defined as minority. It is written and embedded into the Constitution for a reason. So you have violated the Constitution several times and it is sad that you expect us to celebrate 50 years of dependence on foreign French Rule of oppression with you. This is not a lie or slander. The terms you have used like Independence, Nation, State and Sovereignty are all factored into the Constitution, which you enacted into law. This means they must be binding on other terms like President, Government, Parliament, Public Servants and We, the People.


Dear President Paul Biya


While the political activism of the minority is making you unsettled, what happened that we were reduced to a minority? I believe that had we remained a Federal Republic of Cameroon you and the French Government would not have problems with me /us. A Federal form of government is one of the best systems of government that is working successfully in countries like Switzerland , France , Germany , United States and Nigeria .


So, why would you and France instead abolish that of Cameroon ? Its abolition happened when I was still too young but today we are now grown up. We cannot understand how instead of progressing like other Federal systems, you and the French Government would cynically take us back into the 16th century systems of dictatorship and tyranny.


Therefore, the so call National Unity is not only an empty word but a travesty of unification and reunification of any sort. You may celebrate 50 years of your inglorious reign with power, systematic enslavement and dehumanization of minority people but it does not mark a history that is reminiscent of the rich values of human dignity. Your reign in power too often results to violence against innocent people under your military dictatorship.


You have waged slanderous campaigns against minority people far away from your native town of Sagmalima where you cannot commit the same crimes you have committed against our people in the Region of Bamenda.Your government, which is addicted to lies -telling and slander oncemore has proven to the world that they neither  know the Constitution nor the concept of diversity.


Dear President Paul Biya


You actually claim that Cameroon is an Independent Country like France ! But since 1959 history has it on record that the French people have experienced different leaders as General De Gaulle, President Francois Mitterrand, Jacque Chirac and now the young Nicolas Sarkozi. These different democratically elected Presidents and their political parties translate to us as transparent and accountable democratic governments. Yet, in Cameroon  the same people have aided and abetted your government under a system that they would not tolerate in their country. Do you see my point? This is what I find unacceptable.


We have watched at the oppressive and exploitative actions of the corporate French government in Cameroon under your watch and now completely fed up. The French government has acted inappropriately in our territory with your complicity through military dictatorship that has led to extreme forms of abuse like murders, threats, retaliations, arbitrary arrests and illegal detentions and imprisonment of our people.


I want you to know that none of us could have the audacity to mistreat and exploit the French people in these inhumane fashions.Therefore, you cannot speak about a democratic process in Cameroon when you and France have failed to account for the flagrant violation of the human rights of our people. I mean those you call minority who are daily bombarded with military mobilization, intimidation and scare tactics to force them to become part of  your majority.


Dear President Paul Biya


Let me take this opportunity to state that we as true and patriotic Cameroonians will like you and the French government to know that we are not going to be a French territory anymore. Slavery was abolished a long time ago and human beings have learned to understand that no nation should ever treat another nation as slaves or second class citizens. The fact that the French people colonized certain parts of Cameroon or Africa is no grounds for them to continue invading, killing and exploiting our people without impunity.


I want you to know that we are not against French people's involvement in Cameroon except that they are some anti-French government practices, which violates International laws as well as the sacred rights of others. We are bound to make it abundantly clear that we were never created by God to be lesser than any French person or subjugated by them because of their uncontrollable quest for the riches of our people.


Dear President Paul Biya


It  repeatedly came to our acknowledge that you were serving corporate French Interest in Cameroon against ,which background your government and those corporate French people have perpetuated a greedy political and economic system in Cameroon. This system has presided over one of the worst forms of deprivation, corruption and exploitation of the Cameroon people.


It is first of all,  troubling for us to know that the French system of government is a direct opposite of the one you are currently heading bequeathed to you by your predecessor. You and the French government should know that some of the finest economic and political thinkers of the 17th century were of French Nationality like Frederic Bastiat.One of his famous works is "The Law". I was wondering if you studied about him while you were a student in France ?  


Dear President Paul Biya


You have stated that Cameroon like most countries is marked by the global economic and financial crisis but which countries are your referring to? It is hard for us to understand your speech because it is marked by statements without backing or facts to enable us evaluate the nature and context of the crisis. You also noted that "foreign investments were deferred resulting to credit crunch".


What foreign investments are you referring to? Which countries have you invested in and what are the names of the corporations you are doing business with? What do you really mean by the fundamentals of the economy resisted fairly well? In order for us to take you seriously, you have to give us facts when you are speaking about the economy.


The above sketchy comments from you are not the basis for a weaken economy unless you show to us how that has happened. The fact about the matter is your pronouncement about Cameroon 's economy defies conventional standards for accountability characterized by dishonesty, corruption and mismanagement.


Of course, you are very correct that the foundations of our economy are not shaken. We are endowed with incredible natural and human resources, which should not first of all put us in any situation of credit crunch. You are addressing these economic problems from a very weak position of leadership and may be a very strong position of abuse of power.


Dear President Paul Biya


As someone who has the military power with your government under the French supervision, you have never declared your assets since 1975. The Constitution, which you have so often changed regularly like your shirt demands that the President and his government and all other public servants declare their assets according to article 66. All of you have failed to respect the Constitution for more than 30 years. This action alone is the foundation of Franco-Cameroon government greed and injustice against us. We don't know your assets at home and overseas because they are not separated from the country's assets necessary for assessing the economic performance of the country.


For these reasons, I reject your faulty economic analysis until all of you comply with article 66. Right now we believe that all of you are swindlers of our investments, resources and money. This means that regardless of the global economic and financial crisis, the unemployment rate in Cameroon would not be up to 75 % resulting to undue economic hardship and suffering of our people. There is no way for us to guarantee fiscal discipline without moral and spiritual discipline. What I mean is if the law requires that you declare your assets and you violate it, then why should you raise an alarm about economic slow down and dwindling revenue when you folks have juicy financial accounts in foreign banks for your families  unaccountable for? 


Dear President Paul Biya


Consequently, at this hour in history we believe beyond any reasonable doubts that you cannot protect public funds when you are one of its swindlers. As a matter of fact,  some French Newspapers exposed your fiscal indiscipline last year during ,which you and your entourage  squandered over 20million Frs. CFA a day on vocation to France while millions of our people were suffering under poverty; no access to basic health care and housing. We do not have confidence in you and cannot continue to entrust our destiny in your care when none of you have no sense of accountability and mercy. I was thinking that a vacation to a foreign country should be less expensive compared to vacating within the Cameroon society.


Dear President Paul Biya


You must understand that the first democratic step toward protection of public funds is for you as President to step down for failing to respect the rule of law, which governs all democracies. You cannot effectively curb corruption among Cameroonians when you and your government you reshuffle and recycle at will are responsible for the worst type of corruption in the history of humankind. You swindle everything ranging from loans and then you complaint on the world stage that you are a poor nation!


I have never known of any democratic process that exists in a dictatorship and corrupt tyranny, which you and the French government are perpetuating in Cameroon . By mentioning this you have again failed to tell us how you and your government have achieved that democratic process in the light of the Constitution of Cameroon. Yet, you even dare to say that "We have worked diligently to start up ELECAM".


Deligence starts up with  diligent compliance with the rule of law and from what we know the Constitution does not confer absolute right to your CPDM Party to start up an Election Commission. You cannot pretend that you have not heard us. Besides, even the European Union has expressed concern against your ELECAM because it lacks democratic flavor and consensus.


But most importantly, under a democratic process all people are expected to know how the country is governed in order to be more involved. Everyone can make promises about what they intend to accomplish in the next decade for Cameroonians. However, you are the same person who for  the past Five decades you and French people have destroyed the promise, dreams and hopes of Cameroonians with the exception of a few. Let me conclude by pointing out that you cannot attract foreign investors into Cameroon under dictatorship and endemic corruption.


I have seen that only free and open societies provide the conducive environment for foreign investments because there is guaranteed political stability under good governance and the rule of law. Never mind there is an error on the part of IMF granted that they some sort of make loans to your government when you are never transparent and accountable. All these is about to change because we have every reason to believe in our country and common humanity beyond this next decade.


All is not lost and even though some of you came into this world to trample others under your feet before leaving the world stage, we know that it usually does not last forever. A new breed of Cameroonians is born and we are going to take back our country from foreign rule and exploitation aided and abetted by President Paul Biya and his CPDM government.



We shall overcome and God's will, will be done


Jonathan Awasom

President for a Transitional Government for Cameroon


The Constitution of Cameroon and the Anglo-Cameroon Question


The Presidential Oath of Office under God and before Humanity


The Minority question:


The Alpha and Omega Concept of Accountability per Article 66

of the Cameroon Constitution.


President'Obama's Empowerment Speech and 32Councils for

The Transitional Government( now upgraded to 33)


Howard Njeck:  The Stormy Generation 


Nelson K. Bame: Dissects the Conscience of Cameroonians


Akoson Raymond: A Broken Heart


 Dr Louise Mbua : The CPDM Ballot Box is a Disgrace to Humanity





--- On Fri, 1/1/10, D. Fidelis <> wrote:

From: D. Fidelis <>
Subject: [UB_Alumni] President Biya's New Year Message To The Nation
To: "Camchina Group" <>
Cc: "UB Alumni" <>
Date: Friday, January 1, 2010 , 1:06 AM


President Biya's New Year Message To The Nation
Thursday, December 31, 2009

•    Fellow Cameroonians,
•    My Dear Compatriots,

During the year just ended, Cameroon – like most countries – witnessed a context still strongly marked by the global economic and financial crisis.

A year ago, when we were beginning to suffer its early effects, I stated that at first glance the impact of the crisis could be relatively limited, as far as we are concerned. I however added that one could not rule out the possibility of some sectors of our economy being affected.

Generally, these assumptions were proven true. Our financial sector resisted fairly well. On the other hand, our timber, aluminium, cotton and rubber exports declined owing to a drop in commodity prices. This slowdown in our economic activity was not without consequences: tax and customs revenues dropped and this affected employment. As was foreseeable, foreign investments were deferred and there was a credit crunch.

On the whole, our economy was weakened, but its foundations were not shaken, as in some major countries.

 Some productive activities, particularly in agriculture even improved. However, our GDP growth rate stagnated all the same. In 2009, it declined compared to the previous year.

Under such circumstances, what was the appropriate thing to do? As I have said on several occasions, we had to stay on course, to take urgent measures to cater for the population segment most exposed to the economic slowdown and anticipate the crisis. That we did by reducing the prices of essential goods, supporting consumption and resuming substantial recruitments into the public service. This was no easy task for, in view of the dwindling revenue, we had to maintain fiscal discipline as strictly as possible so as to avoid jeopardizing the future. These efforts earned us the understanding and support of the International Monetary Fund which in the course of the year provided us with considerable financial assistance to cope with our difficulties.

The global financial crisis undoubtedly slowed down investments from developed countries. This delayed the implementation of some of our major projects. Perhaps we should have been more dynamic in carrying them through before the recession hit our foreign partners. In any case, we pursued negotiations with companies that were willing to partner with us in implementing our development programmes in the prospect of a global economic recovery.

I had hoped that we would take advantage of this "time-out" to revive activities in non-export driven productive sectors and infrastructure, using our investment budget and HIPC resources. Although some progress was made, notably in the domains of education, health and roads, one cannot but note that we fell short of our objectives, particularly in the energy sector.

In reshuffling the Government, I therefore had to issue firm guidelines in order to give a new impetus to our economy in anticipation of a return to growth. In this regard, I believe encouraging signs are beginning to show with improved oil and other commodity prices.

It may not be too early to draw some lessons from the consequences of the crisis for our country, a crisis - remember - for which we are in no way responsible. As I said earlier, the sectors that suffered the most are commodity exports whose prices are fixed without our involvement. We therefore need to progressively free ourselves from such dependence by, where possible, setting up processing industries which would have the advantage of creating jobs.

The second lesson to be learnt is that the fundamentals of our economy resisted fairly well. Our savings performance was not affected. Investors did not withdraw. In short, we weathered the storm with limited damage and are ready to resolutely forge ahead once again when the global economic recovery will gain momentum.

My Dear Compatriots,

Our focus on the economy did not induce us to overlook the furtherance of our democratic process which remains one of the two major thrusts of our policy of greater achievements for Cameroon. We have worked diligently to start up ELECAM. Given that its mandate has already been defined and its management put in place, it had to extend its network nationwide. This process is under way and may require some adjustments. Ultimately, we will have an electoral mechanism that will make the results of upcoming polls unchallengeable.

At the same time, we have also methodically initiated the next phase of the decentralization process, namely the transfer of jurisdiction and resources to local authorities. This phase will be no less delicate, as we will have to put theory into practice. Failure is not an option, as this means nothing short of giving Cameroonians at the local level the possibility of participating in the management of their own affairs.  We have now paved the way for the establishment of the Senate.

Democracy however also means protecting public funds. That is why we started waging a merciless war against corruption. No one should expect us to stop midway through. We will continue to the very end, no matter what some people might say.

Similarly, a climate of insecurity will not be allowed to take hold and disrupt the lives of our fellow-citizens in urban centres and rural areas. We are determined to use all the necessary means to stamp out organized banditry and highway robbery.

I also seize this opportunity to denounce systematic contestation by a minority of our compatriots who readily resort to lie-telling and slander. Undoubtedly, they would rather our country plunged into all forms of chaos for them to achieve their aims.

Furthermore, and despite crisis-related difficulties, we have pursued our actions in the social and infrastructure domains in the broadest sense.

 New health centres have been opened and other health establishments are in the pipeline. A general social security scheme is being studied.

Facilities, notably road and urban infrastructure, have been constructed to improve the living conditions of our populations.

In the near future, work will begin on a number of sports facilities, in addition to the recently inaugurated Yaoundé sports complex.

In 2009, the school and university system modernization policy led to the creation and construction of new primary, secondary and higher education institutions. Thousands of teachers at all levels were recruited; a special allocation in the amount of 4 108 000 000 CFA F has been instituted for University research. It will be increased in 2010. To improve the quality of human capital and rise to the challenges of the future more efficiently, I have decided to grant, as from 1 January 2010 , an overall annual allowance of about three billion CFA francs to the best students in Cameroonian Universities.

In the domain of basic infrastructure, we will in 2010 be launching the construction works of the Lom- Pangar hydro-electric dam, the Kribi deep-sea port, the Memve'ele dam, the Kribi natural gas power plant, the Mekin mini hydro-electric power station on the Dja, the rehabilitation and extension of water supply systems in Yaoundé, Douala and several other towns and localities throughout the national territory, and the modernization of the road networks in most of our towns.

Regarding the mining sector, we will in 2010 start the construction of the Nkamouna   cobalt, nickel and manganese mine,  diamond mining at Mobilong  and the rehabilitation of the ex-Cellucam site for the start of activities of the Edeatech science and technology park. We will speed up the process that should lead to the mining of bauxite at Minim-Martap- Ngaoundal and iron at Mballam. As concerns Bétaré-Oya gold, industrial mining started in 2009. To stimulate growth in the rural world, an Agro-pastoral Show will be held in Ebolowa in 2010.

Also worth mentioning is the laying of the foundation stone of the Olembe social housing programme which will comprise 10 000 housing units by 2013.  A similar project should soon be launched at Douala , in the 8 other regional headquarters and in the university towns.

My Dear Compatriots,

You can therefore see that with all these projects, Cameroon undoubtedly has a bright future. Such a promising future is however possible only with the participation of each and every one. It can only be the fruit of our joint effort.

This means that each and every one of us must know that he or she has a role to play to create the conditions conducive to doing business, attracting investments and implementing the investment projects which are requisites for the development and progress of our country. The development and progress to which we aspire require that we should be capable of giving priority to the common weal. This does not concern only the public authorities; it also concerns all Cameroonians without exception.

My Dear Compatriots,

Our country's participation in world affairs intensified in the year now ending. This reflects our constant determination to assert our presence and make our voice heard in the concert of Nations. It also reflects our external partners' esteem for our country. The various trips that I have made also afforded me the opportunity to discover that our Diaspora which is of remarkable quality supports our efforts and remains, despite the distance separating us, very attached to our country. I may be revisiting these issues subsequently. Today, I would rather invite you to reflect on an event which will forever remain memorable in the history of our Nation.

Half a century ago, our country's destiny changed suddenly. On 1 January 1960 , our independence was proclaimed. As from tomorrow, we will therefore be celebrating the 50th anniversary of our accession to sovereignty. I need not underscore the importance of this event. A chapter of our history was being closed and another being opened to be written by us.

 Let us however remember that before independence came, some had been dreaming about it, had fought to obtain it and had sacrificed their lives for it. Our people shall forever be grateful to them.

What were we to do with the legacy inherited from them? Build a Nation from groups whose differences outnumbered their commonalities and whom the colonizers had lumped together within arbitrary boundaries. Building a Nation means forging the desire to live together as well as the desire to continue to assert the legacy received. This is a daunting challenge which fifty years have not been too much to meet.

My Dear Compatriots,

Well, I believe that we have met this unprecedented challenge. Today, there is a Cameroonian Nation. Our national unity is not an empty word. To prove it, when the Indomitable Lions excel in international competitions, which Cameroonian does not feel extremely proud, regardless of his or her place of origin?

That is why the 1st of January 2010 must be for us all, not only a day of contemplation in memory of those who have passed on, and who helped build our Nation, but also a day of joy, for what might have seemed an impossible dream has become a reality.

Does this mean our job is done? Of course not! For, we owe a future of justice and prosperity to this nation of ours. Such is the meaning of the action we are carrying out at the service of our country and which we will pursue regardless of the obstacles we may encounter on our path.

For Cameroon , 2010 will therefore be  the year of the fiftieth anniversary of its independence. The celebrations will naturally culminate in our National Day on the 20th of May, with the holding of the "Yaoundé Conference" during which eminent personalities will debate on Africa 's place in the world. We will thus have given this very memorable event, its true political, social and cultural dimension. 

My Dear Compatriots,

The fiftieth anniversary of independence   in 2010 is a prelude to the fiftieth anniversary of Reunification which we will be celebrating in 2011.

These two milestones, charged with emotions, memories and symbols urge us more than ever before to consolidate our achievements, foremost among which are national unity and peace, and to strive further and together to build a great and beautiful country.

My Dear Compatriots,

It is now time for me to extend to each and every one of you my most sincere wishes for good health and happiness in the New Year.

Happy and Prosperous New Year 2010

Long live Cameroon



  Jonathan Awasom   
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village







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