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Sunday, September 30, 2012

[ACEsthetics] New Post/Thread Notification: General Dentistry

Hello, has just posted in the General Dentistry forum of ACE Dental World under the title of Associate.

This thread is located at

Here is the message that has just been posted:
*Well, when I get back from Hawk's Cay, I will be an associate...employee...back where I started. My young associate has multiple proposals so the money is in the bank we just have a few kinks in the contract that we need to work out...none that involve our relationship. The contract calls for us to do something with cash on hand that will make paying the bills difficult. That will be handled by the time I return and I'll just come to work. I've worked a long time for this and would like to recommend that all you old hard asses out there who say they can't get along with associates and are going to simply walk away from their practice to rethink that. You can do one or two young dentists a real favor by getting them on their feet and it will add value to your practice sale if you stay around.

My brother was that way until he sat with Roger Hill at a Hinman dinner and had a long discussion. He found out that I was right and he was extremely painful thing for him. He's now looking for someone to associate with intent to buy. I got the full value of my practice by staying. I also enjoyed the hell out of it. The first thing you have to do is remember you have to bend some even if you are the boss. You partners are going to do things different than you did and that's OK but you have to set yourself to accept that. They will still come for advice and may or may not accept it. Live with that. You may think you are the smartest swinging long John out there but you'll find that these kids are not ding bats. They'll use you but with respect.

I'll be getting simple pay scale now...35% of what I collect. With that, I'm helping them by leaving some of what I would have taken out as a partner in the pot for them. My patient load has dwindled over the past 12 years since I quit taking new patients but I'm working harder than I should be on most days. I'm looking forward to this. My older partner made damned sure I was nailed here for five years because the younger partner's wife does not understand that I'm going to be putting money in the bank for her. I made it folks. Damn I'm tired. Guy*:rolleyes:


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