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Monday, September 3, 2012


I have realised that the mails I forward have been misconstrued as my personal write ups. Not so. As an educator, I forward what I get for you to read and be knowledgeable. For those of you who can vote, how you vote is your conscience. I sensed some people going emotional over facts as if they do not want to know facts. As if whatever the Republicans said in Tampa, was true. No far from that, they misrepresented so much. I will forward what I get to educate. I believe, Obama started from a very difficult moment with challenges that could have taken the country into unending recession. Turning things around with a Republican congress that was determined to say "NO" and make him one-term, putting party above country, you and I deserve to know his accomplishments under such a climate. Are we forgetting how the Republican Congress opposed everything? Expecting Obama to have kept 100% of his promises in one term is an overkill. Expecting him to come through after two terms is, to me,. fairplay, afterall it took two terms to create the headache he inherited. Medicare, minimum wages, education are traditional accomplishments of democrats which Republicans have labelled in the past , since 1980 as "BIG GOVERNMENT", TAX AND SPEND" etc. See who is talking more about preserving Medicare--Republicans. Republican have contributed to about 60% of the debt we have now-Reagan, Bush Years. The Iraq War. Who is talking about debt now? Republicans.
Defense, Foreign Policy  and cutting taxes has been Republican strength. Because Obama has succeeded in outstaging them in defense, foreign policy, and cutting taxes for the middle class and poor, Republicans now confused, pick on a Democratic strength-Medicare, and tie Affordable Health Care and Jobs to it.  My forwarded posting are educational. I did not write them. I am not speaking for Africa. I just forward and leave it as that. Someone even likened my forwarded mails to supporting some Governments in Africa. I am laughing about it and leave that alone. Many problems with African Governments have been created by the Governments themselves. My forwaded educational mails are about American Politics.
Follow the Democrats carefully this week to compare and contrast. Let the Republican Tampa Convention not fool you. Democrats will come too hard this week to reclaim and show what has been done under difficult circumstances and what still has to be done and how they will do it. Democrats are aware of not enough jobs, but Obama created more jobs  than 2008 and has turned the country around to the right direction. Listen and learn about the benefits of Affordable Health Care Act which the Republicans are bent to reverse. Ask yourself what is so bad in giving people health insurance?. What is so bad in people paying their fair share of taxes? When Republican talk about Government failure, are they excluded from Government? Is Government and abstract, confined to Obama only? Are they not in Congress and contributing to the so-called failure?
When I listened to Republican Christe, Ryan, and Rubio, narrate their stories and backgrounds, to me, they are good examples of success of Democratic BIG Government policies, which the Republican party has always been against. Those are success stories for DEMOCRATIC PARTY. My advice is to wait for the Democratic Convention to end, then you compare and contrast position on issues. Republicans met in Tampa and touted Democratic Principles and success stories. Wait and see.
Prof.  Martin Ayim      Ph.D., MPH, MCHES
Endowed Professor of Health Education, Grambling State University, Louisiana, USA
Chair & Consultant: Diaspora Health Literacy Advocacy Team (DHLAT) for Developing Countries
To watch the different Youtube Videos about book promotion, Health Literacy advocacy journey for Curricular infusion of Health Education and Health Promotion, and academic scholarship project to Orphans, go to then, click on publications and projects. To buy book hard copy or E-book, go to
To know more about Widikum Ethnic Group:  

From: Prof. Martin Ayim <>
To: Ambazonia National Group <>; FREE AMBAZONIANS <>; Southern Cameroon <>; Ambasbay <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Cc: "" <>; "DALFCAM@YAHOOGROUPS.COM" <DALFCAM@YAHOOGROUPS.COM>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Molyko Exstudents <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2012 10:43 AM

Here are Record 200 accomplishments by President Barack Obama, with links for verification. And, he is not done yet. More to be completed in Second Term. It will take more than 4 years to fix 8 years of economic nightmare caused by Republicans. Give Credit where credit is due. The 200 accomplishments so far are:
Prof.  Martin Ayim      Ph.D., MPH, MCHES
Endowed Professor of Health Education, Grambling State University, Louisiana, USA
Chair & Consultant: Diaspora Health Literacy Advocacy Team (DHLAT) for Developing Countries
To watch the different Youtube Videos about book promotion, Health Literacy advocacy journey for Curricular infusion of Health Education and Health Promotion, and academic scholarship project to Orphans, go to then, click on publications and projects. To buy book hard copy or E-book, go to
To know more about Widikum Ethnic Group:  

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