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Sunday, September 30, 2012


From: harmony mbuton <>;
To: <>; Lambert Mbom <>;
Cc: Nancy Asanga <>;
Sent: Mon, Oct 1, 2012 12:36:08 AM

Dear Sirs,

I report herein the arrest some two hours ago Mr. Augustine Feh Ndagam National Vice Chairman of Southern Cameroons Pewoples Organization (SCAPO), and Mr. Nwachan Thomas. The two were arrested at the "Moghamo bus Station on their way to Buea for the celebration of the Indepencdenceday of Southern Cameroons. A speaechj for the occassion and other documentation on Southern Cameroons were seized from Mr.  Augustine Feh Ndangam.

It is now three minutessince I visited them and gave them mineral water and advised them to accep0t no food for risk of poisoning.

I have filed with the Commisioner-in-Charge of the Central Police Stationb where the leade4rs are detained, a petition for their immediate relaese. Finda copy inserted herein and also attached for circulation.

I enjoin you to cause not less than 5000.000 letters of appeal for their release to flood Camewrounese Authorities -President, Prime Minister, Minister of YTerritor8alo Administration, Chairman of Nations Commission for Human Rights and Freedoms, Diplomatic Representations in Yaounde including the UN Human Rights System etc. etc



Advocates, Solicitors and Human Rights Consultants

Principal Counsel:                                                                                                                                                                                      Che Street, Ntarinkon

Harmony Bobga Mbuton (Esq.)                                                                                                                                    P. O. Box 148, Bamenda, Mezam Division

Prof. Peter Kehdinga Fogam                                                                                                                                                  North West Province, CAMEROON


Advocate-in-Training                                                                                                                                        Phone:            (237) 7777 01 56

(237) 9984 08 19

Research Assistants/Paralegals

Glory Bih Tafuh (Ms)

David Chifu Ngenge

Fomunoh Jeanne Fembe

Baba Clement Dimla                                                                                                                                     

                                                                                          DATE:       1st day of October 2012

The Commissioner-in-Charge

The Central police Station

"Old Town – Abakwa"








We write as Counsel for Mr. Augustine Feh Ndangam and Mr. Thomas Nwachan who have just been arrested while they were boarding a bus at Moghamo Bus Services for the South West Region, precisely Buea in view of the peaceful celebration of the Independence day of UN Trust territory of Southern Cameroons.


We have been informed by our clients as follows:

  1. That they are non-violent
  2. That they have a legitimate right to celebrate the independence day of the nation, then a Trust territory of the United Nations that they were both born into.


  1. The Mr. Augustine Feh Ndangam is the National Vice Chairman of a registered Political Party in Cameroon whose objective is the engagement of all peaceful and legal processes for the restoration of the independent Statehood of the State of Southern Cameroon compromised all these years by the expansionist disposition of the State of "La Republique du Cameroun" and the strange mix of negligence and complicity of the united Nations.


We wish to draw your attention to the salient fact that the arrest of our clients while the decisions of the African Commission in Communication 266/ which invites "La Republique du Cameroun" to dialogue with the Restorationist of Southern Cameroons, is outright flagrant provocation as usual.


It is also unfortunate that "La Republique du Cameroun"                                                  is abusing the Independence day of Southern Cameroons to divert attention to the consuming confusion within the ruling class of "La Republique du Cameroun" as is demonstrated by the phony cases of Mr. Marafa Amidou Yaya and his likes.


We have our clients' instructions to demand their immediate release and challenge the Authorities of La "Republique du Cameroun" to allow genuine peaceful political expression from Southern Cameroons as the only means of facing the truth of this perennial political issue.


It is worth noting that since La Republique du Cameroun got out of its slumber on international presence and relevance it is ill advised for her to contradict itself by feigning international presence while grossly violating the norms of international presence and activism as prescribed by the United Nations Charter, the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights, The International Conventions on Civil and political rights on the one hand and that on Economic and Social Rights, along with Regional Conventions on the subject as inspired by the United Nations Conventions.


We are also aware from experience dating back to the 1990s that some of these arrest are designed to justify false alarms of threats to public peace that some politicians fuel Yaoundé Head quarters with in order to suck monies in the name of assurance of public peace and state security where none is so threatened.


We encourage everyone in the "ombutu spirit" of conviviality to rethink political and security manipulation and confront the truth as dictated by the decision of the African Commission in Communication 226.


We hope that as it is late in the night now; our clients will be released by day break and unconditionally.


We like you to note that both detainees are patience and require medical monitoring at your expense henceforth!


Respectfully applied for on behalf of the detainees named in-title hereabove.


Per. Pro. Harmony Bobga Mbuton Esq.)





  1. The President of The Republic of Cameroon
  2. The Secretary, African commission for Human and Peoples' Rights
  3. The Minister of Territorial Administration and decentralization
  4. All International Human Rights Organizations
  5. All Foreign (Diplomatic) Representations in Cameroon
  6. All Movements and Organizations involved in the peaceful Restoration of Southern Cameroons




P/s.      This application applies to P_a Munjo Cosmos and 3 others who were arrested yesterday and are also detained at the Central police Station Cell in Old Town-Abakwa.


Per. Pro. Harmony Bobga Mbuton Esq.)

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