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Friday, September 28, 2012

Fw: [globalcameroun] [N-D-A] Marafa thanks the president of the Republic

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Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 9:13:34 PM
Subject: [globalcameroun] [N-D-A] Marafa thanks the president of the Republic


  • Mr. President

    Thank you for sentencing me to 25 years to jail for something that you know very well that l did not do. For the 25 years that you sentenced me to jail make sure that you leave to see every one of those years because for the time that l am going to be in jail l will make sure that you don't live in peace. I will be telling the people of all the things that you Mr. President have ...done for all these years that you have been in power. Let the Cameroon people be the judge for all the information that l will be putting out in the Press and Social Media.

    You are the richest man in Cameroon net worth of more than $2.5 billion 

    Now how did you become the richest man in Cameroon without you or your family doing any business? A little bit of total recall on your path to becomes the richest man in Cameroon. On March 16, 1983, Le Canard enchainé uncovered two presidential acquisitions in France: one on the Avenue Foch in paris; the other in Cagnes-sur-Mer on the Mediterranean. In May 1984, L'Evenement du jeudi estimated the fortune of you and your family at close to 70 million euros, including chateaus in France and in Baden-Baden in Germany. On June 1988 you and your late wife Jeanne Irene bought a hospitile in Baden Germany for $150million at the time and later handed over the Hospital to very close family friend who is still listed as the CEO/owner of the Hospital. In 1990, you had your son Frank Biya buys three apartment complexes in Rockville Maryland just off the capital Beltway I 495 where he was listed on the wall as the sole proprietor and he later removed his just before the 1992 Presidential election. In 1992 the then director of the SCB Bank Robert Messi Messi now on exile in Canada alleged You and your late wife Jeanne Irene, had emptied the coffers of the bank to build a palace and a golf course in your village Mvomeka'a which you have never publicly disclaimed this allegation. The Cameroon people have no knowledge of the revens from the oil refinery or SONARA well you know well that 75% of the oil money goes to your bank accounts in France, Geneva where you have since became a distinguished and honorary citizen, Bermuda, Monaco, Singapore and Cayman Island. The U.S. imported $544 million worth of crude and fuel oil from Cameroon in 2008 and exported $59 million worth of drilling and oilfield equipment but still the citizens don't see all this profit. In a 2009, the Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development (CCFD) denounced you Mr. President as being among a list of leaders with ill-gotten wealth. 

    International communities have criticized you Mr. President 

    The American ambassador to Cameron says that you Mr. President spend the country's funds like a personal bank account. In September 2009, you and your entourage spent 600 million CFA francs, occupying 43 rooms during a three week vacation at La Baule, in France at the cost of 60.000 dollars per night. According to a French online newspaper, Rue 89, your vacation was over the top more expensive than that of the American President. You were widely criticized for having rented a villa for 30,000 euros per day in August 2009. Our country as you know is one of the poorest countries in the world (with $2,257 GDP per capita as of 2011) with 48% of its population living below the poverty line.
    Corruptions. During the 2006 trial of Ondo Ndong,-the Director of " Feicom" it was revealed that your wife's foundation and ancillary organization received a total of about 200 million CFA francs which was true and you did ok for the money to be given to her foundation. During the Elf Aquitaine affair, the convicted director of the company Loik Le Flock-Prigent revealed that you Mr. President, like most other leaders in oil producing Third world countries where Elf operates, receive a percentage of each barrel of oil exploited from Cameroon. Le Flock-Prigent explains that in 1992 you did received him in audience and requested 450 million CFA francs for your electoral campaign.


    In 1999, a French inquiry into the activities of the high priest of the Amorc Raymond Bernard revealed that you had paid 3.6 million CFA francs to the cult from Cameroon's oil revenues. Earlier in 1999 you had given the leader of the French cult (l'Ordre du Temple Solaire) a painting worth 5, 6 million CFA francs and another gift of 2 million CFA francs as well as a bank transfer of 20 million francs to the same cult. You gave the aforementioned sect a 99 year –interest free loan of 40 million francs. Because you are completely beholden to cults, there is a popular saying in Yaoundé that one had to be a Rosicrucian to become a member of your government. Your sects breed human sacrifices and demand human body parts like the heart, the brain and genitals for their esoteric practice.


    Mr. President, you are a capricious schemer who methodically breeds discord in your entourage to reap dividends; you invariably fires a minister only to appoint his most implacable adversary, and encourages the new appointee, to layer allegations against his predecessor. You play musical chairs with your ministers, elbowing out those who are competent, hardworking and ambitious- William Eteki Mboumoua and Professor Joseph Owona, became victims of their own positive attributes, when France and many Cameroonians thought of them as competent enough to replace you. You use the alibi of "embezzlement" to clip the wings of your ministers who show overweening ambition. That is how Professor Titus Edzoa Olangena Awono myself and Prime Minister Ephraim Inoni were framed and jailed. Those who have been arrested ostensibly for corruption are only those who have threatened your position. The fawning sychophants like Mendo Ze, Fame Ndongo, Biyiti Bi Essam, and many others who are perpetuating corruption have remained free.

    Politics of ethnicity

    After the 1984 abortive coup d'etat, the Beti were lionized, and created a tribal war council "Essingan" headed by Joseph Owona, which systematically positioned Beti clansmen in all strategic positions in the government, the security forces, and the economy and in the clergy. In 1987 a flunky of your regime Professor Hubert Mono Ndzana accused the Bamileke of "ethno fascism" for supposedly attempting to control all strategic areas of the country. As sacrilegious as it may appear, the Beti clergy waded into the ethnic battles when in 1987, 50 Beti priests in the Douala diocese sent a letter to the Vatican protesting against the appointment of a Bamilike Bishop in their diocese, alleging that Bamileke priests where encouraging their tribesmen to monopolize the Catholic church, and to increase their birth rate so that by 2020, half of the country should be made up of Bamileke tribesman. 
    I will continue in my power to tell the Cameroon people everything that you have done over the last 27 plus years including the presidential results that you have change in the past even when l advice you not to do so in 1992 when you lost the election. So long as there is no separation of powers, and the judiciary is beholden to the whims and caprices of the president corruption at the highest level will continue.

    Marafa. H.yaya

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