Re: [cameroon_politics] Apply to be Fon????? Defiant Balikumbat Kingmakers Crown New Fon

The designation and enthronement of traditional rulers (chiefs, fons, fos, titas, Gah's, lamidos, etc) in the Southern Cameroons (aka North and Southwest Regions)  is governed by customary law (native laws and customs) inhereited from the former administering authority - not by regulations of the Cameroun colonial administration - if their exist and are inconsistent with the former. Thus, in the Balikumbat case, it is properly a matter within the jurisdiction of the people of Balikumbat, represented by their kingmakers. The government of the Republic of Cameroun, has no legal authority to invite and process applications to choose a chief. It did not happen under the previous United Kingdom colonial administration. If the present one persists in appointing traditonal rulers, it is only confirming its practice of doing away with existing traditional institutions of the former UN trust territory of Southern Cameroons (state of Southern Cameroons under its  occupation. 
This abuse of power is just an extension of its improper jurisdiction over the Southern Cameroons annexed by it before  its independence on October 1, 1961. As there is a case pending at the  African Commission on Human and People's Rights - a quasi-judicial agency of the African Union - filed by the Southern Cameroons on the violation of the territory integrity of the its territory, and a recommendation that the two states hold talks to agree on new constitutional arrangements (what the two states failed to do before October 1 1961) - the persistence by the occupying administration along this path is a further demonstration of its contempt of the authority of the African Union - a regional organization of the United Nations Organization. As members states of the United Nations are bound by its Charter and other subordinate enactments, the  defiant conduct of the Republic of Cameroun is an affront to the international rule of law. It is a treat to security, peace and development of the people of the Southern Cameroons which, as a people in international law have an unalienable right to govern themselves. Notwithstanding these obligations, Cameroun, has for decades left no stone unturned to incorporate it into its imperial one and indivisible fatherland  - characteristic of most imperialist powers. And it  has succeeded in doing this by use of all means fair and foul. 
The conduct of the occupation administration, to wit, the Senior Divisional Office in the process of filling  the chieftaincy vacancy in Balikumbat is a case in point. There are zillions of such arbitrary and capricious acts in the Southern Cameroons by agents of the metropolitan Cameroun government . For instance, when I was inspector general in the ministry of territorial administration in the eighties, I intervened during an inspection mission to stop the implementation of an arbitrary decision by the then governor of the North West Province that would have cost a serious breach of justice, peace and security and great devastation in lives and property. My timely intervention, surprisingly supported by the minister, stopped an armed conflict (war) between two neighbouring villages that were at daggers drawn because of an arbitrary order by the governor to impose and demarcate a boundary between them. While the occupation lasts,, may doubt that the ministration will respect the will of the people. The Kingmakers of Balikumbat did what a few traditional autorities and politically incorrect government official have done - stop the abuse of power by government agents. The Balikumbat kingmakers should be commended for their positive action and courage. While the occupation lasts, will others, similarly situated, muster the courage to emulate their example and resist abuse and blackmail. It is said, cowards die many times before their death.  A Roman author of old wrote::
It was by daring and by doing
That the Roman empire (state?)
Was built, not by timid policies
That cowards call caution.
G. Achu 
From: Ben Fokum <benfokum@YAHOO.COM>
To:; "" <>;;; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 2:03 PM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Apply to be Fon????? Defiant Balikumbat Kingmakers Crown New Fon
 "Despite repeated announcements over CRTV Bamenda that prospective candidates to the throne of Balikumbat should apply latest September 20,...."
Since when did they start accepting applications to be Fon anywhere in the NW Province/Region??????  Wonders shall never end.
Ben Fokum

Defiant Balikumbat Kingmakers Crown New Fon
Saturday, September 22, 2012
By Chris Mbunwe --- Despite repeated announcements over CRTV Bamenda that prospective candidates to the throne of Balikumbat should apply latest September 20, the kingmakers went ahead, "caught" and enthroned Theophile Bumlangmi. The new Fon would hence be called His Majesty Gah Nyamsi III. During the presentation of Fon Gah Nyamsi to the public, the President General of the Northwest Fon's Union NOWEFU, Fon Teche Njie, praised the seven kingmakers led by Doh Pelo, who, according to him, made a good choice.   
"The new Fon is the people's choice and we have readily accepted him to be one of us in our union," Fon Teche declared, lifting the new Fon's hand as the population applauded.  The new Fon wept profusely for a while and some family members joined him. The MP for Balikumbat, Hon. Emmanuel Banmi, hailed the kingmakers and population for remaining peaceful during the period of grief, saying God had through the kingmakers made a good choice for Balikumbat people.   

"I was highly amazed that over 10.000 people from all the country came to witness this public presentation of our new Fon, including former Prime Minister Simon Achidi Achu. The over 50 Fons from NOWEFU, tells you the magnitude of this solemn ceremony," said Hon. Banmi.  
Banmi, who is the Chairman of the organising committee towards the successful celebrations of late Fon Doh's "disappearance", had been toiling to ensure that funds come in as the celebration must take place before December this year. Meanwhile, the Bali kingmakers defied the communiqué of the Senior Divisional Officer Ngoketunjia, SDO, Norbert Kuela Valeri, and presented the new Fon to the population last Sunday, September 16 at the Palace Plateau amidst jubilation.  
The SDO's communiqué was rubbished by the kingmakers, who according to Grassfield tradition, enthrones the Fon based on the will of the late Fon and the administration only recognises the new Fon. According to tradition, applications are never submitted to administration anywhere in the Northwest before a successor to the throne is chosen.  
Meanwhile, the communiqué of SDO reads: "The Senior Divisional Officer for Ngoketunjia, Kuela Valeri Norbet, informs the general public and particularly the people of Balikumbat village in Balikumbat Subdivision that he shall be holding consultation talks in view of designating a new second class chief (Fon) of Balikumbat village at the esplanade of Balikumbat Fon's Palace on 21st September 2012 at 10 am in consonance with the 1977 decree organizing traditional chiefdoms.
He is, therefore, requesting all the competent traditional notables, kingmakers of Balikumbat village to take all measures to be present while inviting interested candidates physically and morally fit to exercise this traditional authority to deposit their applications files at Balikumbat Subdivisional officer or at the private Secretariat Prefecture Ndop latest 20th September 2012 at 12 noon."  
If by Friday, September 21, the SDO succeeds in getting candidates for the throne, then he would have succeeded in igniting another chieftaincy dispute in the Northwest, especially in Balikumbat where the people have so far remained peaceful when Fon Doh disappeared three weeks ago.  
First published in The Post print edition no 01376
lord have mercy ... biya is really trying to divide cameroonians so he can have his ways to rule ...
Posted By : Ishall shine | Sep 23 2012

. mk

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